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目 录 1、




















15、 工程材料(18句)


18、 质量管理(20句) QUALITY CONTROL

19、 试车和开工(30句) TEST RUN AND START-UP 20、 在宴会上(26句) AT THE BANQUET

附录一、 基数和序数、 分数、 倍数、附录二、 常见各国标准代号 附录三、 常见外国学会和协会机构 附录四、 度量衡表


一、问候和介绍(36句) GREETINGS AND INTRODUCTIONS 1 How do you do? 你好吗?(初次见面) 2 How are you? 你好吗?(日常见面) 3 Fine,thanks. 很好,谢谢。

4 I am very well, Thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。 5 Good morning Mr.Jack. 早安,贾克先生。

6 Good afternoon Miss Mary. 午安,玛利小姐。 7 Good evening Dr.John. 晚安:约翰博士。

8 Very pleased to meet you, you are welcome. 见到你很高兴,欢迎你。 9 I am very glad to see you. 我很高兴见到你。 10 Welcome to China. 欢迎你到中国来。

11 Welcome to our job site. 欢迎你到我们工地来。

12 For our friendship and coperation , I wish we shall have a friendly cooperation in coming days.


13 Let us work together for our common job. 让我们为共同的事业一起工作吧! 14 Happy New year!


15 Happy Spring Festival! 春节快乐!

16 Merry Christmas! 圣诞节愉快!

17 Congratulations to your National Day! 祝贺你们的国庆节! 18 Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐!

19 Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Li Han. 请允许我介绍自己,我的名字叫李汉。

20 Please allow me to introduce a fellow of mine, Mr.___. 请允许我给你介绍一位我的同事,某先生。

21 I am a manager. (project manager, resident construction manager, construction superintendent, controller staff member, engineer, technician, economist, supervisor, foreman, worker)


22 I work in the Chemical Engineering Construction Company.(Construction Department, Inspection Section).


23 My technical specialty is civil engineering.(chemical engineering, process, mechanical equipment ,electrical, instrumentation, piping, welding, furnace building, corrosion prevention, thermal-insulation, heating-ven-tilation, quality control).


24 What is your speciality? 你的专业是什么?

25 I am a mechanician.(electrician, Pipelayer,welder, carpenter, turner, blacksmith,



riveter,rigger, concrete worker,

engine-driver,repair worker).


26 What is your nationality? Are you American?(English, Japanese, German, French, Italian, Romanian).


27 What is your name? 你的名字叫什么?

28 Can I have your name, please? 请问你的名字?

29 Which department do you belong to ? 你在那家公司工作?

30 Which department do you belong to ? 你属于那个部门?

31 Kindly give us your advice, please. 请多指教。

32 Thanks for your direction. 感谢你的指导。 33 Good-bye . 再见。

34 See you again. 再见。

35 See you later. 回头见。

36 See you tomorrow. 明天见。

二、交谈语言(24句) TALKING ABOUT LANGUAGES 37 Do you speak English? 你能讲英语吗?

38 Let us talk English? 让我们用英语交谈吧!

39 can speak English only a little, do you understand me ? 我只能说一点英语,你能听懂吗?

40 Excuse me ,Sometimes I make mistakes when I speak English. 请原谅,我讲英语有时会说错。

41 Speak slowly, please. I intend to learn to speak English. 请讲慢一点,我想学着讲一点英语。

42 I am very sorry . I can not speak English very well ,but I can read document in English.

我很抱歉,我的英语说得不好,但我能看懂英文资料。 43 Please write down the English words of this for us. 请用英文字写出来给我们看。

44 Write this word in English, please. 请将这字写出英文来。

45 I can not understand you, say it again, please. 我不懂你讲的,请再说一遍。

46 Do you know how we should express the idea in English? 你可知道我们应该如何用英文表达这个意思? 47 What does this word mean? 这字是什么意思?

48 We should like to have an interpreter, let us call him. 我们应该找一个翻译来。

49 Is my pronunciation correct? 我的发音对吗?

50 I have trouble with pronunciation. 我在发音上有困难。

51 How many languages do you speak? 你能讲几种语言?

52 I can read(speak)English only with the help of a dictionary.(tape recorder). 我仅能借助字典(磁带录音机)阅读(讲说)英语。

53 Do you speak Chinese?(Can you write Chinese character? 你能讲汉语吗?你会写汉字吗?

54 Please tell me how to spell the English word. 请告诉我怎样拼读这个英文字。

55 I do not understand, can you repeat it? 我不懂,你能重复一次吗?

56 I can not catch up with you . 我赶不上你。

57 I can follow you. 我能听懂你的话。

58 Let the interpreter continue. 让翻译接着讲。

59 please put the sentence into Chinese(English). 请把这句子译成汉语(英语)。

60 Have you a mind to learn Chinese? 你想学汉语吗?

三、日期和时间(20句) DATES AND TIMES 61 What month is this? 现在是几月份?

62 This is January.(February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December).


63 What day is today? 今天是星期几?

64 Today is Sunday.(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday). 今天是星期日。(一、二、三、四、五、六) 65 What is the date today? 今天是几号?

66 Today is April sixth, nineteen eighty-two.

今天是一九八二年四月六日。 67 What time is it? 现在几点钟?

