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ipv6 ready 测试文档
IPv6 READY Logo Phase 2Session Initiation Protocol
The explanation of the submissionVersion 2.0.1
IPv6 Forum Converged Test Specification IPv6 Ready Logo CommitteeIPv6 Promotion Council (Japan)
ipv6 ready 测试文档
Modification Record
Version 0.1 Version 1.0.0 Version 1.0.1 Version 1.0.2 Version 1.1.0 Version 2.0.0 Version 2.0.1
Mar. 16, 2007 Apr. 27, 2007 Jul.31, 2007 May.30, 2008 Dec. 12, 2008 Nov. 27, 2009 Jan. 13, 2010
- First release
- Modify the name syntax in section 3.4.5. - Added UNH-IOL members in Author's List. - Added UNH-IOL in copyright. - Changed some explanation.
- Changed "3.3 Submission for conformance test". - Major revision up.
- Some typos were corrected. -Modified for Major Version up - Modified some misspellings. - Modified some incorrect parts.
ipv6 ready 测试文档
IPv6 Forum would like to acknowledge the efforts of the following organizations and commentators in the development of this test specification.
- IPv6 Promotion Council
Certification Working Group SIP IPv6 Sub Working Group
- Commentators:
ipv6 ready 测试文档
Table of Contents
1. Overview..........................................................................................................................1 2. Reference Standards.......................................................................................................2 3. About the submission......................................................................................................3 3.1 The list of the submission..........................................................................................3 3.2 Application form.........................................................................................................4 3.3 Submission for conformance test..............................................................................5 3.4 Submission for interoperability test........................................................................6 3.5 Directory structure...................................................................................................8
ipv6 ready 测试文档
1. Overview
This document describes about the required submission to obtain the SIP IPv6 Ready Logo Phase-2.
ipv6 ready 测试文档
2. Reference Standards
(1) RFC3261: SIP: Session Initiation Protocol (/rfc/rfc3261.txt) (2) RFC3264: An Offer/Answer Model with Session Description Protocol
(3) RFC4566: SDP: Session Description Protocol (/rfc/rfc4566.txt) (4) RFC2617: HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication
(5) RFC3665: SIP Basic Call Flow Examples (/rfc/rfc3665.txt) (6) IPv6 Ready Logo Phase 2 Policy (7) SIP IPv6 Test Scope
ipv6 ready 测试文档
3. About the Submission
3.1 The List of the Submission
These files that are shown in Table 3-1 are necessary to submit for obtaining the SIP IPv6 Ready Logo Phase-2.
Table 3-1 The list of the submission
Application Form Conformance test
Configuration file Test tool
Interoperability Test Result Table test
Topology Map Test log
Application Form
Application Phase-2.
The HTML log generated when conformance test was executed.
The config.txt set up when conformance test was executed.
conformance test was executed.
The sheet that describes the information of test results in interoperability test.
The sheet that describes the information of interoperability test was executed.
Packet Capture File
The detail of each submission is described in the following subsections. Also, the directory structure is described in subsection 3.5.
interoperability test was executed.
ipv6 ready 测试文档
3.2 Application Form
The application form has been released on IPv6 Ready Logo Web Site (/). The name of application form is as below.
- User Agent: app_form_Phase2_SIP-IPv6_UA.txt - Endpoint: app_form_Phase2_SIP-IPv6_EP.txt.
- Back to Back User Agent: app_form_Phase2_SIP-IPv6_B2BUA.txt. - Proxy Server: app_form_Phase2_SIP-IPv6_PX.txt. - Registrar Server: app_form_Phase2_SIP-IPv6_RG.txt.
For information on how to fill in the application form, see the following: -- Target Information
Fill in name, country, version (version of the product), and explanation of applicant
device. You can just write the explanation of product briefly.
-- Contact Person
Fill in name and e-mail address of applicant.
-- Test Information
Fill in name of OS/Protocol stack that the applicant implementation includes,
the Logo ID of IPv6 Ready Logo Phase-2 for IPv6 Core, the version of the Conformance test / interoperability test document.
