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代词 (pron.) 第一人称单数 第二人称 单数和复数

第三人称单数(三单) 第一人称复数 第三人称复数

人称代词 我 你 / 你们 他 她 它 我们 他们 主格 I you he

she it we they 宾格 me you him her it us them

物主代词 我的 你的/ 你们的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 他们的

形容词性 my your his her its our their

(一) 翻译成英语:

1.我是_______________ 2.我父母________________ 3. 跟我来_____________ 4.你可以______________ 5.你的电话号码______________

6. 谢谢你_____________ 7. 他有________________ 8.他的姓氏_____________ 9. 听他说_____________ 10. 她喜欢它。____________ 11.她全家照______________ 12.帮助她____________ 13. 它吃________________ 14.它名字______________

15.看见它____________ 16.我们想要____________

17.我们最喜爱的水果_____________________ 18.加入我们_________ 19. 他们唱歌___________ 20.他们旧电脑_______________21.画出它们__________

(二) 选词填空:

1. What’s ________ name? (you / your ) _________ name is Bob. ( My / I / me) 2. _________ erasers are in ________drawer. (her / she / Her / She) 3. Can ________(you / your ) do _______ (you / your ) homework? 4. ___________ is a cat. ________ name is Mimi. ( it / its / It / Its ) 5. _________ brother can speak Japanese. (He’s / His / He )

6. Please take _________ keys to school. __________ are on the table. ( they / their / them / They / Their / Them )

7. __________ is thirteen years old. __________ birthday is March 1st. (He / His / Him)

8. __________ favorite vegetable is tomato. (her / she / Her / She)

9. Can you help ______ ?( we / us / our) Please take ______ to school. ( they / their / them)

10. _________ can’t see _________baseball. It’s behind _________.( My / I / me / my )

(三)完成句子: 1. A: What’s this / that ? B: _________ is a dresser.

A: How do you spell _________ , please ? B: D-R-E-S-S-E-R.

2. A: What are these / those ? B: _________ are tomatoes. 3. A: Does Cindy like salad? B: No, _________doesn’t.

4. A: How much are his shoes? B: _________ are 100 dollars. 5. A: Is Alan your friend? B: Yes, _________ is.

6. A: Do you have a soccer ball? B: Yes, _________ do. 7. A: Who is that girl? B: _________ is Jack’s sister.’

8. This is David and this is Tim. _________ are our friends. We often help _________ .

9. Those are strawberries. Sally likes _________. 10. The pants are nice. I’ll take _________. 二. 名词的格:

(1) 有生命的东西的名词所有格:

单数后加 ’s 如: Lucy’s ruler my father’s shirt 以s 结尾的复数名词后加 ’如: his friends’ bags 不以s 结尾的复数后加 ’s children’s shoes

并列名词中,如果把 ’s加在最后一个名词后,表示共有, 如: Tom and Mike’s car 汤姆和迈克共有的小汽车 要表示所有物不是共有的,应分别在并列名词后加’s Tom’s and Mike’s cars 汤姆和麦克各自的小汽车

(2)表示无生命东西的名词通常用“ of +名词”来表示所有关系:如:

a picture of the classroom a map of China 翻译:

1. 汤姆的背包________________ 2. 我朋友的生日聚会__________________ 3. 他们父母亲的房间____________ 4. 她两个兄弟各自的电脑________________ 5. 戴维和保罗的两个家庭_________________________ 6. 露西和莉莉家的书橱_________________________

7. 男士手表_______________ 8. 一张吉姆家的全家照___________________ 9. 一幅中国地图_______________ 10.一本英语字典_________________________ 三.冠词

1. 种类:(1)不定冠词:a / an a unit / an uncle 元音开头的可数名词前用an :

an egg / an apple / an orange / an eraser / an answer / an ID card / an alarm clock / an actor / an actress / an e-mail / an address / an event / an example / an opera / an hour

an old man / an interesting book / an exciting sport / an action movie / an art lesson /

(2)定冠词:the the egg the plane 2. 用法: 定冠词的用法:

(1)特指某(些)人或某(些)物: The ruler is on the desk. (2)复述上文提到的人或物:He has a sweater. The sweater is new. (3)谈话双方都知道的人或物:The boys aren’t at school. (4)在序数词前: John’s birthday is February the second.

(5)用于固定词组中: in the morning / afternoon / evening 不用冠词的情况:

(1)专有名词前:China is a big country.

(2)名词前有定语:this , that , my , your , some, any , no 等: This is my baseball.

(3)复数名词表示一类人和事:Monkeys can’t swim. They are teachers. (4)在节日,日期,月份,季节前:Today is Christmas Day. It’s Sunday. (5)一日三餐前:We have breakfast at 6:30.

(6)球类 棋类运动前:They often play football after class. He plays chess at home. * 但乐器前要用定冠词:I play the guitar very well. (7)学科名称前:My favorite subject is music. (8)在称呼或头衔的名词前:This is Mr Li (9)固定词组中:at noon at night by bus Exercises:

填空:(在有必要的地方填上冠词,不填的划 “/ ”) What’s this? It’s _____ clock. What’s that? It’s _____ alarm clock. What is it? It’s _____ w.

What color is the jacket? It’s _____ orange. It’s _____ orange jacket. Jim’s mother is _____ Mrs Green. She is _____ teacher. Those pens are in _____ pencil case. Here’s _____ interetsing family photo.

When does Lily go to _____ bed in _____ evening? _____ “h”, _____ “o” and _____ “w” are in the word “how”. This is _____ my English book.

Where is _____ bag? It’s under _____ table. I often go to _____ school at _____ 7:00. Take _____ things to _____ your brother.

They like playing _____ football. My favorite subject is _____ P.E. . Do you have _____ pingpong bat? Yes, I do.

Do you want to see _____ action movie? No, I want to play _____ chess. When’s his sister’s birthday? It’s _____ April _____ eleventh. Does Bill like _____hamburgers? No, he doesn’t.

A: Let’s play _____ soccer. B: I don’t have _____ soccer ball. A: Well, let’s play _____ drums. B: That sounds good. How much are _____ two hats? They are 10 dollars. Do you have _____ Art Festival at your school? Yes, we do.

When do people usually eat _____ breakfast? They usually eat _____ it in _____ evening.

