
更新时间:2023-03-08 05:04:22 阅读量: 外语学习 文档下载


房务部---总机 (英语)

HOTEL Courtesy English (酒店用语)

1. Greeting (打招呼)

Good morning (00:00—12:00) Sir/ Mr. xxx/ Gentleman (先生,早上好) Good afternoon (12:00—18:00),Madam/Ladies/Gentlemen (小姐、女士、先生) Good evening,(18:00—0:00) Madam/Ladies/Gentlemen (先生,下午好) Welcome to O Hotel (欢迎到乐饭店)

How are you today? Fine, thanks. How about you? (您好!我很好,谢谢,你呢?)

Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you, too(Just so go) (很高兴见到您, 我也是(彼此))

I’m very well. Thank you. (我很好,谢谢!)

2.Courtesy phraseology (礼貌用语) Please (请)

Thank you . / Thank you so much. (谢谢/多谢) Welcome to our hotel again. (欢迎下次光临)

You’re welcome. / Don’t mention it. (不用客气/愿为你效劳) That’s all right. /It doesn’t matter./It’s nothing. (劳驾,不好意思)

3.Make apologize (道歉)

I’m sorry about this. (对此我感到很抱歉)

I’m terribly sorry, Madam/Sir. There could have been some mistakes. I’ll look into the matter at once. (先生/女士,非常抱歉,可能出差错了,我会马上检查一下) I’ll speak to my supervisor/manager. (我会告诉主管/经理) Please accept out apologies. (请接受我们的道歉)

Thank you for your precious/valuable suggestion. (谢谢您的宝贵意见) Thank you for telling us, Sir/Madam. (谢谢你的意见,先生、女士)

4.When you don’t understand or couldn’t handle (当你不懂或不能应付的时候) Beg your pardon, Sir/Madam. (先生、女士,请你再重复一遍) Pardon, Sir/Madam. (先生、女士,请你再重复一遍)

I’m sorry, Madam. Could you please show me? (对不起女士,您能让我看看吗?)

I’m sorry, Sir. I don’t understand or could you say that again, please? (对不起先生,我还不明白,请再说一次好吗?)

I’ll get my supervisor to help you at once. (我马上请主管来帮您)

5.Answering a guest’s call (回答客人) Yes, Sir/Madam. (是有先生、女士)

May/Can I help you? (我能帮忙吗?先生) What can I do for you?

Sorry to have kept you waiting, Sir/Madam. (先生/女士,抱歉让你久等了)

6.When a guest asks for something which you can prove (当客人要求的东西,你能提供时)

Certainly, Sir/ Madam. (当然可以,先生/女士)

I’ll get it right away, Sir/Madam. (我马上拿来,先生/女士) Immediately, Sir/Madam. (马上来,先生/小姐)

7.To say “No”to g guest’s request or enquiry. (婉拒客人要求时)

I’m sorry, Sir, We are not permitted to do this. (抱歉先生,我们不充许这样做) I’m afraid it’s against hotel policy. I’m sorry, Sir. (很抱歉,恐怕这是违反酒店规则的)

Sorry, we’ve run out of/sold out?? (对不起现在??无货)

I’m terribly sorry/I’m so regret we don’t have? (非常抱歉/遗憾。我们没有??)

8.When you are not sure you can satisfy a guest’s need (当您不能确定是否可以满足客人时)

One moment, please, Sir/Madam. (请稍等片刻,先生/小姐)

If you wait a minute, I’ll see to it out for you. (请您稍等片刻,先生/小姐) I’ll check for you right away./I’ll see to it at once. (请稍候,我马上替您找) (when you coming back)_______Sorry to have kept you waiting, Sir/Madam. (对不起,让您久等了,先生/小姐) 9.Gving directions (指示方向) Go straight ahead. (直走)

Turn right/left at the first corner. (第一个拐弯向右、向左拐) Go up/down the stairs/escalator. (乘上或下的自动扶梯) Take the lift/elevator to the??floor. (乘电梯至??楼) It’s next to?? (就在??隔壁) It’s opposite to ?? (就在??对面) It’s between?and? (在??和??这间)


It’s over there. (就在那边) On the??floor. (在??楼) ?right at the corner. (就在拐弯处)

10.Ask guest to do something (请客人做某事) Could/Would you please sign your name. (请客人签名) May I have you name, Please? (请问贵姓) Please come this way. (请走这边)

Would you mind waiting for a while? (您介意稍等一会吗?)

11.Introducing yourself (自我介绍) My name is?? (我叫??) I am?? (我是??)

