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Unit 11 How was your school trip?


1.—Who went to the cinema with Becky? —Grace_________.

A.went B.goes C.did D.didn’t



考查一般过去时。go去,过去式went,do助动词,过去式did,根据上文的went to the cinema with Becky 可知,应该是Grace和Becky去的电影院,为了避免重复,用助动词来代替went to the cinema with Becky,时态是一般过去时,排除A和B,由语境可知,Grace去的,排除D,故选C。

2.I want to know ________ yesterday.

A.what Mary does B.what does Mary do C.what Mary did D.what did Mary



考查宾语从句。根据宾语从句中,从句中语序是陈述语序,即“疑问词+主语+谓语”,排除B和D,由yesterday 可知,时态是一般过去时,排除A,故选C。





例如:I asked her if she would come next week.我问她下周是否能来。(引导词if,时态遵循主过从过)

The teacher told us that the earth travels around the sun.老师告诉我们地球围绕太阳转。(引导词that,时态遵循客普现)

He says we will have a sports meeting next week.他说下周我们将会开运动会。(引导词that,时态遵循主现从需)

3.My sister became interested ________ singing and she wanted to be a singer.

A.for B.on C.at D.in



考查介词辨析。for为了;on在……上;at在……点时;in在……里;根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“对……感兴趣”,英语是be interested in,所以这里应该用介词in,故选D。

4.I can hardly eat _________. I am not feeling well today.

A.nothing B.anything C.everything D.something



句意:我几乎什么都吃不下。我今天感觉不舒服。A. nothing没什么;B. anything任何东西;C. everything 一切;D. something一些事情。hardly表示否定,因此排除选项D;something一般情况下,用在肯定句,不合语法;去掉A/C,不合题意;anything用在否定句,是固定用法,因此选B。

5.—I wrote a letter last night.________



—I did my homework.

A.Where were you?B.How were you?

C.What are you?D.What about you?



句意:----我昨晚写了一封信。那你呢?-----我做家庭作业了。考查情景交际。A. Where were you? 你在哪里;

B. How were you? 你好吗;

C. What are you? 你是干什么的;

D. What about you?你呢,询问意见或提出建议,也可用作承接上下文的转折语(例如,I ate breakfast. What about you?)。结合句意可知填What about you?(承接上下文的转折语);选D。

6.The children went to the mountains ________ Friday afternoon.

A.at B.for

C.on D.in



句意:孩子们星期五下午去了山上。考查时间介词。A. at在;B. for为了,给;C. on在…上;D. in在…里。在具体的某一天,或具体某一天的早上,中午,下午,晚上或夜晚,用介词on,可知“Friday afternoon(星期五下午)”用介词on;选C。


时间介词at/on/in/for的用法:1.在几点几分或很短的时间、节日,使用介词at,例如,at nine, at 8:15, at this moment,at that time,at Christmas。2.在具体的某一天,或具体某一天的早上,中午,下午,晚上或夜晚,用介词on,例如,on Sunday, on June 3rd, on a cold winter morning, on Monday evening,on Christmas Day。3.在一段较长的时间,使用in,例如,in May,in the morning,in 1989,in two weeks。4.做某事做了多长时间,使用for+时间段,例如,I have studied English for three years。



7.—How long is the wall from here?

—It’s about 4 kilometers ______.

A.far B.long C.away D.near


【解析】句意:——这座墙从这儿有多长?——大约4千米长。A. far远;B. long长的;长度C. away离……远;D. near在……附近。前面有具体数字时,表示……远用away,这里是说长度,用long。根据题意,故选B。

8.Jane got up late ______ she didn’t miss the early bus.

A.Then B.Also C.Quickly D.Luckily


【解析】句意:简起得很晚,幸运的是她没有错过早班车。考查副词辨析题。then然后,表顺承;also也,用在实意动词前面;quickly快速地;luckily幸运地。根据下文she didn’t miss the early bus. 没有错过早班车,可知很幸运,故选D。

9.It’s 6:30 p.m. Let’s ____ the children first and then have our dinner.

A.leave B.describe C.feed D.save



句意:现在是下午六点半,咱们先喂孩子然后再吃晚饭。本题考查动词词义辨析。A. leave 离开;B. describe 描述;C. feed 喂,饲养;D. save节省,拯救。根据句意选C。

10.Rick, can you teach me _______ to play the guitar?

