180213 英语学习高级阅读材料
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在新书《抵达梦想:导师之书》中,作者吉莉安·佐伊西格尔采访了许多商业明星,探寻他们眼中成功的秘诀。以下是其中的一些建议 Warren Buffett: CEO, Berkshire Hathaway 沃伦·巴菲特:伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司首席执行官
\you can get a lot less. The people who I see function well are not the ones with the biggest motors, but the ones with the most efficient ones.\
Matthew Weiner: Mad Men creator 马修·威纳:《广告狂人》制作人
\’t like it, but don’t listen to the reason why. People feel that they have to say something, and they often give a capricious justification to keep from hurting your feelings.\“别人否定你的作品时,记住他们不喜欢它这件事实,但别去听理由。为了不伤害你的感情,人们常会觉得必须得说点儿什么,他们给出的往往是模棱两可的理由。”
Michael Bloomberg: CEO, Bloomberg LP 迈克尔·布隆伯格:彭博公司首席执行官
\'me'. It sounds egotistical.\
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Les Moonves: CEO, CBS
\television shows a year and only put for new ones on the air... but we want those same people to come back to us when they have a hit show.\
Jim Koch: Founder, the Boston Beer Co. 吉姆·科赫:波士顿啤酒公司创始人
\they will raise the average.\
Nitin Nohria: Harvard B-School Dean 尼廷·诺里亚:哈佛商学院院长
\even be a painful process, but it’s one of the most important things to do in life.\“了解自己的优点和缺点可能需要很长时间,过程甚至会很痛苦,但这是人生中最重要的事之一。”
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Marina Abramovi: Artist 玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇:艺术家
\’s important to put the idea of dying in your daily life because it helps you to appreciate your existence on this planet.\
Gary Hirshberg: Co-founder, Stonyfield Farm 加里·赫什伯格:石原农场联合创始人
Stacey Snider: Co-chair, 20th Century Fox 斯泰西·斯奈德:20世纪福克斯联席董事长
\’s important to be able to present you ideas well, especially in writing.\“能充分地表达自己的观点很重要,特别是以书面形式。”
Helene Gayle: President and CEO, CARE USA 海琳·盖尔:美国国际关怀组织总裁兼首席执行官
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“要实现社会变革,支持某些事是比反对某些事更好的途径。 ==
If you're really longing for love, don't just wait for it to happen. 如果你真的渴望爱情,就不要只是期待遇到谁。 Make yourself deserving this love. 去让自己变得值得拥有这份爱情吧。
Don't just wait for someone to warm your heart every time you feel low. 不要只是期待每次你失落的时候有人温暖你。 Become someone who can warm others. 去变成一个能温暖别人的人吧。
If you want something beautiful, the best way to get it is to make yourself deserving it.
要得到一样美好的东西,最好的做法是让自己变得值得拥有它。 It's all the same whether what you want is wealth or love or fame. 不管是财富,还是爱情,亦或是名望,都是如此。 No one likes a person who only asks for things. 没有人喜欢一个只知道索取的人。 And love is not an elixir. 而爱情也不是什么万灵药。 True love is not illogical. 真正的爱情并不是不合逻辑的。 It's not irrational. 它也不是非理性的。
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It's the resonance of two mature souls. 它是两个成熟灵魂的心心相惜。
So don't just wait for love to be handed to you. It doesn't come that way. True love comes from efforts.
所以,不要渴求爱情从天而降,它不会的。正正的爱情,是奋斗与经营的结果。 And only love like this can go far. 这样的爱,才会长久 ==
1. Not believing in yourself and your dream 1.不相信你自己和你的梦想
Everyone has something within themselves that no one else can do. Whether that special gift is destined for greatness or mediocrity is up to you and what you believe in.
Our jobs, relationships, and obligations crush us under the weight of what should or should not be pursued, but if you truly believe in your dreams and follow your heart, you will find that your lack of self-confidence is a grave mistake. When your hopes and dreams go ahead, it poisons the soul and slashes intuition. 我们的工作,关系以及责任,这些我们应该或者不应该追求的东西的重量,压榨着我们,但是如果你真的相信你的梦想,并且遵循你的内心,你会发现,你的缺乏自信是一个重大的错误。当你的希望和梦想一直向前的时候,你的心灵就会像是中毒一样,直觉也会逐渐减弱。
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2. Refusing to see the lessons life teaches you 2.拒绝接受生活给你的教训
Some things that life teaches us are blatantly obvious, yet many of people walk around with the blinders on. Rigidity creates instances in life of sheer friction that often grates on you more than they should.
