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1.只能爱你 You are my super star(中英双字版) 2.恋人未满(中英双字版) 3.第一次爱的人(中英双字版) 4.吻别(中英双字版) 5.忘情水(英文版) 6.恋爱百分百(中英双字版) 7.天使在唱歌(中英双字版) 8.老鼠爱大米(英文版) 9.日不落(英文版) 10.黄昏(中英双字版) 11.柠檬树(中英双字版) 12.爱你很简单(中英双字版) 13.天意(英文版) 14.我只在乎你(英文版) 15.用心良苦(英文版) 16.童年(中英双字版) 17.两只蝴蝶(英文版) 18.大约在冬季(英文版) 19.明天会更好(英文版) 20.童话(英文版) 21.传奇(中英双字版)

22.黑色毛衣(中英双字版) 23.分开旅行(中英双字版)

【Superstar】翻唱自 Sweetbox 糖果盒子 的《China Girl》

let's hold my breath 生活让人窒息

i am drowning in my dread 让我心有余悸 the wind is getting strong 狂风正在怒吼

the wind is getting stronger 狂风正在咆哮 there's no second chance 机会不再重来

when the devils make you dance 魔鬼让你舞动 the sky is getting dark 天空渐渐黑暗 the sky is getting dark 夜幕缓缓来临

can't you see can't you see

你看见没你看见没 we were never meant to be 我们并非故意

it's no secret that i'm your china girl 这不是什么秘密我就是你的陶瓷宝贝 don't you know don't you know 你可明白,你可知道 that it's time for me to go 时机已到,我该出发

it's no secret that i'm your china girl 这不是什么秘密我就是你的陶瓷宝贝 no turning back no questions left to ask 不要忧郁,不要徘徊 不要问我为什么 the tide is getting high 海水正在涨潮 the tide is getting higher 海面风起云涌

i'm not afraid i decided on this fate 我不害怕,决心已定 it's time to face the storm 时机已到,要面对风暴 it's time to face the storm

时机成熟,要面对飓风 can't you see can't you see 你看见没你看见没 we were never meant to be 我们并非故意

it's no secret that i'm your china girl 这不是什么秘密我就是你的陶瓷宝贝 don't you know don't you know 你可明白,你可知道 that it's time for me to go 时机已到,我该出发

it's no secret that i'm your china girl 这不是什么秘密我就是你的陶瓷宝贝

you lose your love and right now my storm'll never go 有生之年,你会知道 狂风骤雨,即将暴发 but i wont hide the face of mine 我绝不躲,责任在我 let's hold my breath 生活让人窒息

i am drowning in my dread 让我心有余悸 the wind is getting strong


the wind is getting stronger 狂风正在咆哮

there's no second chance, 机会不再重来

when the devils make you dance 魔鬼让你舞动 the sky is getting dark 天空渐渐黑暗 the sky is getting dark 夜幕缓缓来临

can't you see can't you see 你看见没你看见没 we were never meant to be 我们并非故意

it's no secret that i'm your china girl 这不是什么秘密我就是你的陶瓷宝贝 don't you know don't you know 你可明白,你可知道 that it's time for me to go 时机已到,我该出发

it's no secret that i'm your china girl

这不是什么秘密我就是你的陶瓷宝贝 can't you see can't you see 你看见没你看见没 we were never meant to be 我们并非故意

it's no secret that i'm your china girl 这不是什么秘密我就是你的陶瓷宝贝 don't you know don't you know 你可明白,你可知道 that it's time for me to go 时机已到,我该出发

it's no secret that i'm your china girl 这不是什么秘密我就是你的陶瓷宝贝

【恋人未满】翻唱自美国三人组合Destiny’s Child的《Brown Eyes》

Remember the first day when I saw your face 还记得第一次见你的那天

Remember the first day when you smiled at me 还记得第一次你对我微笑的那天 You stepped to me and you said to me 你走过来对我说