Rick often goes to see _____ Beijing Opera _____ weekends. Can Tom play _____ piano? Yes, he can. Can he play _____ it well? No, he can’t. Please listen to _____ teacher carefully. 时态复习


1、Be 动词的一般现在时

Be动词要根据句中主语的人称和数而变化。它有三种形式:am, is , are am跟在I后面, is 跟单数主语,are跟复数主语及单数You后面。如: I am a teacher. My brother is at school.

Lucy and Lily are in Class One, Grade Two. You are a good boy. 2、 实义动词的一般现在时

一个动作经常反复地发生,就用一般现在时。第三人称单数(he, she , it, Tom等)作主语,谓语动词要加 ″s″ 或 ″es″,这种动词形式简称为单三动,记住:单三人称单三动,其它人称用原型。如:

They get up at six o’clock. He goes to school at seven- thirty . 附:动词第三人称单数的构成规则 1)一般情况下加s get—gets like---likes

2)以s, x, ch, sh, o结尾的加es: watch---watches go---goes do---does 3)以辅音字母加y结尾的,改y为i,加es carry---carries 特殊: have---has 二、情态动词can

情态动词(can, may, must )后动词用原形。如: I can play the guitar. He can play the violin. 三、几个动词的用法:

let后用动词原形 Let’s play soccer.

like及介词后动词用ing形式, 如:be good at swimming, help kids with singing, like playing basketball, What about playing tennis? want加 to 再加原形

help +人+动词原形 help+人+with sth /doing sth. Exercises:

一、用be的适当形式填空。 1. I _________ a student.

2. __________ your father a worker﹖ Yes, he __________ . 3. They __________ in the classroom. 4. This __________ an apple. 5. Where __________ my books﹖ 6. We __________friends. You __________ a good student. These ___________her peas. How much _________the T-shirt? How much __________ the socks? Our mother _________forty.

You can _________ in our school music club. I want to ________ a teacher. Let’s ___________friends. He and I _________friends.

Tina ___________ a student.

Mary and Tom ___________ students. Someone __________ in the room. Who ________ your brother?

When _________ your uncle’s birthday? 二、完成句子。

I _________ (know) the boy.

They __________(go) to work on Saturdays. He usually _____________(comes) to school early. I often _____________(have) rice, meat and vegetables. My grandfather _____________(play) sports in the park. Miss Li ____________(teach) English in our school.

The students of Class Four ___________(sing) a song on Monday. Alicia and Jerry ______________ (do) homework after school. We _____________(take) a shower in the evening. Her sister ____________(have) Chinese every day. 11.__________ you __________( have) a soccer ball﹖ 12. Mary _______________ (not come) from America. She ___________(come) from Britain.

13. I ____________ ( not ,like) playing computer games.

14.______________Tom and his brother _____________(study) in Beijing? 15. __________ Your brother ___________(have) a son?


Who helps you ____________(look) after your daughter at home? The child is good at ____________(play) chess. My mother wants_______________(buy) a sweater. What about ______________(go) to the shop? Bob likes ______________(watch) TV. Can you help kids with _____________(swim)?



一、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。 1. He often (have) dinner at home.

2. Daniel and Tommy (be) in Class One. 3. We (not watch) TV on Monday. 4. Nick (not go) to the zoo on Sunday. 5. they (like) the World Cup?

6. What they often (do) on Saturdays?

7. your parents (read) newspapers every day? 8. The girl (teach) us English on Sundays.

9. She and I (take) a walk together every evening. 10. There (be) some water in the bottle. 11. Mike (like) cooking.

12. They (have) the same hobby.

13. My aunt (look) after her baby carefully. 14. You always (do) your homework well. 15. I (be) ill. I’m staying in bed.

16. She (go) to school from Monday to Friday. 17. Liu Tao (do) not like PE.

18. The child often (watch) TV in the evening.

19. Su Hai and Su Yang (have) eight lessons this term. 20. -What day (be) it today? - It’s Saturday.


1. Daniel watches TV every evening.(改为否定句)

2. I do my homework every day.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)

3. She likes milk.(改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答)

4. Amy likes playing computer games.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)

5. We go to school every morning.(改为否定句)

6. He speaks English very well.(改为否定句)

7. I like taking photos in the park.(对划线部分提问)

8. John comes from Canada.(对划线部分提问)

9. She is always a good student.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)

10. Simon and Daniel like going skating.(改为否定句) 三、翻译

1. 他在第三小学上学。他每天早上七点上学。(No. 3 Primary School) 2.父亲每天早晨都浇花。

3.我女儿喜欢看电视和听音乐。 4.桑迪放学后打羽毛球吗?

不。她学习很用功。放学后她总是看书。 5. 我每天六点钟起床。

I ______ _____ _______ six every morning. 6. 我在周末爬山。

I _______ __________ _______ the weekend. 7. 小明经常去远足。

Xiao Ming _________ ________ hiking. 8. 她总是在星期天看望爷爷奶奶。

She _______ __________ her grandparents on Sundays. 9. 你几点上学?

When ________ you go to school? 10. 他什么时候去上班?

When ________ he go to _________? 11. 李云喜欢秋天,不喜欢冬天。

Li Yun _________ autumn, but he _________ like winter. 12. 你最喜欢哪一个季节?

Which ________ season _________ you like best?

13. 他喜欢在湖里游泳,但不喜欢在河边钓鱼。

He ________ _________ swim in the lake, but he ________ like _________ go fishing at the river. 14.你为什么不喜欢夏天?

Why _________ you like summer? 15.我最喜欢春天。

I __________ __________ __________. 16.今天的天气怎么样?

What’s the _________ like _________? 17.你的生日是什么时候? _________ is your __________? 18.我的生日在十一月。

My _________ is __________ ____________. 19.Bill叔叔的生日在7月3日。

__________ _________ birthday is _______ ___________ ______ ________. 20.奶奶的生日在6月吗?

________ __________ birthday in __________? 21.她有电脑吗?

___________ she __________ a computer? 22.谁的生日在十月?

____________ ___________ a birthday in __________? ____________ ___________ is in ____________? 23.今天多少号?

____________ the ___________ __________? 24.今天是5月12日。

___________ May the ____________ ___________.


( )1. Is your brother speak English? A B C ( )2. Does he likes going fishing? A B C ( )3. He likes play games after class. A B C ( )4. Mr. Wu teachs us English. A B C ( )5. She don’t do her homework on Sundays.

A B C 综合练习


1. She ______________ (go) to school at eight o’clock. 2. He usually ___________ up at 17:00.(get )

3. She ___________ (live) in Beijing.

4. _______ (be)there a fly (苍蝇) on the table? II.选择填空

1.I want____homework now.

