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摘 要




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SBR process in sewage treatment


China's shortage of water resources, water resources per capita is only the world average of 1/4, the water has become an important factor in restricting the development of the national economy and improving living standards in the future. The party opposite of urban water shortage is very serious, on the one hand, a large number of treated urban sewage directly discharged only a waste of resources, but also increase the environmental load of the water body.

At present, the main obstacle to promote the use of sewage treatment is one of the economic benefits, so to reduce the cost of sewage treatment facilities, reducing energy consumption. Municipal sewage treatment plant design should be based on the current water quality conditions, and to consider in long-term development, to determine the design water quality and treatment process. Municipal sewage treatment There are many ways. The biological treatment method for its operation and management costs and better treatment effect in the sewage (especially in the field of domestic sewage) treatment has been dominant. The SBR process has a small footprint, the process is simple, flexible operation mode, easy to program-controlled, water quality and quantity changes adaptability, removal of organic matter and nitrogen and phosphorus removal, etc.. With the development of electronics and automation technology, the technology has been widely used in Europe, America and other cities in many countries sewage and industrial wastewater treatment. For the effluent quality is increasingly complex in today's society, the SBR is a more promising biological wastewater treatment process.

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Key words: Sewage, SBR, Removal of organic matter, Nitrogen and phosphorus


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目 录

中文摘要????????????????????????????1 外文摘要????????????????????????????2 第一章 绪 论?????????????????????????.6

1.1 国际水资源现状 ????????????????????6 1.2 国内水资源现状 ????????????????????6 1.3 生活污水SBR处理研究现状 ??????????????.7 1.4 SBR与其它工艺的比较分析???????????????7

第二章 生活污水SBR处理技术????????????????8

2.1 SBR基本概念??????????????????????.9 2.2 SBR基本操作??????????????????????.10 2.3 SBR工艺优点??????????????????????.10 2.4 SBR工艺特点??????????????????????12 2.5 SBR基本性能及运行模式????????????????13 2.6 SBR工艺设计要点???????????????????.14

第三章 SBR工艺处理生活污水实例?????????????15

3.1海门市污水处理中心研究背景及研究内容???????15 3.2 海门市生活污水SBR处理反应机理及模型设计????15 3.3 阳江市第一净水厂研究背景及研究内容???????.18 3.4阳江市生活污水SBR处理反应机理及模型设计????18

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第四章 后续处理工艺研究??????????????????21 结 论?????????????????????????????.23 参考文献????????????????????????????24 致 谢……………?????????????????????????25 外文文献(译文)?????????????????26 外文文献(原文)……………………………………………………………32

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绪 论



1.2 国内水资源现状


我国在20世纪30年代才开始污水处理的事业,比外国晚了很长一段时间。虽然事业起步晚,但改革开放后的20年来还是取得了较快的发展。可是随着城市化速度的加快,我国城市的数量与规模也快速地增加与扩张,与之相配套的城市污水处理基础设施出现了严重不足的情况。 据有关数据统计:我国目前的年排污量大约为350亿立方米,但城市的污水处理率仅为15.8%,而西方发达国家如美国早在1980年就已达到了70%。全国有大约超过80%的城市直接排放未经任何处理的污水到附近的水体,这使得水污染加剧。尤其在全国2 000多座县城与19 000多个镇中,其污水的排放量约占全国总量的一半以上,但这些中小城镇的污水处理能力远远低于全国平均水平,突出表现在污水处理的基础设施严

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在我国目前的城市污水处理厂中,有80%以上的都是采用活性污泥法,不到20%采用稳定塘法、土地处理法及一级处理等。多数的城市污水处理厂都采用运行稳定、操作简便、处理费用低廉的生化处理工艺,包括普通活性污泥法、延时法等新型活性污泥工艺、接触氧化法、氧化沟法、AB法、SBR法、A-O和A2-O等变形工艺, 这些改进的工艺技法在我国被广泛运用。只有少数城市污水处理厂因其实际情况而选用物理或物化的方法处理废水。

1.3 生活污水SBR处理研究现状




1.4 SBR与其它工艺的比较分析

1.4.1 氧化沟工艺

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优点:1,处理流程简单,构筑物少,基建费用省;2,处理效果好,有稳定的除P脱N功能;3,对高浓度的工业废水有很大的稀释作用;4,有较强的抗冲击负荷;5, 污泥生成量少,污泥不需要消化处理,不需要污泥回流系统;6, 技术先进成熟,管理维护简单;7,无须设初沉池,二沉池。


