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学院:能源与机械工程学院(盖章) 填表人: 科研成果审核人: 分管领导: 院分会主席 姓名及工拟申报学科专业(一级学拟申序报类号 别 位) 科) 填工作单科·二级学号(外兼职称及出生年月 职务 近五年发表的论文(格式如下) 近三年主持的项目(格式如下) 备注 1 学术型 卜昌盛62089 动力工程及工程热物理·热19871006 副教授 能工程 1. O2/CO2 and O2/N2 combustion of bituminous char particles in a bubbling fluidized bed under simulated combustor conditions, Chemical Engineering Journal, 336:74-81, 2018 (SCI收录, T2/7) 2. Oxy-fuel conversion of sub-bituminous coal particles in fluidized bed and pulverized combustors. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36: 3331–3339, 2017 (SCI收录,T1/7). 3. Effect of CO2 on oxy-fuel combustion of coal-char particles in a fluidized bed: Modeling and comparison with the conventional mode of combustion. Applied Energy, 177:247-259, 2016. (SCI收录,T1/7) 4. Oxy-fuel combustion of a single fuel particle in a fluidized bed: Char combustion characteristics, an experimental study, Chemical Engineering Journal, 287:649-656, 2016. (SCI收录,T1/7) 1. 国家自然科学基 金青年基金,流化床富氧燃烧湿烟气循环体系下的煤颗粒燃烧机理研究(51606104),主持人,2017.01-2019.12. 2. 江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目,流化床O2/CO2燃烧体系下O2链式利用机制研究(16KJB470010),主持人,2016.09-2018.08. 2 学术型 华君叶 动力工62083 程及工程热物理·制冷及低温工程 198709 高级实验师 1. Experimental study on the flow/ heat transfer performance of micro-scale pin fin coating with super-hydrophobic surface adding Nano particle,heat and mass transfer,2018,54:2145-2152.(SCI,1/8) 2. The hot stack performance of the shallow geothermal heat pump system with/without intensification state of groundwater seepage in Nanjing (China),Energy and Buildings, 2017,150:558-566.(Top SCI,1/7) 3. Experimental study on thermal performance of micro pin fin heat sinks with various shapes .Heat and Mass Transfer ,2017 ,53(3):1093–1104. (SCI,1/4) 1.Self-propelled drop jumping during defrosting and drainage characteristic of frost melt water from inclined superhydrophobic surface. International Journal of Refrigeration, 79: 25-38, 2017.(SCI 收录,T1/5) 2. Experimental study on instantaneously shedding frozen water droplets from cold vertical surface by ultrasonic vibration, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 53:7-25, 2014. (SCI 收录,1/2) 3. Visualization of effects of ultrasound on liquid droplet solidification and frost formation on cold flat surface, Heat Transfer Engineering, 35(11-12):1098-1104, 2014. (SCI 收录,1/2) 1.厅局级,地热驱动双蒸发压力氨水吸收式热电联产系统机理究(16KJB470008) ,主持,江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目,2016.09-2018.12 3 学术型 李栋 62084 动力工程及工程热物理·制冷与低温工程 19850426 副教授 1. 省部级项目,外加超声波对低能冷表面霜晶生长的抑制机制研究,主持人,江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,201507-201806 2. 省部级项目,江苏省“双创人才”计划-“双创博士”,主持人,江苏省科技厅,201507-201706 4 学术型 宋涛,62101 动力工程及工程热物理·热能工程 19870608 教授 1. Review of reactor for chemical looping combustion of solid fuels, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 76, 92-110,2018。(SCI 收录,1/2) 2. Chemical looping combustion of high sodium lignite in the fluidized bed: combustion performance and sodium transfer, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 70, 22-31, 2018。(SCI 收录,T1/5) 1. 国家级项目,煤化学 链燃烧关键设备气-固流动控制规律研究,主持人,科技部重点研发计划,201805-202104 2. 市厅级项目,基于载氧体的生物质临氧气3. Fuel nitrogen conversion in chemical looping with oxygen 化特性研究,主持人,uncoupling of coal with a CuO-based oxygen carrier, Energy 江苏省高校自然科学& Fuels, 29, 3820-3832, 2015。(SCI 收录,T1/3) 研究面上项目, 4. Effect of microporous and mesoporous structure on CO2 201809-202008 adsorption by activated carbons from biomass. New Carbon 3. 厅局级项目,燃煤化Materials, 30, 156-166, 2015。(SCI 收录,1/4) 学链气新方法和装置,主持人,省部共建煤炭高效利用与绿色化工国家重点实验室开放课题特别资助项目, 201801-201912 5 学术型 席剑飞 动力工62091 程及工程热物19890708 副教授 1. Experimental investigation on soot formation in an ethylene/air laminar diffusion flame diluted with CO2 at pressures up to 8 atm,Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy,36(2):476—482,2017。(SCI收录,1/6) 2. Effect of CO2/N2/CH4 dilution on NO formation in laminar 1. 国家级项目,高压环 境下H2/CO添加剂对碳氢燃料扩散火焰中碳烟生成的影响及作用机制研究,主持人,理·热能工程 coflow syngas diffusion flames,Energy Sources Part A,40(7):821—820,2018。(SCI收录,1/6) 3. RE-W cathode discharge properties in N2 and CO2 atmosphere at high temperature up to 1000 ℃,Int. Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials,64:52—59,2017。