(A)doing (B)to do (C)to do my (D)do my 2.It's time______.

(A)go to school (B)play games

(C)to go home (D)to do my homeworks 3.____you ____the blackboard? Yes,I can. (A)Can, clean (B)Am, cleaning (C)Are, cleaning (D)Do, clean 4.______go and help her.

(A)Let's me (B)Let's us (C)Let's (D)Let's to 5.Do they have a new car? Yes,_____. (A)they are (B)they have (C)they don't (D)they do

6.He often _________ supper at 6:00 in the evening.

A. have B. has c. is having D. is eating 8. It’s 6 o’clock in the morning. It’s time ___________.

A. get up B. gets up C. to get up D. gets up 9. We _____________ any Chinese classes on Friday.

A. are having B. aren’t having C. don’t have D. are have 11. Tom _______ an English class today.

A. is having B. has C. having D. have 12. Are you playing basketball? No, we ___________. A. isn’t B. aren’t C. not D. don’t 13. Where _________ he _________ from?

A. is, come B. do, come C. does, come D. is , from 14. What language do you __________ ?

A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell


1.We are in the same grade.(改为否定句) _______________________

2.I can borrow those books from our school.(改为否定句) _______________________

3.They have nice kites.(改为否定句) _______________________

4.Open the door, please.(改为否定句) _______________________

5.There are some apples on the trees.(主语改成单数,重写句子) _______________________

6.We have many friends in China.(主语改成单数,重写句子) _______________________

7.Kate helps her mother with housework.(改成一般疑问句) _______________________

8.They can stay at home for two days.(改成一般疑问句) _________________________________________________________ 9. She takes a shower at five o’clock. (划线部分提问) ___________ _________ she _________ at five o’clock?

10.I want to sleep a little longer because(因为) I’m tired. (划线部分提问)

________ _______ ________ want to sleep a little longer? IV. 翻译句子

1.他通常在六点钟起床。________________________________________ 2.你晚上淋浴吗?________________________________________________

3.他想成为一名舞蹈家。______________________________________________ 4.李明的妈妈会做蛋糕。_______________________________________________ 5. 他每天不做作业。__________________________________________________

There be 句型练习:


1.There _____ a clock on the table. (a) a. is b. are

2.______ there a radio on your desk? (b) a. are b. is

3. ____ there a map on the wall? Yes, there ______. (c) a. are / is b. is / are c. is / is d. are /are 4. There _____ some students in the classroom. (a) a. are b. is

5. There _____ a pencil, a book and two pens on the table. (a) a. is b. are

6. There _____ two apples, one orange and one banana on the table. (b) a. is b. are

7. Are there _____ pictures on the wall? No, there aren't ______ . (a) a. any / any b. some / any c. some / some

8. There isn't a book in his hand. There is _____ book in his hand. (a) a. no b. not

9. There is a tree ____ the playground. (b) a. at b. near

10. -- Are there _____ shops near here? (d) -- No, there are _____ shops near here.

a. some, not b. some, any c. any, not d. any, no 二、翻译练习: 1. 今晚没有会。


3.客人当中有两名美国人和两名中国人。 4.灯亮着,办公室里肯定有人。 5. 房里没人。


7.在这个山前面长着一棵高大的松树。 8.十月份有31天。



1. __________ is my aunt. We often visit __________.

2. China is a developing country. __________ lies in the east of Asia.

3. Professor Wang sets __________ a good example. We must learn from __________.

4. What day is __________ today? — __________ is Thursday. 5. How far is the thunder ? — __________ is three kilometers away. 6. I own a blue bike. The red one doesn’t belong to __________. 7. These new houses are so nice. __________ are very expensive. 8. __________ say that those old houses will be rebuilt.

9. Is __________ the milkman at the door? — Yes, that’s __________. 10. The fishermen caught a lot of fish, didn’t __________?

11. Ling Ling is a girl. ____ studies in a primary school. Her brother lives with ____ and helps ____ to prepare the lessons.

12. The ship is lying at anchor (停泊) . ____ comes from Shanghai. 13. This photo of your mother is very much like her. I like ____. 14. Mike is my classmate. ____ is good at physics . 15. Kate wants a glass of milk. Will you pass it to ____ ? 16. What's the weather like today ? ____ is cloudy. 二、用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词填空

1. I ate all ____ sandwiches yesterday. Can I have one of ____ ? 2. Tell Tom not to forget ____ book. And you mustn't forget ____ . 3. George has lost ____ pen. Ask Mary if(是否)she will lend him ____ . 4.. Jack has a dog and so have I. ____ dog and ____ had a fight (打架). 5. The teacher wants you to return that book of ____

6. Mr. and Mrs. Green and a friend of ____ are coming to see us. 7. Mary wants to know if(是否) you've seen a pair of gloves of ____ . 8. We are going to Paris to stay with a French friend of ____ .

三、用适当的人称代词和物主代词填空 A. 从括号内选择正确的代词填空 1. Your football clothes are on the desk.

Please put _________(they,them,their,theirs) away. 2. (We,Us,Our,Ours)_________ English teacher is Mrs. Green. We all like _________(she,her,hers).

3. (I,Me,My,Mine)_________ can't get my kite. Could you help _________(I,me,my,mine)? 4. Tom can't get down from the tree. Can you help _________(he,him,his)?

5. Her kite is broken. Can _________(you,your,yours) mend it? 6. We can't find our bikes.

Can you help _________(we,us,our,ours)? 7. These are _________(he,him,his) planes. The white ones are _________(I,me,mine). B. 填入正确的人称代词和物主代词 1. This isn't her knife. _________ is green.

2. These are your books,Kate. Put __________ in the desk,please. 3. You must look after ________ things. 4. Wei Fang,is that ________ ruler? Yes,it's.

5. They want a football. Give __________ the green one,please. 6. It's Lin Tao's bag. Give ________ to __________. 7. Is this pencil-box Li Lei's? No,___________ is very new. 8. This box is too heavy. I can't carry _________. Don't worry,Let __________ help __________.

9. _____ is a boy _____ name is Mike. Mike's friends like _____ very much.

10. My sister is in _____ room. _____ is a teacher. 11. Jane is a little girl. _____ mother is a nurse. 12. We are in _____ classroom. _____ classroom is big. 13. My father and mother are teachers. _____ are busy

14. You are a pupil. Is _____ brother a pupil, too?


A) (1)Are these ________(you)pencils? Yes, they are ________(our). (2)—Whose is this pencil? —It’s ________(I).

