江苏译林版8Aunit 1所有模块词组与重点句式盘点

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江苏译林版8Aunit 1所有模块词组与重点句式盘点,涵盖考纲中的所有考点,很适用!

1. have a cake 吃 / 有块蛋糕 2. have something to drink / eat 有些喝 / 吃的

3. What / How about ….?


4. have some more food

还 / 再有些食物; 再吃些食物 5. nothing else

没什么其它的东西 6. the pizza in the fridge 冰箱里的比萨

7. a Grade 8 student


8. know ….well 对…..了解清楚 9. How well does he know …..?

他对…了解如何? 10. invite sb to do sth


11. invite sb to +地点/ 聚会 等词 邀请某人到/ 参加……. 12. write an article for …. 为…写篇文章

13. write an article about …. 写篇关于….的文章

14. write to sb 写信给某人 15. qualities of a good friend


16. read an advertisement in

“Teenagers” magazine

读<<青少年>>杂志上的广告 17. match …. with ….,


18. on the left / right 在左边/ 右边 19. keep secrets 保密

20. make sb happy 使某人开心 21. make sb so special


22. share one’s joy分享某人的快乐

23. talk to sb 与某人谈话 24. talk with sb 与某人交谈 25. Do you believe what you said ? 你相信你所说的吗?

26. hold writing competition 举行写作比赛

27. write about their best friends 写一写他们最好朋友

28. want to do sth 想要做某事 29. tell sb about ….., 告诉某人关于某事

30. as … as …, 与….一样

31. not as / so ….. as… , 不如….. 32. have short / long hair

留着短发/ 长发

33. be willing to do sth 愿意做某事 34. be ready to do sth准备好做某事 35. get ready to do sth

为做某事做准备 36. get ready for …., 为……作准备

37. any time 任何时候 38. help sb with sth 在…方面帮助某人 39. help sb ( to ) do sth 帮助某人做某事

40. on the bus / train / plane

在公共汽车上/ 火车上/ 飞机上 41. in the car 在小汽车里 42. give one’s seat to sb 让座 43. someone in need 需要中的人 44. want to be a singer 想成为一名歌手(歌唱家)

45. want to be +职业, 想成为…. 46. travel around the world

江苏译林版8Aunit 1所有模块词组与重点句式盘点,涵盖考纲中的所有考点,很适用!


47. grow up 长大 48. get to see each other ( 变) 彼此见面

49. be / become best friends


50. have a wonderful friend named /

called / with the name ….. 有个叫….的最好朋友 51. the tallest boy in my class


52. have poor / good eyesight

视力不好/ 好

53. because of +n. / pron . / v-ing ,


54. work on the computer too much

伏电脑工作时间太长 55. at night 在夜晚

56. wear small , round glasses

戴副圆边小眼镜 57. make sb look smart 使某人看起来精神

58. have a good sense of humour 很有幽默感

59. feel bored or unhappy 感到无聊或不开心

60. be / stay with sb 与某人呆在


61. tell funny jokes 讲有趣的笑话 62. make sb laugh 使某人大笑 63. make sb do sth 使某人做某事 64. fit under the school desks 适合在课桌下

65. walk fast 走得快

66. walk past ….., 走过…. 67. knock …. off…., =

knock ….down from ….., 把…从….上撞掉

68. knock over 撞翻 69. think of 想到

70. have straight shoulder- length


71. a true friend = a friend inneed


72. worry sb = make sb worried 为某人担心

73. worry about 担心 74. worry too much 焦虑太多

75. go to sb 去某人处 76. keep a secret 保密

77. say a bad word about ……, 说…的坏话

78. choose the best friend 选择最佳朋友

79. the editor of …., ….的编辑

80. be generous to …, 对…大方

81. do a lot of computer work =

work on the computer too much 伏电脑工作时间太长 82. be good at / do well in 擅长… / 在…方面成绩好 83. tell jokes 讲笑话

84. tell others her friends’ secrets 把她好朋友的秘密告诉他人 85. vote for .. , 投…的票 86. like funny people 喜欢滑稽有趣的人 87. share sth with sb 与某人分享某物 88. help people in need 帮助需要中的人

89. describe one’s appearance 描述某人的外貌

江苏译林版8Aunit 1所有模块词组与重点句式盘点,涵盖考纲中的所有考点,很适用!