12.When you want to draw the guest’s attention (当需要引起客人注意的时候) Excuse me for interrupting. (不好意思打断您们)

May I take a few moments of your time, Sir? (先生,我能占用您几分钟吗?) May I speak to you for a moment, Madam? (小姐,我可以跟您谈一谈吗?)

13.Farewall (告别) Goodbye. / Bye-bye. (再见) See you late. (待会见) See you tomorrow. (明儿见) Good night. (晚安) Have a nice trip. (旅途愉快) Have a nice weekend. (周末愉快) Have a nice day. (祝您愉快)

Have a pleasant journey home. (旅途愉快) Hope to see you. (欢迎再次光临) Please come again. (希望再见到你)


Dialogue: (对话)

1. G: What time do you serve Breakfast on the Delight?

早餐的营业时间到几点钟? A: From 7:00am to 10:00am. 早上七点至十点钟。

2. G: How can I make an outside call in the room?


A: Dial “0”first, then the telephone number you want.

先拨“0”,然后再拨您的电话号码 G: Can I make an IDD call in the room?


A: Certainly you can. Firstly, dial number “0”,when you hear the tone, Then dial

00,then dial number“0”, then dial Area Code and the local number. The Country Code must not be dialed.

当然可以,先拨“0”,待您所听搭线声后,再拨区域字头及对方电话号码,无须拨本国之国家号码. G: Thank you very much.

非常谢谢你 A: You are welcome.


3. G: May I use your phone?

我可以借用你的电话吗? A: Yes, of course.


4. G: Excuse me, Where is the washroom (rest room/ elevator)?

请问洗手间(休息室、电梯)在哪里? A: It’s on the first(second) floor.(It’s over there)

在一 (或二) 楼或在那边。 G: Excuse me, Where is the business center?

请问商务中心在哪里? A: It’s over there.


5. G: I will check out my room.


A: Well, please go down the front cashier at the lobby and please don’t leave


anything behind. Goodbye and hope to see you again(or Have a nice trip/Wish you a pleasant journey!)

好的,请您到大堂前台收银处办理退房手续,不要忘了带走您的所有东西。再见,先生。欢迎下次再光临(希望您旅途愉快!/祝一路须风) 6. G: Would you please open the door for me now?


A: May I know your name and room number?

请问您的姓名和房号? G: My room is 1215.

我的房间是1512。 A: All right.


常 用 语 句

1、A double room costs *yuan per night.

大房的房价是每晚*元。 2、After you ,sir.


3、Are you going down ,sir?

先生,您要往下走吗? 4、Are you going up ,sir?


5、A single room or a double room ?

要单人房还是双人房? 6、Breakfast is also included.


7、Can you spell that for me ,please?

请您拼一下您的名字好吗? 8、Could you sign your name ,please?

请您签一下名,可以吗? 9、Enjoy your stay with us .

祝您在这里住得愉快。 10、How long will be staying?


11、I’ll need your signature.


12、I’m sorry, but I haven’t got any record of that.


13、I’m sorry, We have no record of a reservation in your name.

对不起,没有以您名字预订房间的记录。 14、In whose name was the reservation made?



15、Just a moment, Please. I’ll check the room availability.

请稍等一下,我去查下房间预订情况。 16、Sign you name, please.


17、Sorry to keep you waiting, sir.


18、The porter will show you to your room.


19、What kind of room would you like (prefer)?


20、When did you make of the reservation? 您是什幺时候预订的房间? 21、Who made the reservation, please?

请问谁预订的房间? 22、Who’s the reservation for? 您为谁预订房间?

23、Who will be paying the bill? 谁支付宾馆的费用? 24、Will you register, please?


25、Would a double room do? 双人房可以吗?

26、Would you leave a message? We’ll inform him when he comes. 您是否留个口信?等他回来时我们可以转告他。 27、Would you like a room with a front view or rear view? 您是要窗户临街的房间,还是背街的房间? 28、Would you put your signature here, please? 请您在这里签名,好吗?

29、Yes, we accept American Express.

是的,我们接受美国运通公司的信用卡。 30、You’ll have to register individually, please.


