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Unit 1

Will people have robots?



1. everything 每件事情→ something 某事、某物→ anything 任何事情

→ nothing 什么也没有

2. pollution 动词:pollute

3.agree 反义词:disagree

4. alone 同义词:lonely

5. probably同义词:maybe/perhaps

6. unpleasant反义词:pleasant

7. impossible反义词:possible


1. space station 太空站

2. fall in love with 爱上…

3. go skating 去滑冰

4. in the future 在将来

5. hundreds of 许多,大量

6. paper money 纸币

7. credit card 信用卡8. computer programmer 电脑程序设计师

9. paper tiger 纸老虎10. agree with sb. 同意某人的意见

11.fall down 倒下,落下12. next week 下周

13. next year 明年14.in 100 years 过一百年后

15.live alone 单独居住16. feel lonely 感到孤独



1.概念:一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。常与将来时间如tomorrow,next week,next year等连用。

2.构成:由助动词will +动词原形构成,有时也可用shall +动词原形。在口语中,will在名词或代词后常缩略为‘ll,will not 常缩略为won‘t。


e.g. He will meet you at the airport.(他将来在机场接你。)

Will people use money in 100 years? (一百年后人们会使用钱吗?)

People won‘t use paper money in 100 years.


一般将来时的肯定句式常为:主语+will +动词原形;否定句式为:主语+won‘t +动词原形;疑问句式为:will+主语+动词原形。

(二)、be going to 表示将来

be going to +动词原形也表示将要发生的动作或安排,重点强调主观愿望,有“计划、准备、打算”之意。

e.g. I‘m going to play piano this evening.(今晚我准备弹钢琴。)

What are you going to do tomorrow? (明天你打算干什么?)

(三)、there be 的一般将来时

there be 表示“有”,用于“某地有某物”句型。它的一般将来时则为there will be(注意:这时be不再作变化)

e.g. There will be more pollution in the future.(将来会有更多的污染。)

Will there be fewer trees?(将来的树木会更少吗?)


1.含tomorrow; next短语;


3.how soon;


5.by the time sb.do…

6.祈使句句型中:or/and sb. will do

7.在时间/条件状语从句中, 如果从句用一般现在时, 主句用将来时

8.another day


1. fewer people 更少的人

less free time 更少的空闲时间


2. in ten years 10年后

in的时间短语用于将来时,提问用How soon

3.hundreds of +复数数百/几百概数,类似还有thousands of; millions of

4. A be different from B A与B不同

=There is a difference/There are differences between A and B

5.get bored变得厌倦get/become是连系动词,后跟形容词如tired/angry/excited等

6. go skating去滑冰类似还有go hiking/fishing /skating/bike riding等

7.lots of/a lot of 许多(修饰可数名词、不可数名词都可以)

8.On a piece of paper 在一张纸上


9. be able to与can 能、会

be able to用于各种时态,而can只能用于一般现在时态和一般过去时态中;have to用于各种时态,而must只能用于一般现在时态)

例如:1).I have been able to/will be able to speak two languages. (不可以用can)

2). had to stay at home/ will have to (不可以用must)


1. What do you think life will be like in 1000 years?

2. There will be fewer trees、more buildings and less pollution in the future.


3. Will kids go to school? No, they won‘t/Yes, they will。

4. Predicting the future can be difficult.

5. I need to look smart for my job interview.

6. I will be able to dress more casually.

7. I think I‘ll go to Hong Kong on vacation, and one day I might even visit Australia.

8. What will teenagers do for fun twenty years from now?

9. That may not seem possible now, but computers, space rockets and even electric toothbrushes seemed impossible a hundred years ago.



1.They say there ______a new bridge across the river in tow years.

A. will have

B. is going to be

C. has

2.Jim, you are late! Sorry , I ______next time.

A. don‘t

B. won‘t

C. haven‘t

3.There is little coffee left at home, ______there?

A. is

B. isn‘t

C. will

4.Do you think there ______no students at school in the future?

A. will

B. won‘t be

C. will

5.Tom will visit our school ______two weeks.

A. in

B. after


Unit 2

What should I do ?




2.Keep out:不让……进入

Keep sb ∕sth out of sth 不让某人或某物进入某处

Keep that dog out of my study别让那狗进入我的书房


①argue with sb:与某人争论

②argue with sb about sth: 为某事为某人争辩


we go to school everyday except Saturday and Sunday .