(3)I love ________(they)very much. (4)She is________(I)classmate.

(5)Miss Li often looks after________(she)brother. (6)—Are these ________(they)bags ?

—No, they aren’t ________(their). They are ________(we). B)

1. This bike is my sister`s. It belongs to ______ (她的)。2. This isn`t my book. _______(我的) is in the bag. 3. They quarrelled among __________(他们). 4. You and I understand _________(彼此) perfectly.

5. If there are ___(一些) new magazines in the library, take some for me. 五、根据句意用适当的人称代词、物主代词填空:

1. Mary works in a book store. likes work very much. 2. John and I are in the same school. go to school together. 3. Everybody likes that sport, do ? 4. She is a friend of . We got to know each other two years ago. 5. Her sister makes all own dresses. 6. I have many friends. Some of are good at English. 7. May I use bike? is broken. 8. Everybody is here except Ann and ________ friend Jane. ________ are in the library now.


1. Who’s singing over there ? — ________ is Sandy’s sister. A. That B. It C. She D. This 2. ________ will spend the summer holiday in Hawaii.

A. She, you and I B. You, she and I C. I, you and she D. Her, me and you

3. Between you and ________, he is not a real friend. A. me B. I C. he D. his 4. My uncle bought a new bike for ________.

A. theirs B. they C. me D. I

5. Mr Smith often praises ________ for his progress in studies. A. he B. him C. I D. me

6. Here’s a postcard for you, Jim! — Oh, ________ is from my friend, Mary. A. he B. it C. she D. it’s

7. Don’t shake the young tree. ________ leaves are falling off. You should look after ________.

A. It, it’s B. It’s, it C. Its, it D. It, it

8. Little Baby knows that he should not take the things that do not belong to ________.

A. he B. his C. her D. him 9. Will anyone go on a trip with him ? — Not ________. A. I B. me C. mine D. he

10. Among those lovely toys, the brown toy dog was given by ________. A. he B. his C. him D. he’s



1.There are two________ over there.(watch) 2.I like taking ________.(photo)

3.l can see a _________and two _______ standing there.(man,woman) 4.There are two baskets of__________ on the floor.(apple) 5.You often make a lot of__________ in spelling.(mistake) 6.Look at those_________.(child)

7.This is a__________. Those are three__________.(knife) 8.He doesn't like these_____.(glass) 9.How many _________can you see?(radio)

10.Thirty __________live in this building.(family). 二、选择下列正确答案:

1.A cow has four__________. A. stomachs B. stomaches

2.Three_________ are eating grass. A. sheep B. sheeps

3.Water__________ a kind of matter. A. is B. are

4.Her clothes__________ nearly worn out. A.is B. are

5.No man___________ present. A. is B. are

6.It is I who___________ next. A. am B. is

7.There_________ no water in the glass. A. are B. is

8.Here__________ a blind man. A.comes B. is

9.Physics____________ more difficult than maths. A. is B. are

10.Neither Mary nor her sister___________ the party. A. is going to B. are going to 11.I want to buy_______.

A. kilo of meat B. a kilo of meats C. two kilos of meats D. two kilos of meat

12.Our desks and _____are made of ____.

A. chairs ; woods B. chairs ;wood C. chairs; woods D. chair; wood 13.There is lots of _____outside our school now. A. noises B. a noise C .noise D. a noises 三、翻译

1. 每天早上他吃鸡蛋、面包和蔬菜。 2. 现在他们正在看一张他们教室的画。 3. 下周我们要去看望父亲的叔叔。

4. 昨天他点了一块牛排,一个鸡蛋和两杯牛奶。



一、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。 1. He often (have) dinner at home.

2. Daniel and Tommy (be) in Class One. 3. We (not watch) TV on Monday. 4. Nick (not go) to the zoo on Sunday. 5. they (like) the World Cup?

6. What they often (do) on Saturdays?

7. your parents (read) newspapers every day? 8. The girl (teach) us English on Sundays.

9. She and I (take) a walk together every evening. 10. There (be) some water in the bottle. 11. Mike (like) cooking.

12. They (have) the same hobby.

13. My aunt (look) after her baby carefully. 14. You always (do) your homework well. 15. I (be) ill. I’m staying in bed.

16. She (go) to school from Monday to Friday. 17. Liu Tao (do) not like PE.

18. The child often (watch) TV in the evening.

19. Su Hai and Su Yang (have) eight lessons this term. 20. -What day (be) it today? - It’s Saturday.


1. Daniel watches TV every evening.(改为否定句)

2. I do my homework every day.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)

3. She likes milk.(改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答)

4. Amy likes playing computer games.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)

5. We go to school every morning.(改为否定句)

6. He speaks English very well.(改为否定句)

7. I like taking photos in the park.(对划线部分提问)

8. John comes from Canada.(对划线部分提问)

9. She is always a good student.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)

10. Simon and Daniel like going skating.(改为否定句) 三、翻译

2. 他在第三小学上学。他每天早上七点上学。(No. 3 Primary School) 2.父亲每天早晨都浇花。

3.我女儿喜欢看电视和听音乐。 4.桑迪放学后打羽毛球吗?

不。她学习很用功。放学后她总是看书。 6. 我每天六点钟起床。

I ______ _____ _______ six every morning. 6. 我在周末爬山。

I _______ __________ _______ the weekend. 7. 小明经常去远足。

Xiao Ming _________ ________ hiking. 8. 她总是在星期天看望爷爷奶奶。

She _______ __________ her grandparents on Sundays. 9. 你几点上学?

When ________ you go to school? 10. 他什么时候去上班?

When ________ he go to _________? 11. 李云喜欢秋天,不喜欢冬天。

Li Yun _________ autumn, but he _________ like winter.

12. 你最喜欢哪一个季节?

Which ________ season _________ you like best? 13. 他喜欢在湖里游泳,但不喜欢在河边钓鱼。

He ________ _________ swim in the lake, but he ________ like _________ go fishing at the river. 14.你为什么不喜欢夏天?

Why _________ you like summer? 15.我最喜欢春天。

I __________ __________ __________. 16.今天的天气怎么样?