A.where B.how C.when D.why





句意:Rick,你能教我怎样弹吉他吗?本题考查特殊疑问词加不定式做宾语的用法。A. where在哪里;B. how 怎样;C. when 什么时候; D. why为什么。根据句意选B。

11.The clothes in this store are _______. Let’s go somewhere else.

A.new B.clean C.beautiful D.expensive



句意:这家商店的衣服很贵,咱们去别的地方吧。本题考查形容词。A. new新的;B. clean 干净的;C. beautiful美丽的;D. expensive昂贵的。根据Let’s go somewhere else.知对本店的衣服不满意,A、B、C 三个选项都是衣服的优点,就不用去别的地方了,不符合题意,均可排除,故正确答案是D。

12.Lucy is _________ girl. Everyone likes her very much.

A.a quite beautiful B.quite beautiful a

C.quite a beautiful D.beautiful quite a



句意:露西是一个相当漂亮的女孩,每个人都非常喜欢她。quite a/an +形容词+名词单数;故选C 13.There were __________ people and __________ noise there.

A.too many;too much B.too many;too many

C.too much;too many D.too much;too much





句意:有太多的人和噪音。too many太多,修饰可数名词的复数;too much 太多,修饰不可数名词;people 人,复数名词;noise 噪音,不可数名词;故选A


too many 的中心词是many,用法与many相同,后接可数名词复数,例如:too many questions;too much的中心词是much,用法与much相同,后接不可数名词,例如:too much work;much too 的中心词是too,用法和too的用法一样,例如:much too fast

14.-How do you like the movie?

-It’s _______.

A.expensive B.delicious C.crowded D.great





15.Nowadays,more and more people have taken an interest________watching Running Man________Friday evening.

A.in;in B.at;on C.in;on D.for;in



句意:现在,越来越多的人喜欢在星期五晚上看跑男节目。take an interest in对某事感兴趣;当





介词可以用在时间和地点前。放在时间前的用法:at放在几点钟前,例如:at one o’clock;on用于具体的某一天前或者上午、下午、晚上有修饰词时,例如:on Thursday , on cold afternoon; in用于年、月、星期等。放在地点前的用法:at+小地方,in+大地方,例如:at home, in Beijing


I went to a summer camp with my classmates last year.

Early in the morning, we 16 at the bus station. After saying 17 to our parents, we got on the bus. It 18 us more than two hours to arrive at the campground.

It was the first time for us to be away from our 19 , so some of us started to feel homesick. 20 , when the evening party began, we felt happy again.

The next day, everybody went to the boating class. At first, my friend and I worked hard, but the 21 wouldn’t listen to us. Then the teacher taught us 22 to work together. After many tries, we did much

23 .

The swimming class was my favorite. It was 24 to stay in the cool water. The swimming teacher was a funny man, and he often made us 25 happily.

I learned a lot of new things during the summer camp. I also learned how to look after myself. 16.A.drove B.met C.visited D.rode

17.A.goodbye B.hello C.sorry D.thanks

18.A.paid B.spent C.used D.took

19.A.friends B.classmates C.teachers D.parents

20.A.So B.And C.However D.Or

21.A.boat B.bus C.bike D.car

22.A.what B.where C.how D.who



23.A.better B.well C.good D.best

24.A.dangerous B.great C.terrible D.lucky

25.A.cry B.worry C.keep D.laugh


16-20.B ADDC

21-25.A CABD




drove驾驶;met见面;visited拜访;rode骑;根据句意理解及句中at the bus station可知,这里应该指的是“见面”,故选B。


goodbye再见;hello你好;sorry抱歉;thanks感谢;根据后句we got on the bus.可知,前句应该是表示“道别”,故选A。


paid花费;spent花费;used使用;took花费;根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“花费时间”,而A/ B句子主语都必须是人,且观察句子结构可知,句子结构符合It takes sb. some time to do sth.,故选D。


friends朋友;classmates同学;teachers老师;parents父母;根据后句so some of us started to feel homesick.可知,这里指的是“离开父母”,故选D。




So所以;And和;However然而;Or或者;根据句意理解可知so some of us started to feel homesick.与when the evening party began, we felt happy again.之间是转折关系,所以应该用表示转折关系的词,故选C。21.句意:但船不听我们的。

boat船;bus公交车;bike自行车;car小汽车;根据句意理解及前句everybody went to the boating class.可知,这里指的是“船”,故选A。






dangerous危险的;great好的;terrible糟糕的;lucky幸运的;根据上句The swimming class was my favorite.可知,这里表达的是“好的”,故选B。


cry哭;worry担心;keep保持;laugh笑;根据句意理解及前句The swimming teacher was a funny man可知,这里表达的是“使我们笑”,故选D。



Some children from the United States are having a talk together after they visit Hangzhou. What are they talking about? Let’s have a look.

