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2011年职称英语考前最新串讲与答题技巧荟萃.txt明骚易躲,暗贱难防。佛祖曰:你俩就是大傻B!当白天又一次把黑夜按翻在床上的时候,太阳就出生了 本文由hugaoxidai贡献 doc文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。 2011 年职称英语考前最新串讲与答题技巧荟萃 年职称英语考前最新串讲与答题技巧荟萃 最新串讲

尽管在通往胜利的路上荆棘密布,但我想一方面通过大家自己的艰苦付出,另一 方面我们也会尽全力来帮助大家的。 而最重要的一点就是这个考试原本就没有你 们所想的那么难。 为什么这么说呢?凡是关注一些考试的学员应该发现了, 为什么这么说呢?凡是关注一些考试的学员应该发现了,无论是接受义务制教 四六级等等, 育孩子参加的考试还是大学生参加的 PETS, 四六级等等,难度都比职称英语大 多了。 资格考试并非水平考试 水平考试,所以来自于教材的题 多了。众所周知,由于这只是一个资格考试 资格考试 水平考试 目会占一定的比例,通常为30-45分左右。一般情况下,第一题词汇是书上的, 第四题阅读理解有一篇文章是书上的,完型填空也是书上的。这些题加起来是45 分。也就是说:把教材上这三部分都看一遍掌握了,就能把这45分抓住。这些出 题特点尤其在2009年的考题中显现得非常明显。 2009年综合类考题分析: 年综合类考题分析: 年综合类考题分析

考试题型 该考题考察目的 该题型选自教材的试题比例 2009年该题型出 年该题型出 题特点


综合 C: 13道小题选自2009年综合 在一定语境下单词 类职称英语教材及往年词汇选项考 词义的确定和近义 题 该题型送分 词的识别(共15小 综合 B: 15道小题选自2009年综合 题, 15分) 类职称英语教材及往年词汇选项考 题 综合 A: 14道小题选自2009年综合 类职称英语教材及往年词汇选项考 题 综合 C(Fighting for a brighter future 该 题 常 针 对 文 章 识别和判断文章所 for women(为妇女争取一个更美好 中 某 些 特 殊 的 句 提供的信息的能力 的未来而战)) 选自教材外 : 子设置考点, 如 (7分) 综合 B(Fighting for a brighter future 转 折 句 处 常 设 考 for women(为妇女争取一个更美好 点等。 的未来而战)) 选自教材外 : 综合 A (Keeping on fighting(继续 以综合 B、C 阅读 判断第二题为例。 战斗)) 选自教材外 : 明显


概括大意与 完成句子

综合 C (Money or friendship or both 4个指定段落中至 把握文章段落大意 (要钱还是要友谊, 还是两者都不 少 有 1-3 个 段 落 有 及 细 节 的 能 力 ( 8 要): 选自教材外。 ) 明确的段落主题 。 分) 综合 B(McGrady’s Spectacular Art 句; (McGrady 出色的篮球技术)) :选自 以综合 B/A 考试中 教材外 综合 A(McGrady’s Spectacular Art 的 概 括 大 意 考 题 (McGrady 出色的篮球技术)) :选自 为例 1

教材外 综 合 C ( 第 一 篇 : Life at Aichi 该 题 有 送 分 特 征 University (在 Aichi 大学的生活); ( 有 一 篇 阅 读 理 第 二 篇 : Shopping at second-hand 解 选 自 2009 年 教 clothing stores(在旧衣店购物); 第 材) ; 理解文章主旨和细 三篇:March Madness (三月的疯 节信息的能力(45 狂) ) 其中第一篇阅读理解来自 该 题 型 涉 及 考 点 : 众多, 常针对文 分) 教材 综合 B(第一篇: March Madness 章中特殊句子(如 ( 三 月 的 疯 狂 ) ) ; 第 二 篇 : 文章主题句)设置 Declining interest in developing 问题。 foreign language skills(对培养外语 技能的兴趣在不断减退); 第三篇: Youth Emancipation in Spain 西班牙 ( 青年人的解放运动) ) 其中第二 : 篇

阅读理解来自教材 综 合 A ( 第 一 篇 : Youth Emancipation in Spain(西班牙青年 人的解放运动) ); 第二篇:Road trip vacations(公路驾车旅行); 第三 篇:Tightened visa regulations(更为 严厉的签证法规) ) 其中第二篇 : 阅读理解来自教材 综合 C(A bad idea(一个糟糕的主 在 该 题 中 上 下 文 把握文章结构,掌 意)) :来自教材外; 中词语衔接手段 握作者思路的能力 综合 B (Reduce Packaging(减少外包 的 识 别 是 主 要 的 考察点, 也是解 装)) :来自教材外; 综合 A(My life at Renda(我在人大 题 时 重 点 要 的 破 题点。 的生活)) :来自教材外; 综合 C (Gun Rights in the US (在美 有 部 分 空 格 会 重 在一定语境中准确 国的持枪权利)): 来自教材 新设置。 使用词语的能力 综合 B(New Ideas(新观点):来 ) 自教材 综合 A(Improve computer research skills(提高利用计算机进行研究的 技能):来自教材 ) 阅读理解 补全短文


年职称英语考试新教材, 年相比, 纵观 2010 年职称英语考试新教材,与 2009 年相比,只有阅读理解和完型填空 文章做了很少数量的更新,其他题型文章未做更新。 文章做了很少数量的更新,其他题型文章未做更新。 一、 新教材内容变化内容及数量 【职称英语三个类别 (综合类、 理工类、 卫生类) 】 1.职称英语三个类别中的词汇选项题、阅读判断、概括大意与完成句子、补全 .职称英语三个类别中的词汇选项题、阅读判断、概括大意与完成句子、 短文四个题型的内容均未作任何改变 四个题型的内容均未作任何改变, 年职称英语教材文章一致; 短文四个题型的内容均未作任何改变,与 2009 年职称英语教材文章一致;


2.职称英语三个类别中的阅读理解题型文章均有变化:综合类和理工类均更新 .职称英语三个类别中的阅读理解题型文章均有变化: 文章均有变化 6 篇文章,其中每个级别更新 2 篇(较 2009 年相比) 卫生类更新了 3 篇文章, 篇文章, 年相比) ;卫生类更新了 篇文章, ; 篇文章( 年相比) 每个级别新增 1 篇文章(较 2009 年相比) ; 3.职称英语三个类别中的完型填空文章均有变化:综合、理工和卫生各更新 3 .职称英语三个类别中的完型填空文章均有变化:综合、 章均有变化 篇文章, 篇文章。 篇文章,每个级别更新 1 篇文章。 2010 年职称英语新教材虽然只在阅读理解与完形填空两大题型的文章有所增 选择的题材更具有时代感、专业性,并加大了社会关注度, 加,选择的题材更具有时代感、专业性,并加大了社会关注度,这在某种程度 上来看,增加了考试的难度,说明随着职称教材文章选材的不断提高与丰富, 上来看,增加了考试的难度,说明随着职称教材文章选材的不断提高与丰富, 需要学员在备考过程中, 需要学员在备考过程中,不但需要掌握和了解教材中除本类别外的更多文章内 同时掌握更多的解题技巧,才能“以不变应万变 以不变应万变”。 容,同时掌握更多的解题技巧,才能 以不变应万变 。 前面我一直是希望大家乐观地对待这次考试, 前面我一直是希望大家乐观地对待这次考试,但有些不利的情况我也要提前告 知大家一下,观察敏锐的同学们已经发现了,由于整个社会的素质都不断在提 知大家一下,观察敏锐的同学们已经发现了,由于整个社会的素质都不断在提 而且参加职称英语考试的人员的年龄也有一年比一年年轻的趋势, 高,而且参加职称英语考试的人员的年龄也有一年比一年年轻的趋势,所以教 材中的题目在试卷中原封不动出现的可能也越来越小。 材中的题目在试卷中原封不动出现的可能也越来越小。即便考试的题型和题量 都是规定死的,但考试的内容变化是很大的:尤其是据说, 都是规定死的,但考试的内容变化是很大的:尤其是据说,对于职称英语的改 革可能会从2011年逐渐在各个省份展开。 年逐渐在各个省份展开。 当然09年是这几年中最特殊的一次 因 年是这几年中最特殊的一次, 革可能会从