I was the woman you dreamed about 我就是那个你梦寐以求的女孩

Remember the first day when you called my house 还记得第一次你拜访我家的那天

Remember the first day when you took me out 还记得第一次你带我出去的那天 We had butterflies although we tried to hide 我们都很紧张,尽管我们都尝试掩饰它 and we both had a beautiful night 我们俩都度过了美妙的夜晚 The way we held each other's hand 我们牵手的那天

the way we talked the way we laughed 我们一路欢声笑语

It felt so good to find true love 遇到真爱的感觉真得很好

I knew right then and there you were the one 我知道你就是我一直寻找的那个人 I know that he loves me cause he told me so 我知道他爱我,因为他告诉了我

I know that he loves me cause his feelings show 我知道他爱我,因为他的感觉表现出来 When he stares at me you see that he cares for me 当他注视着我,我知道他在乎我 You see how he is so deep in love 你能感觉到他正陷入热恋

I know that he loves me cause it's obvious 我知道他爱我,因为这很明显

I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts 我知道他爱我,因为他信任我 and he's missing me if he's not kissing me 并且,如果他不亲吻我他会一直想念我 and when he looks at me his brown eyes tell his soul 当他注视我的时候,他褐色的眼睛告诉我一切 Remember the first day the first day we kissed 请记住那一天,我们第一次亲吻

Remember the first day we had an argument 请记住那一天,我们第一次争吵 We apologized and then we compromised 我们相互道歉,相互妥协 and we haven't argued since 从那以后,我们在没有争吵过

Remember the first day we stopped playing games 请记住那一天,我们都停止玩恋爱游戏 Remember the first day you fell in love with me 请记住那一天,你和我坠入爱河 It felt so good for you to say those words 当你说这些话的时候感觉很好 cause I felt the same way too 因为我也有同感

The way we held each other's hand 我们牵手的那天

the way we talked the way we laughed 我们一路欢声笑语 it felt so good to fall in love 遇到真爱的感觉真得很好

and I knew right then and there you were the one 我知道你就是我一直寻找的那个人

I know that he loves me cause he told me so 我知道他爱我,因为他告诉了我

I know that he loves me cause his feelings show 我知道他爱我,因为他的感觉表现出来 when he stares at me you see that he cares for me 当他注视着我,我知道他在乎我 you see how he is so deep in love 你能感觉到他正陷入热恋

I know that he loves me cause it's obvious 我知道他爱我,因为这很明显

I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts 我知道他爱我,因为他信任我 and he's missing me if he's not kissing me 并且,如果他不亲吻我他会一直想念我 and when he looks at me his brown eyes tell his soul 当他注视我的时候,他褐色的眼睛告诉我一切 I'm so happy so happy that you're in my life 我很高兴,高兴在我生命中遇到了你 and baby now that you're a part of me 现在,宝贝,你就是我的一部分 you showed me 你已经向我展现

showed me the true meaning of the love 展现真爱的意义 and I know he loves me 我知道他爱我

I know that he loves me cause he told me so 我知道他爱我,因为他告诉了我

I know that he loves me cause his feelings show 我知道他爱我,因为他的感觉表现出来 when he stares at me you see that he cares for me 当他注视着我,我知道他在乎我 you see how he is so deep in love 你能感觉到他正陷入热恋

I know that he loves me cause it's obvious 我知道他爱我,因为这很明显

I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts 我知道他爱我,因为他信任我 and he's missing me if he's not kissing me 并且,如果他不亲吻我他会一直想念我 and when he looks at me his brown eyes tell his soul 当他注视我的时候,他褐色的眼睛告诉我一切 He looks at me and his brown eyes tell his soul 当他注视我的时候,他褐色的眼睛告诉我一切

The Day You Went Away-M2M王心凌翻唱为【第一次爱的人】

Well I wonder could it be 我在想

When I was dreaming 'bout you baby 当我梦中见到你的时候 You were dreaming of me 亲爱的你也梦见了我吗? Call me crazy, call me blind

也许你认为我疯狂,或者说我太傻, To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time

在所有的一切都结束了 仍然深陷痛苦之中不可自拔是多么的愚蠢 Did I lose my love to someone better

也许我失去所爱对某些人来说反而是一种好结果 And does she love you like I do 那个她会象我一样的爱你, I do, you know I really really do

是的,像我一样,你知道我是真的真的的很爱你 Well hey 好吧 嘿

So much I need to say


Been lonely since the day 我将永远的孤独 The day you went away 当你离开我的那天, So sad but true