Besides math homework, you should hand in your English homework.

5.return means give…back:归还

6.get on:进展

①get on with: 与……相处

②get on well with:与……相处得好(融洽)


拓展:be surprised:感到吃惊. in surprised:惊奇地

She looked her mother in surprised.

To one`s surprised:使某人惊奇(吃惊)的是

To my surprised the door was broken. 使我惊奇的是门坏了。

8.they 反身代词

注:第一、第三人称反身代词由形容词性物主代词+self(selves)构成. 第三人称反身代词由人称代词宾格形式+self(selves)构成.


注:一些名词后加ful构成形容词,表示具有某种性质。如helpful, useful, careful…

10.enough: ①修饰名词,放在名词前,意为“足够的,充足的”例如:

I have enough time to do my homework.


Is he old enough? 他年纪足够大吗?

Enough to:足够……可以…… The girl is old enough to go to school.那女孩到上学的年龄了。或译为“那女孩年龄大,足够能上学了”

5780546677232f60dccca124plain about(of) sth:对某事不满抱怨

My mother complained of high prices of food:我母亲对商品价格太高表示不满.


1.out of style :过时的,相当于out of fashion 反义词是in style.

2.need to do 和need doing 都表示“需要做某事”

①主语是人时用need to do

They need to rest for a while.

②主语是物时用need doing

Our classroom needs cleaning now.我们的教室现在需要打扫了.

3.What′s wrong? What′s wrong with sb∕sth?

Something is wrong with…=there is something wrong with…, ……出了毛病.

4.ask sb for sth:要求某人给某物

You should ask your parents for something.

Ask for sth:要求某事

He asked for some time to think all this over.




He didn′t go to bed until he finished his homework Last night . 他昨晚直到完成作业才上床睡觉.



①you should write him a letter.

②you should say you are sorry.

③what should I do? They shouldn′t argue.


Could you help me?表示委婉的语气,不表过去.


①Why don′t you +动原+…?

②Why not +动原+…?

4. ①see sb doing sth:看见某人在做某事:强调正在做某事.

② see sb do sth: 看见某人在做了某事:强调做完了或做过.

I saw some boys playing basket–ball on the playground.

I saw a boy run into the classroom.



1.it 做形式主语与形式宾语.

①It is + 形容词+for sb+to do sth对某人而言做某事.

It is difficult for Hanmei to learn English well. 对韩梅来说学好英语很难.

②find it +形+to do sth:发现做某事……

I found it difficult to learn English well.我发现学好英语难.

2.you don′t know where your ID card is.


Where :起连接主句与从句的作用。表地点.


Do you want anything else? 你还想要别的东西吗?

What else did he say? 他还说了别的什么事情?

Where else did you go? 你还到那儿去了?

4. My friend wears the same clothes and has the same hair cut as I do.


like 和as 都有“像……一样”的意思


I have the same idea as you have.我和你有相同的注意.

I have a new coat like yours.我有一件和你相同的大衣.

②like 常与系动词或代词搭配,如:look like∕be like∕like this∕like that.而as 常与动词搭配:如work as…

5.My friend has nicer clothes than I do.我朋友的衣服比我的更好看.

do是动词,在该句中代替has nice clothes,在英语中,为避免动词在一句子中重复出现,常用do来代替前面的动词,do的这种用法称为“代动词”.

She studied harder than I did.她原来学习比我努力.



borrow :指向别人借东西“借入”

lend sth to sb:把某物借给某人→lend sb sth

borrow sth from sb:向某人借某物.

7.It may be a hat=Maybe it is a hat.它也许是一顶帽子.

① may:情态动词

② maybe:副词(也许,可能)

8. ①too much 后接不可数名词,意为“太多的”

②much too后接形容词或副词,意为“太……”

He eats too much food, so he is much too fat.



1.I′m very upset and don′t know what to do?我很烦并且不知道做什么?

upset 做形容词。“不安,不快,心烦意乱的”常与about,at 连用.表示对“对……


①She was very upset about her father′illness.


② She was upset at the news.


What to do :是动词不定式跟疑问词连用,构成名词短语.作know 的宾语,不定式前的疑问词可以是what, how, when, where等。


I don′t know what to do?=I don′t know what I should do.

Tom doesn′t know how to get there.

Tom doesn′t know how he can get there.

2.What′s the matter with…? What′s wrong with…? What′s the trouble with…?表:怎么啦(出什么毛病了)?