六、总 机(Operator)

单词部份 商务中心 礼宾部 行政楼层 电话房 地区代码 忙音 电话费 Business Center Concierge Executive Floor PABX area code busy tone call rate 预计部 接待处 电脑房 送餐部 国家代码 分机 打电话给某人 Reservation Reception Computer Room (E.D. p) Room Service Country code extension call up 5

联系电话 串线 拨号 请讲 线路 电话号码 转接 客房电话 长途电话费 电话计费系统 请您别挂断电话 请您挂断电话 拨错号 控制板 接线 听筒 回电话 占线 重复 传真号码 便签薄 部门经理 叫醒服务 留言灯 请勿打扰 送餐服务菜单 客房服务员 中餐厅 collect call cross talk dial tone go ahead line phone number put through room-to-room-call toll call accounting system hold on please hang on please misdial switch-board operator receiver call back line busy repeat Fax number memo pad department morning call message lamp DND card room service menu room attendant 连接 断线 挂断 留言 叫早电话 叫人电话 对方付费电话 叫号电话 长途电话 直线 内线电话 外线电话 话筒 免费咨询电话 市内电话 听 请大声点 是接线生 要留话? 健身俱乐部 标示笔 受付电话 接线生主管 旅行团 手提电话 留言本 信纸 西餐厅 connect cut off hang up message morning call person-to-person call reversed charge call station-to-station-call trunk call direct line internal call out-side call speaker(loudspeaker) toll-eree-call local call hear Speak louder please Operator speaking Any Message? health club highlight pen collect call chief operator tour group mobile phone writing bad letter head House of south(Chinese restaurant) 客务联络 国际长途 贵宾

Guest Relation Office(G.R.O) IDD(International Direct Dial) VIP(Very Important Person) Trader’s café& Lounge(Western restaurant) 国内长途 免打扰 DDD(Domestic Direct Dial) DND(Do Not Disturb) 电话应答规范用语:

1、 外线:

Thank you for calling, Regal Hotel, How may I help you ? 您好,丽豪大饭店。 内线:Good morning/afternoon/evening operator .早上/下午/晚上好,总机。 2、 一般情况下:

Would you tell me the guest name? 请问您找客人的姓名? Please, wait a moment.



3、 占线或无人接听时:

Sorry the line is busy/no answer, Would you like to leave a message or call back later? 对不起,电话占线/无人接听,请问您是留言还是稍后再拨? 4、 找人:

Would you tell me the person you want to speak is the guest or staff? 请问您找是酒店住客还是酒店员工?

A: Which department do you know the person you want to speak? 您知道他是哪个部门的吗?

I’ll put through to the personnel department, you’ll check for him? 我帮您接到人事部,您查寻一下好吗? Please, wait a moment. 请稍等。

B: Would you tell me the guest’s room number? 您知道他的房号吗? May I have your name? 我可以知道您的姓名吗? 5、 叫醒服务:

A: What time for you morning call, please? 请问您需要几点的叫醒?

Thank you for you calling Mr??, you room number is XX and we will call at XX o’clock on the tomorrow morning. Have a good night.

谢谢您的来电XX先生/小姐,您的房号是XX,您需要明早XX的叫醒时间,我们一定会准时叫醒您的,祝您晚安! B: (客人没有提机。需人工叫醒时)

Good morning, Mr/Ms?This is time for your wake-up call Regal Hotel wish you have a nice day .

早上好,XX先生/小姐,您的叫醒时间到了,丽豪酒店祝您有愉快的一天! 6、 当线路太嘈杂时:

Excuse me , the line is so noise, Would you mind changing another telephone to dial? 对不起,电话听不清楚,您能换一个电话拨打好吗? 7、 当对方的声音太小时:

Excuse me, sir. Could you mind speaking louder?

对不起,请您大声一点好吗?(注:切勿与客人大声说话!) 8、 当姓名与电脑不符时:

A: Sorry, We don’t have the , name registered in our computer. Do you know any other name. I’ll check for you.



B:如客人坚持要求转时: (10:00—24:00) Would you tell me the guest name, May I have you name? 请问您要找的客人贵姓,我可以知道您的姓名吗? Please , wait a moment. 请捎等。


Excuse me sir, This is operator sorry to disturb you. Would you tell me if have Mr/Ms? in your room? This is call from Mr/Ms? Would you like to accept?

对不起,XX先生,总机打扰一下,请问您的房间里是否有一位姓XX的客人,外线有一位XX先生/小姐电话找,请问你是否接听? D:如客人坚持要求转时: (24:00—09:00)

Sorry, Mr/Ms? This room registration isn’t your guest name. Because it’s so late. We don’t transfer your call.

对不起,XX先生/小姐,这间房登记入住的不是您找的客人。因为时间太晚了,不太方便为您转接电话,请谅解! 9、 过滤电话时:

Excuse me. Sir. This is operator sorry to disturb you, XX is on the line. Would you like to accept?

对不起,XX先生,总机打扰一下,现有XX电话找,请问您是否接听? 10、 11、

当不太清楚客人的意思时: 当让客人等候时:

Sorry sir, I beg you pardon, please?