90. describe sth to sb 向某人描述某物

91. choose … to do sth 选择….做某事

92. be suitable /fit for …., 适合…..

93. describe … with …., 用…描述….

94. have short hair 留着短发

95. sleep on the sofa 在沙发上睡觉 96. use … to do sth 用….做某事 97. of the 6 students 在6个学生中

98. in the drawing competition 在绘画比赛中

99. outdoor / indoor activities 户外/ 室内活动

100. I don’t think + 宾语从句。 我认为….不。

101. future plans 未来计划 102. sing for sb 为某人唱歌 103. be kind to sb 善待某人 104. listen to people’s problems 倾听某人的问题

105. help people solve problems 帮助人们解决问题 106. meet a lot of people 遇到/ 见到许多人

107. try to do sth = try one’s best to

do sth 尽力做某事

108. try doing sth 试图做某事 109. try one’s best 尽力

110. would like to be …. 愿意当….. 111. would like to do sth 愿意做某事

112. a social worker 一个社会工作者

113. be really happy to do sth


114. tell sb about the future plans 告诉某人未来计划 115. hope / wish to do sth


116. hope +宾语从句。 希望……..。 117. wish sb to sth 希望某人做某事 118. become a famous singer 成为一名著名歌唱家 119. in the future 在将来

120. talk about friends 谈论朋友 121. the boy on the left 左边的男孩 122. look sporty


123. agree with sb / what sb says(接

某人或what从句), 同意某人或某人所说的话 124. agree to +提案或建议等词, 同意某提案或建议

125. the fastest runner in my class 我班跑得最快的人

126. What’s he like ? = What does he

look like ? 他长得像什么样子?

127. next to …,

在…隔壁; 紧挨着… 128. the girl next to Peter 比得旁边的女孩

129. have many friends in my class 在班级有许多朋友

130. It is important / impossible ( for

sb ) to do sth .对某人来说做某事是重要的/ 不可能的

131. a reader of …., … 的读者 132. need help 需要帮助 133. these days 这些天

江苏译林版8Aunit 1所有模块词组与重点句式盘点,涵盖考纲中的所有考点,很适用!

134. have some problems with …., 在….方面有些问题

135. move to Beijing with sb 与某人一起搬到北京

136. study at a new secondary school 在一所新中学学习 137. know … very well 对…了解很清楚

138. have no friends 没有朋友 139. know how to do sth 知道怎样做某事

140. know what to do 知道做什么 141. feel really uncomfortable 感到确实不自在

142. during lunchtime 在午饭时

143. sit alone in the playground 独自一人做在操场上 144. come over 过来

145. feel so shy 感到很害羞 146. miss sb very much


147. make friends with sb 与某人交朋友

148. describe different people 描述不同的人

149. be different from …. 与…..不同

150. read … to sb

把…读给某人听 151. both …. and ….,

…..和…. 都; 既…又…. 152. live next door 住在隔壁 153. get to know (逐渐)认识; 了解

154. have a square face and a long


155. bright , smiling eyes


156. make sb really pretty and kind 使某人确实既美丽又善良 157. a very clever girl

一个很聪明的女孩 158. tell sb funny jokes 讲有趣的笑话给某人听 159. wear a smile on one’s face 面带微笑

160. look happy 看起来开心

161. work with sb 与某人一起工作 162. a class survey 一次班级调查 163. play football 踢足球

164. healthy activities 健康活动 165. the most difficult activity of all 所有活动中最难的

166. have a friend like ……, 有个像…..样的朋友

167. answer questions correctly