1.4.2 AO工艺



1.4.3 A2/O工艺



1.4.4 SBR工艺



第二章 生活污水SBR处理技术

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2.1 SBR基本概念

2.1.1 SBR基本原理

SBR是序批式间歇活性污泥法(Sequencing Batch Reactor)的简称,又名间歇曝气,活性污泥法是利用微生物去除污染物中的有机物。在去除过程中,首先需要微生物将有机物转化成二氧化碳和水以及微生物菌体,完后将微生物保存下来,在适当时间通过排除剩余污泥,从系统中除去新增的微生物。

2.1.2 SBR工艺流程


进水 粗格栅 进水泵房 细 沉淀池 SBR池/灌水器 消毒池 储水

泥饼外运 污泥脱水 浓缩池

图2-1 SBR工艺流程图

2.1.3 SBR主体构筑物


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1- 格栅;2-沉砂池;3-初沉池;4-污泥管道 2-2处理生活污水SBR三池系统

2.2 SBR基本操作


进水期 反应期 沉淀期 排水排泥期 闲置期 图2-3 SBR工艺一个运行周期内的操作过程

2.3 SBR工艺优点

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期缩短一半,是具有国际水平的先进技术,此技术的应用使得该工程总体提高到国际先进水平。 2、工艺流程



泵 原水 格栅调节池 沉砂池 SBR 排水

污泥浓缩池 脱水 图3-1-1海门市污水处理中心工艺流程




3.2.2 处理效果


表3-1 海门污水处理中心工程实际进出口水质及污染物去除率

项目 实际水质/(mg/L) 去除率/% 进口 出口 COD 289 25.8 91 BOD 146 6.2 96 SS 140 8 94 NH3-N 3.2 TP - - - 3.2.4 主要构筑物


表3-3 海门市污水处理中心工程主要构筑物

构筑物名称 集水池 沉砂池

规格/m3 2400 320 数量 1 1 构筑物名称 综合管理房 脱水机房 规格/m3 94 85 数量 1 1 16 / 40

SBR池 鼓风机房 4800 7 2 1 污泥浓缩池 160 1 3.2.5 主要设备



序号 1 2 3 名称 机械粗格栅 机械细格栅 污水提升水泵及自耦 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 超声波流量计 利浦罐体 离心鼓风机 曝气头 液下搅拌机 滗水器 污泥螺杆泵 板框压滤机 闸门、启闭机 单梁起重机 电动葫芦 SBR操作平台 电动蝶阀 电动蝶阀 闸门 在线PH计 计量加药设备 合计 - H=6m特制镀锌钢板 1 2 规格 B=1500mm,N=1.5kW B=1200mm,N=1.5kW Q=300m3/h,H=13m,N=22 kW 数量 1 1 3 Q=60m3/min,N=90kW,H=0.6kg/cm2 2 不锈钢条状曝气头 N=4 kW Q=800m3/h,N=1.5 kW G25-2, N=2.2 kW Ⅶ60/800-U, N=1.5 kW B=800mm×800mm,N=1.5kW 2.0t,N=0.5kW 2.0t,N=0.5kW DN400 DN150 B=600mm×600mm N=0.5kW N=124.20kW 600 4 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 2 4 1 17 / 40

3.2.6 运行状况及讨论




3.3 阳江市第一净水厂研究背景及研究内容

阳江市第一净水厂工程规模为20000m3/d。建于阳江市四眼塘,工程占地面积11300m2,1999年动工,2001年2月验收运行。阳江市属亚热带季风气候,年平均气温22.3摄氏度,极端最高气温37摄氏度,极端最低气温1摄氏度。污水主要来源于城南片区和城北片区合流制管道系统排放的生活污水、雨水和部分工业废水。集水面积15km2,服务人口12万人。处理后的污水直接排入漠阳江,污水的排放标准执行《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978-1996)一级排放标准。




在生化处理过程中,BOD的去除率基本上集中在起始期,在起始曝气的0.5h内,去除率达80%左右。随后BOD去除率减慢。SBR反应池按照该特性进行设计,其运行程序为进水→反应→静沉→排水,以保证BOD的高效去除及污泥的高效沉降。对水量、水质变化适应性强,其出水效果稳定。具有污泥易启东、易管理、没有污泥膨胀等特点。反应池内生物相复杂,使有机物降解更完全。生物脱氮除磷效果较好。噪声低、混合效果好,氧传质速率高。 2、工艺流程


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砂机分离器 沉砂

二级格栅 涡流式沉砂池 SBR池 接触室 出水达标排放


集水井和提升泵房 浓缩池 带式压滤机 泥饼外运

城市污水 一级格栅




沉砂经砂水分离器后格栅截留的隔渣由专用车辆运至城市垃圾场;剩余污泥经浓缩后送至带式压滤机进行脱水,泥饼外运作堆肥。 3.4.2 阳江市第一净水厂工程污水处理效果见表3-5.

