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1.What a Firefighter's Job Is Like

①The damage that a fire can cause is obvious / and this is why the firefighters' jobs are so important. / ②Firefighters are usually the first ones responding to any type of emergency and perform many tasks,/which include putting out burning buildings, / helping out with medical emergencies, vehicle accidents and many other incidents./ ③They must make sure their equipment is clean / and all the items they use are in proper working order. / ④Keeping their skills up to date is necessary. / ⑤Therefore, they will be continually trained with new equipment and techniques. / ⑥Because of the extreme conditions / and also the stress associated with the emergency situations that arise, / the firefighters definitely need to stay in shape for the work they must do. / ⑦They will stay in the fire station while on duty. / ⑧Unless they need to work on the trucks or

respond to a call, / they can eat, sleep, shower and watch TV at the fire station, just like at home. (160 words)


①For a long time, aliens have often been in the news. / ②They have always been surrounded by mystery / and interest of people all around the world. / ③People have claimed to have been abducted by aliens. / ④Some have claimed to have actually seen them. / ⑤But is there a sound proof that can prove aliens to be real? / ⑥Alien sightings have mostly been accompanied by sightings of lights in the night sky. / ⑦Some of them have also believed that / the lights came from the spaceships used by the aliens. / ⑧Disk-like objects traveling across the sky / have often been taken as aliens' vehicles./ ⑨At times,

people have found blood or hair at the locations / where aliens were sighted. / ⑩Researchers say alien sightings could have probably been a result of human imagination accompanied by fear, / and some of these sightings might have been a result of certain astronomical phenomena. ( 145 words)

3.Computer Eyeglasses

①As computers become a more and more vital part of today's lifestyle and practices,/ new medical conditions are developing as a result of their usage. / ② The most common to date is computer vision problems, / which include eye pain, tired and burning eyes, watering or dry eyes, eye strain. / ③One Would never imagine that such a useful and innovative tool could cause so much physical discomfort ! / ④As

a result of these, science professionals seized the opportunity / to create computer eyeglasses to ease these common conditions / and make computer usage less painful and more comfortable. / ⑤The computer vision problems affect adults as well as children./ ⑥Although children normally have different requirements for near and distance vision glasses, / computer eyeglasses can be used universally for both groups. / ⑦Please note that near and distance vision glasses / should not be used as replacements for computer glasses. /⑧They do not serve the same purpose, / and in some cases will cause more harm than good. (158 words)

4.Labor Day

① International Labor Day, also known as International Workers' Day, / is scheduled for May 1st of each year. /②It is a holiday in celebration of the eight-hour workday. / ③It evolved from efforts of the labor union movement / to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers. / ④It is celebrated as a national holiday across many countries around the world. / ⑤The idea for a workers' holiday began in Australia in 1856 / but was celebrated on May 1st in 1886 in Chicago. /⑥In China, Labor Day was extended to three days during the 1990s. / ⑦The Chinese government made it a seven-day holiday / by moving the prior and upcoming weekends together with these three days. / ⑧This holiday allowed millions of Chinese people to travel / or take other activities during this period. / ⑨However, China has

reduced the Golden Week holiday down to one day in 2008, / while at the same time reviving some traditional holidays such as Mid-Autumn Festival. (158 words)

5.Negative Effects of Television

①Spending too many hours watching television wastes the precious time / that can rather be spent in fruitful and healthy activities like exercise or reading. / ②It also uses up the time / that you can rather spend with your family and friends. / ③Chatting with your near ones, spending time with your close ones / is a better way of spending time than watching TV. / ④People watching television, especially children and youngsters,/ start identifying with what is shown on TV. / ⑤They relate to television

shows and films to such an extent that / they get bored of living a normal and simple life. ! ⑥They are eager for fame and money; / they long for living the lives of their favorite 'IV characters. / ⑦This may lead to a high amount of dissatisfaction for the real world. / ⑧As real life is the contrast of the life shown on TV, / such TV addicts become hungry for power, money and status. (151 words)

6.Family Life in India

①Family life is equally varied in Indian states. /②India is a country with many states / in which people are from different cultures, and so on. /③The languages, clothing, customs, and traditions of people are influenced by the respective regions they live in. / ④Most of the families in

India are extended ones, / in which every member has his or her own role, often influenced by age and gender. / ⑤Children are cherished and considered as gifts from God. !⑥Children can look forward to continual family support throughout their lives. / ⑦However, they are expected to respect their elders and parents, their wishes and family relationships. / ⑧The family structure in India is typical, / in which there are many wedding customs, / which have to be strongly followed by people. / ⑨Religion, social status, traditional practices, and regional differences influence family structures. / ⑩Indians are more emotionally attached to the members of their family. / ⑾Husbands and wives are not allowed to openly display their affection for one another. ( 160 words)