What’s the _________ like _________? 17.你的生日是什么时候? _________ is your __________? 18.我的生日在十一月。

My _________ is __________ ____________. 19.Bill叔叔的生日在7月3日。

__________ _________ birthday is _______ ___________ ______ ________. 20.奶奶的生日在6月吗?

________ __________ birthday in __________? 21.她有电脑吗?

___________ she __________ a computer? 22.谁的生日在十月?

____________ ___________ a birthday in __________? ____________ ___________ is in ____________? 23.今天多少号?

____________ the ___________ __________? 24.今天是5月12日。

___________ May the ____________ ___________.


( )1. Is your brother speak English? A B C ( )2. Does he likes going fishing? A B C ( )3. He likes play games after class. A B C ( )4. Mr. Wu teachs us English. A B C ( )5. She don’t do her homework on Sundays.

A B C 综合练习


5. She ______________ (go) to school at eight o’clock. 6. He usually ___________ up at 17:00.(get ) 7. She ___________ (live) in Beijing.

8. _______ (be)there a fly (苍蝇) on the table? II.选择填空

1.I want____homework now.

(A)doing (B)to do (C)to do my (D)do my 2.It's time______.

(A)go to school (B)play games

(C)to go home (D)to do my homeworks 3.____you ____the blackboard? Yes,I can. (A)Can, clean (B)Am, cleaning (C)Are, cleaning (D)Do, clean 4.______go and help her.

(A)Let's me (B)Let's us (C)Let's (D)Let's to 5.Do they have a new car? Yes,_____. (A)they are (B)they have (C)they don't (D)they do

6.He often _________ supper at 6:00 in the evening.

A. have B. has c. is having D. is eating 8. It’s 6 o’clock in the morning. It’s time ___________.

A. get up B. gets up C. to get up D. gets up 9. We _____________ any Chinese classes on Friday.

A. are having B. aren’t having C. don’t have D. are have 11. Tom _______ an English class today.

A. is having B. has C. having D. have 12. Are you playing basketball? No, we ___________. A. isn’t B. aren’t C. not D. don’t 13. Where _________ he _________ from?

A. is, come B. do, come C. does, come D. is , from 14. What language do you __________ ?

A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell


1.We are in the same grade.(改为否定句) _______________________

2.I can borrow those books from our school.(改为否定句) _______________________

3.They have nice kites.(改为否定句) _______________________

4.Open the door, please.(改为否定句) _______________________

5.There are some apples on the trees.(主语改成单数,重写句子) _______________________

6.We have many friends in China.(主语改成单数,重写句子) _______________________

7.Kate helps her mother with housework.(改成一般疑问句) _______________________

8.They can stay at home for two days.(改成一般疑问句) _________________________________________________________ 9. She takes a shower at five o’clock. (划线部分提问) ___________ _________ she _________ at five o’clock?

10.I want to sleep a little longer because(因为) I’m tired. (划线部分提问)

________ _______ ________ want to sleep a little longer? IV. 翻译句子

6.他通常在六点钟起床。________________________________________ 7.你晚上淋浴吗?________________________________________________

8.他想成为一名舞蹈家。______________________________________________ 9.李明的妈妈会做蛋糕。_______________________________________________ 10. 他每天不做作业。


There be 句型练习:


1.There _____ a clock on the table. (a) a. is b. are

2.______ there a radio on your desk? (b) a. are b. is

3. ____ there a map on the wall? Yes, there ______. (c) a. are / is b. is / are c. is / is d. are /are 4. There _____ some students in the classroom. (a) a. are b. is

5. There _____ a pencil, a book and two pens on the table. (a) a. is b. are

6. There _____ two apples, one orange and one banana on the table. (b) a. is b. are

7. Are there _____ pictures on the wall? No, there aren't ______ . (a) a. any / any b. some / any c. some / some

8. There isn't a book in his hand. There is _____ book in his hand. (a) a. no b. not

9. There is a tree ____ the playground. (b) a. at b. near

10. -- Are there _____ shops near here? (d) -- No, there are _____ shops near here.

a. some, not b. some, any c. any, not d. any, no

二、翻译练习: 1. 今晚没有会。

2.这个学校有一名音乐老师和一名美术老师。 3.客人当中有两名美国人和两名中国人。 4.灯亮着,办公室里肯定有人。 5. 房里没人。


7.在这个山前面长着一棵高大的松树。 8.十月份有31天。



1. __________ is my aunt. We often visit __________.

2. China is a developing country. __________ lies in the east of Asia.

3. Professor Wang sets __________ a good example. We must learn from __________.

4. What day is __________ today? — __________ is Thursday. 5. How far is the thunder ? — __________ is three kilometers away. 6. I own a blue bike. The red one doesn’t belong to __________. 7. These new houses are so nice. __________ are very expensive. 8. __________ say that those old houses will be rebuilt.

9. Is __________ the milkman at the door? — Yes, that’s __________. 10. The fishermen caught a lot of fish, didn’t __________?

11. Ling Ling is a girl. ____ studies in a primary school. Her brother lives with ____ and helps ____ to prepare the lessons.

12. The ship is lying at anchor (停泊) . ____ comes from Shanghai. 13. This photo of your mother is very much like her. I like ____. 14. Mike is my classmate. ____ is good at physics . 15. Kate wants a glass of milk. Will you pass it to ____ ? 16. What's the weather like today ? ____ is cloudy. 二、用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词填空

1. I ate all ____ sandwiches yesterday. Can I have one of ____ ? 2. Tell Tom not to forget ____ book. And you mustn't forget ____ . 3. George has lost ____ pen. Ask Mary if(是否)she will lend him ____ . 4.. Jack has a dog and so have I. ____ dog and ____ had a fight (打架). 5. The teacher wants you to return that book of ____

6. Mr. and Mrs. Green and a friend of ____ are coming to see us.

7. Mary wants to know if(是否) you've seen a pair of gloves of ____ . 8. We are going to Paris to stay with a French friend of ____ . 三、用适当的人称代词和物主代词填空 A. 从括号内选择正确的代词填空 1. Your football clothes are on the desk.

Please put _________(they,them,their,theirs) away. 2. (We,Us,Our,Ours)_________ English teacher is Mrs. Green. We all like _________(she,her,hers).

3. (I,Me,My,Mine)_________ can't get my kite. Could you help _________(I,me,my,mine)? 4. Tom can't get down from the tree. Can you help _________(he,him,his)?

5. Her kite is broken. Can _________(you,your,yours) mend it? 6. We can't find our bikes.

Can you help _________(we,us,our,ours)? 7. These are _________(he,him,his) planes. The white ones are _________(I,me,mine). B. 填入正确的人称代词和物主代词 1. This isn't her knife. _________ is green.