年逐渐在各个省份展开 当然 年是这几年中最特殊的一次, 为在三个级别考试中的试题均选自考试用书上阅读理解及完型填空新增练习 为在三个级别考试中的试题均选自考试用书上阅读理解及完型填空新增练习 是要比较轻松地就可以拿到45分 因此我在这里大胆地推测2010年个别类 题,是要比较轻松地就可以拿到 分,因此我在这里大胆地推测 年个别类 个别级别的考题,在从教材上选题时有可能会打破往年选题的手法, 别,个别级别的考题,在从教材上选题时有可能会打破往年选题的手法,从教 材上选择难度接近考试要求 但属于非新增内容的篇章, 选择难度接近考试要求, 材上选择难度接近考试要求,但属于非新增内容的篇章,因此建议考生不要迷 信教材上新增的内容, 而应该对2010年教材进行全面复习 既关注新增内 信教材上新增的内容, 而应该对 年教材进行全面复习 借助新增内容了解出题者在文章主题选取, 文章语言难度选取, 容, 借助新增内容了解出题者在文章主题选取, 文章语言难度选取, 考点设 置难度和考题设置形式上的特点, 又关注教材上属于非新增内容, 置难度和考题设置形式上的特点, 又关注教材上属于非新增内容, 但是语言 难度及问题设置难度接近考试要求的练习题。 难度及问题设置难度接近考试要求的练习题。 另外,在职称英语考试中还有串类别的现象,拿08年考试来说,阅读理解部分, 另外,在职称英语考试中还有串类别的现象, 年考试来说,阅读理解部分, 年考试来说 理工的 C 级、综合的 C 级、卫生的 C 级,这三个类别的 C 级都考到了综合类的 一篇文章。对于考综合类的同学来说没有问题,因为都学过 但理工类、 都学过。 一篇文章。对于考综合类的同学来说没有问题,因为都学过。但理工类、卫生 类教材里都没有出现这篇文章。这种串类别的考试从近几年考试中经常出现, 类教材里都没有出现这篇文章。这种串类别的考试从近几年考试中经常出现, 所以如果考生考理工只看理工类的文章那是不够的。 所以如果考生考理工只看理工类的文章那是不够的。这提示大家三个类别在复 习时要打开,考理工不能局限于理工,要把综合类相关的文章也看了。 习时要打开,考理工不能局限于理工,要把综合类相关的文章也看了。考卫生 也不能光看卫生类的文章,也要把综合类相关的文章看了。 也不能光看卫生类的文章,也要把综合类相关的文章看了。另外跨级别的考试 也经常出现,就拿09年综合类考题为例吧 年综合类考题为例吧: 级词汇选项题就有7道题是 也经常出现,就拿 年综合类考题为例吧:B 级词汇选项题就有 道题是 C 级的 考题; 级的词汇中也有6道是 级的; 级的阅读判断完全一样; 考题;A 级的词汇中也有 道是 B 级的;C 级和 B 级的阅读判断完全一样;B 级 级相同, 级相同。所以, 有一篇文章和 C 级相同,而 A 级也有一篇文章和 B 级相同。所以,对于即将参 年考试的同学一定要注意, 加 2010年考试的同学一定要注意,不能光抓住自己专业的这一部份文章看,要 年考试的同学一定要注意 不能光抓住自己专业的这一部份文章看, 放开眼界, 放开眼界,即,参加理工类和卫生类考试的学员在可能的前提条件下要看看综 合类相同级别的文章; 级的, 合类相同级别的文章;考 B 级的要兼而有之的看看 C 级的,考 A 级的也要看看 B 级的。因为 C 级是最低级别,只要把属于该级别的内容都掌握好就行了! 非 级的。 级是最低级别,只要把属于该级别的内容都掌握好就行了! (非 ( 3

常重要! )除此之外,大家一定要有心里准备,一定不能背教材、 !)除此之外 常重要!! 除此之外,大家一定要有心里准备,一定不能背教材、背题目或者 是背答案,这是不可行的。 是背答案,这是不可行的。 职称英语考试共有六大题型:它们在试卷上依次是:词汇选项( 、阅读判 职称英语考试共有六大题型:它们在试卷上依次是:词汇选项(15 分) 阅读判 、 、概括大意与完成句子 、阅读理解 、补全短文 断(7 分) 概括大意与完成句子(8 分) 阅读理解(45 分) 补全短文(10 分) 、概括大意与完成句子( 、阅读理解( 、补全短文( 和完形填空( 。 和完形填空(15 分) 整张试卷共计 15 道词汇题和 7 篇文章,阅读量在 3800 单词左右。对于基础差 做题速度慢的考生,不可追求把所有的题都作

完,必须有所取舍,因为,与其匆 忙草率地答完所有题目,不如把时间用在分值较高、技巧性强的部分,以更高的 正确率去弥补分差。这在众多大龄考生中间已被证实为最高效的考场策略。所以 顺着这个话题我就想说说,面对题量如此多的 6 大题,到底该先做什么后做什 么呢?请大家听仔细! 一上考场,先答词汇选项题 在职称英语考试过程中, 词汇选项题, 一上考场,先答词汇选项题,在职称英语考试过程中,词汇选项题是较为简单 的一种题型,同时该题为整个卷面的第一大题 大题, 的一种题型,同时该题为整个卷面的第一大题,因此词汇选项题做得好与坏直 道题,该题的要求就是根据句 接影响到考生全部的临场心理状态。 接影响到考生全部的临场心理状态。这个部分 15 道题,该题的要求就是根据句 意找出某个画线单词或词组的同义词。该题型有如下几个特点: 意找出某个画线单词或词组的同义词。该题型有如下几个特点: 1 主要考察形容词和动词,副词和名词; 主要考察形容词和动词,副词和名词; 2 划线词及被选项词汇都为较常见的基本词汇; 划线词及被选项词汇都为较常见的基本词汇; 题涉及到短语结构(涉及常见小动词的短语结构, 3 可能会有 1-2 题涉及到短语结构(涉及常见小动词的短语结构,如:go, come, take, leave, put, keep, think, call 等) ; 分左右考题来自教材; 4 词汇选项考题中将有至少 7 分左右考题来自教材; 根据词汇选项题有可能出现的一些情况,我在这里建议各位学员注意 根据词汇选项题有可能出现的一些情况,我在这里建议各位学员注意: 在复习词汇时要根据大家手里所拿到的教材上词汇题, 1.在复习词汇时要根据大家手里所拿到的教材上词汇题, 在复习词汇时要根据大家手里所拿到的教材上词汇题 其它的不相关的不用去 看; 平常练习题最好以历年真题作为主要来源。 2.平常练习题最好以历年真题作为主要来源。 平常练习题最好以历年真题作为主要来源 3. 在平时复习过程中要注意和词汇相关的一些基本语法概念,尤其是要学会区 在平时复习过程中要注意和词汇相关的一些基本语法概念, 词性”。 分“词性 。如: 词性 1. Before leaving the house, she closed the windows. (同义词为 shut) ) 2. She is close to success.(同义词为:near) 同义词为: 同义词为 还要注意英语中一词多义现象,有的单词可能在字典里有好几个同义词: 还要注意英语中一词多义现象,有的单词可能在字典里有好几个同义词:如(教 材中原题) 材中原题) : Contact your doctor if the cough persists. A.insists B.perseveres C.continues D.resists 本题在解答时必须明白句子的意思:如若咳嗽(持续)的话就联系你的大夫。 本题在解答时必须明白句子的意思:如若咳嗽(持续)的话就联系你的大夫。 所以选择 C。 。 词汇选项题的较为快捷和实用的解决办法是: 词汇选项题的较为快捷和实用的解决办法是: ①根据美国权威机构通过对标准化考试的研究与分析,最终得出结论:在备选答 案是 A)、B)、C)、D)四个选项的情况下,往往 B)和 C)正确的几率较大。因此 查 字典时我们最好从 B)和 C)答案查起,根据我对近几年职称英语词汇选项题 的分析,我建议那些词汇较少的学员按照:BCAD 的顺序查字典,效果会好些。 4