Chris: I have a good time in Hangzhou from May 1st to May 5th. It is one of the most beautiful cities (城市) in



China. It is a good place for people to visit. People in Hangzhou must be very happy.

William: There are many interesting places in Hangzhou. Of all the places, the West Lake is my favorite. It is one of the most famous (著名的) and beautiful lakes in China.

York: I like delicious food very much. I was very happy when I stayed in Hangzhou, because there was lots of delicious food. I like little steamed meat buns (小笼包) best.

Vera: I went to a high school. I had classes with Chinese students and played games with them. I talked with them happily. I will write to them after I go back home.

26.Where are these four students from?

A.America .B.China.C.Canada.D.India.

27.Chris stayed in Hangzhou for________ days.

A.two B.three C.five D.six

28.What does William think of Hangzhou?


29.Why does York like Hangzhou?

A.Because the people there are very friendly.

B.Because there are many places of interest there.

C.Because he likes Hangzhou food very much.

D.Because he has many good friends there.

30.We cannot learn that________.

A.Vera will write to the Chinese students after going back home

B.York likes little steamed meat buns best of all the Hangzhou food



C.this passage is mainly about their trips in Hangzhou

D.the West Lake is Chris’s favorite place in Hangzhou




26.细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一行“Some children from the United States”“一些学生来自美国”,故选A。27.细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一行“I have a good time in Hangzhou from May 1st to May 5th”“从五月一日到五月五日我在杭州玩得很开心”可知,Chris在杭州呆了5天,故选C。

28.细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一行“There are many interesting places in Hangzhou”“在杭州有许多有趣的地方”可知,William认为杭州很有趣,故选A。

29.细节理解题。根据文章第四段第一、二行“I was very happy when I stayed in Hangzhou, because there was lots of delicious food”“我在杭州的时候很高兴,因为那里有很多好吃的东西”,故选C。

30.细节理解题。根据文章最后一行“I will write to them after I go back home”“我回家后会写信给他们”可知,A说法是正确的;根据文章倒数第三行“I like little steamed meat buns (小笼包) best”“我最喜欢小笼包”可知,B说法是正确的;根据文章第一行“Some children from the United States are having a talk together after they visit Hangzhou”“一些来自美国的孩子参观杭州后正在一起谈话”可知,C说法是正确的;根据文章第三段第一、二行“the West Lake is my favorite”“西湖是我最喜欢的”可知,D说法是错误的,故选D。


On May 6, the weather was sunny. My mother took me and my sister Helen to visit Hong Kong Museum of History. The museum is in Kowloon Park (九龙公园). First we went to the swimming pool in the park. Helen and I swam for two hours in the pool.



We went to the museum at eleven o’clock. We saw an old store, a village house, an old boat and many other old things. We learnt about what Hong Kong was like 100 years ago. In the past, Hong Kong was a small fishing village. Most people were fishermen(渔民).

Helen and I took some notes(笔记)about the history of Hong Kong. We also took some photos of the old things. We left the museum at two o’clock in the afternoon.

31.The swimming pool is in ________ .

A.the museum B.the park C.a village D.the street

32.The writer and Helen didn’t ________ in the museum.

A.swim B.take notes C.take photos D.see an old store

33.They were in Hong Kong Museum of History for ________ hours.

A.two B.three C.four D.five

34.From this passage (文章)we know Hong Kong was ________ in the past.

A.a village house B.a fishing village

C.a fishing park D.a fishing company

35.Which of the following is TRUE (下面哪一项是正确的)?

A.Helen saw an old boat in the museum.B.There were lots of fishermen in the park.

C.The writer took a computer to the museum.D.There was a radio in the museum.