68 It is six o’clock. 现在是六点钟。

69 It is seven past nine. 现在是九点过七分。

70 It is a few minutes after three. 现在是三点过几分。

71 It is a quarter to ten. 现在是十点差一刻。

72 Will you be here at eight o’clock tomorrow? 请你明天八点钟到这里来,行吗?

73 We shall come at half past seven, when will you come? 我们七点半钟来,你什么时间来? 74 We shall be on time, I hope. 我希望我们将按时到达。

75 We get to work at seven thirty every morning and finish working at eleven thirty before noon.(a.m.)

我们每天早上七点三十分开始工作,到十一点三十分结束工作。(午前) 76 We work from two until six o’clock afternoon(p.m.)every day. 我们每天下午从两点到六点工作。(下午) 77 We have breakfast at seven. 我们七点钟早餐。

78 We have dinner at eleven forty-five. 我们十一点四十五分进午餐。

79 We have supper at six afternoon. 我们下午六点进晚餐。

80 We have a day of rest on Sunday every week . 我们每周星期日休息。 四、天气和环境(20句)


81 It is very fine today, the weather is suitable for our work. 今天天气很好,适合我们工作。

82 It is not at all a nice day. It will get colder. 天气一点也不好,要变冷起来。

83 We can not continue the outdoor work, because it is raining (sleeting)now. 因为现在下雨(雨雪),我们不能继续在室外工作。

84 It is going to snow(hail)tomorrow, some measures must be taken to prevent freezing.


85 The lifting work on site will be compelled to stop, owing to the strong wind.(a dense fog ).

由于强风(浓雾),现场起重吊装工作将被迫停止。 86 We have a nap(interval)after lunch in hot season. 热天午餐后,我们有一个午睡(中休)时间。

87 The weather is warm(cold)and sunny (cloudy)here. 这里气候温和(寒冷),阳光充沛(阴天多云)。 88 What is the weather forecast for today? 今天天气预报怎样?

89 The weatherman says,:the highest temperature during the day will be twenty one degrees centigrade(21℃).


90 The temperature will drop to five above (below)zero tonight. 今晚温度将降到零上(下)五度。

91 It is spring (summer , autumn , winter)time now. 现场是春天。(夏、 秋、 冬)

92 This road leads to the factory.(Post Office, Telegraph Office, Telephone Booth, Travel Agency, Custom House, Bank , Hotel, Restaurant, Department Store, Book Store, Hospital, Theatre , Park).


93 There is an equipment in front of the building.(behind the water tower, under the pipe rack, on the floor, inside the steel structure, in the workshop).


94 Our construction site is north(south, east, west)of Nanjing, near the Changjiang River.(Yantze River、 yellow River).

我们的工地在南京以北(南、东、西),靠近长江。(扬子江、黄河) 95 It is about twenty-five kilometers(miles)from here to Lanzhou. 这里离兰州约二十五公里。(哩)

96 It is only a short way, turn left(right) at the next cross street ,and then go straight on.

离这里只有一小段路,到下一个十字路口向左(右)拐,然后一直向前走就到。 97 It is very convenient from here to Shanghai.(Beijing, Tianjing, Guangzhou , Suzhou).

这里到上海(北京、 天津、 广州、 苏州)很方便。 98 You can get there by train.(airplane, ship, bus) 你可以乘火车(飞机、 轮船、 公共汽车)去。

99 If it should rain tomorrow, the work would be postponed for some days. 如果明天下雨,工作就要延期几天。 100

The climate quite agrees with us .


五、在会议上(34句) AT THE MEETING

101Our meeting will be next Tuesday at eight o’clock. 我们的会议将在下星期二八点钟举行。

102We want to change our meeting from Monday to Wednesday. 我们想把会议由星期一改为星期三。

103Sit down, please. Have a smoke and a cup of tea. 请坐,请抽烟、喝茶。

104Which problems shall we discuss today?


105Today we shall discuss the question of hydraulic (pneumatic)test. 今天我们将讨论水压、(气压)试验问题。

106Please give us your opinion.(point of view, ideas) 请把你的意见(观点、想法)告诉我们。 107We must know your opinion. 我们必须知道你的意见。

108We are willing to accept your suggestion.(plan) 我们乐于采纳你的建议(计划)。

109Your suggestion suits us. We agree. 你的建议适合我们,我们同意。

110Please forgive me. We have different (opposite) views on this. Our opinion is ?

请原谅,我们对此有不同的(相反的)看法。我们的意见是?. 111I am very sorry, but I disagree with you. 我很报歉,我不同意你说的。

112We should be able to settle this question. 我们应该能够解决这个问题。

113We would like to hear your opinions. 我们想听一下你的意见。

114We must act according to the contract. 我们应该按照合同办事。

115Thanks for the advice, but this is something we have to figure out (workout) ourselves.


116I do not see any point in discussing the question any further. 我认为进一步讨论此事没有必要。

117Let us discuss these problems one by one.(step by step) 让我们一个一个地(一步一步地)讨论这些问题。 118Do you agree with me? 你同意我吗?

I agree. 我同意。 I disagree. 我不同意。

I agree with you ,but with some reservations. 我同意,但有某些保留。 119I think so. 我想是这样。 I do not think so. 我不这样想。

120Shall we have a break? 我们休息一下好吗?

121It is a question which we shall not discuss here. 这个问题我们将不在此讨论。

122We have not get fully determined. 我们尚未完全决定。

123This is something beyond our comprehension. 这是我们不可理解的事。

124I regret to say that I can not agree with you. 我很报歉(遗憾),不能同意你。 125We hold the opinion of our own. 我们坚持我们的意见。

126Let us decide on this point. 让我们决定这一点。 127We decide to do so. 我们决定这样办。

128This problem must be reported to the higher level, they have the final say to make decisions.


129Your side will be held responsible for all the consequences arising there from.


130Let us draft a resolution about it. 让我们为此起草一项决议。

131Please sign your name to the minutes of the meeting. 请在会议记录上签字。

132We shall meet again tomorrow morning. 我们明天早上接着开会。

133Let us put this matter aside for sometimes, Good-bye. 这事过些时候再说,再见!

134Your cooperation means much to us. 你们的合作对我们是很重要的。 六、工程项目(20句) ENGINEERING PROJECT

135A project execution is usually divided into some elementary phases, such as :engineering, procurement and transportation, and field construction.