3.you could∕should +动原+……表提建议.

You could∕should write a letter to him.你可以∕应该给他写信.




①Li lei doesn′t know how he can learn English well.(改简单句)

Li lei doesn′t know_____ _____ _____ _____ _____.

②There is something wrong with my watch.(改同意句)

______ _____ wrong with my watch.



④He has some apples, too(改否定句)

He _____ _____ _____ apples _____.

⑤ You should write him a letter.(划线部分提问)

_____ _____ _____ _____do?


①He is a _____(help)man.

②I have more pears than_______(she)

③we are sorry _____(hear)of his father′death.

④I felt quit _______ (surprise)at the bad news.

⑤You should _____(be)friendly for others.

⑥I ____(argue)with my best friend just now.

⑦he could do nothing except_____(read)a book.

⑧I need to get some money______(pay for)that bike.


以‖How to get on well with others‖为题,写一篇不少于100字的短文,要求语句通顺,语法正确.

In our daily life, we have to come into contact(接触)with people in every walk of life. So it is very important for us to know how to get on with other people. To get on well with others and win their friendship(友谊) . We must observe strictly the following words.(我们必须做到以下所述)

First ,we need to be honest(诚实的)with others and should always say what we mean. Lies(说谎)will surely make people stay far away from us. After all, honesty is the best policy. Second, we have to be humble (谦逊地)enough .if we are proud(骄傲地)in public. We can hardly win others respect(尊重). not to mention ―friendship‖. Finally, we must not be selfish(自私的). we should be kind to others instead. We should learn how to care for others.If we do this ,we will find it easy to get on well with others.

Unit 3

What were you doing when the UFOarrived?







5.run 过去式ran

6.meet 过去式met

7.hear过去式heard 8.ring过去式rang

9.tell过去式told 10.recent 形容词recently

11.mean名词meaning 12.become过去式became

13.hero复数heroes 14.fly过去式flew

15.strange名词stranger 16.down反义词up

17.woman复数women 18.crowd形容词crowded

19.run现在分词running 20.final副词finally

21.shop 形容词shopping 22.take过去式took

23.have过去式had 24.close反义词open

25.get 现在分词getting


1.take place发生

2. barber shop 理发店

3.get out(of)出来

4.take off 起飞;脱衣服

5.run away 跑开;逃跑

5780546677232f60dccca124e in 进来

7.hear about听说8. as…as 像……一样

9.in front of在……前面10.in the barber`s chair 在理发椅上

11.sleep late起的晚12.get out of the shower 洗完澡出来

13.cut hear理发14.buy a souvenir 买纪念品

15.go into a store 走进一家商店16.call the police 打电话叫警察

17.climb the tree 爬树18.take a photo照相

19. ride his bike骑车子20.look for寻找

21.at the doctor‘s 在诊所/医院22.have English class上英语课

23.the news of important events重大事件的新闻

24.in history 在历史上25.for example 例如

26.at the time在那时

27.have fun =have a good time =have a great time =enjoy oneself玩的高兴;过的愉快

28.of course=sure=certainly当然29.on the earth在地球上

30.on the moon 在月球上

31.become a national hero成为民族英雄

32.all over the world =around the world 世界各地

33.make a decision 做出决定

34.be supposed to =should应当;理应




I was doing my homework at this time yesterday.

构成:肯定形式:主语+was/were +doing.

否定形式:主语+was not /were not +doing.

疑问形式:was /were +主语+ doing ?

与过去进行时连用的时间状语有;at this /that time ,at this time yesterday /last night/ ,at +点钟+yesterday /Sunday …

What are you doing at 7:00 yesterday.

2. when和while引导的时间状语从句。

when 表示“当……时候”从句中可用延续性动词,又可用非延续性动词,这些动词既可以表示动作,又可以表示状态。从句中的动作既可以和主句的动作同时发生,又可在主句的动作之前或之后。

例如:Mary was having dinner when I saw her.

The boy was still sleeping when his mother got home yesterday morning.


The weather was fine while we were in Beijing.

Don‘t talk so loud while others are working.

While she was talking on the phone ,Davy met another dog outside the station.

When 和while引导的时间状语从句可以相互转换。

The boy was walking down the street when the UFO landed.

= While the boy was walking down ,the UFO landed.

The girl was shopping when the alien got out.

= While the girl was shopping ,the alien got out.


1. be surprised (某人)很吃惊

He was surprised when I saw him.

