运营管理复习题 第3章

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第三章 新产品、服务开发与流程选择 Chapter Overview 本章概述

This chapter looks at the issues related to new product and service development and the selection of the processes to deliver them. New products and services are being emphasized today because of increased competition and advances in technology. Organizations are constantly looking to reduce the time from idea generation to the market and to improve the ability of the design to meet the customers' requirements for new products. This is being accomplished in several ways including concurrent engineering, quality function deployment, and design for manufacturability. The new service development process varies slightly from products in that in many cases you design the service and the service delivery process simultaneously. Also customer contact plays a very substantial role in the design of the service process.


Major Points of Chapter 本章要点

1. Emphasis is being placed on new goods and services because of increased competition

and advances in technology. 1.当今企业十分强调新产品和服务,因为这可以提高企业竞争力和促进技术进步。 2. The ability to introduce new products faster than competitors can lead to greater market

share, price premiums, quick response to competition, and setting industry standards. 2.具有比竞争对手更快的新产品生产能力可以使企业获得更多的市场份额,溢价,快速响应竞争以及制定行业标准。

3. Categories of new products include incremental or derivative products, next generation or

platform products, breakthrough or radical products. 3.新产品分类包括派生产品,换代产品,创新产品(突破性产品)。

4. Concurrent engineering is being used to shorten the new product development process.

It involves a coordinated effort of all functional area. 4.并行工程的应用可以减少新产品的开发时间,它包括协调全部职能范围的努力。 5. Type of manufacturing processes range from project to intermittent to line flow. 5.制造型企业的生产流程类型有项目型,离散加工型和流水型。

6. New service offerings include window dressing, breadth of offerings, revolutionary, and

channel development. 6.新服务包括粉饰型服务,多样化服务,创新型服务和渠道开发型服务。

7. The service-system design matrix is a framework for relating sales opportunities with

ways a service can interact with a customer. 7.服务系统设计矩阵是联系销售机会与和顾客互动服务方式的一个框架。

8. Service processes include the production line approach, the customer involvement

approach, and the personal attention approach. 8.服务流程包括生产线方式,自助服务方式和个体维护方式。

Review and Discussion Questions 复习与讨论题:

1. Why is it important for a firm to have an effective new product (or service) development

process? Two major causes for the increased emphasis on developing new products are increased competition and advances in technology. Additionally, introduce new products faster than competitors can lead to greater market share, price premiums, quick response to competition, and setting industry standards.

1. 为什么有效的新产品(服务)开发过程对企业很重要?


2. What are the benefits available to the firm that can develop new products faster than its

competition? The benefits to developing new products faster than the competition are greater market share, price premiums, quick reaction to competition, and setting industry standards. 2. 比竞争对手更快的开发新产品有何优势?


3. Describe the three different categories of new products. Discuss how each category

differs from the others in terms of resources expended and the impact on the firm's manufacturing processes. The three categories of new products are incremental or derivative products, next generation or platform products, and breakthrough or radical products. Incremental products or derivative products are hybrids of existing products. Such new products require minimal changes in both product design and the manufacturing process. The resource requirements are significantly less than other types of new products.

Next generation or platform products represent new \solutions for the customer. They require more resources than incremental new products.

Breakthrough or radical products require the most in terms of resources and manufacturing processes. When introduced, this type of product creates an entirely new product category. They require substantial product design and process change.

3. 描述三类新产品并讨论每一类新产品对资源的需求以及对企业制造流程的影响。 三类新产品是派生产品,换代产品和创新产品。派生产品是对现有产品的功能的综合和改进。这类产品通常是对产品设计和生产流程做微小的改动。派生产品对资源的需求明显要比其他种类新产品要少。



4.Discuss the four different categories of new services that are categorized by the amount of change in content and delivery method with respect to a firm's existing services.

The four categories of new services are window dressing, breadth of offerings, revolutionary and channel development. Window dressing services define those services that have a small incremental change in terms of content and delivery. These usually have very little impact on the firm's service operations and can be brought to market rapidly.

Breadth of offerings represents a significant design change in terms of content. However, it is delivered to the customer in much the same manner. The key to success is to deliver all of the different types of content to each of the corresponding market segments in an effective and efficient manner. This is somewhere in the middle in terms of resources.

Revolutionary services represent new services that provide both new content and new delivery method. These types of services typically take longer to bring to market, and require more resources than the other categories.

Channel development services provide the same content, but deliver them differently, often through a new channel. When developing these new channels, managers need to recognize that process development is critical. Customers expect to receive the same level of service that they received from previous channels in the new channel.

4. 请讨论根据企业需要提供的服务内容以及服务的传递方式的变化两个维度,把服务






5.What is the difference between incremental and radical service innovations?

Incremental new services include service line extensions, service improvements, and style changes. Service line extensions are viewed as new services that augment current services. Service improvements are new services that change the features relative to existing services. Style changes are viewed as modest forms of visible change with respect to how they impact customer perceptions, emotions, and attitudes.

Radical service innovations are new service offering that were not previously available, or new service delivery systems for existing services. The three subcategories for radical service innovation are major innovations, start-up services, and new services for current markets. Major innovations consist of new services that address markets that are not fully defined and are often driven by information and computer-based technologies. Start-up services provide new services to established markets that are already served by existing services. New services for current market are defined as new service offerings that are provided to existing customers of an organization. 5.指出创新服务与派生服务的区别。

派生服务包括服务线扩展型,服务改进型和风格转变型。服务扩展型是对现有服务增加新的服务项目。服务改进型是一种改进现有服务特征的新服务。风格转变型是新服务中最常见的一类,对那些影响顾客的感知、情感和态度的方面进行湿度的可视化转变。 创新型服务提供了以前没有的新服务或新服务过程系统。创新型服务也可细分为三小类:开创型,挖掘型和填补型。开创型是指对尚未完全开发的市场提供新服务,一般利用信息技术和计算机技术来实现。挖掘型是对拥有现有服务的既有市场提供新服务。填补型服务是指对企业现有的顾客提供服务。

6. Describe what is meant by the \

Voice of the customer refers to customer feedback. It is used in the quality function deployment process to determine product specifications. 6. 述“顾客心声”的涵义。




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