英国概况教案 4-6

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英国概况教案 4

Chapter Two English History

Section One

Origin of the English Nation

I. Introduction:

British people often flaunt (夸耀) their long history to Americans.

Though unlike Chinese history, Britain has its important position in the history of the world, especially in modern history of the world.

The Britain Islands had ever been connected with the European

Continent, but it was separated in the 4th Ice Age (第4纪冰期). Its geographical situation(地理位置)made it take in more continental culture(吸收大陆文化) instead of participating in (参与)and developing the continental culture.

About 2000 years ago, Celts(凯尔特人) were still in primitive

society. They started to move into Great Britain in about 700 B.C. At that time Britain island was still covered with dense forests and swamps(沼泽地). Later in 55 B.C. the Romans invaded Great Britain for about 460 years and stopped in about 410 A.D. Anglo-Saxons came to Britain and defeated Romans, and became the ruler of Britain. In 1066, Normans from France invaded Britain and the rule of Anglo-Saxon was over.

Normans began their rule over Britain and later no other people came.

From the Celts to Normans Conquered Britain, the economy and

culture had developed fast. Anglo-Saxons introduced Old English, and Normans Introduced Middle English.

In the Middle century , the economy and society of Britain

gradually progressed, and the population increased. Feudalism(封建主义)appeared, and the rudiment(雏形)of parliament appeared and the initial capitalism (初期资本主义) came into being(产生了), with the appearance of Tudor[?????????] dynasty(都铎王朝).

The English Bourgeois Revolution in the middle of the 17th

century was the necessary result of struggling between Capitalism and Feudalism.

In the early 19th century Great Britain began the Industrial

Revolution, the revolution of technology in textiles, mining(采矿), metallurgy(冶金), power(动力) and transportation promoted with each other(相互促进). The Industrial Revolution made Great Britain much stronger in the world, so in the late of the 19th century, Britain made colony expansion(殖民扩张), and till the end of the 19th century, the area of its colonies was 135 times as large as the country(本国) and Britain became an empire that: ―the sun never set(日不落帝国)‖ .

In the early 20th century, the system of parliament was

continuously completed(继续完善), and the situation of the world was

much more serious. Germany developed very fast and it wanted to carve up (瓜分) the world markets. But Great Britain wanted to prevent Germany from doing that, and two military groups came into being(形成了两大军事集团). Later the first world war broke out. Britain made great effort (with all of its national power倾其国力) to participate in the war. Though Britain won the war, yet its cost was great(代价巨大) and the old powerful empire had gone for ever(昔日的强大帝国一去不复返了)。

In the middle 20th century, the second world war broke out.

Britain, combined with America, Russia and China, made a military operation(结成军事同盟) to fight against Germany, Italy and Japan. And finally they won the war, but Britain faced more serious future(更严峻的未来). II. Notes

1. Julius Caesar: 尤里乌斯。恺撒 (100 B.C.---44 B.C.) (P61) Caesar was the general and politician of ancient Roman time.

He changed the historical course(进程) of Greece to Rome. In 58—50 B.C. he led his army to invade Gaul [高卢(古代欧洲西部一地区,大体包括今意大利北部、法国、比利时、卢森堡Luxemburg 及荷兰、瑞士Switzerland 的一部分) and reached the bank of Rhine(/rain/ 莱茵河). And in 55 B.C. Caesar crossed the Rhine and invaded the Germanic area(日尔曼地区), and later

he went across the British Channel and invaded Britain and conquered it.

2. Roman / Rome Empire: usu. refers to the Roman slavery

country(罗马奴隶制国家) 30 B.C. In ancient Roman times, Rome / Roman Empire achieved a lot of achievements in creature(物质) and spiritual culture, which had greater influence to later western countries. (P61)

3. Alfred : The famous Alfred the Great of Wessex(著名的阿尔弗

烈德大王). He built his army, made ships and reinforced(加固) the forts(要塞), and for many times he defeated the Danish troops(大麦军队) who invaded England. He had established(制定) code(法典) of England for many times. He managed his kingdom methodically(井井有条). He taught himself Latin, and translated the Latin books into English. Alfred was a wise emperor(英明君主) in ancient time.

4. Old English: 古英语. 指5世纪中叶日尔曼人(Romans) 入侵英

国到11世纪初法国诺曼底人征服英国(449—1066) 这一时期英国人使用的语言(主要是由盎格鲁撒克逊人开始讲),和现代英语比起来,古英语在拼写\\语音\\词汇\\语法等方面差别很大. 5. Viking: 8-11 (世纪时劫掠(rob)欧洲西北海岸的)欧洲海盗,斯堪

地纳维亚海盗(Scandinavian sea rovers). Danish Viking 丹麦海盗 (P64)

6. Geoffrey Chaucer (乔叟) (probably 1340—1400): the first great

poet of Britain. His writings fall into 3 periods: 1) the period of French influence (1359—1372). In this period he used the Octosyllabic [??????????????] couplet(八音节双韵诗)。Such as ―The Boke of the Duchesse 《悼公爵夫人》(1396), Romaunt of the Rose 《玫瑰传奇故事》 2) the period of Italian influence. In this period he used octosyllabic couplet, used mainly the heroic stanza[节](传奇诗节) of seven lines, and began to use the heroic couplet(夸张韵诗), such as ―the Legend[传说] of Good Women 《好女人的故事》(1386), ―Troylus and Cryseyde‖《特罗勒斯和克丽西德》。 3) The period of his maturity(成熟) (1386—1400). In this period he used the heroic couplet(传奇诗体), such as ―the Canterbury tales‖ 《坎特佰雷故事集》(1387) etc.

