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1. 阅读教材第5章;

2. 修改自己“朔方的雪花”译文,揣摩杨、戴译文; 3. 完成教材练习13。 “朔方的雪花”-----修改

But the snowflakes that fall in the north remain to the last like powder or sand and never hold together, whether scattered on roofs, the ground or the withered grass.

The warmth from the stoves inside has melted some of the snow on the roofs.

As for the rest, when a whirlwind springs up under a clear sky, it flies up wildly, glittering in the sunlight like thick mist around a flame, revolving and rising till it fills the sky, and the whole sky glitters as it whirls and rises.


一. 根据汉英句群和段落衔接的特点修改下面译文。

1. 我当时是接管中央美术学院的军代表。听说白石老人是教授,每月到学校一次,画一张画给学生看,做示范表演。有的学生提出要把他的工资停掉。


I was then the military representative at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. I was told that Baishi was a professor there and that he came to the Academy once a month. Every time he came he would paint a picture as an example for the students to imitate, but some of them proposed that his salary should be stopped. “For an artist as old as he is, to come once a month and produce a painting is a great contribution ………”I explained. 修改:I was then the military representative at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. I was told that Baishi was a professor there and that he came to the Academy once a month. Every time he came he would paint a picture as an example for the students to imitate, but some of them proposed that his salary should be stopped since he came so infrequently.


2. 老梁赞叹似地轻轻说:“你瞧这群小东西,多听话!” 我就问道:“像这样一窝蜂,一年能割多少蜜?”


Old Liang said softly, almost with a sign: “Look at those little

things .How obedient!”

I then asked: “How much honey does such a beehive yield each year?”

“A few scores of catties. Bees love best of all to work. In Guangdong, the weather is fine and there are many flowers; the bees work all year round without a stop. They eat very little of the honey they produce .Each time when the honey is taken away, we just leave then a little sugar, enough for then to eat. They never make trouble .They go on working and making honey all day long and all year round without complaining …….. ”

修改:“A few scores of catties. Bees love best of all to work. They work here all year round without a stop as our (Guangdong) province has fine weather and there are many flowers. Yet, although they produce much honey, they eat very little. Each time when the honey is taken away, we just leave then a little sugar, enough for then to eat. They never make trouble .They go on working and making honey all day long and all year round without complaining …….. ”

说明:原文中第三段中,蜜蜂的勤劳与广东天气及花多的联系不够明确,应加上 as 表示一种原因。此外,下一句中“蜜蜂酿的蜜多,自己吃的非常有限”之间的逻辑关系也没有清楚表现出来,

此处应为一种让步关系,需用 although ,意为“虽然……”。 3. 这已是三年前的事了。日军才退出,我到江湾立达学园视察被害的情况,在满目苍夷的环境中徘徊了几个小时,归途拾得这片钢铁回来。这种钢铁片,据说就是炸弹的裂块,有大有小,那时在立达学院附近触目皆是,我所拾的只是小小的一块,阔约六寸,高约三寸,厚约两寸,重约一斤。

The thing happened three years ago. Shortly after the Japanese troops withdrew, I went to Lida School in Jiangwan to inspect the damage, and lingered over that mournful scene for some hours. On the way back I picked up this lump of iron .Such lumps of lion were said to be bomb fragments. Some were big, some were small. And the ground roundabout Lida School was littered with those lumps of lion. The one I picked up was a small one, measuring roughly six inches across, three inches high and two inches thick. Its weight was about a catty.

修改:On the way back I picked up this lump of iron. The ground roundabout Lida School was littered with lumps of iron, some big, some small. I was told they were bomb fragments. The one I picked up was a small one, measuring roughly six inches across, three inches high and two inches thick. Its weight was about a catty.





Culture should develop along with the War against Japanese Aggression. And when I say I am going to write a play, I am not talking nonsense. As for whether I will be able to realize my dream, it depends on how hard I will work. I like to share with my friends and colleagues in this field this resolution and work together with them to make it come true.


The city of Tianjin produces neither grain nor fruit, and with a population of several thousand, if it would be difficult to

feed all the residents, even if the place were endowed with 9 rivers teemed with fish and shrimps, and even if all the frogs in the river were killed for food. No wonder trains and ships carry rice and flour to Tianjin non-stop, day and night, and all roads to the city are congested with truckloads and cartloads of vegetables and fruits. Even so, Tianjin folks still obstreperously complain that there is absolutely nothing to buy, and there is simply no way to spend the huge limps of cash they are holding.


Shanghai men are jokingly hen-pecked husbands. However, they will never yield to their wives but remain silent or simile away the quarrels. And they will apologize without hesitation shortly after they lose their temper which is a rarity. Finally, their wives find themselves complying with what their husband say.


家庭琐屑往往触他之怒。他待我渐渐不同往日。但最近两年的不见,他终于忘却我的不好,只是惦记着我,惦记着我的儿子。 In recent years, both father and I have been living an

unsettled life, and the circumstances of our family going from bad to worse. Father left home to seek a livelihood when young and did achieve quite a few things all on his own. To think that he should now be so downcast in old age! The sad state of affairs of the family drove him to utter despair, and his pent-up emotion had to find a vent. That is why even mere domestic trivialities often provoked his anger, and he became less and less nice with me. However, the separation of the last two years has made him more forgiving towards me. He keeps thinking about my son and me.