一个工程项目的实施通常可分为几个基本阶段:工程设计、采购和运输、以及现场施工。 136We are building an ethylene plant with an annual capacity of 300,000 metric tons.


137The contract number of this project is CJC78-8. 这个项目的合同号是CJC78-8。

138The Seller(vendor) is Toyo Engineering Corporation(TEC)of Japan. 卖方(卖主)是日本的东洋工程公司。(简称TEC)

139The Buyer (customer, client)is China National Technical Import Corporation.(CNTIC)


140China National Chemical Construction Corporation (CNCCC) contracts for domestic and overseas chemical projects.


141We can contract to build turn-key plant, undertake single items of projects as a subcontractor or provide labor services.


142The “UHDE” Corporation of Federal Germany takes part in this project as a patent licenser.(owner of the know-how)

联邦德国的“伍德”公司作为一个技术专利执证者(专门技术所有者)参加此项工程。 143Are you the Seller’s Representative on the job site? 你是卖方的现场代表吗?

144I am the Buyer’s General Representative.(GR) 我是买方的总代表。(简称GR)

145It is an inquiry (commercial and technical proposal, approval, agreement ,protocol, annex, technical appendix) about this project.


146There are many information in the technical proposal, which including: process flow, process description, capacity of the plant, performance of the product.

技术报价书中有很多资料,包括:工艺流程、工艺说明、生产能力、产品特性等。 147There are two units (installations) in the contract plant. (within the battery limits)


148The project team normally consists of project engineer, design engineer ,schedule engineer, and various specialists.

项目工作组通常包括有项目工程师、设计工程师、计划工程师、以及各类专家。 149We can evaluate the results of field construction by four criteria, which are quality ,time, cost and safety.

我们可以通过四个指标来评价现场施工的成绩,即质量、时间进度、费用和安全。 150I am responsible for the technical (scheduling, inspection, quality control) work of this project.( area)


151Would you tell us the technical characteristic about this project? 你能告诉我们有关这个工程项目的技术特性吗? 152Please give a description about this project.


153The project is certain to be a success. 这个项目一定会得到成功。

154Do you have any reference materials about this project? 你有关于这个工程项目有参考资料吗?


155We should work according to the overall schedule chart(the construction time schedule )of the project.


156The effective date of this contract will begin from July sixth , nineteen eight-three.


157The Seller will provide preliminary (final )technical documents for Buyer in May.


158The basic (detailed) process design will be issued before August. 基本的(详细的)工艺设计资料将于八月前发出。

159Our major planning items contain estimating of cost and construction schedule.


160We shall have a design collecting (preliminary design, final design) meeting next month.


161On our most projects Critical Path Method(CPM) is used for scheduling. 在我们的大多数工程项目中都采用“统筹法”(即关键路线方法,简称CPM)安排计划。 162Field erection work (civil work) will begin in October this year and complete on June first next year.


163This contract plant will start-up (put in commissioning )on November thirty

this year.


164The date of acceptance of this plant will be April sixth, nineteen eighty-four.


165The plant is scheduled to be completed around 1985. 工厂计划于一九八五年前后建成。

166The Seller’s operating group (A crew of specialists) will remain on the job until guarantees are met.


167We must take the plant through the test run and finally into commercial operation.


168Every month we shall establish construction schedule. 每个月我们都要制订建设进度计划。

169We shall also make the project schedule report every day . 我们也将每天提出项目进度报告。

170We are going to begin this work tomorrow.(next week ,next month). 我们准备明天(下周、下月)开始这项工作。

171We must take this work plan into consideration. 我们必须考虑这个工作计划。

172We have to change our plan for lack of materials (construction machinery, erection tools)

因缺少材料(施工机械、安装工具),我们只能改变计划。 173What is your suggestion about this schedule? 你对这个计划进度有何建议?

174Give me your opinion on this plan. 请把你对这个计划的意见告诉我。 八、技术资料和图纸(34句) TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS

175We completed this task according to the drawing number SD-76.


176According to the technical standard (norm, rules of operation), the erection (alignment, testing )work is now getting on .


177This is a plot plan (general layout ,general arrangement, detail ,section, erection ,flow sheet, PID, assembly, civil, electrical, control and instrumentation, projection, piping, isometric ) drawing.


178That is a general (front, rear, side, left, right, top, vertical, bottom, elevation, auxiliary, cut-away, birds eye) view.


179How many drawings are there in the set? 这套图纸有几张?

180Is this a copy for reproduction? 这是一份底图吗?

181What is the edition of this drawing? 这张图纸是第几版?

182Is this drawing in effect? 这张图纸有效吗?

183Is this a revised edition? 这是修订版吗?

184Will it to be revised yet? 这图还要修订吗?

185Are there some modifications (revisions) on the drawing? 这张图上有些修改(修正)吗?

186The information to be placed in each title block of a drawing include: drawing number, drawing size, scale, weight, sheet number and number of sheets, drawing title and signatures of persons preparing, checking and approving the drawing.



187There are various types of lines on the drawing such as : border lines, visible lines, invisible lines, break lines, phantom lines.


188We have not received this drawing, (instruction book , operation manual) please help us to get it .

我们还未收到这张图纸(说明书、操作手册),请帮助我们取得。 189Please send us further information about this item. 请将有关这个项目的进一步的资料送交我们。 190I want additional information on this. 我需要这方面的补充资料。

191Please explain the meaning of this abbreviation(mark, symbol) on the drawing. 请解释图上这个缩写(标记、符号)的意义。

192We comply with and carry out the GB standard (ANSI, BS, AFNOR, JIS, DIN) in this project.