The idea of going with the flow confuses you, and so you contract more into a tight space that is, honestly, the cliqued \more open to life's lessons, the more willing you will be in trying something new, daring, and life altering.
顺其自然的观点会让你感到困惑,而你会退缩很多,直到进入一个很密闭的空间,老实说,就是一个进退两难的境地。当你能更加欣然接受生活的教训的时候,你就会更加愿意尝试一些新的东西,亲爱的,你的生活也会因此改变! 3. Ignoring what your body is telling you 3.忽视你的身体信号
This is huge. Your body is important. Your health is important. When you disregard your body, you are putting up a wall between you and some potent signals. Bruises, discolorations, discharge, and all other symptoms, both mental and physical, are trying to tell you something.
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Ignoring the signs of dangerous diseases will not make them disappear, unfortunately. And about the time many people finally decide to go to the doctor, it is already far too late for them.
不幸的是,忽视危险疾病的信号,并不会让疾病消失。而且到了一定的时间,许多人最后会决定去看医生,但是对他们来说却为时已晚。 ==
专治亲戚们的春节拷问 '回家过年卫衣'走红
Sweaters with messages have won many Chinese youths' hearts in recent days, as the clothes are expected to free them from family members' nagging in the seven-day traditional Chinese Spring Festival period, beginning Feb 16. 最近,一些带有文字信息的卫衣赢得了中国年轻人的心,因为这种衣服预计可以让他们在从2月16日开始的七天春节假期中免于亲友的拷问。
One such sweater features messages such as \in final examinations\on a diet, I can't eat too much\
Sweaters with these messages became popular because they provide answers to nagging questions from some youths' parents or relatives.
During Spring Festival, family members gather together and some of the elder ones always ask the younger members of the family questions which they feel reluctant to answer.
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For example, \the first in the final examinations, how about you?\month?\
Sweaters of this kind have seen promising sales on the internet. \are sold very quickly, I sold more than 400 sweaters yesterday,\retailer in response to a reporter from Yangtse Evening Post.
\joked a netizen named Fengwuzuoer.
不过网友Fengwuzuoer开玩笑称:“如果我穿这件卫衣的话,可能会被妈妈打残吧。 ==
The only way to truly get over a breakup is to give it time. 真正走出失恋痛苦的唯一办法就是给它时间。
As biological anthropologist Helen Fisher previously told Business Insider, \day will come when that person who's been camping in your head is out. And you wake up in the morning and you realise that yesterday you never thought about them at all.\
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海里的人会消失。当你在清晨醒来,你会意识到自己昨天一次都没有想起那个人。” In fact, research suggests that we tend to overestimate how long it will take us to feel better after a breakup.
事实上,研究表明,我们通常会把自己走出失恋痛苦的时间估计得过长。 That said, if you've just landed in Splitsville, there are plenty of ways to speed up the recovery process - so you can show up to work as a functioning human being, and not a sobbing mess.
1. Don't Facebook-stalk your ex 不要在社交媒体上偷偷关注你的前任
A study published 2012 in the journal Cyberpsychology found that people who creep on their exes' Facebook profiles are more likely to have negative feelings for the person, more likely to desire that person, and less likely to grow from the breakup.
It's hard to say whether looking at an ex's Facebook profile directly causes distress, or whether it's the other way around. Either way, do yourself a favour and try to resist the urge to \breakup.
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2. List five 'must-haves' and five 'can't-stands' in a potential partner 列出潜在伴侣“必须具备”的五个特质和“让你受不了”的五个特质。
That's a tip from Andrea Syrtash, dating expert and author of \Type (And That's a Good Thing): How to Find Love Where You Least Expect It.\这是约会专家安德莉亚?西尔塔什给出的建议。西尔塔什是《他不是你的菜(这是好事):如何在最不可能的地方找到真爱》的作者。
Syrtash previously told Business Insider she recommends going deeper with each value - so instead of \attracted to this person.\
One benefit of this exercise is that you might realise while you want someone who's emotionally open, for example, none of your exes have been. From there, you can start to look for a partner who's more suitable for you.
3. Try not to assume the breakup reflects something wrong with you 不要认为分手反映出你的某种缺陷。
A 2016 paper in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin suggests that your ability to deal with a breakup has a lot to do with your sense of self. 2016年发表在《个性与社会心理学通报》期刊上的一篇论文指出,你应对分手的能力和你对自我的感知有很大关系。
One of the study authors, Lauren Howe, broke it down in The Atlantic:
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\rejection when it caused their self-image to change for the worse. People who agreed that the rejection made them question who they really were also reported more often that they were still upset when they thought about the person who had rejected them.\
On the other hand, Howe wrote, people who responded with remarks such as, \learned that two people can both be quality individuals, but that doesn't mean they belong together\
Howe recommends that we try to \breakup reveals about us in order to have an easier time coping.