Sorry sir, thank you for you waiting. Can I help you? 对不起,让您久等了,请问有什幺可以帮到您? 12、


I’m sorry ,It’s telephone switchboard of Gui zhou Regal Hotel. Can I help you? 对不起,这里是贵州丽豪大饭店,请问有什幺可以帮到您? 13、


Would you tell me the extension number? 请问有没有分机号码?

Sorry sir, this is Regal Hotel ,If you hasn’t extension number. I’m afraid I don’t know

who is making call to you, Please wait for your call?


请您再等他呼您好吗? 14、


show you have ready taken telephone. If you have any question. I’ll transfer your call to AM to help you.

Excuse me sir, Please don’t angry. We have a computer wake up service. The computer



幺疑问,我可以帮您接到AM处,他一定会帮到您的。 15、


请稍等。(放音乐给对方听),对不起,先生,请您久等了。 Sorry sir, have telephone coming. Please wait a moment. 对不起,先生,有电话进来,请稍等。


如客人问电话怎样计费: charge 15%.

市内是免费的,长途按信局收费标准收取,另加收15%的服务费。 17、


Please wait a moment Mr/Ms?I’ll check for your IDD condition. XX先生/小姐,请您稍等,我帮您查一下您的长途是否打开。

Sorry to keeping you waiting, Your IDD is open. Please dial “0” before country code

and then the area code and telephone number your want to dial. Thank you for your calling.


最后再加上您要打的电话号码,谢谢您的来电。 18、


“5000”and you could take your message.

电话右上方有留言提示灯,您只需拨“5000”就可以提取留言了。 19、

客人问怎样插线时: telephone.

对不起,先生,我们不能强插电话,因为电话里有语音信箱。 20、


number, I will notice him to recall you.


吗? 21、


Sorry sir, Mr?is out of town, May I put you though to his assistant for you?





Sorry sir, It’s a internal phone, so you couldn’t make a out side call. But you could make Sorry, sir, the manager have a meeting. Would you like to leave your name are telephone Sorry, sir, we couldn’t interpose your call, because there is voice mail box in the There is your message if the light on the right of telephone is sparking, you should dial Local call is free charge. IDD/DDD charge accounting to china Tel com and service Please wait a moment. Sorry sir. Thank you for you waiting.


a outside call. But you could make it in BC.

对不起,先生,这里不能拨打外线,但您可以到产务中心拨打。 23、

遇超出自己职权范围以内的事情时: Please wait a moment.


Sorry sir, May I put you though to our assistant manager? He will be able to help you,


1、 You can please dial “0”fist and the area code and you want number.

您先拨“0”,然后再拨城市代码,最后再拨您需要的电话号码。 2、 I’m sorry. I’ll get someone to help you? Just a moment please.


3、I am putting you through go ahead sir, your party is on the line.


4、The line is busy, Would you like to wait or call again.


5、Sorry to keep you waiting sir, Mr? is still on the line, I’ll put you through as soon as possible.


6、I’ll have Mr? call you back as soon as he is free, sir, May I have you name and numbers?

我可以知道您的姓名和电话吗? 7、Thank you for you calling, sir goodbye.


8、Sorry sir, the line does not answer, Would you like to leave a message?


9、Thank you, I’ll try to contact Mr? and call you back as soon as. We receive a response, May I have your contact number please?


10、I’m sorry about the matter Mr? I shall put you through to my manger and get him to attend to you as soon as possible.


11、I am sorry, sir. We aren’t allowed to give our guests room numbers, Can you give me your name and telephone number and I’ll have Mr? call you back.


12、I am afraid such information is confidential, I am so sorry.


13、I am sorry sir, Mr? doesn’t with to be disturbed. Would you like to leave a message?

对不起,这位先生是不需要有人打扰,请问您需要留言吗? 14、I’m terribly sorry there, Could have been some mistake I do apologize.


对不起,这里面可能有一些误会,我向您道歉。 15、I’m sorry, sir. I’ll look into the matter at once.

对不起,先生,我马上去调查一下这件事。 16、Sorry, I didn’t catch that, Could you please repeat it?

对不起,我没有听清楚,您能再说一遍好吗? 17、Is it a paid call or collect call?


18、Please wait in you room, if the call put through, I’ll you back.

请您在房间多等一会儿,电话通后,我将尽快为您接通。 19、Mr? is off duty now, Would you like to speak to someone else?

对不起,XX先生现在不在,您需要和其它人说话吗? 20、Would you spelling it, please?


21、Sorry, I’m afraid no guest by that name registered in our computer, Do you have another name please?

对不起,没有您要查询的名字,您能用其它姓名查询一下吗? 22、I will book the call through the oversea station for you.