2. These are your books,Kate. Put __________ in the desk,please. 3. You must look after ________ things. 4. Wei Fang,is that ________ ruler? Yes,it's.

5. They want a football. Give __________ the green one,please. 6. It's Lin Tao's bag. Give ________ to __________. 7. Is this pencil-box Li Lei's? No,___________ is very new. 8. This box is too heavy. I can't carry _________. Don't worry,Let __________ help __________.

9. _____ is a boy _____ name is Mike. Mike's friends like _____ very much.

10. My sister is in _____ room. _____ is a teacher. 11. Jane is a little girl. _____ mother is a nurse.

12. We are in _____ classroom. _____ classroom is big. 13. My father and mother are teachers. _____ are busy 14. You are a pupil. Is _____ brother a pupil, too?


A) (1)Are these ________(you)pencils? Yes, they are ________(our). (2)—Whose is this pencil? —It’s ________(I).

(3)I love ________(they)very much. (4)She is________(I)classmate.

(5)Miss Li often looks after________(she)brother. (6)—Are these ________(they)bags ?

—No, they aren’t ________(their). They are ________(we). B)

1. This bike is my sister`s. It belongs to ______ (她的)。2. This isn`t my book. _______(我的) is in the bag. 3. They quarrelled among __________(他们). 4. You and I understand _________(彼此) perfectly.

5. If there are ___(一些) new magazines in the library, take some for me. 五、根据句意用适当的人称代词、物主代词填空:

1. Mary works in a book store. likes work very much. 2. John and I are in the same school. go to school together. 3. Everybody likes that sport, do ? 4. She is a friend of . We got to know each other two years ago. 5. Her sister makes all own dresses. 6. I have many friends. Some of are good at English. 7. May I use bike? is broken. 8. Everybody is here except Ann and ________ friend Jane. ________ are in the library now.


1. Who’s singing over there ? — ________ is Sandy’s sister. A. That B. It C. She D. This 2. ________ will spend the summer holiday in Hawaii.

A. She, you and I B. You, she and I C. I, you and she D. Her, me and you

3. Between you and ________, he is not a real friend. A. me B. I C. he D. his 4. My uncle bought a new bike for ________.

A. theirs B. they C. me D. I

5. Mr Smith often praises ________ for his progress in studies. A. he B. him C. I D. me

6. Here’s a postcard for you, Jim! — Oh, ________ is from my friend, Mary. A. he B. it C. she D. it’s

7. Don’t shake the young tree. ________ leaves are falling off. You should look after ________.

A. It, it’s B. It’s, it C. Its, it D. It, it

8. Little Baby knows that he should not take the things that do not belong to ________.

A. he B. his C. her D. him 9. Will anyone go on a trip with him ? — Not ________. A. I B. me C. mine D. he

10. Among those lovely toys, the brown toy dog was given by ________. A. he B. his C. him D. he’s



1.There are two________ over there.(watch) 2.I like taking ________.(photo)

3.l can see a _________and two _______ standing there.(man,woman) 4.There are two baskets of__________ on the floor.(apple) 5.You often make a lot of__________ in spelling.(mistake) 6.Look at those_________.(child)

7.This is a__________. Those are three__________.(knife) 8.He doesn't like these_____.(glass) 9.How many _________can you see?(radio)

10.Thirty __________live in this building.(family). 二、选择下列正确答案:

1.A cow has four__________. A. stomachs B. stomaches

2.Three_________ are eating grass. A. sheep B. sheeps

3.Water__________ a kind of matter. A. is B. are

4.Her clothes__________ nearly worn out. A.is B. are

5.No man___________ present. A. is B. are

6.It is I who___________ next. A. am B. is

7.There_________ no water in the glass. A. are B. is

8.Here__________ a blind man. A.comes B. is

9.Physics____________ more difficult than maths. A. is B. are

10.Neither Mary nor her sister___________ the party. A. is going to B. are going to 11.I want to buy_______.

A. kilo of meat B. a kilo of meats C. two kilos of meats D. two kilos of meat

12.Our desks and _____are made of ____.

A. chairs ; woods B. chairs ;wood C. chairs; woods D. chair; wood 13.There is lots of _____outside our school now. A. noises B. a noise C .noise D. a noises 三、翻译

5. 每天早上他吃鸡蛋、面包和蔬菜。 6. 现在他们正在看一张他们教室的画。 7. 下周我们要去看望父亲的叔叔。

8. 昨天他点了一块牛排,一个鸡蛋和两杯牛奶。

新目标七年级英语语法(时态)复习练习(2008-06-15 17:42:13)


名字: 一般现在时态练习

1.This is my pencil ? (变一般疑问句) your pencil ?

2. These red socks are Kate’s . (变一般疑问句) socks Kate’s ? 3. I want to buy a big green bag . (变特殊疑问句) you want to buy ? 4. Mary does not have any books . (变肯定句)Mary books . 5. The clothing shop is on sale . (变为否定句)

6. She likes the black bag very much . (变为否定句) 7. I buy the pants for only 50 Yuan. (用she改写句子) the pants for only 50 Yuan.

8. It’s an English dictionary . (对画线部分提问)

9. Lily and Lucy are fifteen years old now . (对画线部分提问) Lily and Lucy ?

10. Her dog is 2 years and 5 months old . (变为否定句) Her dog 2 years and 5 months old . 二.用be动词的适当形式填空。

1. I a student . You a teacher . 2. She my friend.

3. you Li Fen ? No, not . 4. Mr. green very busy?Yes , he . 5. He must at home . 6. Comedy very interesting . 7. thrillers very scary ? 8. You and I good friends .

9. His friends very funny 10. The twins very happy because they want to go to a movie .11. The girl in red clothes my sister . 三.用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. People usually (eat) dinner in the evening . 2. His sister usually (go) to school at 7:00 am .

3. Lin Tao (like) his new sweater . 4. Let me (have) a look . 5. he (like) English ? 6. I want (go) to a movie .

7. He (not know)the teacher’s name . 8. Can I (ask) the policeman ? 9. She likes (play) chess . 10. It’s time (play) games . 现在进行时态


1.Look! The cat____________(run)up the tree. 2.The twins__________(have)breakfast.

3.----___he ________(clean) the blackboard? ----No,he isn’t.

4.Tom__________(play)the piano in the room.Please ask him to come here. 5.Listen! They____________(sing)in the classroom. 二.选择填空.

1.My mother is _____TV.

A.looking at B.seeing C.reading D.watching 2.---____you ____a book? ---Yes,I am.