2. be scared (某人)给吓坏了

He was scared when he heard the strange voice.

3. follow sb to do sth 跟随某人做某事

I followed it to see where it was going.

4.say “hello”/“sorry”/“ good ---bye” to sb

向某人问好/道歉/ 倒别

5. have fun doing sth 愉快的做某事

We have fun speaking and learning English.





例如:I was surprised/interested/amazedwhen I heard the surprising/interesting/amazingnews.


A :What were you doing when the UFO arrived ?

B :I was standing in front of the library.

A:What was he doing when the UFO arrived ?

B:He was sleeping late when it arrived.

A:What were they doing at this time last night ?

B:They were watching TV.


1). 翻译下列词组和句子

1. 一次不寻常的经历

2. 沿街步行

3. 出来

4. 你在骗人/开玩笑

5. 沐浴出来


7. 在厨房8. 在电话上谈

9. 理发10. 在诊所


1、This time yesterday I (read)books.

2、At 9 o‘clock last Sunday they(have)a party.

3、When I (came)into the classroom ,she (read)

a story book.

4、She (play)computer game while her mother (cook)

yesterday afternoon.

5.I (have)a shower when you (call)me yesterday.


1. I did my homework last night.

(用at ei ght o‘clock last night替换last night)

2. He was playing basketball on the playground.

The teacher asked him to come into the classroom.(用while连接两句)

3. They were watching Tv at that time yesterday.(改为否定句)

4. I paid five yuan for the book.(改同义句)

This book five yuan.

5. Mr li always has a good time on Sunday.(改同义句)

Mr li always on Sunday.

6. When did you arrive at the station ?(改同义句)

did you the station ?



It was my fifteen birthday yesterday ,but I forgot it .When I got home after school ,I saw many different kinds of food and vegetable in the kitchen .My mother was cooking dinner and my father was helping her .My grandparents were watching Beijing opera on the TV. Around 20 minutes later,dinner was ready .My mother took out a big birthday cake .My parents and my grandparents said to me “Happy Birthday ,dear !”I was surprised first ,then I became excited and said “thanks”to them. After dinner ,my grandparents gave me a nice violin. My father gave me a new basketball .My mother gave me a special gift ----kiss. I was very happy.

Unit 4

He said I was hard-working.



1.Lucky(名词) (副词)





6. hard-working(反义词)

7.disappoint(形容词) 8. thin(比较级)


1.Report card 成绩单

2. pass sth to sb =pass sb sth 把某物传递给某人

3. be supposed to 被期望或被要求

4.do well in =be good at 在……擅长/做得好

5.get over 克服

6.open up 打开

7.care of =take care of =look after 照顾

8.borrow…from 从……借

9. lend …to 把……借

10.finish doing sth 完成做某事

11. be mad at 对……烦恼/生气

12.get nervous 紧张/不安的

13. pass on 传递

14.first of all 首先

15. every Saturday 每周六

16. both……and…… 两者都(谓语动词要注意对称原则)

17. neither…nor 两者都不(谓语动词要注意就近和对称原则)

18. most of… 绝大多数

19.an exciting week 令人兴奋的一周

20.agree on something 同意某人的计划;对….取得一致意见

21.agree to do sth. 答应/同意做…

22.do better in=be better at 在……方面做得更好

23.be in good health 身体健康

24.have a(surprise) party for sb.为某人举行一次(惊喜0聚会

25.end-of-year exam=final exam 期末考试

26.not……anymore 不再

27.do a home project 做作业

28.have a very hard time with.. 在……日子不好过

29.an disappointing result 令人失望的结果

30.take\ leave a message 捎(留)个口信

31.have a big fight 打架

32.it is a good idea for sb. to do sth 一个做某事的好注意

33.feel lucky 感觉很幸运

34.people who need help 需要帮助的人

35.something we can do for them 我们能为他们做的事

36.there is no difference between…and.. 在……和……之间没有区别

37.the Hope Project 希望工程





1. 时态的变化:直接引语变为间接引语时,通常受转述动词said,asked等的影响而使用过去化的时态,即把原来的时态向过去推,也就是一般现在时变


Tom said to me,―My brother is doing his homework.‖

→Tom said to me that his brother was doing his homework.

2. 人称代词、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等等的变化;根据意义进行相应的变化。如:

She asked Jack,―Where have you been?‖ →She asked Jack where he had been.