我是很悲伤也很难过但这一切都是真的 For me there's only you 你是我这一生的唯一, Been crying since the day 我痛哭流涕 , The day you went away 从你离开我的那天起 I remember date and time 我永远记得那一刻, September twenty second 9月20日

Sunday twenty five after nine 第2个星期日 9点25分 , In the doorway with your case 在走廊上,你的样子 No longer shouting at each other 彼此默默的看着

There were tears on our faces

只有眼泪还在我们的脸上静静的流着, And we were letting go of something special 曾经发生在我们之间的那些美好回忆 Something we'll never have again 永远永远也不会再有了 I know, I guess I really really know 我明白了,我猜我真的真的想明白了 Well hey 好吧 嘿

So much I need to say

我有太多的心里话想要对你说 Been lonely since the day 我将永远的孤独 The day you went away 当你离开我的那天, So sad but true

我是很悲伤也很难过但这一切都是真的 For me there's only you 你是我这一生的唯一, Been crying since the day 我痛哭流涕 ,

The day you went away 当你离开我的那天, The day you went away 当你离开我的那天, The day you went away 当你离开我的那天,

Did I lose my love to someone better

也许我失去所爱对某些人来说反而是一种好结果 And does she love you like I do 那个她会象我一样的爱你, I do, you know I really really do

是的,像我一样,你知道我是真的真的的很爱你 Well hey 好吧 嘿

So much I need to say

我有太多的心里话想要对你说 Been lonely since the day 我将永远的孤独 The day you went away 当你离开我的那天, So sad but true


For me there's only you 你是我这一生的唯一, Been crying since the day 我痛哭流涕 , The day you went away 从你离开我的那天起

Why do we never know what we've got 'til it's gone

为什么我们从来都不知道珍惜所拥有的直到永远的失去它 How could I carry on 我将如何承受这种痛苦 The day you went away 当你离开我的那天,

Cause I've been missing you so much I have to say 因为我如此思念你 不得不让你知道 Been crying since the day 我会一直哭泣 The day you went away 从你离开我的那天起 The day you went away 从你离开我的那天起 The day you went away 从你离开我的那天起

【吻 别】(Take Me To Your Heart )- Michael Learns To Rock Hiding from the rain and snow 藏身于雨雪之中

Trying to forget but I won't let go 努力忘记,但我怎能就这样离去 Looking at a crowded street 看着熙熙攘攘的街道 Listening to my own heart beat 却只能听见自己的心跳

So many people all around the world 这么多的人在世界上

Tell me where do I find someone like you girl 请告诉我在哪里可以找到像你一样的女孩 Take me to your heart take me to your soul 将我留存心间与你的灵魂相伴 Give me your hand before I'm old 给我你的手,在我老去之前

Show me what love is - haven't got a clue 问情为何物在我们彼此离开前 Show me that wonders can be true 问奇迹上演

They say nothing lasts forever

他们说没有什么可以天长地久 We're only here today 我们也能此时相守 Love is now or never 现在或者永不回头 Bring me far away 请带我一起远走

Take me to your heart take me to your soul 让我靠近你的心与你的灵魂相伴 Give me your hand and hold me 给我你的手拥我入怀

Show me what love is - be my guiding star 问情为何物让星辰照亮我路 It's easy take me to your heart 其实爱我真的很简单 Standing on a mountain high 站在高山之颠

Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky 看着月亮高挂于清澈的蓝天 I should go and see some friends 也许我应该去和朋友们在一起 But they don't really comprehend


Don't need too much talking without saying anything 不需要繁琐的言语甚至可以一语不发 All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing 我仅仅需要一个能让我欢乐而歌的人 Take me to your heart take me to your soul 将我留存心间与你的灵魂相伴 Give me your hand before I'm old 给我你的手,在我老去之前

Show me what love is - haven't got a clue 问情为何物在我们彼此离开前 Show me that wonders can be true 问奇迹上演

They say nothing lasts forever 他们说没有什么可以天长地久 We're only here today 我们也能此时相守 Love is now or never 现在或者永不回头 Bring me far away 请带我一起远走