②选项在字典中义项的确定问题。由于职称英语考试是全国统一的规范化考试, 词汇项的选择往往以常用词汇为主。因此,我们往往以字典中该选项的前三个义 项为主。 ③在确定了正确答案之后,其他选项就不必再查了。 谈到词汇部分就不得不说说字典的问题: 谈到词汇部分就不得不说说字典的问题: 古人云:工欲善其事,必先利其器。一本好的工具书能令英语学习效率倍增; 古人云:工欲善其事,必先利其器。一本好的工具书能令英语学习效率倍增; 在准备考试的前期,要有一本适合学习基本知识的词典,收词量不可太大, 在准备考试的前期,要有一本适合学习基本知识的词典,收词量不可太大,方 便随时查阅;释义须详尽,要有词汇、 组的用法和例句甚至包括相关语法点。 便随时查阅;释义须详尽,要有词汇、词组的用法和例句甚至包括相关语法点。 遇到不认识或不懂的单词,立即去查。平常要多查字典,以便达到熟能生巧。 遇到不认识或不懂的单词,立即去查。平常要多查字

典,以便达到熟能生巧。 只有这样在考场上才可以少花时间。 只有这样在考场上才可以少花时间。 人事考试中心也明确规定不能使用“快译通” 好译通” 译神” 人事考试中心也明确规定不能使用“快译通”、“好译通”、“译神”、“商 务通” 文曲星”等任何电子词典(很多手机都安装有英汉词典, 务通”、“文曲星”等任何电子词典(很多手机都安装有英汉词典,但考场禁 止使用手机) 也不能使用针对全国职称外语等级考试编辑出版的外语字典、 ,也不能使用针对全国职称外语等级考试编辑出版的外语字典 止使用手机) 也不能使用针对全国职称外语等级考试编辑出版的外语字典、词 , 或外语教材和外语词汇手册。 典,或外语教材和外语词汇手册。考生只能使用国家正式出版的普通外文字典 或词典。 或词典。 接下来你可以选择做完形填空或阅读理解 完形填空或阅读理解。因为阅读理解的分值最重,高达 45 完形填空或阅读理解 分呢! 而且三篇文章有一篇通常是来自书上, 所以你首先找出哪一篇来自书上的, 识别出来,要是平时下得功夫够的话,几分钟就可以把题做出来,问题基本上跟 原题差不多,当然会一些改头换面的形式。剩余的文章来自书外,因为阅读理解 的分值最重,所以我们可以在阅读理解的这个环节上多下一点工夫。多花一点时 间。利用阅读理解的一些答题技巧,在剩余的两篇文章中,至少还可以拿到一篇 左右的分数,这样阅读理解我们就可以拿到至少 30 分左右的分数了。 和前面的几道题测试的内容都不一样,完形填空题表面上看只是测试词的用法, 和前面的几道题测试的内容都不一样,完形填空题表面上看只是测试词的用法, 实际上牵扯的方面非常多。所以有很多学员说完型填空题是最难的一个题型 型填空题是最难的一个题型, 实际上牵扯的方面非常多。所以有很多学员说完型填空题是最难的一个题型, 无论是在职称英语考试里还是在其它的水平考试当中都是必考的, 无论是在职称英语考试里还是在其它的水平考试当中都是必考的,是一种综合 阅读能力的测试。但对于大家来说这种题型并不难,一般认为属于送分题, 阅读能力的测试。但对于大家来说这种题型并不难,一般认为属于送分题,因 为考题通常是从当年教材所给出的文章中挑选一篇直接出题。 为考题通常是从当年教材所给出的文章中挑选一篇直接出题。但需注意在考题 设置时并不是原封不动将原文搬过来,而出题点和空格的设置都会有变化, 设置时并不是原封不动将原文搬过来,而出题点和空格的设置都会有变化,这 就说明平时在做题时不要背答案,而且要把文章中所有的单词尽可能都弄明白, 就说明平时在做题时不要背答案,而且要把文章中所有的单词尽可能都弄明白, 否则送分题也有可能成为丢分题。因此, 否则送分题也有可能成为丢分题。因此,我在这里建议大家在复习时要紧扣教 不要在从外面找不相关的题做,这样是一点帮助也没有的! 材,不要在从外面找不相关的题做,这样是一点帮助也没有的! 完型填空,旨在考察综合运用英文能力 综合运用英文能力, 个方面设计: ) 完型填空,旨在考察综合运用英文能力,考题主要从 3 个方面设计:1)词法结 形容词) 构 2)语法结构 3)前后逻辑关系。词法上考查实词(动/名/形容词)比例高于 ) )前后逻辑关系。词法上考查实词( 名 形容词 虚词( 介词 。另外还有多义词/短语 短语的固定搭配等等。 介词) 。另外还有多义词 短语; 虚词(副/介词) 另外还有多义词 短语;短语的固定搭配等等。 那么,在大家做完型填空题时最好能在文章标题的指引下, 通读全文 全文, 那么,在大家做完型填空题时最好能在文章标题的指引下,先通读全文,对文 章大意有个了解,接下来在细读这个环节中才会有的放矢, 章大意有个了解,接下来在细读这个环节中才会有的放矢,而不会像没头苍蝇 瞎蒙乱猜。最后一遍是查读,顾名思义,边检查边读, 瞎蒙乱猜。最后一遍是查读,顾名思义,边检查边读,将一些拿不定主意的最 后确定下来,这样效果会最佳。 后确定下来,这样效果会最佳。 5

最后剩下的几大题可以根据你的实际英语水平选择做题的顺序: 要是按照我的习 惯,我会做补全短文 补全短文,因为它的分值也比较重,一个空是两分,一共是五个空, 一共是 10 分,这个部分看起来比较难,出题者就是考察考生对上下文关系的逻 辑关系的能力,

出题者就希望我们考生能够读懂空格前句的内容和空格后句的内 容,以及顺着空格所在的段落的内容。语境的内容,然后才判断答案,其实有一 些技巧可寻,如果借助这些技巧的话,也至少能够拿到四到六分左右的分数。再 排下来,我会做概括大意和完成句子 概括大意和完成句子,主要利用答题技巧,这个部分也应该能够 概括大意和完成句子 四分到六分的分数。这样大概算一算,应该可以过了! (我们的目标不就是 60 分万岁吗! )我绝对建议大家要将整套试卷答满,因为咱们中国人讲究圆满!即 使你心里很美,一看,今年我肯定已经过了!但以防万一,别掉以轻心,一定要 把最后一题完成: 阅读判断! 这个题其实不难, 阅读判断 一般我建议大家利用技巧来答题, 只是它是来自书外的题,而且每道题的分值比较低,每题只有一分,所以建议大 家放在最后来做,另外即使没有时间,我全选 A 或者是 B,通常能拿到最少两 分,最多四分的分数。 另外,还有一些细节需要提醒大家,我们常说:成败在于细节! 另外,还有一些细节需要提醒大家,我们常说:成败在于细节! 有的同学认为有字典就不需要做准备,不需要背一些词汇, 有的同学认为有字典就不需要做准备,不需要背一些词汇,只要到考场上翻字 典就行了,你们觉得行吗? 典就行了,你们觉得行吗? 字典只是你的一副拐杖,不能什么时候都用。整场考试下来, 字典只是你的一副拐杖,不能什么时候都用。整场考试下来,查字典的时间不 分钟,否则会影响其它题目的完成! 分钟内完成; 能超过 10 分钟,否则会影响其它题目的完成!词汇题要在 10 分钟内完成;阅 读理解,即使分值重,题目多, 分钟; 分钟; 读理解,即使分值重,题目多,也最多花 50--60 分钟;完形填空 1015 分钟; 分钟;尤其是阅读判断, 剩余的三大题加在一起不要超过 20 分钟;尤其是阅读判断,如果没有时间就全 分钟涂卡,涂卡是经常容易被考生忽视的, 蒙 A、或者全蒙 B,最后至少保证 10 分钟涂卡,涂卡是经常容易被考生忽视的, 、 , 所以请考生注意一定要留下时间涂卡。要想有一个好的时间观念, 所以请考生注意一定要留下时间涂卡。要想有一个好的时间观念,平常做题时 一定要看表。最好,在考试前一周做两套左右的题目,一口气, 一定要看表。最好,在考试前一周做两套左右的题目,一口气,按两个小时标 准。 重点推荐文章! 重点推荐文章! 综合类: 综合类: A.阅读理解文章(共 8 篇) 阅读理解文章( 阅读理解文章 : Outside-the-classroom Learning Makes a Big Difference 第 2 篇: (C 级)(***) 第 5 篇:Sino-Japan Animosity Lessens (C 级)(***) 第 34 篇:Career With a Uniform (B 级)(***) 第 35 篇:Dorm Food More Comfy (B 级)(**) 第 38 篇:Immigration and Problems (B 级)(**) 第 44 篇:Americans Get Touchy (A 级) (***) 第 45 篇:Women Staying in Mini-Skirts for Longer (A 级)(**) 第 50 篇:Older Volcanic Eruptions (A 级)(**) B.完形填空文章: 共 4 篇) 完形填空文章: 完形填空文章 (共 ( 第 6 篇:Reform on the Road (C 级)(***) 第 9 篇:Freezing to Death for Beauty (C 级)(***) 6