He said,―These books are mine.‖ →He said that those books were his.



―I want the blue one.‖ he told us. ―我想要蓝色的。‖ 他说。

→He told us th at he wanted the blue one. 他说他想要蓝色的。

She said to me, ―You can‘t do anything now.‖


→She told me that I couldn‘t do anything then.


2. 疑问句的间接引语


句为陈述语序,句末用句号,动词时态等的变化与间接陈述句相同。引述动词常用ask, wonder, want to know等间接疑问句一般有三种:

(1).一般疑问句由直接引语变为间接引语时,由whether或if 引导。如:

―Has he ever worked in Shanghai?‖ Jim asked.


→Jim asked whether/if he had ever worked in Shanghai.


―Can you tell me the way to the hospital?‖ The old man asked.


→The old man asked whether I could tell him the way to the hospital.



―Which room do you live in?‖ He as ked.


→He asked me which room I lived in.


―What do you think of the film?‖ She asked.


→She asked her friend what she thought of the film .


(3).选择疑问句由直接引语变为间接引语时,由whether/if …or引导。如:

―Is it your bike or Tom‘s? Mum asked.


→Mum asked whether/if it was my bike or Tom‘s.


―Does your sister like blue dresses or green ones?‖ Kate asked.


→Kate asked whether/if my sister liked blue dresses or green ones.


3. 祈使句的间接引语当祈使句变为间接引语时,间接祈使句的引述动词常


Jack said, ―Please come to my house tomorrow, Mary.‖


→Jack asked Mary to g o to his house the next day.


The teacher said to the students, ‖Stop talking.‖


→The teacher told the students to stop talking.


―Don‘t touch anything.‖ He said.


→He told us not to touch anything.


4. 动词时态和代词等的变动




today that day

now then, at that moment

yesterday the day before

the day before yesterday two days before

tomorrow the next day / the following day

the day after tomorrow two days after, / in two days

next week/ month etc the next week/month etc

last week/ month etc the week / month etc. before

here there

this that

these those

come go

bring take







1.be mad at 对……烦恼/生气

Eg. Don‘t get mad at me. 不要对我发脾气。

1.not …any more =not …anymore


He will not see you any more. 他再不会看见你了。

相似的有:not …any longer 不再,指时间上不再,多与持续性动词连用。

3. pass sth to sb =pass sb sth 把某物传递给某人

Please pass the paper to me . 请把纸递给我。

2.be good at 在……擅长, 在……方面做的很好

其意相当与do well in

He is good at English

[拓展] be good for 对……有益

eg. Honey is very good for you .蜜蜂对你身体有益。

5. have a cold =catch (a) cold 伤风,感冒。

I had a bad cold yesterday. 昨天我患了重感冒。

6. finish doing sth 做完某事

Eg . I decided to finish doing my washing yesterday.

7. sound /feel /smell /taste /look 是连系动词,一般只能跟adj.做表语

8. sound like/feel like/smell like/taste like/look like


9.be surprised\happy\excited to do sth



1.She said she was having a surprise party for Anna on Friday night

2. What did the people on TV say? 电视剧中人说了什么?

3. I‘m not hardworking. 我学习不努力。

4. I can do better in math. 我能把数学学的较好。

5. A: How‘s it going? 最近好吗?

B: I‘m OK. 好。

6. I‘m sorry to hear that …. 因……而感到难过。


( 一).单项选择

( )1. —Are you good math ?

—No, I do well English.

A at, in

B in, at

C at, at

D in, in

(be good at=do well in)

( )2. You are supposed for wild animals

A care

B cared

C caring

D to care

( )3. Last year I was often ill, but now I am good health.

A at

B of

C in

D under

( )4. He said he sorry, but nobody would listen to him.

A is

B was

C were

D will be

( )5. She asked me I could lend my bike to her.

A that

B /

C if

D which

( )6. Mr Lee was mad his wife.

A at

B of

C about

D to

( )7. —What did you say ?


A I say I can hear you

B I say I couldn‘t hear you

C I said I couldn‘t hear you

D I said I can‘t hear you

( )8. Could you tell us yesterday?

A What do they do

B What did they do

C What they did

D What they do


1.(首先),you must find your books and then you can read them.

2. Today, I‘m late for school again . I sleep late (不再)

3. Please (传递) the salt.

4. You must (照顾) your sick mother.

5. I should finish (上英语课) and then I can go out with you. .

6. I always (变得紧张不安) when I see the envelope from school in the

mail .