表3-5 阳江市第一净水厂工程实际进出口水质及污染物去除率

项目 实际水质/(m/L) 排放标准 进口 出口 COD 150 30 80 BOD 140 11.2 92 SS 225 13.5 94 NH3-N 34.4 5.5 TP 3.0 0.9 70 3.4.3 主要构筑物


表3-6 阳江市第一净水厂工程主要构筑物

构筑物名称 集水井、提升泵房 沉砂池 SBR池 2.5 40×24 2 2 脱水机房 污泥浓缩池 16.8×12 8.0 1 2 19 / 40

规格/m 15.2×12 数量 1 构筑物名称 消毒间 规格/m 15.6×7 数量 1 接触消毒池 15.6×10 1 综合办公楼 800m2 1 3.4.4 主要设备



设备名称 粗格栅 提升泵 规格型号 数量 材质 不锈钢 宽度1.2m,栅隙10mm 1 流量400 m3/h,扬程13m,功率30kW 3 砂水分离机 细格栅 射流曝气泵 15L/s 2 Q235 不锈钢 宽度1.0m,栅隙3mm 1 流量400m3/h,扬程13m,功率30kW 24 射流曝气器 增稠机 带式压滤机 WA-3 8.0m B=1.0m 96 2 2 3.4.5 运行状况及讨论


3.5 两污水处理厂的对比分析

3.5.1 进出水质


3.5.2 工艺设计


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addition of 15% NaOH. The second dose regulation unit is made up of a Dosapro Milton Roy GM 25S pump with a PVDF body, suitable for working with strongly acid media. This pump is also equipped with a Stegmann ER 20 electric actuator governed by a PID Eurotherm 2216e controller, which adjusts the necessary dose flow on the basis of the values supplied by the Foxboro 871A pHmeter of the homogenization unit, thus closing the control loop. The aim of this dose regulation unit consists in maintaining the pH of the homogenization reactor constant at a value of 6.0–6.5 by means of the regulated addition of 10% H2SO4, since this value was found to be the optimum for the biodegradation of SCN in a previous study at laboratory scale.

The reagents consumed in the process were: a small amount of anti-foaming agent, NALCO 71D; 130 g Na2HPO4/m3 as phosphorus source for biodegradation; 15% NaOH (12–16 L/m3) to remove NH4+–N in the stripping tank, and 10% H2SO4, (11–15 L/m3) to neutralize the influent to the SBR in the homogenisation tank.

3 Results and discussion

The NH4–N concentration of the coke wastewater ranged between 401 and 750 mg/L. Usual concentrations at the steel works are lower as a great part of ammonia is recovered by stripping, but due to some operational problems in the industrial stripping columns during this research, a stripping step prior to the biological treatment in the SBR was performed in order to reduce possible toxic effects for the microorganisms that may decrease the removal efficiencies of the pollutants.


3.1 Ammonia removal by stripping

The stripping process consists of fizzing air through the wastewater to remove ammonia, which would pass from the liquid to the gaseous phase in an alkaline medium. As the stripping tank was smaller in volume than the SBR, the HRTs employed were lower than those of the biological reactor,

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being 66, 40, 34 and 17 h. The liquid in the tank was always saturated with oxygen due to strong aeration. As no heating element was used, the operating temperature in the tank was slightly higher than that of the environment, since the wastewater entered at temperatures of around 35 ℃, and ranged between 11.4 and 18.6 ℃.The NH4+–N loading rate decreased with increasing HRT and varied between 2.5 kg NH4+–N /m3 day for an HRT of 66 h and 9.8 kg NH4+–N/m3 day for 17 h, variations being observed for each HRT due to the varying ammonium concentrations of the wastewater. The pH of the wastewater was kept at high alkaline values by adding NaOH, and ranged between 10 and 12.5 in the first part of the study. The use of the automatic dosage system from Day 130 on allowed both a saving in NaOH consumption and better control of the pH, which was kept constant at around 11.7 during the rest of the operational period.