Fill in OS/Protocol stack ONLY WHEN the applicant implementation uses that.
-- Test results
Fill in the information of the applicant implementation in the interoperability test. Write vender name and device / product, and version.
There must be two or more different types (different vendors) of equipments.
-- Target Supporting Functions
Select the functions that the applicant implementation supports. All BASIC functions MUST be supported. Select ADVANCED functions if the applicant implementation supports ADVANCED functions and executed the related Conformance test scenario to obtain ADVANCED Logo.
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3.3 Submission for Conformance Test
3.3.1. Conformance Test Log
Submit all HTML logs that have been generated and stored in a configured directory during conformance test. The directory structure is described in subsection 3.5.
3.3.2. Conformance Test Configuration File
Submit the config.txt that has been configured and stored in the same directory as subsection 3.3.1 during conformance test.
3.3.3. Conformance Test Tool
Submit the test tool that was used during conformance test. The directory structure is described in subsection 3.5.
ipv6 ready 测试文档
3.4 Submission for Interoperability Test
3.4.1. Interoperability Test Result Table
Fill in the information of interoperability test results. Fill out the Result Table sheets included in Interoperability test Scenario document and submit it to us (You can use any formats for sending Result Table to us. For example, you can use txt format.). The directory structure for submission is described in subsection 3.5.
For information on how to fill out Result Table sheets, see the following.
-- Result Table
Fill out interoperability test results, as the examples at the end of Result Table
sheets. You can submit it only if all blanks are filled in “PASS”.
3.4.2. Topology Map
Fill in vender name, device name, topology map of UA /EP/B2BUA/PX/RG that is used in interoperability test.
Fill in the information of test topology in interoperability test. Fill out the Topology Map sheets included in Interoperability test Scenario document and submit it to us (You can use any formats for sending Topology Map to us. For example, you can use txt format.). The directory structure for submission is described in subsection 3.5.
For information on how to fill out Topology Map sheets, see the following.
Fill in the configuration of interoperability test as the examples in Topology Map sheets.
-- Topology Map
Fill in Interoperability test scenario Item number, vender name, device name,
topology map of UA / EP / B2BUA / PX / RG that is used in interoperability test.
-- IP address information
Fill in the prefix of each link and IP address / MAC address of UA / EP / B2BUA /
PX / RG / Router. Fill in the address of when you have executed interoperability test.
ipv6 ready 测试文档
3.4.3. Scenario Check Sheet
This sheet is used to check items of “Observable Result” in interoperability scenario when interoperability test is executed. This document does not have to be submitted for the SIP IPv6 Ready Logo Phase-2. It is included in this document.
3.4.4. Packet Capture File
Submit packet capture files (e.g. tcpdump (pcap)) of links in interoperability test. The file name of this packet capture file must be:
[ScenarioName]_[Send Vendor]_[Receive Vendor]_[Link No].cap. Ex.)
In case of executing test of Interop.1.1, Foo Corp is a send vendor, HogeCorp is a receiving vendor, and uses Link1, the file name should be:
ipv6 ready 测试文档
3.5 Directory Structure
Before submitting, check and organize your all data as following directory structure:
IPv6ReadyLogoForSip_YourVenderName / |
|-----app_form_Phase2_SIP-IPv6_[UA|EP|B2BUA|PX|RG].txt |-----ConformanceTestLog/
| |----- ct-sip-ipv6[ua|ep|b2bua|px|rg] | |-----Makefile | |
| |----- sip-ipv6[ua|ep|b2bua|px|rg] | |-----index.html | |-----config.txt | |-----result.html | |-----1.html | |-----2.html | |-----3.html | |----- |-----IOTestLog/
|-----Result_Table.txt |-----TargetVenderName_01/ | |-----Topology_Map.txt | |-----PacketCaptureFile/
| |----- Interop.1.1_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap | |----- Interop.1.2_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap | |----- Interop.1.3_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap | |-----
|-----TargetVenderName_02/ |-----Topology_Map.txt |-----PacketCaptureFile/
|-----Interop.1.1_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap |----- Interop.1.2_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap |----- Interop.1.3_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap |-----
Put your all data file under “IPv6ReadyLogoForSip_YourVenderName” directory. Also, make and submit a tar.gz archive file instead of uncompressed files themselves.