1.A: what happened on ―Young Lives‖ last night ?

B: Ben told Lana that Maria was going to have a surprise party for her.

2. A: what did your math teacher say ?

B: He said I was hard-working .

3. A: How was your report ?

B: My teacher said I was better at it .


假设你是Tom. 在离家很远的地方读书,请根据提示,给你父亲写一封来汇报年你的学习成绩,要求用词准确、语意连贯,不少于70词。

Dear Dad:

How‘s it going ? I hope you are good in heath .

Everything is OK here , I finished my end-of-semester exams last week , and got my report card today , My math teacher said that I was hard-working , My English teacher said that I was good at speaking , My history is not so good, The teacher said I should do better, My science teacher said I was a lazy student , I‘ll have to try harder at science .

Unit 5

If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time.









7.hurt (过去式)hurt 8.they(反身代词)themselves

5780546677232f60dccca124te(反义词)early 10.will not(缩写)won‘t


1.at the party 在晚会上

2.ask sb. to do sth. 请某人做某事

3.stay at home 呆在家

4.half the class/students 一半学生

5.get injured 受伤

6.have a great time

=have a wonderful\good time玩得高兴

7.take …away运走,取走

put away 收起来,放好

8.all the time=always一直,始终

9.make a living (by doing sth)谋生

10.in order to do sth…为了做某事

11.have a party 举行聚会

12.go to college上大学

13.be famous for…因……而著称

be famous as…作为…而出名

14.make money =earn money挣钱

15.in fact事实上

5780546677232f60dccca124ugh at…嘲笑

17.too much太多(修饰不可数名词)

too many太多(修饰可数名词复数)

much too+形容词/副词太…

18.get exercise 锻炼注意

(exercise当“锻炼”是不可数名词;而当“操”“练习”是可数名词)19.travel around the world 周


20.work hard 努力工作

21.wear jeans 穿牛仔裤

22.let ... in允许……进入,嵌入

keep…out 不允许……进入

23.get an education获得教育

24.take… away 拿开,


25.study for the test 准备考试

26.make some food 准备食物

make dumplings 做水饺

make the bed 整理床铺

27.half the class 一半的学生

28.the rules for school parties 学校派对的规则

29.children‘s hospital 儿童医院

30.join the Lions 加入狮队

31.give money to schools and charities 给学校和慈善组织捐钱

32.become a professional soccer player 成为一个职业的足球运动员

5780546677232f60dccca124anize the games for the class party 为班级派对准备游戏

34. play sports for a living 靠体育运动为生

35. be able to do sth. 有能力干某事

36. millions of 很多

37. all over the world 全世界



If you go to the party ,you will have a good time.

这是一个含有if的复合句,表示对将来的打算,推测. 先假设一种条件(从句),然后说出在这种条件下产生的结果(主句),则从句用一般现在时态代替将来时态,主句用将来时态.

Eg:If you go ,I will come.

If you make a lot of money, you will look after your mother better.

2.有关why not

Why not,汉语意思为为什么不,通常用来提出建议,这是一个省略形式的问句,这里可以拓展为why don‘t you ,


Why not go out for a dinner with us.

= Why don‘t you go out for a dinner with us.

归纳:表示建议的句子还有:What about/how about doing sth..


What about drinking a cup of tea?


1.have a good time 玩的开心,这是一个固定短语,其中great可以用good替换。Eg:I have a great time at your party yesterday.

I have a good time at your party yesterday.

拓展:其反意短语have a bad time 或have a hard time 表示很难,很不开心

Eg:They have a hard time in these years.

2.take away


These books are for reading in the library,and you may not be taken



It‘s so dangerous there that you must take away your children at



This medicine can help to take the pain away.


拓展:像这样的短语还有:put on,mix up , turn down,take off…


1.be going to do sth.准备干某事,表示将来时

Eg: I‘m going to die.

They are going to have a picnic.

What is Ann going to do tomorrow?

2. ask sb to do sth.要求某人干某事

Eg: Mr Yu asks me to read English every morning.

Mom asks me to cook for my friends on Sunday.

否定形式:ask sb. not to do sth.

Eg: Teacher ask us not run and shout in the classroom.

Dad asks me not to cry.



(1) Two__(half)make a whole.

(2)Don‘t__(speak)to otherswhile doing your homework.

(3)Uncle Zhang enjoys__(listen)to music.