4. Write about a silver lining you've found in the breakup 把分手的好处写下来
Research suggests that simply journaling about your emotions surrounding a breakup can make you feel worse.
But a study published 2015 in the journal Social and Personal Relationships
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found a specific type of journalling can help you cope: writing a redemptive narrative. That is, a story about how you turned suffering - in this case, a breakup - into a positive experience.
Participants in the study felt less distressed after writing their redemptive narratives for four days - so it's unclear how long the effects last.
该研究的参与者在连续写了四天救赎故事后,感觉没那么痛苦了,至于这个效果能持续多久就不清楚了 5. Talk about the breakup 谈论分手
This strategy might seem counterintuitive: Why dwell on a painful past? 这个策略听上去也许违反了我们的直觉:为什么要沉湎于痛苦的往事呢? And yet a study published 2015 in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science found that simply participating in research on breakups can help people get over them.
A group of participants who spent more time talking to experimenters and filling out surveys about the breakup later experienced less distress than a group who spent minimal time on the same activities. The first group was also less likely to agree with statements like, \
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In an interview with The Atlantic, lead researcher Grace Larson said it might come down to looking at your past objectively.
在接受《大西洋月刊》的采访时,研究负责人格蕾丝?拉尔森说,这可能是因为你在此过程中客观看待了你的过往 ==
So you've been out of the game for a few years? Let me get you up to speed. Today, we're all a lot more searchable and socially connected, so, just as you'd leave a \to do the same for your love life. (Get on social media and make sure you're projecting a healthy image into the world. She will be Googling.)
所以你已经好几年没有游戏人间了?我来帮你了解最新的趋势吧。现而今,其他人更容易找到我们,我们与社会的关联也越来越密切,所以,正如你为潜在的雇主(他/她会搜索你)留下了\积极的个人档案\一样,你也应该留下积极的爱情档案。(登录社交媒体账号,确保给他人留下健康的形象。她也会搜索你的。) 2. BUT REMEMBER THE BASICS. 2. 但也要记住基础的东西。
Some things never change: You should arrive on time, be present, take a genuine interest in who she is, offer to pick up the tab, and see that she gets cab if she's going home or stand outside while she enters her home safely. If she's
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going to yours, always remember to solicit enthusiastic, verbal consent for everything you do. Immediately.
Before you sign up for every dating app you've heard your single friends raving about, imagine what you want this whole adventure to look like. \to be alone, be comfortable being alone and with yourself, and decide what it is that you really want out of your next relationship,\author of Confessions Of An Online Dating Addict. \you are and what you want, the right person will show up.\
在注册约会app之前,你的单身朋友就已经滔滔不绝的说过,你想象中的这段冒险是什么样子。\花时间独处,一个人的时候要乐得其所,决定好自己真正想要的下一段恋情是什么样子,\一书的作者简·克洛西亚建议道。\弄清楚自己是谁、想要什么,你才会遇到对的那个人。\4. GOOGLE YOURSELF. 4. 搜索你自己。
Again, your date will be Googling you. So correct misinformation they may find, or at least be prepared to prove that you're not the escaped serial killer who shares your name.
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者至少做好准备,证明你不是那名在逃的连环杀手,他/她只是和你名字相同。 5. FIGURE OUT WHERE YOU WANT TO MEET NEW PEOPLE. 5. 想清楚在哪儿和约会对象见面。
Some people like to meet potential dates at bars or cafes. Some like a set-up orchestrated by friends. Others prefer to go looking for love-or at least fun-online via the use of a dating app.
6. IF YOU'RE DATING ONLINE, SIGN UP TO SEVERAL APPS. 6. 如果你是在线找对象,那就多注册几个约会app。
\would you have it in just one place?\expert.
\如果你想抓鸟,那你是在多个地方撒鸟食,还是只是干耗在一个地方?\约会情感专家梅根·韦克斯说道 ==
You can't build a strong professional network if you don't open up to your colleagues; but doing so is tricky, because revealing the wrong things can have a devastating effect on your career.
Sharing the right aspects of yourself in the right ways is an art form. Disclosures that feel like relationship builders in the moment can wind up as obvious no-nos
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with hindsight.
The trick is to catch yourself before you cross that line, because once you share something, there is no going back.
TalentSmart has tested more than a million people and found that the upper echelons of top performance are filled with people who are high in emotional intelligence (90% of top performers, to be exact). Emotionally intelligent people are adept at reading others, and this shows them what they should and shouldn't reveal about themselves at work.