193Please make a sketch of this part on the paper. 请将这个零件的草图画在纸上。

194Would you lend me your information? (handbook, brochure) 可否将你的资料(手册、小册)借给我? 195Please bring us those drawings. 请把那些图纸带给我们。

196This is a translated information, it maybe not quite sure. 这是翻译的资料,可能不太确切。 197It is a mistake in translation. 那是一个翻译错误。

198The copy is blurred, it is not very clear. 这个复制件被弄模糊了,不太清晰。

199Please give us a copy of this information .(technical specification,

instruction, manual, document, diagram, catalog)

请给我们一份这个资料(技术规程、说明书、手册、文件、图表、目录样本)的复印本。 200Please send us a technical liaison letter about it . 请给我们一份有关此事的技术联络单。

201I received this letter (report, detailed list )last week . 我上周收到此信。(报告、清单)

202A working drawing must be clear and complete. 工作图必须简明完整。

203Just look at this drawing. 看看这张图吧。

Please have a look at the drawing. 请看这张图。

204Please make a copy of this letter. 请把这信复制一份。 I have done six copies. 我已复制六份。

205Data on equipment can be found in the related information. 有关设备的数据可从有关的资料中找到。 206Such information would not avail much. 这些资料用处不大。

207Have you any idea how to use the manufacturer’s handbook. 你知道怎样使用这本厂家手册吗?

208We regard these data as very useful . 我们认为这些数据是很有用的。 九、公用工程 UTILITY

209、Public utilities are carefully regulated here. 公用事业在这里受到仔细的管理。

210、The pressure maintained in the water main is two kilogram per square centimeter.


211、The water has been treated (softened),but it is not drinkable water. 这水经过处理(软化),但不是饮用水。

212、The common service voltage of electric power in our country is 220/380 volt. 我国普通供电电压为220/380伏。

213、There is a switch board (control panel, distribution box) mounted on the wall.


214、We have an emergency-standby electric generator with a capacity of 300 kilowatts.


215、The substation equipped with a transformer of 500 KVA is at the south of the plant.


216、The pressure of the compressed air at the work site is about 7kg/cm2. 工地用压缩空气的气压约为7公斤/平方厘米。

217、There is a steam heating system (air conditioning system ) in the work-shop. 这车间里装有一个蒸汽加热系统(空气调节系统)。

218、The Post Office is in Renmin Street, it is open from 7.a.m till midnight. 邮局在人民路,从上午7点一直开到半夜。

219、You can send the letter by airmail (regular mail, registered mail). 你可以邮寄航空信(平信、挂号信)。

220、You may telephone me at ten o’clock, my telephone number is 4907(four –nine –0-seven).

你可以在十点中给我打一个电话,我的电话号码是4907。 221、Here is the telephone directory. 这是电话号码本。

222、The telegraphic (cable, telex) address of the guest house is 6080. 招待所的电报(海底电报、用户电报)挂号是6080。

223、You may contact the receptionist if you want to make a long distance call (to make overseas call, to send a overseas telegram).


224、The cargo vessel (passenger ship) docked at wharf number 5 yesterday afternoon.


225、There is a freeway (main highway) from here to Nanjing. 从这里到南京有一条高速公路(主要公路)。

226、There is a limousine service to the Friendship Hotel every day. 每天有开往友谊宾馆的交通车服务。

227、The quickest way to get there is to take a airplane(taxi, subway, train, bus).

228、You can make your travel arrangement in any branch of the CITS or CAAC. 你可以在中国国际旅行社或中国民航总局的任何分理处办理旅行安排。 CITS-China International Travel Service 中国国际旅行社

CAAC-General Administration of Civil Aviation of China 中国民用航空总局 十、施工现场


229、Welcome to our construction site. 230、Glad to have you here.

231、Our job site(施工现场) is over there/here.

232、It is very simple and crude here. Do not mind, please. 这里很简陋,别介意。

233、Come in, please. Be quick. Just a minute, please. Take care. 234、I am a site engineer (director, workshop head, chief of section, foreman, worker, staff member).

工地工程师(厂长、车间主任、班组长、领工、工人、职员) 235、May I introduce our chief engineer to you. (总工程师) 236、Mr.Wang is responsible for this task.. 负责这项工作任务 237、I am in charge of this section. 我负责这个工段。

238、Here is our engineering office (drawing office, control room, laboratory, meeting room, common room, rest room).

这是我们的工程技术办公室(绘图室、调度室、实验室、会议室、座谈室、休息室) 239、Sit down, please. Let us have a rest.

240、Have some tea (cold drink, ice-sucker 冰棒). 241、I have some thing(question) to ask of you. 242、Would you please tell us something about this? 243、Thanks for your kindness. 感谢费心! Thanks for your help.

244、The shift will start at half past seven a.m. 早班从7点半开始。

245、We have flexible work hours during the summer. 我们在夏季的工作时间有弹性。

246、Pay attention to safety! 注意安全。

247、Put on your safety helmet, please. 请戴上安全帽!

248、Danger! Look out! Get out of the way. 危险!当心!快躲开!

249、Here is our pipe prefabrication workshop (steel structure fabrication shop, machine shop, boiler room, air compressor station, concrete mixing unit).


250、Let me show you the way. Follow me, please. 251、Would you like to see this process (machine)? 你要看看这工艺方法(机器)吗?

252、Would you like to talk to the welder (inspector)? 你要和焊工(检查员)谈谈吗?

253、The factory (work hop, equipment) produces pipe fittings (spare parts, fasteners).


254、I am sorry, do not touch this, please. 很抱歉、请勿触动! 255、Do not touch that paint, it is wet. 油漆未干,请勿触碰。 256、Smoking and lighting fires are strictly forbidden at here. 这里严禁烟火。

257、Look at the sign, danger keep out. 注意标牌,危险勿进。

258、Out of the bounds for foreigners without special permission.