第 11 篇:On the Net Friends Come and Go, Talking of??(B 级)(***) 第 14 篇:Sex Change Survey Guidelines Drafted (A 级)(***) 理工类: 理工类: A.阅读理解文章(共 8 篇) 阅读理解文章( 阅读理解文章 : 第 3 篇:Citizen Scientists(C 级)(***) 第 6 篇:Arctic Melt(C 级)(***) 第 33 篇:Experts Call for Local and Regional Control of Sites for Radioactive (B 级)(***) 第 35 篇:Putting Plants to Work(B 级)(**) 第 38 篇:Night of the Living Ants(B 级)(**) 第 46 篇:How the First Stars in the Universe Came into Existence(A 级)(**) 第 49 篇:U.S. Scientists Confirm Water on Mars(A 级)(***) 第 50 篇:Cell Phones Increase Traffic, Pedestrian Fatalities(A 级)(***) B.完形填空文章: 共 5 篇) 完形填空文章: 完形填空文章 (共 ( 第 2 篇:Avalanche and Its Safety (C 级)(**) 第 3 篇:Seeing Red Means Danger Ahead (C 级)(***) 第 12 篇:The Case of the Disappearing Fingerprints(B 级)(***) 第 13 篇:Cell Phone Lets Your Secret Out(A 级)(***) 第 15 篇:Obtaining Drinking Water from Air Humidity(A

级)(***) 卫生类: 卫生类: A.阅读理解文章(共 6 篇) 阅读理解文章( 阅读理解文章 : 第 5 篇:U.S. Eats Too Much Salt (C 级)(***) 第 9 篇:U.S. To Start $3.2 Billion Child Health Study in January (C 级)(**) 第 18 篇:Human Heart can Make New Cells(B 级)(***) 第 25 篇:Medicine Award Kicks off Nobel Prize Announcements(B 级)(**) 第 34 篇:Do Patients Trust Doctors Too Much(A 级)(***) 第 50 篇:15 Million Americans Suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder(A 级)(***) B.完形填空文章: 共 6 篇) 完形填空文章: 完形填空文章 (共 ( 第 2 篇:8 New York Students Have Swine Flu (C 级)(***) 第 5 篇:Men Too May Suffer from Domestic Violence (C 级)(**) 第 7 篇:Nurse! I want My Mummy(B 级)(**) 第 9 篇:Many Women Who Beat Cancer don't Change Habits(B) ) (***) 7

第 12 篇:Skin Cancer Now Top Cancer Among Young Women in UK(A 级)(***) 第 15 篇:Is Your Child's Stomach Pain All in His Head?(A 级)** 阅读理解和完形填空将作为重要的内容从下午开始介绍。接下来, 阅读理解和完形填空将作为重要的内容从下午开始介绍。接下来,我想以历年 真题为主介绍两种题型以及他们的解题技巧: 概括大意和完成句子 概括大意和完成句子; 补全短 真题为主介绍两种题型以及他们的解题技巧:1.概括大意和完成句子;2.补全短 文。 请注意,这两种题型在讲解时不分级别, 只是希望大家注意解题思路和方法。 请注意,这两种题型在讲解时不分级别,我只是希望大家注意解题思路和方法。 概括大意和完成句子题型( 1.概括大意和完成句子题型(卷面第 3 题) 概括大意和完成句子题型 A.概括大意出题特点 概括大意出题特点 通常指定的段落中有些段落含有明显主题句(段落主题句常直接位于段落开头部 分,有时也可能位于段落中间或段落结尾部分);有些段落没有明显主题句,段 落主题需要考生自己总结概括。 B.完成句子出题特点 完成句子出题特点 1.完成句子题所对应的被选项通常语法结构一致:同为短语结构(形容词短语结 构,不定式短语结构.分词短语结构,介词短语结构,名词性短语结构)或同为 从句结构; 2.完成句子题的考点呈现多样性:可能涉及到对书面英语中常见语法结构的考 察(如各种从句,被动语态,非渭语动词结构,虚拟语气等),也可能对属于固定 搭配的常见短语进行考察,还可能考察考生的阅读能力(如与问题相关信息的查 找和确认能力.总结概括能力,理解上下文意义关系的能力等); 概括大意答题技巧: 概括大意答题技巧: A:“主题词确认法” “主题词确认法” : 首先关注整个段落中是否有明显重复出现 明显重复出现的词语或结构, 如果有重复出现的词语 明显重复出现 /结构,且贯穿整个段落出现,或至少出现 2 次及 2 次以上,尤其出现在段落开 头或结尾处的句子中,则该词语/结果就是所在段落的主题词,而段落的主题句 应该包含段落主题词; B: 主题句确认法” : 主题句确认法” “ : 关注段落开头部分的语句, 尤其需要关注段首句: 如果段首句是观点句, 概括句, 定义性的句子,或陈述某个研究者/研究机构的发言或研究发现,则该段首句可 能就是其所在段落的主题句。 如果段落开头没有明显主题句,则可关注段落部分,如果段落结尾部分有明显的 观点句,概括句,或定义性的句子,或者段末句陈述某个研究者/研究机构的发 言或研究发现,则位于段末的这类句子可能是其所在段落的主题句。 C: 段落细节确认法” : 段落细节确认法” “ 段落中的典型例子共同揭示的信息往往直接反映文章主题。 8

完成句子答题技巧 完成句子题主要考察考生在文章中进行细节信息的查找及确认的能力, 有时也可 能考察考生总结概括能力及理解上下文意义关系的能力。 考生需要找出空格前面 句子中出现的特征词(专有名词,数词)和描述细节信息的词语与结构(如:时间/ 地点/条件/原因状语,表示人及事物名称的词语),利用这些词语与结构作为 答案线索,在文章中找到与之相呼应的语句(答案相关句),对比答案相关句与问 题句的结构和句意,判断答案。 例题: Chimpanzees 1 Chimpanzees (黑猩猩) will soon be extinct (灭绝). If the

present rate of hunting and habitat (栖息地) destruction continues, then within 20 years, there will be no chimpanzees living in the wild. But this is more than an environmental or moral tragedy (悲剧). Chimpanzee extinction may also have profound implications (含意) for the survival of their distant relatives — human beings. 2 In 1975 the biologist Marie-Claire King and Allan Wilson discovered that the human and chimpanzee genomes (基因组) match by over 98%. Compare this to the mouse, used as model for human disease in lab tests, which shares only 60% of its DNA with us. In fact, chimpanzees are far more similar to humans than they are to any other species of monkey. As well as resembling us genetically, chimps are highly intelligent and able to use tools. These facts alone should be enough to make protection of chimps an urgent priority (优先). But there is another, more selfish reason to preserve the chimp. 3 The chimpanzees' trump card (王牌) comes in the field of medical research. Chimpanzees are so similar to humans that veterinarians (兽医) often refer to human medical textbooks when treating them. Yet chimpanzees do show differences in several key areas. In particular, chimps are much more resistant to a number of major diseases. It is this ability that is so interesting. 4 For example, chimps seem to show a much higher resistance than humans to HIV, the virus that causes Aids. Indeed, their use as experimental animals in AIDS research has declined because they are so resistant. 9


