
更新时间:2024-02-08 01:22:01 阅读量: 经典范文大全 文档下载



Our given names influence our lives in all sorts of strange ways, affecting everything from where we choose to live to what we do for a living. That's the takeaway of a fascinating new video from PBS Digital Studios' BrainCraft series.


"We write our names thousands of times throughout our lives," science reporter Vanessa Hill explains in the video. "The more we are merely exposed to something, like those letters, the more we like them."


It seems we tend to pick cities whose names sound like our own. Phils, for example, often gravitate to Philadelphia. Virginias are overrepresented in Virginia Beach. 我们似乎倾向于选择一些听起来像自己名字的城市。譬如,叫菲尔斯这个名字的人常常会被吸引到费城去。而在弗吉尼亚海滩(Virginia Beach)上到处都有叫弗吉尼亚这个名字的人。

The same works for our occupations, according to the video. The ranks of dentists, for example, include more Dennises and Denises than you might expect.


Lauries, Lawrences and Laurens? Those names are especially common among -- you guessed it -- lawyers.

那劳里、劳伦斯和劳伦呢? 这些名字在律师行业中尤其常见,你猜到了吧。

Scientists call this strange phenomenon "implicit egotism." But what explains it? Most people have positive self-associations, and by extension anything associated with the self -- even phonetically -- is seen as positive too.

科学家称这一奇怪的现象为“隐性的自我主义”(implicit egotism)。但是怎么解释呢?大多数人都有积极的自我联想。进一步延伸开来便是,任何与自己相联系的事物,甚至是发音上的联系,也会被看做积极的。

Now you know!










How To Be Single And Happy : Learn to appreciate your single status. Here are five things that singles sometimes take for granted。


Step 1:Sleep

When you're single, no one's nagging at you to get up or counting the hours that you've spent in bed. You are left in peace with your box fan and body pillow. Sleep all day guilt-free!



Step 2:Money

When you're single, there's no joint account. You can do whatever you want with your money. There's none of that "what's yours is mine, what's mine is yours" foolishness. No household budget. Go ahead and buy that hideous, life-size statue of Wayne Newton. Put it in the middle of the living room. No one is the boss of you!



Step 3: Career

Work all night, all weekend if you want to. Then socialize with the boss until 2:00AM or later. Your married co-workers can't compete. They've got "commitments". You win by default! And when that headhunter calls, there's no one holding you back. Pack up and move wherever the fattest paycheck is waiting。




Step 4: Rejection

When you're single, rejection is your friend. If you're on a bad date, make up some excuse and get the heck out of there. You don't have to ever see her again。


当你是单身时,向他人说不是你常爱干的事儿。如果约会时感觉不太好,那就编点借口让对方一边儿去。以后你也没必要再见到她。 Step 5: Amuse Yourself

See how much laundry you can fit into the washer. Create a new dish out of the few things you have left in the cupboard and eat it in the middle of the night. Become a pro at belching the alphabet. The possibilities are endless。





We all know about the obvious benefits to having a college degree—namely, a steady job and financial security. But we often overlook other benefits to higher education: quality of life improvements that deserve to be brought into focus, whether you're on the fence about going back to school or are just having a hard time appreciating the degree you already have.


1.Improved Self-Esteem.提升自尊

There's just something about a college grad that makes her stand a little bit straighter and a little bit taller. It likely has to do with the boost to one's self-esteem and confidence that comes with making it through a higher education program. 大学文凭有种微妙的影响力,可以让人挺直腰板,抬头挺胸。这可能是因为接受高等教育的经历提升了一个人的自尊和自信。

Studies conducted by the College Board and others like it have found that those who have completed additional schooling are not only more well-equipped to handle mental challenges, but also report a higher level of satisfaction when doing so.


2.Healthy Choices


In addition to the mental boost that comes with higher education, college grads are healthier overall. Higher socioeconomic status (measured by total family income, level of education attained and professional career status) is directly correlated with better physical health and life expectancy.


This correlation seems obvious when you consider that those who earn more money have greater access to health care and healthier food options. But what you may not have considered is that higher education means the ability and desire to make better choices when it comes to habits—eating and otherwise.


For example, those with extended educations are less likely to smoke and more likely to exercise. When you put greater emphasis on taking care of your mind with additional schooling, you naturally put greater emphasis on taking care of your body, too. It's truly as simple as: when you know better, you do better.


3.Higher Job Satisfaction


While we're on the subject of bettering ourselves, one common reason people seek higher education is to get out of a dead-end job. Having a degree often means having an actual career rather than punching the clock to pay the bills.

在我们谈论关于完善自身的话题时,常提到的追求更高教育的理由是为了摆脱无前途的工作。有学历通常意味着有真正的职业生涯,而不是打卡领工资。 That's all fine and good, you may say, but having a career means nothing if you can't keep it—a task many are finding difficult as of late. Fortunately, a diploma gives you the upper hand when it comes to economy-driven layoffs.

也许你会说,有工作就行。但是有工作而不能保住工作等于白搭,这是最近多数人面临的难题。庆幸的是,一份文凭能在经济萧条裁员时期帮你一把。 Graduates not only have higher job retention rates during a recession, but also an easier time finding re-employment due to higher marketability than their non-graduate colleagues. That means less stress overall during tough economic times.


4.Passing on the Legacy


Finally, one of the greatest benefits to having a college education is passing on the legacy to your children. Children of a college grad are more likely to have a better quality of life and pursue extended education themselves. Those children also have a much easier time getting into good schools because their parents have emphasized the importance of an education to them. They also tend to have better grades and test scores.


As experts often state, children of college grads—even those who don't attend college themselves—are more motivated to reach for their dreams. They know that their parents pushed through adversity to earn their degrees, and they apply that same philosophy to going after what they want in life—a bar that is placed that much higher by having college-educated parents.