A.Do,read B.Are ,read C.Are ,reading D.Are ,looking 3.Kate _____,the others _____.

A.sing,listen B.is singing,is listening C.sing,are listeningD.is singing,are listening 4.I ___my eraser,but I can’t ______ it.

A.look for ,finding B.am finding,look for C.am looking for,find D.find,look for 三.句型转换

1.I am watering the flowers.(否定句) 2.She’s jumping now.(一般疑问句) 3.The boys are playing cards.(划线提问) 4.He is doing his homework.(复数句) 四、翻译句子

1.我们正在看电视. 2.他们正在打扫教室. 3.汤姆正在吃早饭. 4.那对双胞胎正在睡觉. 5.男孩子们正在踢足球. 6.她正在铺床.

7.我正在玩电脑游戏. 8.你们正在听音乐吗? 过去时态


1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句) Lucy _______ _______ her homework at home. 2、He found some meat in the fridge.(变一般疑问句) ______ he _____ ______ meat in the fridge?

3、She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问) ______ ______ _____ she _____ there?

4、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句) _____ there _____ orange in the cup?

语法复习练习 单项选择单项选择

1. ---How many ________ in the tree? ---There are two.

A. bird are ther B. birds is ther C. birds are there D.birds are their 2. Mr Smith can speak ________ Chinese, but not ________. A. some; muchB. a little; manC. some; any D. little; much 3. ---Thanks a lot. ---_________.

A. You are right B. That’s right C. That’s all right D. All right 4. ---________ skirt is this? ---It’s ___________.

A.Who’s;Lucy B.Whose;Lucy’sC.What;LucyD. Which; Lucy’s 5. There are many apples on the table. Please give me some big _________. A. appl B. one C. ones D. the apples

6. Mr Johnson usually goes to the hospital ________.

A. by his car B. by the black carC. by car D. by the new car 7. Does your brother play ping-pong __________? A. on every afternoon B. every afternoon C. in every afternoon D. at every afternoon 8. ________ do you usually come to school? A. How B. What C. Which D. How much 9. Are we all in _________?

A.the same clasB.sameclassC. the same classesD. same classes 10. ---Don’t you usually come to school by bike? ---_________. But I sometimes walk.

A. Yes, I do B. No, I don’t C. Yes, I do D. No, I don’t 11. Susan likes _______.

A. singing B. sing C. sings D. sang 12. Some of ______ can speak English.

A. them B. theirs C. they D. their 13. What ____ Tom and his mother like ? A. does B. do C. is D. are 14. Where _____ your English teacher from? A. does B. is C. do D. are

15. Tom can ______ some vegetables at the market. A. buys B. buying C. buy D. to buy 16. Kate _____ Chinese ______ Monday.

A. have, on B. has, in C. has, on D. there is, on 17. A bakery _____ cakes and bread.

A. sell B. buying C. buy D. sells

18. What’s your hobby? My hobby is ______ model plane. A. makeing B. make C. making D. made 19. Please fill _____ the form.

A. in B. on C. to. D. with 20. The first class _______ at 8:00 am .

A. begin B. is begin C. begins D. is beginning

21. ---_______ is the school library? ---It’s next to the playground.

A. What B. Where C. How D. When 22. Is there a bank _______ your neighborhood? A. in B. on C. with D. to

23. It’s interesting to take a walk through the _________. A. hospital B. library C. park D. river 24. ---It’s a place to get money. What is it? ---It’s a _______.

A. hotel B. bank C. home D. park

25. ---Is there a library near where you live? --____________. A. Yes, there is. B. No, there is. C. Yes, it is. D. No, it isn’t 26. ---What is the opposite of clean? ---________.

A. Small B. Dirty C. Large D. Busy

27. Which kind of animals have long legs and neck? A. Pandas B. Penguins C. Giraffes. D. dogs 28. Do you ever play _________ pandas? A. with B. to C. and D. or 29. He’d like ________ on a vacation. A. go B. to go C. going D. went 30. Is there _______ in today’s newspaper?

A. important something B. everything important C. anything important D. important anything

31. Her mother is ________ English teacher. She works in our school. A. a B. the C. an D. /

32. They are going to help some farmers ___________ their work. A. for B. at C. with D. to

33. _______ your uncle __________ his work?

A. Is, like B. Does, like C. Does, likes D. Do, likes 34. Young people like this season _____ it is good for sports. A. because B. so C. but D. and

35. I don’t have __________ read, but I’d like __________. A. any, a few B. any, fewC. some, a little D. any, a little

36. ---Can’t you hear __________? ---No, I can hear ___________. A. anything, nothing B. anything, anything

C. something, nothing D. something, something 37. ---Did you go to the park on Sunday morning? ---________, I went there in the afternoon. A. Yes B. No C. Sure D. Sorry 38. ---You look tired.

---Oh, I studied _________ the math test. A. on B. at C. for D. in

39. I had a ________ weekend. I did a lot of things. How tired I am!

A. free B. busy C. good D. bad

40. She often buys some CDs ___________ Sunday. A. at B. in C. on D. with

41. An old friend of my sister’s always helps my brother and _____ with _____ English.

A. I, our B. me, our C. me, ourselves D. me, my

42. Wang Lin _______ very popular. He is the captain of the basketball team. A. is B. are C. has D. have

43. She’s a little bit ________. She doesn’t like talking with others. A. heavy B. thin C. quiet D. nice

44. I have new image and nobody ________ me. A. see B. sees C. know D. knows

45. Do you know the boy ______ the funny glasses. A. on B. at C. with D. to

46. Rita _______ long hair last week. But she has short hair now. A. have B. has C. had D. having

47. I don’t think he’s so great, but my mom _________. A. do B. does C. is D. are

48. Let’s _______. I want to buy a new T-shirt.

A. go swimming B. go to the moviesC. go shopping D. go to the beach 49. My hat is black. It ________ a cat.

A. look like B. looks like C. like D. likes 50. I like _______ chess. How about you? A. play B. playing C. plays D. played

51. I have a new pair of shoes. ________ black and white. A. It is B. They are C. These are D. This is 52. I like _________ very much. They are from Australia. A. pandas B. giraffes C. koala bears D. dolphins 53. What would you like _______ your pizza? A. on B. in C. from D. to 54. What is Mary like? She ________.

A. is medium height B. has curly hair C. has a medium build D. is funny

55. I don’t like _________ weather because it’s too cold. A. sunny B. snowy C. warm D. hot 56. What will you do ________ vacation? A. on B. in C. to D. of 57. He _______ English very well.

