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Unit 2 What time do you go to school?


1. 刷牙____________________ 散步____________________

早睡___________________ 半个小时__________________________ 2. My mother often _________(get) up at six. 3. Does Tina _______(go) home every day?

4. Helen always brushes _________(tooth) in the morning. 5. That’s a _________(fun) time for supper.

6. Mr. Smith goes ____________(work) very early. 7. We usually get up at six ______ school days. 8. ____ our group, I often get to school early. 9. We play games from ten ____ twelve. 10. They always play chess ______ school. 11. Do you like ______(eat) chicken?

12. Mike with his sister _______(go) to school at 7:00 every day.

13. Either my parents or my brother __________(watch) TV every night. 14. Jim often runs after __________(get) up.

15. They _______ never late for the _______(one) class in the morning. 16. My uncle usually has lunch at home.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ you uncle usually ________ lunch? 17. Mary can sing and dance.(改为否定句)

Mary _______ sing _____ dance.

18. Mary usually ________ _______ _________(刷牙) after getting up.

19. My father usually _______ dinner _________ ________.(下班后吃晚饭) 20. My uncle often works ________ ________. (整夜) 21. We have lunch at twelve o’clock. (提问)

________ ________ you do at twelve o’clock? 22. He does his homework at home.(改为否定句) He _______ ______ his homework at home.

23. I don’t have much time ______ breakfast, _____ I usually eat very ________.(我没有很多时间用早餐,所以我通常吃得很快。)

24. Reading is good ________ _______.(读书对我们有益。)

25. I go to the park ________ ______ ________ (散步)after dinner.

26. You can either play the guitar ____ ______.(要么弹吉他,要么游泳) 27. What _______ does the first class _________?(第一节课几点开始) 28. Jane needs __________(take) a shower. 29. _________(health) food is good for you.

30. my, do, I, first, always, homework(连词成句)

________________________________________. 31. In our school, class ___ at 8:00.

A. is B. does C. start D. starts

32. ----Well, you look so happy! ----Because I get a good ____. A. work B. news C. job D. jobs 33. The beef tastes ____ and I like it.

A. well B. good C. health D. quickly 34. ----Are you ____? ----Yes, I’m not sleeping. A. wake B. awake C. asleep D. sleeping 35. Bob needs ____ dinner for his parents.

A. make B. makes C. to make D. making 36. My school is far ___ my home. A. at B. to C. in D. from

37. Every day it ____ me about half an hour to get there. A. gets B brings C. uses D. takes 38. I have no time ____ breakfast at home.

A. has B. have C. having D. to have 39. I often get ____ at about 6:00.

A. school B. to home C. Home D. classroom 40. Jim ____ from eight ___ eleven thirty every day.

A. work; at B works; to C. work; in D. works; of 41. Lucy ____ at school on Sundays.

A. usually is B. is usually C. are usually D. usually are 42. Sometimes he’s late ____ school. A. on B. in C. at D. for 43. It’s a hard _____. A .work B .works C .job D. jobs 44. My father ____ very late every day.

A. goes to home B. gets home C. get to home D. go home 45. ----When do they usually go to school? -----____________.

A. At eleven thirty B .On weekends C. On weekdays D. In 1980 46. ----Why does he like blue? ----Because the color ____ him happy. A. makes B. lets C. make D. let 47. ----What’s the time? ----It’s ____ five. A. at B. to C. about D. past 48. He loves to ___ with you.

A. speak B. listen C. say D. talk 49. He ___ late for school.

A. often is B. often C. is often D. sometimes 50. Either you or your sister ___ the room every day. A. cleans B. clean C.to clean D. cleaning

51. He often eats _____ lunch at home, but he never eats ___ good lunch. A. a; a B. a; / C. /; a D. /; / 52. Mary has time ____ sports on weekends. A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing 53. Can you ___ us about your family?

A. ask B. say C. tell D. Talk


54. Tom usually gets to home at 5:00. _______ 55. She does not her homework in the evening. _______ 56. What do you usually do after eat breakfast? ______ 57. 那个时间吃早饭很有趣。

_____________________________________. 58. 我通常在大约十点二十的时候锻炼身体。 _____________________________________. 59. 因此我上班从来都不迟到。


60. 我我没有很多时间用来吃早饭,因此我通常都吃得很快。 _____________________________________. 61. 放学后,我有时候玩半个小时的篮球。

_____________________________________. 62. 我要么看电视,要么玩电脑游戏。

_____________________________________. 63. 然后他总是冲个澡并且吃顿丰盛的早餐。 _____________________________________. 64. 他知道冰淇淋对于她来说不好,但是它味道好。 _____________________________________.