外国人未经特许不可入内。 No admittance! 禁止入内!

259、There is a temporary facility for site brickwork.(wood work, ironwork, paintwork)

这是一个现场砖工(木工、铁工、油工)临时设施。 260、Let me show you around and meet our workers. 让我带你走一圈,并会见我们的工人。

261、We would like to know your opinion about our site work. 我们想听取你对我们现场工作的意见。 262、We have just finished the job. 263、We have not finished this work yet.

264、It will be finished under five days.这将在5天内完成。 265、That is a question, I think. No problem. 266、What is wrong with this?

Something must be wrong with it. Nothing is wrong.

267、It is difficult to do so. It is easy to do. It is hard to say. 268、It is normal. It is clear. It is correct. It is all right. 正常 清楚 正确 良好 269、We shall do our best. 尽力做好

270、Some training will fit them for the job. 经过一些训练,他们就能胜任这项工作。

271、By the end of this month, we shall have carried out our plan. 到这个月底,我们将已实现我们的计划。

272、All has gone well with our site work plan. 一切均按照我们的现场工作计划进行。 十一、设备检验


273、Shall we go to the warehouse to check the equipment?

274、I believe that all the machines to be shipped have been pre-assembled (inspected).


275、Where is the packing list (bill of lading, bill of materials)? 装箱单(提货单、材料清单)在那里?

276、What is the item number (case number) of this equipment? 这台设备的位号(箱号)是多少?

277、How many cases are there in the package of this equipment? 这台设备分几箱包装?

278、What does this mark (symbol) mean? 这个标志(符号)是什么意思?

279、All the equipment must be fitted with nameplates. 所有的设备都钉有铭牌。

280、First of all, we must check the delivery schedule (date of delivery) of the equipment.


281、What about the mechanical guarantee of the equipment? 设备的机械保证情况如何?

282、We have placed an order for pumps with a factory. 我们已向一家工厂定购泵机。

283、We have planned to finish the inspection of the equipment before Sunday. 我们计划在星期天以前完成设备的检查工作。

284、This equipment is supplied by the Seller (Buyer). 这台设备是卖方(买方)供应的。

285、This is the equipment in completed conditions, that is the equipment fabricated at plant site.


286、This equipment is shipped from the Japan (United States of America, England, France, Italy, Federal Republic of Germany, Singapore).

这台设备是从日本(美国、英国、法国、意大利、联邦德国、新加坡)发运过来的。 287、The equipment is delivered to here by sea (air railway, road). 这台设备是通过海运(空运、铁路、公路)发货到此的。

288、The port of destination is Hsingkang (Shanghai, Whampoa, Kwangchow, Tsingtao).


289、The over-sized equipment which is over 3.4 m in width, 3.1m in height, 18m in length and 50 tons in weight.

超限设备的限度为超过宽3.4米、高3.1米、长18米和重量50吨。 290、Please pay attention to the following marks on the package.: 请注意包装箱上的下列标志:

Use rollers 使用滚杠移 Heave here 从此提起 Handle with care 小心装卸 Top 上部 Bottom 底部 Fragile 易碎

Inflammable 易燃

Do not cast 勿掷

Keep upright 勿倒置 Keep in a cold (dry) place 存于冷(干)处

To be protected from cold (heat) 怕冷(热) 291、How much does this equipment weigh? 这台设备多重?

292、The gross (net)weight of this case is fourteen tons (pounds). 这箱毛(净)重14吨(磅)。

293、Let us check the quantity of the parts (accessories) according to the packing list (shipping list).

让我们根据装箱单(发货清单)来核查零件(附件)数量。 294、Shall we check it again (once more)? 我们再检查一次(再查一遍)好吗?

295、It has been damaged (rusted) here, let us take a picture (photograph ). 此处已经损坏(锈蚀),我们来照个相。 296、The packaging has to be improved. 这个包装必须改进。

297、We should record what the damage and lack of parts. 我们应该把损坏和缺件情况作个记录。

298、We must avoid so far as possible the damage of equipment during storage. 我们必须尽量避免设备在储存期间损坏。

299、Please sign your name to the check list. 请你在检验单上签个字。

300、Your side must compensate us for our loss. 你方必须赔偿我们的损失。

301、We must pack the spare parts into another box.. 我们应该将备件另行装箱。

302、All of the equipment are made in China.(Japan) 所有的设备都是中国(日本)制造的。 十二、土建工程 CIVIL ENGINEERING

303、All of the civil work on the field will be executed by us (our company). 所有现场的土建工作都将由我们(我公司)承担实施。

304、Civil engineering design is performed on our own at home. 土建工程是根据卖方提供的技术条件设计的。

306、This is a working (plot plan, vertical layout, structure plan, floor plan, general plan) drawing.


307、The quality of civil engineering conforms with our domestic technical standard (China National Building Code).


308、Our civil work include construction of roads, buildings, foundations and reinforced concrete structure.


309、It will take two weeks to complete this building (foundation). 这房子(基础)需要两周时间才能完成。

310、Sand, brick, and stone are generally used in constructing houses. 砂、砖和石头通常用于建造房屋。

311、These are the anchor bolts (rivets, unfinished bolts, high-strength structural bolts) for the structure.


312、The holes of anchor bolts will be grouted with normal (Portland ,non-shrinkage) cement mortar.


313、We usually measure the strength of concrete at 28 days after which has been cast.


314、The average compressive strength of samples is 500kg/cm2. 试样的平均抗压强度为500公斤/平方厘米

315、Our concrete material is mixed in a rotating-drum batch mixer at the job site.