31.细节理解题。根据文中First we went to the swimming pool in the park. 可知“游泳池在公园里”。故选B。32.细节理解题。根据We saw an old store, a village house, an old boat and many other old things. 和Helen and I took some notes(笔记)about the history of Hong Kong. We also took some photos of the old things. 可知作者没有在博物馆里游泳。故选A。

33.推理判断题。根据We went to the museum at eleven o’clock. 和We left the museum at two o’clock in the afternoon. 可知他们11点来博物馆,下午2点走,因此在香港历史博物馆待了3个小时。故选B。

34.细节理解题。根据In the past, Hong Kong was a small fishing village. 可知,在过去,香港是一个小渔村。故选B。

35.细节理解题。根据We saw an old store, a village house, an old boat and many other old things. 可知,在博物馆里海伦看到了一艘旧船。而B/ C/ D选项在文中都没有提到,故选A。


细节理解题在阅读理解中属于直接解答性问题,也是阅读理解题中最简单的一种,多数属中低难度的送分题。但在阅读中所占的比例很大,应特别引起注意。做题要先读懂问题,然后带着问题再读文章,做到有的放矢,这样容易找到关键点得出答案。比如第三小题They were in Hong Kong Museum of History for

________ hours.首先知道问题问的是有关时间的问题,所以在读文章的时候就要特别留意时间。根据We went to the museum at eleven o’clock. 和We left the museum at two o’clock in the afternoon.即可得出答案。


Mr. and Mrs. Wilson lived in a big city, and one summer they went to the country for their holiday. They enjoyed it very much, because it was a quiet and clean place. One day they went for a walk early in the morning and saw an old man. He lived on a farm, and he was sitting alone(独自) in the warm sun in front of his house. Mr. Wilson asked him, “Do you like living in a quiet place?” The old man said, “Yes, I do.”

Mr. Wilson said, “What are the good things about it?” The old man answered, “Well, everybody knows everybody. People often come and see me, and I often go and see them. And there are lots of children here.” Mr. Wilson said, “That’s interesting. And what are the bad things?” The old man thought for a minute and said, “Well,



the same things, really.”

36.Where did Mr. and Mrs. Wilson live?

A.In the city.B.In the country.

C.In town.D.On a farm

37.Why did they like the country?

A.Because it was far.

B.Because they had a farm in the country.

C.Because it was quiet and clean.

D.Because it was nice.

38.Was the old man their uncle?

A.Yes, he was.B.No, he wasn’t.

C.I think so.D.I don’t know.

39.What did the old man think were the good things about the country?

A.Everybody knew each other.

B.Everybody didn’t know each other.

C.It was clean and quiet.

D.We don’t know.

40.Did the old man think the good things and the bad things in the country were the same?

A.Yes, he did.B.No, he didn’t.

C.I don’t know.D.I don’t think so.






36.细节理解题。根据“Mr. and Mrs. Wilson lived in a big city”可知威尔逊夫妇住在一个大城市里,故选A。37.细节理解题。根据“They enjoyed it very much, because it was a quiet clean place”因为那是一个安静、干净的地方,故选C。

38.推理判断题。根据“saw an old man. He lived on a farm, and he was sitting alone…The old man said,“Yes, I do.””可是他们不认识,所以不是他叔叔,故选B。

39.细节理解题。根据“Mr. Wilson said, “What are the good things about it?” The old man answered, “Well, everybody knows everybody.”可知它的优点是每个人都认识每个人,故选A。

40.推理判断题。根据“…The old man thought for a minute and said, “Well, the same things, really.””可知它的优点和坏的方面是一样的,故选A。


Australian visitors

Ten visitors from PEP Middle School of Australia arrived at our school on Wednesday, April 17th. They came to China on Tuesday and they will stay in our school for two weeks.

School trip

Students in Grade 3 had a great time on the school trip on Saturday, April 20th. They went to the National Museum by school bus. The teachers were very happy because the students cleaned the bus after the trip.

Soccer game



Here’s good news for soccer fans. There will be a soccer game between our school and Xinhua Middle School this Sunday, April 21st. All students are welcome to watch it. The game begins at 3:00 p. m. in the Sports Center.

School art festival

There will be an art show in our school on Friday, May 3rd. Students from different clubs will show their talents. In the morning, you can see paintings and photos in the Art Center. In the afternoon, there will be a party at the Music Hall. You can come to the party with your parents. It begins at 5:00 p.m.

41.When did the Australian visitors come to China?