As a game, swing is very simple, but as a competitive sport,

it becomes a tough challenge. Competitors will be judge by

their swinging height and frequencies. They will be dog exhausted after each game. One 15-year-old girl of Li ethnic said that when they competed at this year’s March Three Event, she, along with her fellows, reached the height of seven meters, her personal best in the sport. Though she only swung back and fro for altogether 20 times, her two legs could not support herself when the competition was over and her coach had to help her come out of the venue.

6、雨声渐渐地住了,窗帘后隐隐的透进清光来。推开窗户一看,呀!凉云散了,树叶上的残滴,映着月儿,好似萤光千点,闪闪烁烁的动着。-----真没想到苦雨孤灯后,会有这么一幅清美的图画! 凭窗站了一会儿,微微的觉得凉意浸人。转过身来,忽然眼花缭乱。屋子里的别的东西,都隐在光云里;一片幽辉,只浸着墙上画中的安琪儿。这白衣的安琪儿,抱着花儿,扬着翘儿,想着我微微的笑。

As the rain gradually ceased to patter, a glimmer of light began to filter into the room through the window curtain; I opened the window and looked out. Ah, the rain clouds had vanished and the remaining raindrops on the tree leaves glistened tremulously under the moonlight like myriads of fireflies. To think that there should appear before my eyes such a beautiful sight after the miserable rain on a lonely



Finally, when they knew for certain that there was no money

on me; they gave up the body search. Nevertheless they lowered their heads to scan here and there the place where I had hidden myself, but again in vain. How frustrated they must have felt! The soldier holding the grenade pushed the cord back into its wooden handle, and turned round to scramble for my watch and fountain pen. The two men, however, settled their dispute by agreeing to divide the money equally between them after selling the spoils. They eyed me up and down with suspicion and amazement before barking out in chorus,” Come along!”



To get letters from friends, especially airmail letters from

overseas that bear the stamp of exotic climes, is unquestionably one of life’s greatest pleasures, provided, that is, that they do not call for a reply. Answering letters is a heavy price to pay for the enjoyment of reading letters. The inevitable consequence of tardiness or infrequency in answering letters is a corresponding reduction in, and ultimate cessation of, the pleasure of receiving letters, in which case friendship is prematurely broken off, until the day in sackcloth and ashes you summon up the will power to put pen to paper again. Through this dilly-dally the pleasure of receiving letters has turned to the misery of owing letters. I am an old lag in this respect: practically every one of the friends I have made in my comings and goings can recite from my clime sheet. W.H. Auden once admitted that he was in the habit of shelving

important letters, preferring instead to curl up with a detective novel; while Oscar Wilde remarked to Henley: “I have known men come to London full of bright prospects and seen them complete wrecks in a few months through a habit of answering letters.” Clearly Wilde’s view was that to enjoy life one should renounce the bad habit of answering letters. So I am not the only one to be faint-hearted in the regard. 三.仔细阅读全文,任选一段进行翻译。

(2). 但从80 年代中后期开始,随着韩国队的崛起,尤其是在女子项目上的一枝独秀,中国队只能是偶有佳绩,成绩起伏明显,与韩国队的差距不断加大。那么,韩国因何一枝独秀?

From mid-1980s, however, our Chinese team could only win one or two of the medals, lagging father and father behind, with the burgeoning of South Korean archery team, especially that of the women. So what has enabled the South Korean team to stand out?




Taijiquan originates from Mount Wudang of Hubei Province. It contains the essence of Chinese philosophy and

hoards the extensive and profound mysteries of a myriad of changes . Hence it is marvelous to the utmost .


The country seat of Yongnian , Hebei Province is the place that has given a new lease on life to taijiquan . From here, taijiquan has been developed and transmitted. It has gone out of China, becoming popular troughout the world. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, there had emerged three great masters, namely, Yang Luchuan, Wu Yuxiang and Li Yiyu. Nurtured by the land, they have made their strenuous efforts to the reform, development, maturity and propagation of taijiquan, and added indelible contributions to it .



Among martial arts circles, there is a saying that the Cheng’s, quan was handed sown by the Yang’s. Yang Luchan was burn in the Southern Gate of the ancient city of Yongnian .He had been to Chenjiagou three times and formally acknowledged Chen Changxing , the descendant and inheritor of the 14th generation of the Chen’s , as his master. There he practiced and learned assiduously the boxing arts for 18 years, penetrating deep into the essentials of taijiquan. Finally he became an outstanding figure among Chen’s disciples. After the completion of his learning, he wet back to his native places of Yongnian Country. There he begain to teach boxing in an open arena as his profession. Later he entered Beijing to pass on his boxing arts of taiji. Thenceforth , taijiquan was more and more popularized. In his display and practice of taijiquan, Yang Luchun was bold in blazing new trails and making innovations based on Chen’s boxing arts. To fit in with the needs of body exercises and training, Yang Luchan reformulated the whole set of movement in taiji. Again, through the continual improvements of his tird son, Yang Jianhou, and Yang Chenpu , the third son of Yang Jinzhou , the Yang’s taijiquan has taken the shapes as it is . With this

unique style of its own, taijiquan is now becoming fashionable worldwide .


At present the pugilists of Yongnian taijiquan can be found all over the country and the world. They are very active in martial arts circles of the world. They have not only speed taijiquan abroad , making great contributions to improving human health , but also have furthered mutual understanding and friendship between peoples throughout the world .