Take me to your heart take me to your soul

让我靠近你的心与你的灵魂相伴 Give me your hand and hold me 给我你的手拥我入怀

Show me what love is - be my guiding star 问情为何物让星辰照亮我路 It's easy take me to your heart 其实爱我真的很简单

Take me to your heart take me to your soul 让我靠近你的心与你的灵魂相伴 Give me your hand and hold me 给我你的手拥我入怀

Show me what love is - be my guiding star 问情为何物让星辰照亮我路 It's easy take me to your heart 其实爱我真的很简单

【忘情水】 (英文版)

many times said goodbye many times did by fate how much i so far given never wanna be apart sometime when i make you cry sometime when i tell you lies you know that did be in sad here used he to say goodbye

you know i have been in that way and i know better what i have to say if he certain you learn to scrip your eyes he show some much loves for me ah~~~~~

you can giving all your love giving all your love away never say goodbye now and so high for your love even though respair to say you can giving all your love giving all your love away never say goodbye now

he so high for your love even though respair to say many times we said goodbye many times we did by fate how much i so far given never wanna be apart sometime when i make you cry sometime when i tell you lies you know that did be in sad here used he to say goodbye

you know i have been in that way and i know better what i have to say if he certain you learn to scrip your eyes he show some much loves for me ah~~~~~

you can giving all your love giving all your love away never say goodbye now and so high for your love even though respair to say you can giving all your love giving all your love away

never say goodbye now he so high for your love even though respair to say ah~~~~~

you can giving all your love giving all your love away never say goodbye now and so high for your love even though respair to say you can giving all your love giving all your love away never say goodbye now he so high for your love even though respair to say never say goodbye now and so high for your love even though respair to say even though respair to say

蔡依林【恋爱百分百】翻唱自Stop! Stop! Stop!

Stop! Stop! Stop! 停止!停止!停止!

No I didn't trust him But he rushed me to feel

不 我还没有信赖他,但是他已经催眠了我的感觉 Tried me mesmerize to me With his all sex appeal 尝试我对我以及他所有的性感施催眠术 Told me everything That I was longing to hear 告诉我每件事物都是我想得到的 Shine and handsome My souvenir 光泽和英俊 作为我的纪念品 And then all of sudden I have fallen in love 然后所有突然的发生的事是我恋爱了 He would put me down But I still place him above 他会羞辱我,但是我依然在他上面 Tired of searching for the love That still lives in him 寻找依然深藏在他内心的爱 Given my everything Like a souvenir 给予我的每一件事物都是一个纪念品 Given up my heart In the name of the memory 借助美好的回忆放弃我的原则

Fallen down like rain He could feel every drop

就像天上落下的雨,他可以感受到每一点 Now I know have Have the courage to tell him 现在我有 有勇气告诉他 Tell him to stop! stop! stop! 告诉他停止!停止!停止!

Given up my heart In the name of the memory 借助美好 的回忆放弃我的原则

Fallen down like rain He could taste every drop 就像天上落下的雨他可以感受到每一点 Now I know have Have the courage to tell him 现在我 有勇气告诉他 Tell him to stop! stop! stop! 告诉他停止!停止!停止! I become invisible I melt away at night 在那晚上我会消失离开

Dreams for once so colorful Become black and white 梦曾是那么的绚丽多彩 但此刻却变的只有黑与白 Loving once so wonderful Is no longer here 能够令人如此惊奇的爱仅只一次 So I'll keep this feeling Like a souvenir

因此我将这美好的心情当作纪念品保存起来 Given up my heart In the name of the memory


Fallen down like rain He could feel every drop 就像天上落下的雨他能够感受每一点 Now I know have Have the courage to tell him 现在我有 有勇气告诉他 Tell him to stop! stop! stop! 告诉他停止!停止!停止!

Given up my heart In the name of the memory 借助美好的回忆放弃我的原则

Fallen down like rain He could feel every drop 就像天上落下的雨他能够感受每一点 Now I know have Have the courage to tell him 现在我有 有勇气告诉他 Tell him to stop! stop! stop! 告诉他停止!停止!停止!

Given up my heart In the name of the memory 借助美好的回忆放弃我的原则

Fallen down like rain He could feel every drop 就像天上落下的雨他能够感受每一点 Now I know have Have the courage to tell him 现在我有 有勇气告诉他 Tell him to stop! stop! stop!