By sequencing the chimp genome and pinpointing (找到) the

place where the chimpanzee DNA sequence differs from that of humans, scientists hope to be able to discover which part of the genetic code gives chimps their increased resistance to some diseases. This, they hope, will allow them to develop new and more effective treatments for the human forms of these diseases. Such treatments could include the production of new drugs or even the alteration (改 变) of the human genetic sequence. The recently completed human genome sequencing project has shown that such an effort is now well within our reach. 23Paragraph 1 24Paragraph 2 25aragraph 3 26Paragraph 4 A: Reasons for HIV resistance B: Implications of chimpanzee extinction for humans C: Effective AIDs treatment D: Genetic similarities between chimps and humans E: Chimps' resistance to HIV F: Genetic differences between chimps and humans 27: Chimpanzee extinction may affect 28: There is a difference of less than 2% between the chimp and 29:Scientists suspect that genes play a significant role in protecting chimps from getting 30:The discovery of the genetic code of chimps will be helpful to A: some human disease treatments B: some diseases C: human survival 生存 D: human genomes E: key areas F: healthier lifestyle 解题: 解题: 23Paragraph 1 10

24Paragraph 2 25aragraph 3 26Paragraph 4 A: Reasons(原因) for HIV resistance(抵抗、反抗) B: Implications of chimpanzee extinction(灭绝,和 extinct 是同根词) for humans C: Effective(有效的) AIDs treatment(治疗) 。 D: Genetic similarities(相似之处) between chimps and humans E: Chimps' resistance to HIV F: Genetic differences(不同、区别) between chimps and humans 看第 1 段: 1 Chimpanzees (黑猩猩 will soon be extinct (灭绝 If the 黑猩猩) 灭绝). 黑猩猩 灭绝 present rate of hunting and habitat (栖息地) destruction continues, then within 20 years, there will

be no chimpanzees living in the wild. But (转折概念的连词,重要! )this is more than an environmental or moral tragedy (悲剧). Chimpanzee extinction may also have profound implications (含意 for the survival ( 生存 ) of their 含意) 生存) 含意 distant relatives — human beings. 该段的内容同 B 选项相似。 B: Implications of chimpanzee extinction(灭绝,和 extinct 是同根词) for humans。 看第 2 段: In 1975 the biologist Marie-Claire King and Allan Wilson discovered 『that the human and chimpanzee genomes (基因组) match by over 98%. 』Compare this to the mouse, used as model for human disease in lab tests, which shares only 60% of its DNA with us. In fact, chimpanzees are far more similar(该词是 similarity 的同根 ( 词。 to humans than they are to any other species of monkey. As well ) as resembling us genetically, chimps are highly intelligent and able to use tools. These facts alone should be enough to make protection of chimps an urgent priority (优先). But there is another, more selfish reason to preserve the chimp. 通过 discover 的发现结果和同根词 similar 的出现,完全可以确定 D 是答案; D: Genetic similarities(相似之处) between chimps and humans。 11

看第 3 段: 3 The chimpanzees' trump card (王牌) comes in the field of medical research. Chimpanzees are so similar to humans that veterinarians (兽医) often refer to human medical textbooks when treating them. Yet (转折概念关键词, 其后的内容将是该段的重点! chimpanzees do show ) differences in several key areas. In particular, chimps are much more resistant to a number of major diseases. It is this ability that is so interesting. 所以,只要注意划线的两个重点词汇,段义就可以得出是 F。 F: Genetic differences(不同、区别) between chimps and humans 看第 4 段: 4 For example, chimps seem to show a much higher resistance than humans to HIV, the virus that causes Aids. Indeed, their use as experimental animals in AIDS research has declined because they are so resistant. 该段是第三段 difference 的具体举例说明。而第一句就是例子的概括,与剩余 答案的 E 相关。 E: Chimps' resistance to HIV 继续做完成句子题:先看题目! 继续做完成句子题:先看题目! 27: Chimpanzee extinction may affect(动词,影响) 28: There is a difference of less than 2% between the chimp and 29: Scientists suspect(怀疑) that genes play a significant(重要的, 相当于 important) role in protecting chimps from getting 30:The discovery of the genetic code of chimps will be helpful to A: some human disease treatments(一些人类的疾病的治疗) B: some diseases(一些疾病) C: human survival(人类的生存) D: human genomes(人类的基因组) E: key areas(关键的领域) F: healthier lifestyle(健康的生活方式) 在做该部分题目时,别忽略了我们在前一部分对主要段落的理解, 在做该部分题目时,别忽略了我们在前一部分对主要段落的理解,以及主要的 句子表达! 句子表达! 27: Chimpanzee extinction may affect(动词,影响) 该题是说:黑猩猩的灭绝可能会影响到: 12

大家还应该记得这样的句子的表达来自于第一段: Chimpanzee extinction may also have profound implications (含意) for the survival of their distant relatives — human beings. 所以只要大家找到了句子, 所以只要大家找到了句子,答案很容易确定应该是 C。 。 28: There is a difference of less than 2% between the chimp and 题目是说:在黑猩猩和之间有 2%的差异。 大家还记得在第 2 段第一句话是:In 1975 the biologist Marie-Claire King and Allan Wilson discovered that the human and chimpanzee genomes

(基因组) match by over 98%. (在人类和黑猩猩的基因组有 98% 是匹配的,言外之意是 2%是不同的。 ) 所以答案是 D。 。 29: Scientists suspect(怀疑) that genes play a significant(重要的, 相当于 important) role in protecting chimps from getting 题目是说:科学家怀疑在保护黑猩猩远离方面基因起着重要的作用。 该题有难度。最后答案是出现在第五段: scientists hope to be able to discover which part of the genetic code gives chimps their increased resistance to some diseases. 所以答案是 B。 30:The discovery of the genetic code of chimps will be helpful to 题目是:黑猩猩基因密码的发现将对。。是有帮助的。 。 该题的答案也是在第五段:This, they hope, will allow them to develop new and more effective treatments for the human forms of these diseases. 所以答案是 A: some human disease treatments(一些人类的疾病的治疗)

2.补全短文题型解题技巧 补全短文题型解题技巧 一、题型要求 职称英语补全短文题型是给出一篇300-450词的短文, 要求应试者根据文章的 内容从文章后面的6段文字中选择5段文字, 将其放回文章预留的5处空白位置, 以恢复文章原貌。这种职称英语题型重在考查应试者把握文章结构、掌握作者 这种职称英语题型重在考查应试者把握文章结构、 这种职称英语题型重在考查应试者把握文章结构 思路的能力。这是一种较高层次的阅读理解能力, 思路的能力。这是一种较高层次的阅读理解能力,要求考生能够从宏观的角度 把握文章的内容和结构,要想做好这类职称英语题,必须从语篇的角度,搞清 楚文章的脉络,吃透文章的意思。 二、解题技巧 13