316、Quality of concrete depends on proper placing, finishing, and curing. 混凝土的质量取决于适当的灌注、抹光和养护。

317、The workers tend to start the final finishing now. 工人们现在打算开始最后的抹光作业。

318、The concrete can be made stronger by pre-stressing in our factory. 在我们厂里可以使混凝土通过预加应力得到增强。

319、Most of construction material can be tested in our laboratory. 我们的实验室可以检验大部分建筑材料。

320、We shall finish the civil work by the end of the year. 在年底前我们将完成土建工作。 十三、施工机械 CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY

321、We have all kinds of construction machinery on the job site. 我们有各种施工机械在现场。

322、The truck crane (gantry crane, tower crane, mobile slewing crane, bridge crane, crawler crane) can lift a weight of 15 tons.


323、The hoisting capacity of that gin pole (girder pole, guy derrick) is sixty tons.





325、This is a motor hoist (winch) with low (high) wrapping speed. 这是低(高)速电动卷扬机(绞盘)。

326、What is the horsepower (H.P) of this engine (tractor, excavator, bulldozer, motor scraper, roller)?

这台发动机(拖拉机、挖掘机、推土机、自行铲运机、压路机)的马力是多少? 327、We used to weld pipes with direct current (D.C) are welder (alternating current A.C. welder).


328、The concrete mixer (concrete truck mixer, concrete vibrator, concrete batch plant) made by Hua-Dong Works are steady in quality and reliable in performance.


329、Loaders, fork lifts and air compressors are heavy construction machinery. 装载机、叉车和空气压缩机都是重型施工机械。

330、We must study the instruction before operation the pipe bender (hand pump, hydraulic testing pump).


331、The thickness of the steel plate handled by this roller mill (shear machine) is 25 millimeters.


]332、This lathe (milling, boring, grinding, drilling, gear cutting, planer) machine is of home manufacture.


333、All machinery must be lubricated periodically according to the lubrication chart.


334、To maintain its efficiency, the machinery needs a regular service

(check-over, repairing, overhaul).

这台机械需要进行一次定期保养(全面检查、修理、大修),以维持其工作效率。 335、This machinery is made in China (Great Britain, USA, Canada, Italy, Holland, Japan, Korea, Federal Germany, Democratic Germany, France, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Soviet Union, Swiss, Sweden).


336、Tell me about the operation of the machine. 请告诉我如何操作这台机器。

337、Bearings must be lubricated periodically. 轴承必须定期润滑。

338、Need we make any adjustment of this machine? 我们有必要调整这台机器吗? 十四、常用工具 COMMON TOOLS

339、There are many tools in my tool storage unit (tool chest, tool box). 我的工具柜(工具盒、工具箱)里面有很多工具。

340、Get me a hammer (hacksaw, file, scraper, chisel, socket, wrench, hook spanner, adjustable wrench, pipe wrench, ratchet wrench, open end wrench, screw driver, hand vice, pliers, pocket knife).


341、Straightedge rule (square rule, slide gauge, inside and outside micrometer, steel tape, feeler, dial gauge, depth micrometer, wire gage, radius gage, thread pitch gage) is a kind of common measuring tool.


342、The precision of this fitter level (cross-test level) is 0.02mm/M. 这个钳工水平仪(框架式水平仪)的精度为0.02毫米/米。

343、We have got the instrument (pressure gauge, thermometer, tachometer,

current meter, universal meter) ready for the experiment (test).

我们已经准备好做实验(试验)的仪器(压力表、温度计、转速计、电流表、万用表)。 344、That is an air (electric) powered grinder (portable grinder, angle grinder, straight grinder, drill, impact wrench, riveting hammer, hammer drill).


345、Our electrical tools are double insulated and approved to international safety standards.


346、Hydraulic pump is the power unit of the hydraulic puller (hydraulic press, hydraulic pipe bender, hydraulic jack).


347、A welder’s kit contains electrode holder, welding torch, helmet shield, portable electrode heating box and temperature measuring pen.


348、The diameter of this wire rope (hemp rope, sling) is three-fourth inches (3/4”).


349、The lifting capacity of this chain hoist (hydraulic jack, screw jack) is 5tons.


350、The vise (parallel-jaw vice) is available to all of the bench work. 所有的钳工工作都可使用台钳(平口钳)。

351、Grease gun and oiler are the lubrication service tools for machinery. 油枪和注油器都是机械润滑维护工具。

352、Torque wrenches offer the precision measurement needed to tighten fasteners.


353、The measuring unit of torque wrench is pound-inch or kilogram-centimeter. 力矩扳手的计量单位为镑-寸或者公斤-厘米。

354、Is the machine accompanied with some tools (spare parts, accessories)?

这台机器随机带有一些工具(备件、附件)吗? 355、Shall we use a special tool for this job? 我们干这活要使用专用工具吗?

356、Could you tell us how to use (operate, repair, maintain, clean, adjust) this new tool?

你能告诉我们如何使用(操作、修理、维护、清理、调整)这个新工具吗? 357、The tool gets out of order, we must remedy its trouble. 这工具有毛病,我们必须排除它的故障。

358、The tool is out of repair, it needs an overhaul. 这工具失修,需要拆修。

359、From your explanation I shall easily handle it. 听了你的说明,我将易于操纵它。 360、The tools must be well kept. 工具必须妥善保管。


361There are some material warehouses(store yards)on the construction site. 在工地上有一些材料仓库(堆场)。

362Our store officer is responsible for the warehousing and issuing of materials.


363We use Scientific-management system for material shortage and its control. 我们应用科学管理体系处理材料短缺及其调节。

364These materials are imported from abroad(supplied by the Seller). 这些材料是从国外进口的(卖方供应的)。 365What is the feature about it? 这些材料的特性是什么?

366The construction material answers our purpose satisfactorily. 这种建筑材料能满足我们的需要。

367The average traffic fuel (gasoline) consumption of this lorry is 0.3 liter

per kilometer (l/km).


