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1. 简单句中的省略现象


—How is your mother today? 你妈妈今天怎样? —(She is) Much better. (她)好多了。 (2)在祈使句中,例如:

(You) Open the door, please! 请开门! (3)在感叹句中,例如:

What a (good) boy (he is)! 多好的男孩啊!

How (hard) they are working! 他们工作得多努力呀! (4)表示讲话人的意见和看法,上下文意思很清楚,例如: (It) sounds fine to me.

(It's a) pity you couldn't come. 你不能来,真遗憾。 (5)提问,例如:

(Is there) anything wrong? 发生了什么事吗?

(Have you) found the treasure? 你已经找到珠宝了吗?


at her mother's (house) 在她妈妈家里 at the doctor's (house) 在医院里 at the barber's (shop) 在理发店里 at the tailor's (shop) 在裁缝店里


—Will you go with me? 你愿意跟我一块去吗? —Well, I'd like to(go with you). 我非常愿意。

I'd like to.也可用I'd love to. /I'd be happy to. 来取代。 —Have you ever been to England?

—No, I can't afford to (go to England). —你去过英格兰吗?

—没有,我负担不起去那里的费用。 —They asked me to go swimming.

—You don't have to (go swimming) if you don't want to (go swimming). —他们叫我去游泳。




Bob has done his homework, but Tom hasn't (done his homework). Bob已经做了家庭作业,但是汤姆却没有。

Mary can (speak English) and (Mary) ought to speak English. 玛丽能讲英语,她也应该讲英语。

We tested the depth (of the water) and (the) temperature of the water. 我测量了水的温度与深度。


(1)无动词祈使句,无主句祝愿句,这类句子往往用感叹号。例如: If only I could remember his name! 要是我能记住他的名字该多好啊!

Oh, for a friend to help us and advise us!


(2)固定句型How /What about+名词/代词/doing。例如: What about some more milk? 再来一点牛奶,行吗? What about him? 他怎么样?

How about going out for a walk? 出去散步怎么样? (3)Why not+省去to的不定式。例如:

Why get so excited? 为什么你这么激动?(相当于:Why do you get so excited?) Why not go at once? 为什么不马上去呢?(相当于Why don't you go at once?)




(It is /was a)pity you couldn't come. 你不能来真遗憾! ②在对话中答句省去整个主句,只用从句。例如: —Shall I go to play? 我可以去玩吗?

—If you like (you can go to play). 如果你愿意,你可以去玩。 —When could I start? 什么时候可以开始玩? —(You may) Whenever you like. 任何时候都可以。 (2)宾语从句中的省略。

①由which, when, where, how , why引导的宾语从句,可全部或部分省去,只保留引导词。例如:

Please pass me one of these books, I don't care which (you pass me). 请递给我一本书,哪本都行。

He will come back, but he doesn't know when (he will come back). 他会回来的,但他也不知道什么时候能够回来。

She wants to learn English well, yet she doesn't know how (she can learn it well).


②用I'm afraid, I think, I believe, I guess, I suppose, I imagine, I believe, I expect等作答句,后面跟so与not分别表示肯定或否定,宾语从句可省去。例如:

—Do you think it will rain? 你认为天会下雨吗? —I think so /not. 我认为会/不会。

(I think not =I don't think so,以上列举的动词都有此用法) —Will we be late? —I'm afraid so /not. —我们会迟到吗? —我想会(不会)。

注意:I hope so的否定式只能用I hope not,不可用I don't hope so. (3)状语从句中的省略

①状语从句出现在句末时,一般都可以作句尾省略。例如: John will go if Mary will (go). 如果玛丽去,约翰就会去的。

I'll help you if (it is) necessary /possible. 如果有必要/可能,我会帮助你的。

You can ask me questions if (there are) any (questions). 如果有问题,你可以问我。


I would have come yesterday. (If I had wanted to.) 我昨天本可以来。

You might do me a fever. (If you would) 请你帮我一个忙。

I would not do that (If I were in your place). 我可不会做那件事。

③以as, than引导的比较状语从句可全部或部分省去。例如: I can only do the way as (I was) told to do (it in that way). 我只能按照别人的吩咐去做。

After half an hour, she became quieter (than she had been). 半小时后,她变得比以前安静了。 He runs faster than I (run). 他比我跑得快。 比较:

I run faster than I did last year. 我比去年跑得快。 (4)状语从句在句首的省略

状语从句位于句首时,如果从句的主语与主句的主语指同一个人或同一件事,并且从句主语后紧挨有be动词时,这时可省略从语中的主句及be动词。例如: When (you are) crossing the road, you'd better look at both sides. 过马路时,你最好两边看。

(Because we were)Moved by the story, we decided to help her. 由于被这个故事所感动,我们决定帮助她。

(When he was)At the age of 12, he was taken to England by Father. 12岁时,他被父母带到了英格兰。 Unless (I am) invited I will not go. 如果没有人邀请我,我不会去的。


定语从句的关系代词that /which /who后面如有be动词,我们可以省略关系代词及be动词,例如:

The girl (who is) standing under the tree is Mary. 站在树下的女孩是玛丽。

The bridge (which was) built in 1927 broke down. 建于1927年的桥倒塌了。

The girl (who is) in front of the classroom is Mary. 在教室前面的女孩是玛丽。


例:Boy 14,rescued from cliff face.

从峭壁上救下14岁的男孩(A boy of 14 has been rescued from cliff face.)

American President to fly to London.

美国总统将飞往伦敦(American President is to fly to London.)


例:have trouble (in) sleeping 难于入睡

spend one's evenings (in) reading novels把晚上的时间花费在看小说上 be busy (in) doing sth. 忙于做某事

They are (of) the same age. 他们年龄相同。 There is no use (in) explaining it to her any more. 这件事再向她解释是无用的。

He is carrying out this experiment (in) the same way as I did yesterday. 他使用我昨天采用的方法在做他的实验。