7.Society's Influence on Education

①Society plays an important role in education, and influences it both positively and negatively. / ②Social inequalities and unhealthy educational practices are some of the negative influences of society on our lives. / ③Customs and traditions prevent certain sections of society from exercising their fundamental rights / and get in the way of the well-being of society, / shatter the basic ideas of education and social awareness. / ④Some social groups deny women's right to education, / while others force children to work, / depriving them from a healthy environment / which is good to their growth and development. / ⑤Education is one of the basic human rights. / ⑥If social norms come in the way of social welfare, / it defeats the purpose of education. /⑦Society is an entity that can't be separated from us. / ⑧It is we who

make up the society. / ⑨It is entirely in our hands whether to add value to our education or devalue it. (149 words)

8.Choosing the Perfect Hair Color

①Coloring your hair is one way to express your individuality. / ②Choosing the right hair color can be confusing / whether you want to cover gray hair or give yourself a new fresh look. / ③If you are clear about what you want exactly, / it can help while choosing the hair color that is right for you. / ④You can achieve the most flattering look, / if you consider your skin make-up and eye color. / ⑤Hair color that balances your complexion gives the best results. / ⑥For covering gray hair, you can select a shade close to your natural hair color. / ⑦Hair highlights are another way

insulting to the host. (143 words)

Passage28 High School Dancing Party in US In the United States, a dancing party is held at the end of the senior year for high school students./Smaller schools may hold a dancing party open to the entire student body./Large high schools may hold two dancing parties,/a junior dancing party for those finishing their 11th grade year/ and a senior dancing party for those who are graduating high school./Dancing parties are mostly attended by juniors and seniors,/ but some schools allow all the classes to attend./The Junior and Senior classes may participate in fund raisers throughout the school year / to reduce the cost of prom./Dancing party tickets are sold at school/ and are traditionally purchased by boys for the couple./ It is not unusual for people attending dancing parties as friends/

to purchase a couple’s ticket./The cost of half of one couple’s ticket is generally less than that of one for an individual.

Passage29 Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science which aims to create it./Textbooks define it as the study and design of intelligent agents,/ where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and take actions/ which maximize its chances of success./ The field was founded on the claim that human intelligence can be so precisely described/ that it can be simulated by a machine./ The discipline of Artificial Intelligence was born in the summer of 1956./Half of a century has passed,/ and Artificial Intelligence has come a long way since its beginning./It has turned into an important field,/ whose

influence on our daily lives can hardly be overestimated./Many specialized Artificial Intelligence systems exist that are at work in our cars,/in our laptop computers, and in our personal and commercial technologies./There is no doubt that the impact of Artificial Intelligence on our lives in the future/ will become even more general and universal.


①Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, / pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, / and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. / ②It consists of advertising and promoting your product or service in order to sell it. / ③Your business produces goods and services. / ④Marketing is to let potential customers know what are available for sale.

/⑤Sales, advertising, and public relations are essential components of marketing / and each requires specialized skills and expertise. / ⑥While a small business may have only one person / performing all these functions under the marketing umbrella, / knowledge of each area is important to develop a focused effort. / ⑦A focus on what the customer wants and needs / is essential to successful marketing efforts. / ⑧This customer-orientation should go hand-in-hand with the company's objective of maintaining a profitable volume of sales. / ⑨Marketing is a creative process combining all of the activities

needed to accomplish both of these objectives. (156 words)

31.The World Health Day

①The World Health Day is on 7th April. / ②It marks the founding of the World

Health Organization / and is an opportunity to draw worldwide attention / to a subject of major importance to global health each year. / ③World Health Day 2009 focuses on the safety of health facilities / and the readiness of health workers who treat people affected by emergencies. / ④Health centers and staff provide vital health care in communities every day. /⑤In disasters, their services are in even greater demand: / treating injuries, preventing illnesses and caring for people's urgent health needs. /⑥A safe hospital that continues to function at best capacity during / and after a disaster or other emergency is a safe haven that protects lives. / ⑦Safe health facilities are a joint responsibility, / requiring crucial support from other sectors to ensure essential life-lines. /⑧When health facilities stop functioning, / it is a double blow to a

devastated community. (147 words)

32.Wood Recycling

①Recycling timber is the process of turning waste timber into usable products. /②Recycling timber is a practice that was popularized in the early 1990s / as issues such as deforestation and climate change, / prompted both timber suppliers and consumers to turn to a more sustainable timber source. / ③Recycling timber has become popular /due to its image as an environmentally friendly product. / ④Consumers commonly believe that by purchasing recycled wood, / the demand for green timber will fall and ultimately benefit the environment. / ⑤Recycled timber is now used as a construction product. / ⑥It has been important in both raising industry

/ and consumer awareness towards deforestation / and promoting timber mills to adopt more environmentally friendly practices. / ⑦Wood recycling is a subject which has in recent years taken an even greater role in our lives. / ⑧The problem, however, is that although many local authorities like the idea of recycling, / they do not fully support it. ( 151 words)