368Hydraulic oil (lubrication oil )which having a viscosity of about 4.5°Eat 50℃ can be used for this vehicle (machine).

具有恩氏粘度4.5°E( 50℃)的液压油(润滑油)可用于此车辆(机器)。

369This special oil comes from the “SHELL” company (CALTEX, MOCBIL,GULF, ESSO, CASTROL, BP).

这种特种油来自“壳牌”公司(加德士、飞马、海湾、埃索、卡斯特罗、英国石油公司)。 370Cement steel and timber are the most important construction materials used in civil engineering.


371Typical structural steel shapes include beams, channels, angles and tees. 典型的结构型钢包括工字钢、槽钢、角钢和丁字钢。

372There are four broad classifications of steel : carbon steels, alloy steels, high-strength low-alloy steels and stainless steels.


373Copper, zinc, lead, aluminium, bronze and brass are nonferrous metals or alloys.


374This alloy is mainly composed of element chromium and nickel ( titanium, vanadium, manganese).


375The standards “GB” and “YB” provide the method of testing for materials in our country just like the standard ASTM in America.

在我们GB(国标)和YB(冶标)规定材料的试验方法,正如美国的ASTM标准一样。 376We have asbestos (rubber, plastic, glass, paint) products of all kinds. 我们有各种石棉(橡胶、塑料、玻璃、油漆)制品。

377Bolt (screw, nut, stud, spring washer, pin, ball bearing, roller bearing) is the most commonly used machine part.


378Cast iron cannot compare with steel in tensile strength. 铸铁在抗拉强度上比不上钢。

379Erection of the equipment will be carried out according to the specifications and drawings.


380All site erection works will be performed by the Buyer under the technical instruction of the Seller.


381The construction company is fully in charge of the administration of all erection work.


382Our company cover all construction activities, that is : piling , civil engineering, mechanical erection, piping, electrical, instrumentation, painting and insulation work.


383What is the feature of this cracker (cracking furnace, heating furnace, reactor, mixer, centrifuger, belt-conveyer) ?

这台裂解器(裂解炉、加热炉、反应器、搅拌器、离心机、皮带输送机)的特点是什么? 384The spherical tank (gas holder , container) will be shipped in the condition of edge prepared and bent plates.


385I think that the on-site training will be necessary for the tank. 我想槽罐焊接工作的现场培训是必要的。

386The cooler (condenser, separator, boiler, generator, scrubber, stripper, heat exchanger )is a pressure vessel. It is subject to the pressure vessel code.


387The pressure vessel must be inspected by our authoritative organization-Administration of Labour.


388The new reciprocating (centrifugal, opposed-balanced) compressor will be installed next week.\\


389The distilling column( absorber, column evaporator, regenerator, column washer) is a kind of equipment for outdoor installation.


390The TG70 steam turbine has a operation speed of 9600 rotations per minute( RPM).

TG70型蒸汽透平的运转速度为每分钟9600转。 391What do you think of this erection work? 你看这项安装工作如何?

392This low (middle, high ) pressure blower (pump) will be assembled in the No.3 workshop.


393We are adjusting (installing, checking, aligning , leveling, purging )the equipment.

我们正在调整(安装、检查、找正、找平、清洗)这台设备。 394The working team will finish the job next week. 工作班组将在下周干完这活。

395We can adjust the levelness of the machine by means of shim and screw jack. 我们可以利用垫铁和螺丝千斤顶来调整机器的水平度。

396After seven days , the grouted mortar will have concreted, then we shall tighten the anchor bolts.


397The alignment of the coupling should be performed by two dial gauges. 靠背轮的找正对准应用两只千分表来进行。

398The maximum allowable misalignment of the coupling is 0.02mm. 靠背轮找正的最大允许偏差为0.02毫米。

399How many radial (axial ) clearnance are there in this bush (journal bearing , thrust bearing) ?


400Does the bolt fit the nut? 螺栓与螺母不配。

401We prefer welding to riveting. 我们认为焊接比铆接好。

402Do you know how to assemble (adjust )this new machine? 你知道如何装配(调整)这台新机器吗? 十七、工艺管道 PROCESS PIPING

403The design of the process piping is performed directly on a model of the project.

工艺配管的设计是直接按照工程项目的一个模型完成的。 404The model is an actual working tool for piping. 模型是配管用的实际工具。

405Piping erection work include: prefabrication, placing, aligning, welding and bolting.


406Our piping prefabrication workshop covers a total area of 1000m2. 我们的管道预制加工厂拥有一千平方米的面积。

407We can perform the pipe by following operations: cutting and mechanical chamfering, manual and automatic welding.

我们可以对管子进行下列预制加工:切割和机械加工坡口,手工和自动焊接等。 408The computer generates isometric drawings and prints out bill of materials. 计算机绘出管道空视图,并打印出材料明细表。

409We shall complete the manhour requirements for the site fabrication (site erection ) of this drawing.

我们将制订这张图纸现场制作(现场安装)所需的工时条件。 410Seamless steel tube is made in sizes for 1/8 to 24 inches. 无缝钢管制作的尺寸从八分之一寸到二十四寸。

411Spiral-welded steel pipe is available in sizes from 6 to 36 inches. 螺旋焊接钢管的尺寸从六寸到三十六寸。

412Two types of end are standard on steel pipes and fittings, that is flanged

and screwed.


413This pipe is made of carbon steel (stainless steel ,cast iron, plastic). 这管子是碳素钢(不锈钢、铸铁、塑料)制成的。

414We usually use elbow (bend, flange, tee, reducer ) as a kind of pipe fitting. 我们常用弯头(弯管、法兰、三通、大小关)作为一种管件。 415What is the installation elevation of this pipeline? 这条管线的安装标高是多少?