Given up my heart In the name of the memory 借助美好的回忆放弃我的原则

Fallen down like rain He could feel every drop 就像天上落下的雨他能够感受每一点 Now I know have Have the courage to tell him 现在我有 有勇气告诉他 Tell him to stop! stop! stop! 告诉他停止!停止!停止! stop! stop! stop! 停止!停止!停止! stop! stop! stop! 停止!停止!停止!

SHE【天使在唱歌】翻唱自And when the angels sing

And when the angels sing 当天使歌唱时 I want you by my side 我希望你在我身边

I don't care how long I've been waiting for my baby 我不在乎会等你多久 我的宝贝 And when the angels bring 当天使把你

you back here in my life 将你带到我生命中时 then I know it's true 我就知道 that I love you 我爱你是真的 I was so blind 我犹如失明 I was so wrong 般的错误

the day we met it never leaves my mind 自从我们相遇那天我就没有忘记你

I thought you play some foolish game 我以为你在玩一些傻游戏

but now my heart tells me I was wrong 但我的心告诉我我错了

And when you come around I let you inside 当你来到我身边时 我会让你看我的心 cause I'm ready I can't wait anymore 因为我已经准备好了,我也等不及了 And when the angels sing 当天使歌唱时 I want you by my side 我希望你在我身边

I don't care how long I've been waiting for my baby 我不在乎会等你多久 我的宝贝 And when the angels bring 当天使将你

you back here in my life 将你带到我生命中时 then I know it's true 我就知道 that I love you 我爱你是真的

Each night I pray that you'll come back 每天晚上我都祈祷你能回来 I can't deny what I feel inside 我不能否认我的内心想法 The music plays one special song 音乐始终回响在同一首歌曲

The words that they say I hope can bring you home 同样的歌词希望能够带你回来

and when you come around I let you inside 当你来到我身边时 我会让你看我的心 cause I'm ready I can't wait anymore 因为我已经准备好了,我也等不及了 And when the angels sing 当天使歌唱时 I want you by my side 我希望你在我身边

I don't care how long I've been waiting for my baby 我不在乎会等你多久 我的宝贝 And when the angels bring 当天使将你

you back here in my life 将你带到我生命中时

then I know it's true 我就知道 that I love you 我爱你是真的

I know I've cried so many times 我已经哭过不知多少次

I know I've said things I was running away 我也知道我说过的失落 I was wrong 但我错了

And when the angels sing 当天使歌唱时 I want you by my side 我希望你在我身边

I don't care how long I've been waiting for my baby 我不在乎会等你多久 我的宝贝 And when the angels sing 当天使歌唱时 I want you by my side 我希望你在我身边

I don't care how long I've been waiting for my baby 我不在乎会等你多久 我的宝贝

And when the angels bring 当天使将你

you back here in my life 将你带到我生命中时 then I know it's true 我就知道 that I love you 我爱你是真的

And when the angels sing 当天使歌唱时 I want you by my side 我希望你在我身边

I don't care how long I've been waiting for my baby 我不在乎会等你多久 我的宝贝 And when the angels bring 当天使将你

you back here in my life 将你带到我生命中时 then I know it's true 我就知道 that I love you 我爱你是真的

【老鼠爱大米】(英文版) when that day i hear your voice i have some special feeling

let me always think i don t wanna forget you i remember at the day you are always on my mind

eventhough i just can think about you if the day in the future this love will becoming true

i ve never change my mind that i will love you forever i don t care how fool it is i will let my dream come true

i will tell you something i wanna let you know, i let you know i love you, loving you, as the mouse love the rice even every day has storm, i will always by your side i miss you, missing you i don t care how hard it is i just want you be happy everything, i do it for you when that day i hear your voice i have some special feeling

let me always think i don t wanna forget you

i remember at the day you are always on my mind

eventhough i just can think about you if the day in the future this love will becoming true

i ve never change my mind that i will love you forever i don t care how fool it is i will let my dream come true

i will tell you something i wanna let you know, i let you know i love you, loving you, as the mouse love the rice even every day has storm, i will always by your side i miss you, missing you i don t care how hard it is i just want you be happy everything, i do it for you

i love you, loving you, as the mouse love the rice even every day has storm, i will always by your side i miss you, missing you i don t care how hard it is i just want you be happy everything, i do it for you

