六年级下册英语试题Unit 1 The lion and the mouse Story time译林版(含答案)

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Unit 1 The lion and the mouse

Story time


1. 在森林里____________________

2. 又大又强壮___________

3. 吵醒狮子____________________

4. 某一天_______________

5. 大声地笑____________________

6. 第二天_______________

7. catch the lion with a net___________ 8. become friends____________

9. bite the net with his sharp teeth________ 10. make a big hole____________


One day, a mouse________by and________the lion up. The lion was very________, so he________the mouse and wanted to________him. The mouse________the lion to let him go. The next day, two men________the lion. The lion________the net________his sharp teeth, but that didn’t help. Just then, the mouse came. He________a big hole in the net. The lion________out. From________on, they became good friends.


1. 这只狮子想出来。

The lion wanted________ ________ ________.

2. 从那时起,狮子和老鼠成为了朋友。

________ ________ ________, the lion and the mouse became friends.

3. 这只猫小小的,它看起来很弱。

This cat is small, and it________ ________.

4. “我可以在某天帮助你,”老鼠小声地说。(一般过去时)

“I can________you________ ________,” ________the mouse________.

5. 那个小女孩笑得很开心。

That________girl laughs________.

6. 孩子们正在操场上大声地喊叫。

The children________ ________ ________in the playground.


1. The lion asked, “How can I get out________the net?”

2. There was some milk________the fridge.

3. Mike has lunch________12:00 every day.

4. Be quiet! Don’t wake________your mother.

5. I write my homework________my new pen.


( ) 1. The lion is________, but the mouse is small.

A. small

B. large

C. old

( ) 2. They’re walking________the forest.

A. on

B. through

C. by

( ) 3. You should talk________in the hospital.

A. quietly

B. loudly

C. quickly

( ) 4. He caught a big fish with a________.

A. net

B. nets

C. next

( ) 5. The dog________me and ran away.

A. bite

B. bites

C. bit

( ) 6. The knife is long and________.

A. shape

B. sharp

C. shop

( ) 7. My sister is crying________.

A. sad

B. sadly

C. happily

( ) 8. Wait a minute! He will be back________.

A. soon

B. noon

C. moon

( ) 9. Ten years ago, there________a river near here.

A. is

B. was

C. have

( ) 10. Your dad is sleeping. Don’t________.

A. wake him up

B. wake up him

C. wake her up


1. It’s time________(go) to the park.

2. There are two________(mouse) in the box.

3. My sister________(not play) it yesterday afternoon.

4. ________(they) classroom is very messy.

5. Sam________(let) his friend________(water) the flowers every day.

6. Miss Wang________(buy) some fruit last Sunday.

7. You________(should) throw rubbish anywhere.

8. Butterflies are________(beautiful).

They like________(dance)________(beautiful)


1. The men caught the lion with a big net.(对画线部分提问)

________ ________the men________the lion?

2. One day, a mouse woke the lion up.(对画线部分提问)

________ ________the lion up one day?

3. The lion and the mouse became friends.(改为一般现在时)

The lion and the mouse________friends.

4. The lion wanted to eat the mouse.(对画线部分提问)

________ ________the lion________to do?

5. He let the mouse go.(改为否定句)

He________ ________the mouse go.

6. The lion was angry.(改为一般疑问句)

________the lion________?


一、1. in the forest 2. large and strong 3. wake the lion up

4. some day

5. laugh loudly

6. the next day

7. 用一张网抓住狮子8. 成为朋友9. 用他锋利的牙齿咬网

10. 弄出一个大洞

二、walked, woke, angry, caught, eat, asked, caught, bit, with, made, got, then

三、1. to get out 2. From then on 3. looks weak

4. help, some day, said, quietly

5. little, happily

6. are shouting loudly

四、1. from 2. in 3. at 4. up 5. with

五、1-5 BBAAC 6-10 BBABA

六、1. to go 2. mice 3. didn’t play 4. Their

5. lets, water

6. bought

7. shouldn’t

8. beautiful, dancing, beautifully

七、1. How did, catch 2. Who woke 3. become

4. What did, want

5. didn’t let

6. Was, angry