ipv6 ready 测试文档
IPv6ReadyLogoForSip_YourVenderName / |
|-----app_form_Phase2_SIP-IPv6 |-----ConformanceTestLog/
| |-----
| | | | | | | | |
|-----IOTestLog/ |
|-----Result_Table.txt |----- TargetVenderName_01/ | |-----Topology_Map.txt | |----- PacketCaptureFile /
| |----- Interop.1.1_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap | |----- Interop.1.2_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap | |----- Interop.1.3_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap | |-----
|----- TargetVenderName_02/ |-----Topology_Map.txt |----- PacketCaptureFile /
|----- Interop.1.1_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap |----- Interop.1.2_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap |----- Interop.1.3_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap |-----
Put your all data file under “IPv6ReadyLogoForSip_YourVenderName” directory. Also, make and submit a tar.gz archive file instead of uncompressed files themselves.
ipv6 ready 测试文档
IPv6ReadyLogoForSip_YourVenderName / |
|-----app_form_Phase2_SIP-IPv6_PX.txt |-----ConformanceTestLog/
| |-----
| | |
| | |
| | |
|-----IOTestLog/ |
|----- TargetVenderName_01/ | |-----Topology_Map.txt | |-----PacketCaptureFile/ | |----- Interop.1.1_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap | |----- Interop.1.2_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap | |----- Interop.1.3_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap | |-----
|----- TargetVenderName_02/ | |-----Topology_Map.txt | |----- PacketCaptureFile / | |----- Interop.1.1_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap | |----- Interop.1.2_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap | |----- Interop.1.3_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap | |-----
TargetVenderName_03/ |-----
| |-----Topology_Map.txt | |----- PacketCaptureFile / | |----- Interop.1.1_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap | |----- Interop.1.2_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap | |----- Interop.1.3_SendVender_RecieveVendor_LinkNo.cap | |-----
|----- TargetVenderName_AA01/ (If the ADVANCED architecture is executed.) | |----- ... (same as above “TargetVenderName_01”)
|----- TargetVenderName_AA02/ (If the ADVANCED architecture is executed.) | |----- ... (same as above “TargetVenderName_01”)
|----- TargetVenderName_AA03/ (If the ADVANCED architecture is executed.) | |----- ... (same as above “TargetVenderName_01”)
|----- TargetVenderName_AA04/ (If the ADVANCED architecture is executed.) |----- ... (same as above “TargetVenderName_01”)
Put your all data file under “IPv6ReadyLogoForSip_YourVenderName” directory. Also, make and submit a tar.gz archive file instead of uncompressed files themselves.
ipv6 ready 测试文档
Checksheet of IPv6 Ready Logo Program Phase-2 for SIP IPv6
Interoperability Test Scenario
This sheet is for checking the files that should be submitted for the Interoperability Test. Fill in “OK” or “NG” on the following blanks (check item) to check that the mandatory files are ready to submit.
Category : UA / Endpoint / B2BUA / Proxy Server / Registrar Server Required submission Test Result Table
Reference Chapter 3
End Result
OK or NG
*1 : Document of “The explanation of the submission”.
For UA /
Required submission
Topology Map
Chapter 3 *1 Chapter 3 *1
Network Topology map address, link etc
each link
Check item *2
CmbPtn 11
Packet Capture File
*1 : Document of “The explanation of the submission”. *2 : The number of combinations of the vendor.
*3 : Refer to the next section “Packet Capture File for UA” to see all the Packet Capture Files.
For Endpoint
Required submission
Topology Map
Chapter 3 *1
Check item *2
CmbPtn 1
CmbPtn 2
Network Topology map The information of node address, link etc
Packet Capture File Chapter 3 Save the packet logs on *3 *1 each link
*1 : Document of “The explanation of the submission”. *2 : The number of combinations of the vendor.