The following list contains the 12 most common things people reveal that send their careers careening in the wrong direction. 下面这12件事说出去以后,可能会断送你的职业生涯。 1.That They Hate Their Job 1.讨厌自己的工作
The last thing anyone wants to hear at work is someone complaining about how much they hate their job. Doing so labels you as a negative person, who is not a team player. This brings down the morale of the group.
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人们最不想听到的就是工作时有人在抱怨自己有多讨厌自己的工作。这么做你会被贴上“消极者”的标签,也就是说你不适合团队合作。这会降低整个团队士气。 Bosses are quick to catch on to naysayers who drag down morale, and they know that there are always enthusiastic replacements waiting just around the corner.
2.That They Think Someone Is Incompetent 2.认为别人不称职
There will always be incompetent people in any workplace, and chances are that everyone knows who they are. If you don't have the power to help them improve or to fire them, then you have nothing to gain by broadcasting their ineptitude. 任何职场都会有能力欠佳的人,其实大家也都心知肚明。如果你不能帮他们提高能力,也没有权力解雇他们,那么你到处宣扬他们的无能和笨拙对自己也没好处。 Announcing your colleague's incompetence comes across as an insecure attempt to make you look better. Your callousness will inevitably come back to haunt you in the form of your coworkers' negative opinions of you.
说同事无能反而会让别人以为你不自信,试图通过贬低别人凸显自己。你的冷漠无情会报应到自己头上,同事们同样会把你说得一无是处。 3.How Much Money They Make 3.谈论自己的薪水
Your parents may love to hear all about how much you're pulling in each month, but in the workplace, this only breeds negativity. It's impossible to allocate salaries with perfect fairness, and revealing yours gives your coworkers a direct
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measure of comparison.
As soon as everyone knows how much you make, everything you do at work is considered against your income. It's tempting to swap salary figures with a buddy out of curiosity, but the moment you do, you'll never see each other the same way again.
一旦别人知道你的薪酬,那么他们就会觉得你不配拿那么多薪水。同事之间出于好奇而相互探问薪水,但获知彼此底细后,你们之间的关系就再也回不到从前了。 4.Their Political and Religious Beliefs 4.谈论政治和宗教信仰
People's political and religious beliefs are too closely tied to their identities to be discussed without incident at work. Disagreeing with someone else's views can quickly alter their otherwise strong perception of you. Confronting someone's core values is one of the most insulting things you can do.
Granted, different people treat politics and religion differently, but asserting your values can alienate some people as quickly as it intrigues others. Even bringing up a hot-button world event without asserting a strong opinion can lead to conflict.
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People build their lives around their ideals and beliefs, and giving them your two cents is risky. Be willing to listen to others without inputting anything on your end because all it takes is a disapproving look to start a conflict.
Political opinions and religious beliefs are so deeply ingrained in people, that challenging their views is more likely to get you judged than to change their mind.
政治观点和宗教信仰在人们心中根深蒂固,挑战他们的信念十之八九并不会改变他人的观点,反而会让别人对你有不好的印象。 5.What They Do on Facebook 5.在脸书上公布你做过的事
The last thing your boss wants to see when she logs on to her Facebook account is photos of you taking tequila shots in Tijuana. There are just too many ways you can look inappropriate on Facebook and leave a bad impression. It could be what you're wearing, who you're with, what you're doing, or even your friends' commentary.
These are the little things that can cast a shadow of doubt in your boss's or
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colleagues' minds just when they are about to hand you a big assignment or recommend you for a promotion.
It's too difficult to try to censure yourself on Facebook for your colleagues. Save yourself the trouble, and don't friend them there. Let LinkedIn be your professional “social” network, and save Facebook for everybody else.
6.What They Do in the Bedroom 6.你在卧室的所作所为
Whether your sex life is out of this world or lacking entirely, this information has no place at work. Such comments might get a chuckle from some people, but it makes most uncomfortable, and even offended. Crossing this line will instantly give you a bad reputation.
You can't build a strong professional network ifyou don't open up to your colleagues; but doing sois tricky, because revealing the wrong things canhave a devastating effect on your career.
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末,你也要重视时间管理的重要性。 Life’s too short to waste your time off. 人生苦短,时间是浪费不得的。 17. They enjoy themselves 17.享受人生
A miserable long weekend will probably spill over into the rest of your week. Try to focus on yourself a bit, at least for a portion of the three days you’ve got off. Do something that gives you fulfillment or pleasure
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180213 英语学习高级阅读材料03-08
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