3.2 Biological treatment of coke wastewater in an SBR

Once the removal of a major part of the NH4+–N in the coke wastewater was achieved, the wastewater had to be neutralised before entering into the biological reactor owing to the high pH values employed in the stripping process. Consequently, a homogenization tank was placed between the stripping tank and the SBR in order to add the necessary reagents. H2SO4 was used to neutralise the wastewater, since this reagent was available in the company facilities as a by-product.As no heating element was used, the reactor temperature was approximately the same as that of the environment, possibly being slightly higher due to microbial activity, and ranged between 14.7℃ for an HRT of 115 h and 21.7℃ for HRTs of 225 and 137 h. The oxygen dissolved in the mixed liquor was kept around 4.5 mg/L by the oxygen sensor and the automatic regulation valve.The pH inside the reactor was fixed at 6.5, optimum value for the biodegradation of thiocyanate, pollutant that needs longer time to biodegrade than phenols or other organic compounds in coke wastewater.The food/microorganisms

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(F/M) ratio increased with decreasing HRT, ranging between 0.06 and 0.24 kg COD/ The organic loading rate (OLR) varied between average values of 0.14 and 0.56 kg COD/m3 day, also increasing with decreasing HRT. Due to variations in the composition of the coke wastewater, it was very difficult to maintain a fixed value for the OLR, and so the chosen operating parameter was the HRT.The concentration of volatile suspended solids (VSS) ranged between 1.5 and 2.9 g/L, with an average value of 2.2 mg/L, representing 79% of TSS. The sludge volumetric index (SVI) presented values of between 47 and 80 cm3/g, the adding of a coagulant not being necessary.

3.3 COD removal

The COD of the wastewater ranged between 1100 and 1700

mgO2/L,decreasing slightly after stripping and homogenization, as can be observed from the SBR influent values. This could be due to oxidation by air of polyhydroxyphenols such as catechol during the stripping process, according to bibliography. A change in colour after the stripping process from pale yellow to dark brown was observed.The effluent COD was always lower than that of the influent, varying between 155 and 560 mg/L. Removal efficiencies ranged between 80% and 90%, except for the shortest HRT employed, decreasing to 62%.

3.4 Phenols removal

Along with the removal efficiencies for the different operating conditions. Phenols concentration in the wastewater varied between 185 and 253 mg/L, generally decreasing very slightly after the stripping process. The concentration after the biological treatment ranged between 1.7 and 5 mg/L, the removal efficiency being always higher than 97%. No relation between removal efficiencies and HRT employed was observed, since the HRTs were always high enough to achieve almost complete biodegradation of phenols.

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3.5 Thiocyanate removal

In the influent to the SBR, the concentration of thiocyanate ranged between 210 and 487 mg/L and after the treatment concentrations decreased between 1 and 20 mg/L. Very good removal efficiencies were reached, around 95% or higher when operating at HRT ≥ 115 h. The efficiency decreased to 90% for HRT of 58 h.

3.6 Variation in ammonium concentration

As mentioned above, the coke wastewater underwent a stripping process prior to biological treatment in order to reduce the concentration of NH4+–N . Although the goal of the SBR experiments was not to remove NH4+–N, monitoring was carried out in order to observe possible variations in its concentration.As a result of this increase, the total NH4+–N removal efficiency was lower than that obtained by means of the stripping process, ranging between 42% and 85%, as can be observed in Table 3, which shows the average values of the concentrations of the different pollutants in the coke wastewater and the final effluent, as well as the removal efficiencies obtained under the different working conditions.Although HRTs of 80 h had been found as the minimum for the biodegradation of pollutants in coke wastewater in previous studies, the results obtained in the present research study show that an HRT of 58 h is long enough to obtain very high removal percentages of COD, phenols and SCN-. The concentration of ammonium in the effluent can be kept around 40–100 mg/L operating at HRT of 66 h in the stripping process. To obtain lower concentrations of ammonium in the effluent, a possible option would be to insert a nitrification/denitrification step in the treatment scheme. This step could be performed in the SBR, optimizing the operating times of the different stages.

4 Conclusions

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The treatment of coke wastewater was studied using a pilot plant composed of a stripping unit, a homogenization tank and a biological reactor operated in sequencing batch mode.NH4+–N removal by stripping is influenced by the HRT employed, efficiencies of 90% being obtained for HRT of 66 h.After stripping and subsequent neutralization with H2SO4, the biodegradation of pollutants in an SBR led to removal efficiencies higher than 69%, 98% and 90% for COD, phenols and SCN-, respectively, even for the lower HRT (58 h). Increasing this time, higher removals were achieved, especially in COD.

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