A.On April 16 th.B.On April 17 th.C.On April 20 th.D.On April 2l st.

42.How did the students go to the National Museum?

A.On foot.B.By bus.C.By bike.D.By subway.

43.What time does the soccer game begin?

A.At 9:00 a.m.B.At 10:00 a.m.C.At 3:00 p.m.D.At 5:00 p.m.

44.Parents can go to ______ with their children on May 3rd.

A.the Art Center B.the Music Hall C.the Sports Center D.the National Museum

45.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.There are 17 Australian visitors.

B.The soccer game will be on the weekend.

C.The Art Center will close on Friday morning.

D.Students in two grades went on the school trip.






41.推理判断题。根据文中Ten visitors from PEP Middle School of Australia arrived at our school on Wednesday, April 17th. They came to China on Tuesday. 4月17日,星期三,十位来自澳大利亚佩普中学的参观者来到我们学校。他们星期二来中国。可知是在周二来中国,是4月16日,故选A。

42.细节理解题。根据文中They went to the National Museum by school bus.可知,是乘坐校车去的,故选B。43.细节理解题。根据文中The game begins at 3:00 p.m. in the Sports Center.可知,比赛是在下午三点进行的,故选C。

44.细节理解题。根据文中In the afternoon, there will be a party at the Music Hall. You can come to the party with your parents.下午,音乐厅将有一个聚会。你可以和你父母一起去参加聚会。可知是去音乐厅,故选B。45.细节理解题。根据文中Ten visitors from PEP Middle School of Australia arrived at our school on Wednesday,星期三,十位来自澳大利亚佩普中学的参观者来到我们学校,可知A项错误;根据文中here will be a soccer game between our school and Xinhua Middle School this Sunday, April 21st.可知B项正确;根据文中There will be an art show in our school on Friday, May 3rd.5月3日,星期五,我们学校将有一个艺术展。可知排除C项;根据文中Students in Grade 3 had a great time on the school trip on Saturday, April 20th.4月20日,星期六,三年级的学生在学校旅行中玩得很开心。可知D项错误,故选B。



The little boy____ ____ ______ _____ the guitar.


____ ______ _____ ,it's an interesting experience.




Mike is ____ the students ____ our school.


We ____ ______ _____in the park yesterday.


Flowers ______ _____in spring.


46.is interested in playing

47.All in all

48.showing around

49.took some photos

50.come out


46.句意:这个小男孩对弹吉他感兴趣。根据句意可知此句时态是一般过去时。短语be interested in:对……感兴趣;play the guitar:弹吉他。本句主语The little boy第三人称单数,可知be动词用单数is;结合句意和提示可知答案是(1). is (2). interested (3). in (4). playing 。

47.句意:总的来说,这是一次有趣的经历。all in all:总之,总的来说;结合句意和提示可知答案是(1). All (2). in (3). all 。

48.句意:迈克正带领这些学生参观我们的学校。根据句意可知此句时态是现在进行时,现在进行时构成am/is/are doing sth.;短语show sb. around sp.:带领某人参观某个地方;结合句意和提示可知答案是(1). showing (2). around 。



49.句意:昨天我们在公园里拍了一些相片。根据yesterday可知此句时态是一般过去时。短语take some photos:拍了一些相片,take的过去时是took。结合句意和提示可知答案是(1). took (2). some (3). photos 。50.句意:花儿在春天开花了。本句表达的是自然规律,可知此句时态是一般现在时。主语flowers复数,可知谓语动词使用原形。短语come out:出来,出现,出版,(花)开了;结合句意和提示可知答案是(1). come (2). Out。




Tuesday, October 2nd Windy

It was windy on October 2nd. We went to the Great Wall and the Palace Museum. They’re very great. There were many visitors there. We had chicken and fried fish for dinner in a restaurant. The food in the restaurant was very delicious. We liked it very much. We had a great time. It was an excellent trip in China. We were tired, but happy.




1. 题干解读:文章是一篇日记,主要从当天的天气入手开始描写,然后用记述的方式讲述当天做的一些事情,把当天的经历写清楚即可。

2. 例文点评:文章以当天的天气情况展开描写,详细的描写了当天做的一些事情,文章结构完整,格式正确,用词简单易懂,语言结构清晰。

3. 高分亮点:

短语:the Great Wall;Palace Museum;have a good time。

句型:and引导的并列句;There be句型。