416This pipeline will be installed on the No.8 pipe rack . 这条管线将安装于八号管廊架上。

417The transfer medium in this pipeline is liquid ammonia (process air , soft water, alkali liquor, acidic gas).


418This is a gate valve (check valve, butterfly valve, cut-off valve, magnetic valve, remote valve, relief valve, throttle valve, cock).

这是一个闸阀(止回阀、蝶阀、切断阀、电磁阀、遥控阀、安全阀、节流阀、旋塞)。 419Please explain the method of field test and flushing (blowing off )of the pipelines.


420We shall conduct the clean water for the hydrostatic test of the austenitic stainless steel pipe.


421We need a piping material list (list of piping support, bill of welding rod ). 我们需要一份配管材料表(管架一览表、焊条明细表)。

422The welding (heat treatment )of pipes have been carried out with incorporated programming.


423We can carry out various treatment for the inner surface of pipes, such as sanding , chemical pickling, purging and passivation.


424The outer surface of this pipeline will be painted in green (red, yellow,

blue, white, black ,grey, brown ) colour.

这条管线的外表面将涂刷绿(红、黄、蓝、白、黑、灰、棕)色。 十八、质量管理 QUALITY CONTROL

425Total Quality Control(TQC) is a better quality control system. 全面质量管理(简称TQC)是一种较好的质量管理体系。 426TQC over the project will be strengthened. 对于这个工程的全面质量管理将要加强。

427To maintain the best quality of the construction work is the important responsibility of the field controllers.


428We possess skilled technician and complete measuring and test instruments used to ensure the quality of engineering .


429Field inspection work is handled (executed, directed )by our Inspection Section.


430Our site quality inspector will report to the Project Manager everyday. 我们的现场质量检查员将每天向工程项目经理汇报。

431I want to see the certificate of quality (certificate of manufacturer, certificate of inspection, certificate of shipment, material certificate, certificate of proof).

我要看看质量证书(制造厂证书、检查证明书、出口许可证书、材料合格证、检验证书)。 432Here is the report of chemical composition inspection. 这是化学成份检验报告。

433Is it OK(good, guaranteed, satisfied, passed)? 那是正确的(好的、保证的、满意的、合格的)吗?

434We shall take the sample to test its physical properties (mechanical properties, tensile strength, yield point, percentage elongation, reduction of area, impact value, Brinell hardness).\\



435We have received Certificate of Authorization for the fabrication and erection of pressure vessels.


436The welds passed the examination of radiographic test (ultrasonic inspection, magnetic testing).

这焊缝通过射线透视检查(超声波探伤、磁力探伤)合格。 437Are you a qualified nondestructive testing(NDT) person? 你是具有资格的无损检测人员吗?

438Let us go to the laboratory to check the radiographic films. 请到试验室去检查透视片子。

439This job will have to be done over again. 这活必须返工重做。

440The defect must be repaired at once. 缺陷必须立即修理。

441This problem of quality needs a further discussion. 这个质量总是需要进一步研讨。

442The ISO standards have been used by our company in this project. 国际标准(ISO)已为我公司采用于此工程中。

443The testing results fulfill quality requirement. 试验结果达到质量要求。

444Check list (quality specification ) has been signed by the controller( inspector, checker).


十九、试车和开车(30句) TEST RUN AND START-UP

445We shall put the machine to trial (test run) after the erection work has been finished.


446The mechanical completion check list of the unit has been approved by both

of the Buyer’s and Seler’s representative.


447We should start the installation according to the instruction and operation manual.


448The systematic hydrostatic test (dry run , hot test, dynamic test, actual start-up ) is scheduled for next Monday.

系统水压试验(学习、加热试验、动力试验、实际开车)定于下星期一进行。 449We have planned to finish the adjustment of the machine before Tuesday. 我们计划在星期二以前完成机器的调试工作。

450Before initial start-up of the installation, we must check the equipment carefully.

在装置初次开动以前,我们必须仔细地检查这些设备。 451Shall we begin the test run at once? 我们立即开始试车好吗?

452The compressor is loaded up with the medium of air (nitrogen, process gas).\\ 压缩机以空气(氮气、工艺气体)加载运转。

453The turbine had been running for 4 hours before carrying a full load. 透平在满载前已经运转了四个小时。

454We shall soon put the chemical installation into commissioning test run. (performance test)


455According to the schedule, the first batch process will be produced on October first this year.

根据进度表,今年十月一日将首次批量生产。 456The machine is in good working order. 这台机器运转良好。

457The machine is out of order, will you see to it , please. 这台机器运转不好,请你去检看一下。 458I felt the machine shake seriously. 我感到这机器震动严重。

459The machine parts went hot. 这机器零件发热。

460The noise of the machine is very loud. 这台机器噪音很大。

461The machine is knocking badly. 这台机器敲击声厉害。

462If there arises any abnormal temperature (unusual noises, vibration) , it is necessary to stop the machine and investigate the cause.


463You must turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the motor. 如果电动机有什么毛病时,你必须关掉开关。

464We have planned to finish the adjustment of the machine before Tuesday. 我们应该渐渐地增加压缩机的压力,并逐步投入满负荷运行。 465The rotation number of the machine is on the increase. 机器的转数在增加。

466After a few hours running , we shall check the machine; and replace the oil , if necessary.


467We shall select the suitable grease in accordance with the lubrication chart. 我们要根据润滑表来选用合适的油脂。 468What is the trouble with the machine? 这机器有什么故障?

469I think the trouble lies here. 我想故障在这里。

470It is necessary that we should repair it at once. 我们必须立即修理它。

471We shall give the machine another trial at 10 o’clock. 我们将在十点钟把这台机器再试一次。

472The machine runs perfectly well , it had been operating with a continuous run of 72 hours.