British cultural language of modern times(近代) and

created(开创) the way of realistic British literature. Thus he was called ―the Father of British Poetry‖. (P64)

7. the Domesday [?????????] Book: 末日审判书; 最终

税册, 英国土地志(也叫Doomsday Book) (P67) It is the first primitive record that William the Conquest I

made a general survey of English Lands. Some people called this survey the Description to England then. But to the 12th century


4. Constantinople : 君士坦丁堡 (伊斯坦布尔[Istanbu]l的古称。位于巴尔干半岛

[Balkan Peninsula]动端,是欧亚交通要冲,战略位置[strong position for stratagem]十分重要,是古希腊的移民城市,称“拜占庭”[Byzantium], 公元660年为希腊人所建。 公元330年,罗马帝国皇帝君士坦丁大帝迁都至此,改名为“君士坦丁堡”。 (P86)

5. Byzantium : 拜占庭 (伊斯坦布尔[Istanbul]的古称, 古罗马城市,曾称


Byzentine [bi’zentain] adj. 拜占庭帝国的

Byzentine Empire(历史) 拜占庭帝国(即东罗马帝国,395—1453在欧洲东

南部和亚洲西南部,罗马帝国分裂而成) (P87)

6. John Milton : 约翰.弥尔顿。 是十七世纪英国杰出的诗人,政治家。

他出身与富有的公证人家庭(the rich notary family),受过良 好的教育,毕业于剑桥大学。他的代表作有“Paradise Lost‖

《失乐园》、‖Paradise Regained‖ 《复乐园》等。“Paradise Lost‖ 《失乐园》主要取材于《圣经》故事。但从希佰来、希腊、 罗马的传统和意大利、荷兰的文学里也吸收了许多详细情 节。撒旦是天上的大天使,因带领许多天使反抗上帝,便 和这些天使同时被神之子打下地狱,他们不认输,但又无 力反抗,便想用诡计征服上帝所创造的人类世界。于是撒 旦离开地狱,逃到人间,找到乐园,引诱人类祖先亚当与 夏娃吃了禁果,触怒了上帝,上帝把他们从幸福的乐园里 赶出去,他们从此遭受人生的磨难,乐园既失,撒旦也受 到惩罚,变成一条蛇。《失乐园》的主要情节,是写撒旦 等和好天使怎样在天郊作战,怎样在地狱受苦,怎样到人 间引诱;神又怎样创造亚当和夏娃,以及他们怎样被逐出 乐园。 (P87)

7. Francis Bacon :弗兰西斯.培根 (1561—1626)文艺复兴时期英国著名的哲学家

和散文学家。培根的主要文学著作有〈学术的进展〉,“Advancement of Learning‖(1605), 〈新工具〉‖Novum Organum‖(1620), 〈新大西岛〉 ―New Atlantics‖(1627), 〈论说文集〉“Essays‖(1597, 1612, 1625)


资产阶级世家子弟为对象,谈论社会风尚,处世哲学,治学方法,人生经验等许多方面。从个人生活到邦国大事,无所不包,他的文章常用一事一议的写法,或旁征博引,纵横议论,或多方推究,层层剖析,寓深刻的思想于浅显的事例之中,读来引人深思。 (P87)

9. Jehovah : 耶和华(犹太教神名的基督教读法) (P88) 10. St. Augustine : 圣奥古斯丁(?―――604 罗马本笃会圣安德烈隐修院院

长,英格兰坎特伯雷首任基督教大主教) (P91)

11. First Act of Succession, 1534: 第一个嗣位法 (P92)

This act was passed by the two houses of Parliament, and then given royal

assent(皇家赞成) by King Henry VIII, March 30, 1534. It declared the marriage of King Henry with Catherine of Aragon (凯瑟琳.阿拉贡)to be null(无效的), and his marriage with Anne Boleyn (安.博林)to be valid(有效的). It also

nullified(使无效) the marriages of other people who had previously married (with dispensations由天主教施舍给的) in spite of the fact that they were closely related. It approved(通过) the succession to the throne by Henry's children by(由。。。生的) Anne Boleyn. The entire populace(平民) of the nation was required to take an oath (宣誓)affirming these provisions(确定这些规定). Refusal to take the oath was high treason(叛逆). The Second Act of Succession (Act of settlement):

(1701年英国议会通过的) 嗣位法(规定如果继承威廉的安妮女王无嗣,其王位应由汉诺威王室继承)

12. The Act of Supremacy : (1535年颁布的确立英国王权高于教会的)最高权力

法 According to the Act of Supremacy, Henry VIII was declared the head of the English church. (P92)

13. east India Company : 东印度公司 1600年12月成立,目的在于发展英国对

远东和印度的贸易。成立之初,是垄断性的贸易团体,后来参与政治。从18世纪初到19世纪中期,成为英帝国主义在印度的代理人。 (P95)