*3 : Refer to the next section “Packet Capture File for Endpoint” to see all the Packet Capture Files.
1 CmbPtn : Combination Pattern
ipv6 ready 测试文档
Required submission Topology Map
Chapter 3 *1
Network Topology map*4node address, link etc
Check item *2
CmbPtn 1
CmbPtn 1
CmbPtn 2
CmbPtn 2
CmbPtn 1
CmbPtn 1
CmbPtn 2
CmbPtn 2
CmbPtn 3CmbPtn 3
CmbPtn 2
CmbPtn 3
CmbPtn 4CmbPtn 2
CmbPtn 3
CmbPtn 4
*6CmbPtn 1
Packet Capture File
*3 Chapter 3 *1 Save the packet logs on *4each link
*6CmbPtn 1
*1 : Document of “The explanation of the submission”. *2 : The number of combinations of the vendor.
*3 : Refer to the next section “Packet Capture File for B2BUA” to see all the Packet Capture Files. *4 : interop.1.1-1.4, interop.2.9-2.12 *5 : interop.3.1-3.3, interop.3.6 *6 : interop.3.4-3.5
For Proxy Server
Required submission Topology Map
Chapter 3 *1
Network Topology map*4node address, link etc
Check item *2
CmbPtn 1
CmbPtn 1
CmbPtn 2
CmbPtn 2
CmbPtn 2
CmbPtn 3CmbPtn 3
CmbPtn 4
CmbPtn 3
CmbPtn 4
CmbPtn 2
CmbPtn 3
Packet Capture File
*3 Chapter 3 *1 Save the packet logs on *4each link
CmbPtn 1
CmbPtn 1
*1 : Document of “The explanation of the submission”. *2 : The number of combinations of the vendor.
ipv6 ready 测试文档
*3 : Refer to the next section “Packet Capture File for Server” to see all the Packet Capture Files. *4 : BASIC architecture
*5 : ADVANCED architecture
For Registrar Server
Required submission Topology Map
Chapter 3 *1
Check item *2
CmbPtn 1
CmbPtn 2
Network Topology map The information of node address, link etc
Packet Capture File Chapter 3 Save the packet logs on *3 *1 each link
*1 : Document of “The explanation of the submission”. *2 : The number of combinations of the vendor.
*3 : Refer to the next section “Packet Capture File for Endpoint” to see all the Packet Capture Files.
ipv6 ready 测试文档
1 Confirmation of Topology Map
Topology Map File for UA
*1 : The number of combinations of the vendor.
ipv6 ready 测试文档
Topology Map File for Endpoint
*1 : The number of combinations of the vendor.
ipv6 ready 测试文档
Topology Map File for B2BUA
Confirm the files that should be submitted under the Interoperability Test.
Fill in “OK” or “NG” on the following blanks (check item) to check that the mandatory files are ready to submit.
For Interop.1.1-1.4, Interop.2.9-2.12 For Interop.3.1-3.6 Node
Vendor Name
CmbPtn 1
CmbPtn 2
CmbPtn 1
Vendor Name
CmbPtn 2
CmbPtn 3
CmbPtn 4
* UA1 : The node that may necessary to execute
Interop.2.9-2.12, Interop.3.1-3.6.
B2BUAServer0* UA1 : The node that is necessary to execute Interop.3.4-3.5*Server0 : The node that isn’t necessary to execute Interop.3-1-3-3, Interop.3-6
*1 : The number of combinations of the vendor.
ipv6 ready 测试文档
Topology Map File for Proxy Server
Confirm the files that should be submitted under the Interoperability Test.
Fill in “OK” or “NG” on the following blanks (check item) to check that the mandatory files are ready to submit.
CmbPtn 1
Vendor Name
CmbPtn 2
CmbPtn 3
CmbPtn 4
*Server1 : The node that isn’t necessary to execute Interop.2.1-2.6, Interop.2.9-2.12
In other case, it is ADVANCED.
*1 : The number of combinations of the vendor.
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