补全短文是职称英语六大题型中最难的一种题型,在做这种题型时要先预测选 项,注意抓选项主干,猜测选项的大致意思,同时要注意连词,代词,名词, 连词, 连词 代词,名词, 形容词,副词等的出现。之后回到原文中看看空白处所在的位置,如果是在段 形容词,副词 首句,也许意味着是中心主题句,如果是在段尾句,也许意味着是中心主题句 或是细节论述,如果是在段中,也许意味着是细节论述。最后根据空白处的前 后句的意思,按先易后难的顺序将原文恢复原貌。做完之后在把文章看一遍, 检查一下所填的顺序是否符合文章二下文的要求。 例题分析: 例题分析: Farmers’ Markets Charlotte Hollins knows she faces a battle. The 23-year-old British farmer and her 21-year-old brother Ben are fighting to save the farm from develops that their father worked on since he was 14.(46) “You don’t often get a day off. Supermarkets put a lot of pressure on farmers to keep price down. With fewer people working on farms it can be isolating,” she said. “There is a high rate of suicide and farming will never make you rich!” Oliver Robinson, 25, grew up on a farm in Yorkshire.(47) “I’m sure dad hoped I’d stay,” he said. “I guess it’s a nice, straightforward life, but it doesn’t appeal. For young, ambitious people, farm life would be a hard world.” For Robinson, farming doesn’t offer much “in terms of money or lifestyle.” Hollins agrees that economics stops people from pursuing farming rewards: “providing for a vital human need, while working outdoors with nature.” Farming is a big political issue in the UK.(48) The 2001 foot and mouth crisis closed thousands of farms, stopped meat exports, and raised public consciousness of troubles in UK farming. Jamie Oliver’s 2005 campaign to get children to eat healthily also highlighted the issue. This national concern spells (带来) hopes for farmers competing with powerful supermarkets.(49) “I started going to Farmers’ Markets in direct defiance (蔑视) of the big supermarkets.(50) It’s terrible,” said Londoner Michael Samson. A.But he never considered staying on his father and grandfather’s land. B.While most people buy food from the big supermarkets,

partying on the beach in the middle of February. 供大家练习使用的文章: 供大家练习使用的文章: People in Beijing wear a lot of clothing during winter to fend off the cold.In the United States,however,people wear 1 , partly because the car is the primary mode of transportation. Cars take 2 straight to their workplaces, which are heated well. The American diet is full of calories, so their 3 can afford to burn heat more quickly. Fewer layers of clothing give people the opportunity to stay 4 Lots of Yale girls wear skirts 5 when it's 10 degrees Centigrade outside. Some of them at least wear boots, tights, and leg-warrners. Some, however, really just go for the look 6 the risk of health. These girls have nothing to prevent their legs __7 . the wind, and no socks to protect their feet. A mini skirt and a pair of stilettos are all that they wear. Typically, the ones pursuing fashion are 8 , with little body fat. Just by the nature of their bodies, they arc already at a disadvantage compared with normal people in __9 weather. I have always 10 , whenever l pass these girls, how they manage to refrain from shivering and just smile like spring had arrived. And then there are the guys. The girls can be said to 11 health for so little? It is not like, once they beauty. But why do guys 12 shed some layers, they suddenly become better-looking. They are not exactly being fashionable when they 13 wear sporty shorts and shower slippers in the midst of winter. It's not cute. Of course, people have the freedom to look whatever 14 they want. I am just surprised that, given the vast difference between winter and summer temperatures in Connecticut, they can still 15 like they are partying on the beach in the middle of February. 1. A) scarce B) less C) little D) least 2. A) people B) students C) shoppers D) them 3. A) arms B) heads C) legs D) bodies 4. A) bony B) thin C) fashionable D) hungry 29

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

A) A) A) A) A) A) A) A) A) A) A)

even in with fat warm dreamed sacrifice bear only method see

B) sometimes B) for B) against B) ugly B) cold B) stated B) devote B) carry B) seldom B) road B) resemble

C) frequently C) at C) above C) short C) cool C) claimed C) suffer C) wear C) rarely C) way C) show

D) occasionally D) on D) under D) skinny D) hot D) wondered D) endure D) put on D) hardly D) avenue D) look

综合类: 综合类:第三十四篇 Career With a Uniform (B 级) 1. WANT to be the next Xu Sanduo? The TV drama Soldiers’ Sortie (Shibing Tuji) might have caused millions of young people to dream idly of putting on an army uniform and going off to boot camp. 2. In fact, a large number of students graduating might consider doing just that. Last month, the people’s Liberation ARMY (PLA) announced that there will be 120,000 job openings this year for college grads.So, one out of every 50 grads has a chance if he or she would like to march down to the local recruiting office. Anyone enlisting will get preferential treatment in tuition compensation and in job opportunities. 3. This decision comes against a backdrop of bad employment news and a cooling economy. This year’s recruitment quota outnumbers last year’s39, 000 by about three-fold. 4. “It’s important to pull in fresh, talented people who can deal

with the new equipment and a high-tech military to modernize the nation’s defense,” said Bai Zixing, a senior officer in the PLA General Staff Department. 5. The age limit for college recruits has been raised to 24, and there’s one more important policy change: Grads who have already volunteered to sign up can quit if they change their minds after finding another job before November, the deadline for enlistment. This gives grads an extra choice in starting a career. 6. The following is a list of preferential things that college grads qualify for if they join the army: 7. A one-time recruitment payment of up to 24,000 yuan, to cover four years of college tuition and loans (this has to be returned if the person is forced to leave the army before completing the service contract). 8. Priority in promotions and in getting admitted to military academies. 9. Anyone with a bachelor’s degree or above and a good


performance record can be promoted to the rank of officer directly, if they meet certain other criteria. An ordinary soldier may need a couple of years longer to get there. 10. Anyone with a junior college degree can go on for a bachelor’s degree without having to take the entrance exams. 11. Anyone wanting to take the grad school entrance exam after completing their service can add 10 points to the exam results. 12. Anyone getting a merit citation second class can enter grad school without taking the exam after completion of the service obligation. 13. There are no restrictions on things like going abroad after the service period, unless one deals with confidential work in the army. 题目: 题目: 1. According to the passage, all of the following reasons make many college grads choose to join the army EXCEPT: A) The Story of Xu Sanduo causes young people to dream to put on a uniform. B) The grads are facing a grim employment situation. C) The pay from the PLA is relatively higher than the grads can earn in other jobs. D) The PLA offers a series of preferential treatments for college grads who join the army. 2. It can be inferred that about students graduating consider join the arm. A) 120,000 B) 6,000,000 C) 39,000 D) 2,000,000 3. Besides the backdrop of bad employment news and a cooling economy, which of the following causes the PLA to raise this year’s recruitment quota? A) The TV drama Soldiers’ Sortie is high in the ratings. B) The PLA wants to attract high-quality personnel to meet the need of hi-tech sector in the nation’s defense. C) The PLA is increasing the size of the army. D) Some students who have already volunteered to sign up may change their minds. 4. Why does author think that the grads are given an extra chance in starting a career? A) The one-time recruitment payment offered by the PLA may ease the grads’ economic burden. B) The grads who join the army have more chances to further their study after completing their service. C) Grads who have already volunteered to sign up can give up before the deadline for enlistment if they can find another job that is more suitable. D) No restrictions are made on things like going abroad after the 31

service period. 5. The word confidential in the last paragraph could best be replaced by . A) concise B) professional C) creative D) secret 解析:理解题目: 解析:理解题目:Career(事业) With a Uniform(制服) (事业) (制服) 所以本文讲

的是穿着制服(军装)的事业。这让我们马上联想到军人,士兵。 所以本文讲的是穿着制服(军装)的事业。这让我们马上联想到军人,士兵。 1. According to the passage, all of the following reasons make many college grads choose to join the army EXCEPT: A) The Story of Xu Sanduo causes young people to dream to put on a uniform.(许三多的故事导致很多年轻人梦想着穿上军装) B) The grads are facing a grim employment situation(大学毕业生正面 临着严峻的就业局面). C) The pay from the PLA is relatively higher than the grads can earn in other jobs(当解放军的收入要比大学生干其它工作相对地高一 些。 ). D) The PLA offers a series of preferential treatments for college grads who join the army(解放军对于参军的大学毕业生提供优厚的待遇). 解析:细节题,但需要注意题目的意思。根据文章,除了一个原因之外,其它的 都是许多大学毕业生参军的原因,例外的那个。 1. WANT to be the next Xu Sanduo? The TV drama Soldiers’ Sortie (Shibing Tuji) might have caused millions of young people to dream idly of putting on an army uniform and going off to boot camp. 2. In fact, a large number of students graduating might consider doing just that. Last month, the people’s Liberation ARMY (PLA) announced that there will be 120,000 job openings this year for college grads.So, one out of every 50 grads has a chance if he or she would like to march down to the local recruiting office. Anyone enlisting ( 参 军 ) will get preferential treatment in tuition compensation and in job opportunities. 综合第一段和第二段最后一句得出:餐具的原因是 A,B,D.而唯独没有提到 C。 2. It can be inferred that about students graduating consider join the arm. A) 120,000 B) 6,000,000 C) 39,000 D) 2,000,000 解析:通过 infer,可知这是推断题。关注数字的出现在第 2 段: Last month, the people’s Liberation ARMY (PLA) announced that there will be 120,000 job openings this year for college grads.So, one out of every 50 grads has a chance if he or she would like to march down to the local recruiting office. 军队今年给大学毕业生提供了 l20000 个工作岗位, 而每 50 个打算参军的大学 毕业生中就有 1 个人有机会去部队工作, 因此可以推知今年约有 6,000,000 名 大学毕业生考虑从军。答案是 B。 32