【日不落】 (英文版) Sunshine in the rain

When I'm in Berlin you're off to London When I'm in New York you're doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the phone

Wishing we could be more telepathic Tired of the nights I sleep alone Wishing we could redirect the traffic And we find ourselves a home Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I'm not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain

Even if we call the highest power We can only do one town a time

Words are not enough action speaks louder

Second time around

Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I'm not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Oh oh la la la Oh oh la la la

When I'm in Berlin you're off to London When I'm in New York you're doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the phone

Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I'm not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain

Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain

Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I'm not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain


My love has gone away, quietly after a hundered days.

This is what`s she has always said she won`t stay, for more than what she can repay. I can still hear her say,

there that I`m not hearing tender play. The day she let me kiss her was a display, of love to those who she betray. How can I put someone to the test, when I thought I got the best.

Untill the taste of bitterness then I regret, but still that I won`t detest, the love I can`t forget, like someone who has left.

How can I leave someone for the rest, when I`m alone facing the best.

Untill they take some try to reason I regret. but still that I won`t detest, who I can never forget, like someone I once met. I can still hear her say,

there that I`m not hearing tender play. The day she let me kiss her was a display, of love to those who she betray. How can I put someone to the test, when I thought I got the best.

Untill the taste of bitterness then I regret, but still that I won`t detest, the love I can`t forget, like someone who has left.

How can I leave someone for the rest, when I`m alone facing the best.

Untill they take some try to reason I regret. but still that I won`t detest, who I can never forget, like someone I once met. How can I put someone to the test, when I thought I got the best.

Untill the taste of bitterness then I regret, but still that I won`t detest, the love I can`t forget, like someone who has left.

How can I leave someone for the rest,

when I`m alone facing the best.

Untill they take some try to reason I regret. but still that I won`t detest, who I can never forget, like someone I once met.

【柠檬树】Lemon Tree-Savage Garden

I'll sitting here in a boring room, 我呆坐在这了无生趣的房间。 It's just another rainy sunday afternoon, 又是一个周日的午后,又是阴雨连绵 I'm wasting my time I got nothing to do, 我无事可做,我空耗着时间。 I'm hanging around I'm waiting for you. 我不安地徘徊,我期待着你的出现 But nothing ever happens and I wander. 但是你终究没有出现,我纳闷。 I'm driving around in my car, 我出去转转,驾着我的车。 I'm driving too fast I'm driving too far, 我开得太快,我开得太远 I'd like to change my point of view, 我宁愿转移一下我的注意力。 I feel so lonely I'm waiting for you, 我仍感到如此孤单,我期待着你的出现 But nothing ever happens and I wander. 但是你至今没有出现,我纳闷 I wander how I wander why


yesterday you told me about blue blue sky; 昨天你给我描绘那蓝色的、蓝色的天空 and all that I can see is just a yellow lemmon tree, 但是我所看见的只有一株黄色的柠檬树 I'm turning my head up and down 我转着我的头,上上下下,

I'm turning turning turning turning turning around 我转啊、转啊、转啊、转啊、一遍又一遍 and all that I can see is just another lemmon tree. 我所看见的只是另一株柠檬树 see,dalada,diladada... 歌唱,da ,da la da la, de la da, I'm sitting here I miss the power, 我呆坐在这,我精疲力尽。 I'd like to go out taking a shower, 我宁愿出去沐浴一下

but there's a heavy cloud inside my head, 但是这片阴云总在在我头脑中挥之不去。 I fell so tired put myself into bed, 我感到如此疲惫,我把自己扔到了床上 but nothing ever happens and I wander.