(1)I‘m afraid I‘ll give you much too trouble.( )

(2)The house is enough big for five of us to live in.( )

(3)There is going to have a basketball match tomorrow.( )


Joe Sauders has the most beatiful gardenin the town, nearly everybody

entersfor The Niciest Garden Competition each year,but Joe wins every

time.Bill‘sgarden is larger than Joe‘s.Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers.But Joe‘s garden is more interesting.I like gardens ,too.But I don‘t like hard work,and I always win a little prize for the worst gardenin the town.

Unit 6

How long have you been collecting shells?



1. collect(v.)-----collector(n.)-----collection(n.)

2. anyone任何人,为不定代词,由any+one合成。

e.g. anyone,anybody,anything,anywhere,someone,somebody,something,

somewhere,everyone,everybody,everything,everywhere,no one,nobody,nothing,nowhere

3. skate(v.)-----skater(n.)-----skating(n.)

4. Australia澳大利亚-----Australian澳大利亚人





5. certain(副词)certainly 6.quite(同义词)very

7.foreign(名词)foreigner 8.several(同义词)some



1. go skating 去滑冰

2. a pair of 一双,一对

3. in fact 事实上,实际上

4. run out of 用完,用尽

5. by the way 顺便问,顺便说

6. be interested in 对……感兴趣

7. far away 在远处

8. thousands of 成千上万,数以千计

9. the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会

10. the Olympic Committee 奥林匹克委员会

11. last night 昨晚

12. how long 多长时间

13. for five years 五年

14. since last week 从上周开始到现在

15. three and a half years 三年半

16. make kites 制作风筝

17. would like 想要


1. 现在完成时(参见第九单元)


e.g I have cleaned the room. 我已经打扫过房间了。

He has already got her help. 他已得到了她的帮助。

Have you had your lunch yet?你吃过午饭了吗?

2. 现在完成进行时:


构成:助动词have/has been+实义动词的现在分词

e.g I have been collecting stamps for 7 years.


I have been learning English since 2002.


How long have you been collecting shells?



肯定句:主语+have/has been+v-ing+其他。

否定句:主语+have/has not been+v-ing+其他。

一般问句:Have/has+主语+been +v-ing+其他。


3. 以上两种时态都可以和表示一段时间的状语如for two hours,since1999,since he was ten years old等连用。

注意:for 为介词,后跟表示一段时间的短语;since 作介词,后跟过去某一点时间;since 作连词,后跟一个过去时态的句子。


1. How long have you been skating?你滑多长时间了?

I have been skating for five hours. 我已经滑了五个小时了。

2. How long did Sam skate?萨姆滑了多长时间?

He skated for four hours.他滑了四个小时。


3. I‘ve been skating since I was seven years ol d.


4. Alison was the first one to start. 艾莉森是第一个开始滑的。

5. Thanks for sending me the snow globe of the monster.


6. The more I learn about Chinese history,the more I enjoy living in China.我对中国历史了解越多,就越喜欢在中国生活。


你喜欢收藏吗?你喜欢收藏什么?请以“My hobby”为题,写一篇短文,谈谈你的收藏经历及内容,词数80个左右。

[例文]:My hobby

Do you like collecting? What do you often collect ?Do you like collecting shills or stamps? My hobby is collecting CDs, because I love musicvery much. I have been collecting CDs for 3 years. There are about two hundred CDs in my collection. My favorite singer is Abao. I have collected nearly all his records, My parents are very pleased with my hobby because they like music, too.They ofetn help mi to buy some new CDs and put them away sor me.

I enjoy my hobby. It makes me happy and study better

Unit 7

Would mind turning down the music?一、词汇聚焦


1.annoy ①annoyed: 形容词主语通常是人(表示人的状态)

②annoying: 形容词主语通常是物(令人恼火的)

Annoy: vt使生气;what annoyed you?什么让你生气了?

I annoyed that some one took away my book without telling me.有人没有告知我便拿走了我的书,我很恼火.

It is annoying that some one took away my book without telling me.

get annoyed:感到生气(恼火)

be annoyed with sb:生某人的气

2.line:排,行① in line:成一直线② wait in line :排队等候③cut in line :插队




It′s polite of sb to do sth:某人做……是有礼貌的.

It′s very polite of us to help others;我们帮助他人是有礼貌的.

4.perhaps →副词,maybe∕probably,或许,大概

5.return →give back 归还