A. tells B. talks C. speaks D. says

58. Tony is always late ________ school because he gets up ________ 7:00. A. at, for B. at, at C. for, at D. for, for

59. I like fried chicken so I always think it is _________. A. delicious B. expensive C. terrible D. cheap

60. I broke my leg yesterday ______ I didn’t run for exercise in the morning.

A. or B. but C. because D. so

61. He is friendly and most of his classmates like to discuss ______ him. A. by B. on C. with D. and

62. ---Yesterday, I watched a movie Harry Potter. I don’t love it. How about you? --- I do too B. I don’t too C. I don’t either D. I do either 63. Tom studies at our school. He is a ________ boy. A. fifteen-year-old B. fifteen-years-old C.fifteenyear old D. fifteen years old 64. ---Do you like to watch Hero? ---Yes. I enjoy ________ action movies.

A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. watching

65. They don’t have to _____ their school uniforms. A. dress B. have on C. wear D. put on 66. Don’t watch TV _________ school nights. A. at B. in C. / D. on

67. We can’t ________ late for class. A. arrive in B. arrive at C. get to D. arrive 68. You can’t eat _____ outside. A. at B. / C. in D. on

69. There are too _________ rules in the school. A. many B. much C. a lot of D. some 70. Be home ________ 8 o’clock on Saturday. A. by B. to C. on D. in

71. Students can’t _________ music in the hallways. A. listen B. hear C. listen to D. hear to 72. ________ at ten o’clock in the evening.

A. Go to bed B. Goes to bed C. Gets up D. Get up

73. A kid ______ breakfast every morning, because it’s good for his health. A. have to B. has to C. has to have D. has to has 74. Don’t go into the classroom without the _________. A. doctor B. assistant C. teacher D. clerk 75. She _______ this book last week.

A. read B. reads C. readed D. is reading 76. When _______ your birthday?

A. is B. was C. were D. are

77. There are a lot of students in the classroom. Some are reading. ________ are writing. A. Other B. The other C. another D. Others

78. I have to leave here now. Can you take a photo _______ me? A. with B. of C. by D. on

79. 13. It’s very cold in this room. Why don’t you _________ your coat? A. take off B. wear C. put on D. take to 80. --- Hello, ___________? ---This is Peter.

A. What’s this?B. Who’s this? C. Who are you? D. What are you?



1.This is my pencil ? (变一般疑问句) your pencil ?

2. These red socks are Kate’s . (变一般疑问句) socks Kate’s ?

3. I want to buy a big green bag . (变特殊疑问句) you want to buy ?

4. Mary does not have any books . (变肯定句)Mary books .

5. The clothing shop is on sale . (变为否定句)

6. She likes the black bag very much . (变为否定句)

7. I buy the pants for only 50 Yuan. (用she改写句子)

the pants for only 50 Yuan.

8. It’s an English dictionary . (对画线部分提问)

9. Lily and Lucy are fifteen years old now . (对画线部分提问) Lily and Lucy ?

10. Her dog is 2 years and 5 months old . (变为否定句) Her dog 2 years and 5 months old .


1. I a student . You a teacher . 2. She my friend.

3. you Li Fen ? No, not . 4. Mr. green very busy?Yes , he .

5. He must at home . 6. Comedy very interesting .

7. thrillers very scary ? 8. You and I good friends .

9. His friends very funny 10. The twins very happy because they want to go to a movie .11. The girl in red clothes my sister .


1. People usually (eat) dinner in the evening .

2. His sister usually (go) to school at 7:00 am .

3. Lin Tao (like) his new sweater .

4. Let me (have) a look .

5. he (like)

English ?

6. I want (go) to a movie .

7. He (not know)the teacher’s name .

8. Can I (ask) the policeman ?

9. She likes (play) chess .

10. It’s time (play) games .



1.Look! The cat____________(run)up the tree.

2.The twins__________(have)breakfast.

3.----___he ________(clean) the blackboard? ----No,he isn’t.

4.Tom__________(play)the piano in the room.Please ask him to come here.

5.Listen! They____________(sing)in the classroom.


1.My mother is _____TV.

A.looking at B.seeing C.reading D.watching

2.---____you ____a book? ---Yes,I am.

A.Do,read B.Are ,read C.Are ,reading D.Are ,looking

3.Kate _____,the others _____.

A.sing,listen B.is singing,is listening C.sing,are listeningD.is singing,are listening

4.I ___my eraser,but I can’t ______ it.

A.look for ,finding B.am finding,look for C.am looking for,find D.find,look for


1.I am watering the flowers.(否定句)

2.She’s jumping now.(一般疑问句)

3.The boys are playing cards.(划线提问)

4.He is doing his homework.(复数句)


1.我们正在看电视. 2.他们正在打扫教室.

3.汤姆正在吃早饭. 4.那对双胞胎正在睡觉.

5.男孩子们正在踢足球. 6.她正在铺床.

7.我正在玩电脑游戏. 8.你们正在听音乐吗?



1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)

Lucy _______ _______ her homework at home.

2、He found some meat in the fridge.(变一般疑问句)

______ he _____ ______ meat in the fridge?

3、She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ _____ she _____ there?

4、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句)

_____ there _____ orange in the cup?



1. ---How many ________ in the tree? ---There are two.

A. bird are ther B. birds is ther C. birds are there D.birds are their

2. Mr Smith can speak ________ Chinese, but not ______


A. some; muchB. a little; manC. some; any D. little; much

3. ---Thanks a lot. ---_________.

A. You are right B. That’s right C. That’s all right D. All right

4. ---________ skirt is this? ---It’s ___________.

A.Who’s;Lucy B.Whose;Lucy’sC.What;LucyD. Which; Lucy’s

5. There are many apples on the table. Please give me some big _________.

A. appl B. one C. ones D. the apples

6. Mr Johnson usually goes to the hospital ________.

A. by his car B. by the black carC. by car D. by the new car

7. Does your brother play ping-pong __________?

A. on every afternoon B. every afternoon

C. in every afternoon D. at every afternoon

8. ________ do you usually come to school?

A. How B. What C. Which D. How much

9. Are we all in _________?

A.the same clasB.sameclassC. the same classesD. same classes

10. ---Don’t you usually come to school by bike?

---_________. But I sometimes walk.

A. Yes, I do B. No, I don’t C. Yes, I do D. No, I don’t

11. Susan likes _______.