23、This is operator speaking I’m sorry to disturb you Ms/Mr? is on the line. Would you like to accept?

对不起,总机打扰一下,现在有XX电话找,请问是否愿意接听? 24、Mr? Would you like to confirm the time of you wake up call?

XX先生,我们现在和您确认一下您的叫早电话,好吗? 25、When would you need your wake up call in tomorrow morning?


26、It’s time for you wake up call. Mr? have a nice day.


27、Mr? a call to you at?. Would you prefer to give him a call? Telephone number is??.

有一位先生在??打电话给您,你要回电话给他吗?电话号码是??。 28、Mr? there is a call from??. Would you like to put you through now?

XX先生,这是人??打来的电话,现在为您接通吗? 29、Excuse me sir/madam, Could you speak a little louder, please?


30、Excuse me sir/madam, Could you speak more slowly, please?


31、I’m sorry, I don’t understand. I’ll get my supervisor to help you at once.

对不起,我没听懂,我请我们主管来帮助您。 32、May I take a message?



33、The number of the regal Hotel is 6521888 or Fax number is 6520792。

丽豪大饭店的电话号码是:6521888,传真号码是:6520792。 34、We’re got DDD system and IDD system in our hotel.


35、If you make a pay call, you can place it right in your room. If you’d like to make a collect call, Please dial “0”and the operator for help.

如果您自己付款打国际长途,您可以在房间直拨。 如果您要对方付费电话,那就先拨“0”,请总机代拨。 36、Hold the line , please.


37、The service hours of Business Center is from 8:00am to 10:00pm.

商务中心的营业时间是从上午八点到晚上十点。 38、I’m sorry about this.


39、Thank you for your precious suggestion.


40、Sorry, sir. We don’t know this telephone number. But maybe you could find it from 114.


41、If you want to make a long distance of international direct dial, please dial “0”before county code and then the area code and then the telephone number you want to dial.


42、I’m afraid I cannot transfer calls from the house phone. Could you dial the number directly.

抱歉,我这里无法为您转接电话,请直拨那个号码。 43、All local call are free.


44、I’m afraid all room-to-room call mast go though the operator.

恐怕所有房间电话都要通过总机转拨。 45、I’m afraid you party was cut off.


46、Your group M/C is 7:00am o’clock. Do you want to change it M/C?


47、I’m sorry, Ms?, I’m afraid your name is not know to our guest.


48、Excuse me it is room number??and Mr?? There is a long distance call from??for you would you like to receive this?/Please hang up (cut off) the phone first.




49、I am sorry, sir/madam. The line is still busy at the moment. Would you like to continue or to hold?


50、Good morning Mr?, this operator sorry to trouble you Mr/Ms? has asked for your room, but cannot give us you name. Would you like to accept his/her call?


51、For room-to-room calls, please dial his room number, it’s the extension number for guest room.


52、Sorry, sir. We don’t contact Mr?. Would you like to leave a message. We’ll tell him. He’ll contact you?


53、Put down this phone, please. I’ll ask the AM make a call to you.


54、Good morning, Mr?today’s morning briefing has been cancelled.

Today’s morning briefing will be have at 11:00am in Business Center.





一、 客房专用词语

Occupied 住客房 Vacant 空房 Out of order room 待修房 Check in 入住 Check out 离店 Long staying guest room 常住客房 Very important person 贵宾 Make up room 请即打扫 Do not disturb 请勿打扰 Double locks 重锁 Sleep out 外宿 House use自用 Expect departure 预离 Expect arrival 预抵 No baggage 无行李Light baggage 轻行李 Executive floor 行政楼层 二、 房间家具及物品名称

Room door 房门 Room door lock 门锁 Single bed 单人床 Double bed 双人床 Table 桌子 Sofa 沙发 Chair 椅子 Wardrobe 衣柜 Sheet 床单 Pillow 枕头 Pillow cases 枕套 Wall picture 壁画 Lamp 灯 Slippers 拖鞋 Match 火柴 Stationery folder 文具夹 Postcard 明信片 Magazine 杂志 Note pad 便签 Hanger 衣架 Mini bar 小酒吧 Ice bucket 冰桶 Television 电视机 Switch 开关 Carpet 地毯 Baby cot 婴儿床 Extra bad 加床 Laundry 湿洗 Dry cleaning 干洗 Pressing 熨烫 Express service 加快服务 Shoe polishing 擦鞋服务 Bath room 卫生间 Lost and found 失物认领 Bath tub 浴缸 Shower 淋浴 Washing basin 面盆 Towel rack 浴巾架