(SCI收录,T2/6) 国家自然科学基金资助项目,201801-202012 2. 厅局级项目,合成气稀释扩散燃烧和化学反应机理研究,主持人,江苏省教育厅资助项目,201610-201808 1 专业学位 卜昌盛62089 建筑与土木工程 19871006 副教授 1. O2/CO2 and O2/N2 combustion of bituminous char particles in a bubbling fluidized bed under simulated combustor conditions, Chemical Engineering Journal, 336:74-81, 2018 (SCI收录, T2/7) 2. Oxy-fuel conversion of sub-bituminous coal particles in fluidized bed and pulverized combustors. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36: 3331–3339, 2017 (SCI收录,T1/7). 3. Effect of CO2 on oxy-fuel combustion of coal-char particles in a fluidized bed: Modeling and comparison with the conventional mode of combustion. Applied Energy, 177:247-259, 2016. (SCI收录,T1/7) 4. Oxy-fuel combustion of a single fuel particle in a fluidized bed: Char combustion characteristics, an experimental study, Chemical Engineering Journal, 287:649-656, 2016. (SCI收录,T1/7) 1. 国家自然科学基 金青年基金,流化床富氧燃烧湿烟气循环体系下的煤颗粒燃烧机理研究(51606104),主持人,2017.01-2019.12. 2. 江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目,流化床O2/CO2燃烧体系下O2链式利用机制研究(16KJB470010),主持人,2016.09-2018.08. 2 专业学位 华君叶 建筑与62083 土木工程 198709 高级实验师 1. Experimental study on the flow/ heat transfer performance of micro-scale pin fin coating with super-hydrophobic surface adding Nano particle,heat and mass transfer,2018,54:2145-2152.(SCI,1/8) 2. The hot stack performance of the shallow geothermal heat pump system with/without intensification state of groundwater seepage in Nanjing (China),Energy and Buildings, 2017,150:558-566.(Top SCI,1/7) 3. Experimental study on thermal performance of micro pin fin heat sinks with various shapes .Heat and Mass Transfer ,2017 ,53(3):1093–1104. (SCI,1/4) 1.Self-propelled drop jumping during defrosting and drainage characteristic of frost melt water from inclined superhydrophobic surface. International Journal of Refrigeration, 79: 25-38, 2017.(SCI 收录,T1/5) 2. Experimental study on instantaneously shedding frozen water droplets from cold vertical surface by ultrasonic vibration, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 53:7-25, 2014. (SCI 收录,1/2) 3. Visualization of effects of ultrasound on liquid droplet solidification and frost formation on cold flat surface, Heat Transfer Engineering, 35(11-12):1098-1104, 2014. (SCI 收录,1/2) 1.厅局级,地热驱动双蒸发压力氨水吸收式热电联产系统机理究(16KJB470008) ,主持,江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目,2016.09-2018.12 3 专业学位 李栋 62084 建筑与土木工程 19850426 副教授 1. 省部级项目,外加超声波对低能冷表面霜晶生长的抑制机制研究,主持人,江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,201507-201806 2. 省部级项目,江苏省“双创人才”计划-“双创博士”,主持人,江苏省科技厅,201507-201706

4 专业学位 宋涛,62101 建筑与土木工程 19870608 教授 1. Review of reactor for chemical looping combustion of solid fuels, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 76, 92-110,2018。(SCI 收录,1/2) 2. Chemical looping combustion of high sodium lignite in the fluidized bed: combustion performance and sodium transfer, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 70, 22-31, 2018。(SCI 收录,T1/5) 1. 国家级项目,煤化学 链燃烧关键设备气-固流动控制规律研究,主持人,科技部重点研发计划,201805-202104 2. 市厅级项目,基于载氧体的生物质临氧气3. Fuel nitrogen conversion in chemical looping with oxygen 化特性研究,主持人,uncoupling of coal with a CuO-based oxygen carrier, Energy 江苏省高校自然科学& Fuels, 29, 3820-3832, 2015。(SCI 收录,T1/3) 研究面上项目, 4. Effect of microporous and mesoporous structure on CO2 201809-202008 adsorption by activated carbons from biomass. New Carbon 3. 厅局级项目,燃煤化Materials, 30, 156-166, 2015。(SCI 收录,1/4) 学链气新方法和装置,主持人,省部共建煤炭高效利用与绿色化工国家重点实验室开放课题特别资助项目, 201801-201912 5 专业学位 席剑飞 建筑与62091 土木工程 19890708 副教授 1. Experimental investigation on soot formation in an ethylene/air laminar diffusion flame diluted with CO2 at pressures up to 8 atm,Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy,36(2):476—482,2017。(SCI收录,1/6) 2. Effect of CO2/N2/CH4 dilution on NO formation in laminar coflow syngas diffusion flames,Energy Sources Part A,40(7):821—820,2018。(SCI收录,1/6) 3. RE-W cathode discharge properties in N2 and CO2 atmosphere at high temperature up to 1000 ℃,Int. Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials,64:52—59,2017。(SCI收录,T2/6) 1. 国家级项目,高压环 境下H2/CO添加剂对碳氢燃料扩散火焰中碳烟生成的影响及作用机制研究,主持人,国家自然科学基金资助项目,201801-202012 2. 厅局级项目,合成气稀释扩散燃烧和化学反应机理研究,主持人,江苏省教育厅资助项目,201610-201808

