中级口译分类词汇整理Education and Talents

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中级口译分类词汇整理Education and Talents

Education and Talents

School Personal and organs

小学一、二年级学生 a primary school student in Grade One/ a second-grade pupil

中学初一、高三学生 a (secondary school) student in Junior One/ Senior Three

一年级大学生 freshman

二年级大学生 sophomore

三年级大学生 junior student

四年级大学生 senior student

研究生 a graduate student/ a postgraduate student

向某人授予学位 confer a degree on sb.

走读生 a day student/ a non-resident student

应届毕业生 graduating student

学生会 the students’ union

班主任 the teacher in charge of the class/ the Head Teacher of the class

访问学者 a visiting scholar

硕士生导师 tutor

博士生导师 supervisor/ adviser

院士 academician

两院院士 academician of Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese Academy of Engineering

School activities

教书育人 impart knowledge and educate people

学生交付 alleviate/ lighten the burden of the students

教学大纲 the reaching program/ syllabus

批改学生的卷子 to correct students’ papers

期中考试 the mid-term exam

我们语法测试了 We took a test in/ on grammar.

口试、笔试 oral exam/ written exam

给考卷打分 to mark the papers

他正忙于毕业设计、写论文 He is busy with his graduation project/ paper

文凭、毕业证书 a diploma/ a graduation certificate

学生证 the student’s identity card

补考 make-up exam

学校纪律 school discipline

奖状、奖励证书 a certificate merit

他旷了一节课 He cut a class.

他逃学 He cut school.

他被学校开除了 He was expelled from school.

他擅自旷课 He was absent from school without leave.

给他一个警告处分 give him a disciplinary warning

学费,书费 tuition/ money spent on books

Schools, universities and subjects

中级口译分类词汇整理Education and Talents

托儿所 a nursery

幼儿园 a kindergarten

北大附中 Middle School attached/ affiliated to Peking University

大专 a junior college

高等院校 institutions of higher education/ higher learning

重点、非重点大学 a key/ a non-key university

成人夜校 a night school/ an evening school for adults

函授学校 a correspondence school

远程教育 distance education/learning

专升本 upgrade from associate degree to bachelor’s degree

中等专业学校 a secondary specialized school

技工学校 a technical school

职业学校 a vocational school

普及初等、中等教育 achieve universal primary/ secondary education

义务教育 compulsory school

聋哑学校 a school for deaf-mutes

幼儿师范学校 a school for kindergarten teachers

护士学校 a nursing school

舞蹈学校 a dancing school

戏剧学校 a drama school

文科大学 universities of liberal arts

理工科大学 universities of science and engineering

必修课 compulsory class

选修课 optional/ elective class

招生简章 prospectus/ enrolment catalogue

准考证 exam admission card

Hot issues in educations

普及九年制义务教育 make the nine-year compulsory education universal

民办学校 schools run by non-governmental sectors

自学考试 examination for self-taught students

学分制 credit system

应试教育 exam-oriented education

素质教育 quality-oriented education

实践能力 practical ability

大学生创业 university students start up their own business

自费留学 self-funded study abroad

海外留学人员 Chinese students and scholars studying abroad

托福热降温了 the TOEFL fever has cooled down.

考研 take part in the entrance examination for graduate/ postgraduate schools

考研热 craze for graduate school

大专生 a junior college student; associate-degree student

在职博士生 an on-the-job doctorate

硕博连读 a continuous academic project involves postgraduate and doctoral study

中级口译分类词汇整理Education and Talents

同等学力 have the same educational level

双学位 double degree

特困生 the most needy student

担任系学生会干部 serve as an official of the departmental school union

担任校学生会宣传部部长 be the Head of the Publicity Department of the university’s student union

通过大学英语四级考试 pass the College English Test Band 4

获六级证书 obtain a certificate of CET-6

被评为“三好学生” be cited as “three-good student”

获三等奖学金 be awarded the third-class scholarship

召开家长会 to hold a parent-teacher meeting

双向选择 two-way selection (with employers and graduating students choosing each other in a job market)

世界观,人生观,价值观 world outlook/ outlook on life/ outlook on values

陶冶情操 cultivate taste and temperament

因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude

知识经济 knowledge economy

知识密集 knowledge intensive

伪科学 pseudo-science

招生就业指导办公室 enrollment and vocation guidance office

人才流失 brain drain

人才交流 talents exchange

职业培训 job training

211工程 211 Project for higher education

科教兴国 rejuvenate China through science and education

复合型人才 inter-disciplinary talent

勤工助学 work-study

师资力量 the quality of teaching staff

品学兼优 excellent in character and learning