3. Besides the backdrop of bad employment news and a cooling economy, which of the following causes the PLA to raise this year’s recruitment quota? A) The TV drama Soldiers’ Sortie is high in the ratings. B) The PLA wants to attract high-quality personnel to meet the need of hi-tech sector in the nation’s defense. C) The PLA is increasing the size of the army. D) Some students who have already volunteered to sign up may change their minds. 解析:题目较长,意思是:除了令人失望的失业率这一不好消息和萎靡不振的经 济因素外,下面哪一个原因导致招聘名额增加? 3). This decision comes against(针对) a backdrop of bad employment news and a cooling economy. This year’s recruitment (招聘)quota (名额) outnumbers(在数字上超过) last year’s39, 000 by about three-fold(三倍). 4). “It’s important to pull in(吸纳) fresh(年轻的), talented (吸纳) (年轻的) 有才华的) (有才华的) people who can deal with 应对) the new equipment (应对) 新设备) (新设备) and a high-tech military 高科技军事装备) to modernize (高科技军事装备) 。现代化 (使。。现代化) the nation’s defense(国防事业),” said Bai Zixing, 。 现代化) (国防事业) a senior officer in the PLA General Staff Department. 所以答案是 B。 4. Why does author think that the grads are given an extra chance in starting a career? A) The one-time recruitment payment offered by the PLA may ease the grads’ economic burden. B) The grads who

join the army have more chances to further their study after completing their service. C) Grads who have already volunteered to sign up can give up before the deadline for enlistment if they can find another job that is more suitable. D) No restrictions are made on things like going abroad after the service period. 解析:作者认为为什么要给大学毕业生一个额外的机会开始一个事业呢? 解析:作者认为为什么要给大学毕业生一个额外的机会开始一个事业呢? 相关内容在第五段: 相关内容在第五段: The age limit for college recruits has been raised to 24, and there’s one more important policy change (政策的改变) Grads : who have already volunteered(自愿地) to sign up(签约) can quit (放弃) if they change their minds (改变想法) after finding another job before November, the deadline(最后期限) for enlistment(参军). This gives grads an extra choice in starting a career. 这就是说:如果大学毕业生在 11 月份征兵工作结束前找到其他更理想的工作, 仍然可以改变主意,重新选择职业,这就给为他们提供了多一次选择的机会。 所以答案是 C。 33

5. The word confidential in the last paragraph could best be replaced by . A) concise 简明的、简要的 B) professional 专业的 C) creative 创造性的 D) secret 秘密的,保密的 秘密的, 解析:这是一个词语释义题。 解析 : 这是一个词语释义题 。 在最后一段找到它出现的句子:There are no restrictions(限制) on things like (介词,像)going abroad after the service period, unless(除非) one deals with confidential work in the army. 有点常识的人都应知道,除非在部队从事了一些高机密的工作,一般都没有什么 限制。所以推测得出 D。 B 级相关的完形填空: 级相关的完形填空: 综合类第十一篇 综合类第十一篇 On the Net Friends Come and Go, Talking of?? (B 级)

(据中国互联网信息中心调查,截至 2009 年 6 月 30 日,中国网民达到 3.38 亿人,仅半年 时间就增长了 4000 万人;全国互联网普及率 25.5%,超过世界平均水平。所以本文有着很 浓的时代气息。 题目简单而易懂:在网上,朋友来了,走了,让我们谈论。按照书上意译: 关于网络交友和分手!本文的最主要特点就是:语言口语化,词汇时尚! ) The young woman was visibly(明显地) upset and clearly wanted to get something off her chest. “What’s up?” I inquired. “I’ve just been defriended(网络新词,被朋友抛弃),” she said. Now \I have been befriended by and befriended - many people since arriving in Beijing. But defriended? It turns out ( 结 果 证 明 ) this is a new word created by the Interact-savvy(聪慧的) younger generation specifically in relation to the worldwide social networking phenomenon(现象), Facebook. Those who join can invite friends to become members of the site (网站), too .They can then share photographs, \swap(交换) messages and observations and perform a host(主机 ) of other mutually(相互地) accessible (可进入的)applications(应用程序). I've seen some people's sites boasting (吹嘘、吹牛)hundreds of friends, all moments away down a fiber optic cable(光缆), providing (如果) they are logged on (登录) to their computers or hooked up (挂 接)to a high-spec(高规格的) cell phone.


It creates the possibility of \'anyone in the world who has online access(有机会接触). Currently, Facebook has 150 million users. That means there's a lot of \out there. The downside (负面、缺点)is that you can be \- you can be denied access to the Face, book site someone who had previously (以

前)invited to be his or her friend. And you can do it without the potential for instant recrimination(立即被指责). Where once, in the school playground on child might have petulantly (暴躁地) shouted at another, \not going to be your fried any more\now the same hurt (伤害)and loss of face can be performed remotely(遥远地) with the chick of a button. A controversial (有争议的) aspect of \is that, unlike with other applications(申请) such as the \posting a digital depository(数字存储) of the often dire(可 怕), dreary(沉闷的) , dull(乏味的) and desperate(绝望的), no message is sent out alerting(提醒、警告) you or your contacts about the change in status. You only find out you have been dumped (抛 弃)when you try to visit a \site, and you find you can no longer get in. The delay(拖延) of the discovery is all too often doubly hurtful(双重的伤害). Just as bombs are dispatched (发射)impersonally(无情地) against an unseen enemy in modem warfare, so relationships are blown out of the window with the same callous(麻木的、无情的) disregard(忽视), without the risk of any face-to-face comeback. One second you are there, the next you are deleted(删除). 空白文档供大家练习使用! 空白文档供大家练习使用! The young woman was visibly 1 and clearly wanted to get something off her chest. \defriended, \befriended 4 --and befriended many people since arriving in Beijing. But defriended? It turns 5 this is a new word created by the Internet--savvy younger generation specifically in relation to the worldwide social networking phenomenon, Facebook. Those who join can invite friends to become members of the site, 6 . They can then share photographs, \ 35

observations and perform a host of other mutually accessible applications. I've seen some people's sites 7 hundreds of friends, all moments away down a fiber optic cable, providing they are logged on to their computers or hooked up to a high-spec cell phone. It creates the possibility of \anyone in the world who has on-line access. Currently, Facebook has 150 million users. That means there's a lot of \out there. The 8 is that you can be \you can be denied access to the Facebook site someone who had previously invited to be his or her friend. And you can do it without the potential for instant recrimination. Where once, in the school playground, one child might have petulantly shouted 9 another, \not going to be your friend any more\remotely with the click of a button. A 10 aspect of \with other applications such as the \are you thinking about?\posting a digital depository of the often dire. 11 , dull and desperate,no message is sent out alerting you or your contacts about the change in status. You only find out you have 12 when you try to visit a \\site, and you find you can no longer get in, the delay of the discovery is all too often doubly hurtful. Just as bombs are dispatched impersonally 13 an unseen enemy in modern warfare, 14 realtionships are blown out of the window with the same callous disregarded, without the risk of face-to-face comeback. One second you are there, 15 you are deleted. 1. A) satisfied B) friendly C) moved D) upset 2. A) complained B) explained' C) inquired D) argued 3. A) with

Line × most probably refers to .] 和句子意思题 (Which of the following statements is closest is meaning to the sentence \??\in Paragraph ×?) 也可以归入此类。 四、推理题 这类问题主要测试考生能否在理解字面意义的基础上, 根据所读材料进行一定的判断和 推理,进而理解文章的隐含意义和深层意义。 主要形式有: 1. It is implied in the passage that . 2. The passage implies (suggests) that . 3. It can be inferred from the passage that . 4. It can be concluded from the passage that . 5. From the passage we can infer (draw the conclusion) that .