①An idiom is defined as a group of words / whose meaning must be known as a whole, / because it cannot be learned from the meaning of the same words used separately. /②Obviously, there is a problem / when you cannot look up individual words in a dictionary and find the meaning, / the usual strategy we all employ when we come

across a word or words that are unfamiliar. / ③With idioms, however, we must learn the group of words. / ④In everyday English, idioms are in common use. / ⑤In fact, idioms are so common that / most native speakers do not even realize that they are using idioms. / ⑥It is particularly important to recognize idioms / when you hear them or read them. / ⑦When you are able to use them comfortably in your own speech and writing, / and then you have achieved a higher level of mastery / and fluency in the language. ( 147 words)

Passage 34 The Free Hugs Campaign

The Free Hugs Campaign is a social movement/involving individuals who offer hugs to strangers in public places./The campaign in its present form was started in

2004 by an Australian man./Initially, people were suspicious of the strange man on the street/offering to hug anyone who wanted one./Soon, however, suspicion gave way to enthusiastic acceptance./When authorities tried to stop the campaign,/ over 10,000 people signed to ensure its continuance./The campaign became famous internationally in 2006 as the result of a music video uploaded into the Internet./ The response to the video was astounding. Many people joined this newly created movement, and went out offering free hugs to whoever wanted one. This event demonstrates how the Internet can be used to connect humanity above the boundaries of space and time. /The hugs are meant to be random acts of kindness,/reputedly selfless acts performed by a person for the sole reason of making others feel better.

Passage35 Effects of Cell Phones

Cell phones are an unavoidable part of daily life. /Even if you do not own one yourself, /you are exposed to them all the time /whenever you enter the public areas. /Most people think of their cell phones as something that they “just could not live without.” /Make sure you are informed about the potential health hazards associated with cell phone use /that the cell phone companies do not want you to know. /While studies are not conclusive, /scientists are beginning to suspect that cell phone use could contribute to everything from headache to brain cancer. /This is because cell phones emit electromagnetic waves and small amounts of radiation. /While research done in the 1990’s indicated /that the radiation using a cell phone could expose you to is not really enough to do any damage, /many experts are now abolishing that opinion. /They recommend that, at the

very least, /children, teens and young adults avoid using cell phones except in emergencies.

36.Nongovernmental Organization in Denmark

①Danes pursue common interests in leisure, sports, and politics. / ②Associations are essentially nongovernmental, originating in the late nineteenth century, / when farmers and workers formed interest groups. /③Today Denmark has one of the highest proportions of association membership in the world. / ④More than 90 percent of the population belongs to an organization, / and more than 73 percent of the people have multiple

memberships in more than three hundred thousand organizations. / ⑤Organizations and associations play three important roles. / ⑥First, they have been able to develop common interests and identities among different groups of people. / ⑦Second, practical improvements in the form of production, increases in salary, / and membership discounts have been achieved. / ⑧Third, organizations participate in the political struggle for the distribution of values and goods in society. / ⑨For example, charities use sophisticated public relations campaigns to raise funds / and employ standard lobbying techniques with governments. / ⑩Interest groups may be of political importance /because of their ability to influence social and political outcomes. (160 words)

37.E-waste: Dark Side of Digital Age

①What happens to those old computers once they've been abandoned for newer

models? / ②The refuse from discarded electronics products, also known as e-waste, /often ends up in landfills instead of being recycled. / ③And that means toxic substances like lead and mercury that are commonly used in these products / can contaminate the land, water and air. / ④The United States generates more e-waste than any other nation. / ⑤Some of that waste is recycled. / ⑥For example, steel, aluminum and copper are often stripped from outdated machines and reused in newer models. /⑦But even recycled parts come at a price. /⑧ An estimated 50 to 80 percent of e-waste collected in the United States for recycling / is exported to areas such as China or India or Pakistan, / where workers taking apart the old machines are

handling toxic chemicals / that can pose serious health problems. / ⑨Luckily, some manufacturers are beginning to assume greater responsibility for / what happens to their products after they become out-of-date. (158 words)

38.Children's Health

①It seems we have developed such a fast paced society of convenience / that kids today don't play outside much anymore. / ②But they would rather stay inside and have things done for them. /③They spend too much time inside on the sofa / and neglect any kind of physical activity, / which causes a state of being inactive and unhealthy. /④Inactive kids have a higher risk of becoming obese, / having high blood pressure and a higher risk of heart disease. /

⑤Along with being inactive, / kids today don't get enough personal interaction with other kids, / causing them to have a lack of interpersonal skills. / ⑥Besides, their parents and grandparents allow children to have everything they want. / ⑦Parents' spoiling only makes for an attitude of selfishness. / ⑧To avoid this situation, parents should encourage their kids to spend more time out of the house, / such as playing basketball in a community basketball team. (147 words)

39.Information Age

①The Information Age means something different to everyone. / ②In 1956 in the United States, researchers noticed that / the number of people holding \collar\jobs had just exceeded the