也许你终究没有出现,我纳闷 Isolation is not good for me, 自我封闭对我并无益处。

Isolation I don't want to sit on a lemmon tree 自我封闭?…我可不想坐死在这柠檬树上 I'm stepping around in adesert of joy, 我在快乐的荒漠中漫步。 baby anyhow I'll got another toy,

或许不管怎样我可能得到另一个欣喜呢 and everything will happen and you'll wander. 什么都可能发生,你纳闷么 I wander how I wander why ? 我手足无措,我不明所以。

yesterday you told me about blue blue sky, 昨天你给我描绘那蓝色的、蓝色的天空 and all that I can see is just a another lemmon tree; 但是我所看见的只是一株黄色的柠檬树 I'm turning my head up and down 我转着我的头,上上下下,

I'm turning turning turning turning turning around 我转啊、转啊、转啊、一遍又一遍 and all that I can see is just yellow lemmon tree,

我所有能够看见的只是另一株柠檬树 and I wander wander; 我纳闷,纳闷

I wander how I wander why, 我手足无措,我不明所以。

yesterday you told me about blue blue sky, 昨天你给我描绘那蓝色的、蓝色的天空 and all that I can see 而我所有能够看见的 and all that I can see, 我所有能够看见的 and all that I can see 我所有能够看见的 is just yellow lemmon tree. 只是一株黄色的柠檬树

【爱很简单】陶喆I Love You - Stewart Mac

There was once a broken man 曾经有个心碎的男人 Who walked a lonely road 孤独得走在路上 And Gave up all his dreams 放弃所有梦想

I was once this broken man 我曾经就是这样一个心碎的男人 Stared into the sun 站在阳光下 and Just refuse to see 却只是拒绝正视它 I was 我曾经

lost amongst the clouds that would'nt fade 迷失在无法消散的云雾中 I was looking for an answer 我不断的寻找答案

I was searching but I didn't take the time 寻找着却错过了时机

I was down and out and feeling so afraid

一度的失落潦倒并且感到害怕 I love you 我爱你

the Way that you turn me round 你让我转变的方式 And chase away my blues 让我远离心中的忧伤 I love you 我爱你

the way that you change my world 你改变了我的世界 when I'm with you 当我和你在一起的时候 Love may come and love may go 爱也许会来临会离去 but now its here to stay 但此刻它正在这里逗留 Forever and a day

和你相伴的一天 将定格成永恒 And when I See you smile 当我看到你的微笑 I fall into your eyes

我陷入你双眸的温柔 to Never fade way 永远不要消逝

I need you hear to make the dark clouds dift away 我需要你为我驱散乌云

And to make the mornings bright again 让清晨再次沐浴在明媚的阳光中

I'm right here for you theres nothing more to say 我在这儿等你 不需要任何的言语 I'm just happy that your mine and here to stay 我很欣喜你是属于我的 I love you 我爱你

the Way that you turn me round 你让我转变的方式 And chase away my blues 让我远离心中的忧伤 I love you 我爱你

the way that you change my world 你改变了我的世界 when I'm with you


It doesn't matter where we're from and where we are going 不管我们相隔多么遥远 我们将去向何方 as long as your with me all the way 只要一路有你陪伴

And the nights are long and lonely and 夜晚不再孤单 I'm waking up 现在就醒来去 to find a brighter day 寻找更美好的未来 I love you 我爱你

the Way that you turn me round 你让我转变的方式 And chase away my blues 让我远离心中的忧伤 I love you 我爱你

the way that you change my world 你改变了我的世界

when I'm with you 当我和你在一起的时候


Why do I get the feeling I'm alone Can it be I'm so lonely without you

Why should love be feeling that won't know which way to go And will I (go on loving) without you

How can I understand love is all never forget the lamp And I would try I would try

To make you understand the reasons why As I'm trying to cross the bridge Trying to climb the bridge Sambens loves the fire

I fall little nuts no where as I try to get there Someone shuts my way And as I turn to get the answers Try to be someone you can call upon Something seems to tell me that it be Why do I get the feeling I'm alone Can it be I'm so lonely without you

Why should love be feeling that won't know which way to go And will I (go on loving) without you

How can I understand love is all never forget the lamp And I would try I would try

To make you understand the reasons why As I'm trying to cross the bridge Trying to climb the bridge Sambens loves the fire

I fall little nuts no where as I try to get there Someone shuts my way And as I turn to get the answers Try to be someone you can call upon Something seems to tell me that it be As I'm trying to cross the bridge Trying to climb the bridge Sambens loves the fire

I fall little nuts no where as I try to get there Someone shuts my way And as I turn to get the answers Try to be someone you can call upon Something seems to tell me that it be Something seems to tell me that it be