如果无法定位关键词,则:1.如有选项“以上各项皆是”,即为正确答案;2.看四个答案选 项中有无大部分相似的。如有,则意思完全相反的其中一个必是答案;否则则选最长的选项。 43

完形填空 完形填空 —— 必背文章汇总 1 Eat for a Good and Healthful Life [卫生类 C] Food keeps us alive. It is our sustenance and our pleasure. But recently, research has shown that the eating habits of the average Americans may be dangerous to future health. The foods Americans now choose are oftentimes too rich in calories and fats, so this article reports a new study: Diet and Health, Implications for Reducing Chronic Disease Risk. The study, conducted by the National Research Council's Committee on Diet and Health, concludes that balancing nutrition, calories and activity is key to enjoying a long and healthful life. The report recommends that most Americans increase physical activity to a moderate level and make changes in food choices and calories intake to maintain ideal weight. Most of us — even those of us at ideal weight — need to eat less fat so that no more than 30% of our daily calories will come from fat. That means cutting down on red meat and whole milk dairy products. Indeed, eat fish, chicken without skin, lean meats, and low — fat and no — fat dairy products. The report of the Committee on Diet and Health recommends we eat five or more 1/2 — cup servings of vegetables and fruits daily — especially green and yellow vegetables and citrus fruits. Eating more fruits and vegetables doesn't have to mean increased calories intake. Many plant foods are nutrient — rich; they provide many vitamins and minerals for very few calories. Nutrient — rich foods are particularly important for Americans over 50. As we age, we need to eat less because our bodies need fewer calories to function properly. But we still need full measures of vitamins and minerals to release the energy in our foods and make us feel strong and healthy. 为好而健康的生活而吃饭 食品维持着我们的生存。它是我们的营养品也是我们的乐趣。但近来的研究表明,普通 美国人的饮食习惯对未来健康可能是危险的。 美国人现在所选择的食物常常富含卡洛里和脂肪。所以这篇文章将报道一项新的研究: 饮食与健康,减少慢性病风险的暗示。 这次由国家卫生饮食调查委员会进行的调查得出的结论认为: 营养的均衡、 卡洛里以及 活动是健康长寿的关键。 报告建议大多数美国人把活动提高到一个适当的程度并且要改变对食物的选择和卡洛 里的摄入以保持理想的体重。 大多数人——甚至那些体重理想的人——必须少吃脂肪, 以使我们所摄入的脂肪的卡洛 里不超过 30%。 这意味着少吃牛羊肉以及各种各样的乳品。确实,要吃些鱼,不带皮的鸡肉、瘦肉以及 低脂肪的或脱脂肪乳制品。 卫生饮食委员会建议大家每天吃 5 份或 5 份半的水果和蔬菜——特别是绿色和黄色蔬菜 以及柑橘类水果。 吃更多的水果和蔬菜不一定就意味着卡洛里摄入量的提高。 许多来源于植物的食品维生 素和矿物质很多,含热量却很少。 对于 50 岁以上的



少, 因为我们的身体发挥正常机能所需的卡洛里减少。 但我们仍然需要从食物中获得足量的 维生素和矿物质来释放能量,以使我们健康强壮。[卫生类 C] 2 One Good Reason to Let Smallpox Live [综合类 B、理工类 C、卫生类 C]

It's now a fair bet that we will never see the total extinction of the smallpox virus. The idea was to cap the glorious achievement of 1980, when smallpox was eradicated in the wild, by destroying the killer virus in the last two labs that are supposed to have it-one in the US and one in Russia. If smallpox had truly gone from the planet, what point was there in keeping these reserves? In reality, of course, it was native to imagine that everyone would let go of such a potent potential weapon. 1 Undoubtedly several nations still have several. And the last \stocks of live virus bred mistrust of the US and Russia, for no obvious gain. Now American researchers have found an animal model of the human disease, opening the way for tests on new treatments and vaccines. So one again there's a good reason to keep the virus-just in case the disease puts in a reappearance. How do we deal with the mistrust of the US and Russia? Simple. Keep the virus under international auspices in a well-guarded UN laboratory that's open to all countries. The US will object, of course, just as it rejects a multilateral approach to just about everything. But it doesn't mean the idea is wrong. If the virus is useful, the let's make it the servant of all humanity-not just a part of it. 一个让天花存在的好理由 目前很可能我们永远都不会看到天花的彻底绝迹。这个观念掩盖 1980 年的光辉成就, 那时消灭了最后两个拥有这种致命病毒的实验室的病毒后。四处蔓延的天花已经被根除了。 那两个实验室,一个在美国,一个在俄国。如果天花真的在这个星球上消失了,那么保留这 些储备的意义何在? 当然,事实上想像每个人都会放弃这样一种有效的潜在的武器是幼稚的。无疑,几个国 家仍旧有几瓶。美俄最后的“官方”的活病毒储备引起大家对这两个国家的不信任,因为并 没有获得明显的收获。 现在美国研究者们发现了人类疾病的动物版, 为试验新的治疗方法和新的疫苗开辟了道 路。因此,再次存在着一个保存病毒的理由——万一这种病卷土重来。 我们怎样应付对美国和俄国的不信任呢?很简单。 把病毒放在国际赞助的、 被严密监视 和向所有国家开放的联合国实验室中。 针对的对象当然是美国, 因为它反对任何事务的多边 化。但是这并不意味着这个想法是错的。如果病毒是有用的,那么让我们把它变成全人类的 奴仆——而不是一部分人的。[综合类 B、理工类 C、卫生类 C] 3 Diet, Alcohol Linked to Nearly One Third of Cancers [卫生类 C] Diet is second only to tobacco as a leading cause of cancer and, along with alcohol, is responsible for nearly one third of cases of the disease in developed countries, a leading researcher said on Tuesday. Dr. Tim Key, of the University of Oxford, told a cancer conference that scientists are still discovering how certain foods contribute to cancer, but they know that diet, alcohol and obesity play a major role. 45

\tobacco is blinked to about 30 percent of cancer cases, diet is involved in an estimated 25 percent and alcohol in about six percent. Obesity raises the risk if breast, wind, bowel and kidney cancer, while alcohol is known to cause cancers of the mouth, throat and liver. Its dangerous impact is increased when combined with

smoking. Key told the meeting of the charity Cancer Research UK that other elements of diet linked to cancer are still unknown but scientists are hopping that the EPIC study, which is comparing the diets of 500,000 people in 10 countries and their risk of cancer, will provide some answer. Early results of the study have revealed that Norway, Sweden and Denmark have the lowest consumption of fruit and vegetables among European countries while Italy and Spain have the highest. Eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day is recommended to reduce the risk of cancer. Key, principal scientist on the EPIC study, said it is looking at dietary links to some of the most common cancers including colorectal, breast and prostate. 饮食, 饮食,酒精与大约三分之一的癌症有关 一位重要的研究者在星期二说, 饮食是仅次于吸烟的导致癌症的原因, 在发达国家饮食 和酒精导致了大约 1/3 的癌症。 牛津大学的提姆· 凯博士在癌症会议上说, 科学家们正在研究特定的食物是怎样导致癌 症的,但是他们知道,饮食、酒精和肥胖起了很大作用。 他说: “如果没有肥胖的人,癌症能够减少 5%。 ” 然而吸烟和大约 30%的癌症有关,饮食和大约 25%的癌症有关,酒精和大约 6%的癌 症有关。 肥胖增加了乳腺、子宫、肠和肾脏得癌症的危险,而人们知道酒精会导致嘴、喉咙和肝 脏的癌症。以上因素如果和抽烟共同发生,危险性就会更大。 凯在英国慈善癌症研究会议上说, 人们还不知道与癌症相关的饮食中的其他因素, 但是 科学家们希望 EPIC 研究能够给出答案。EPIC 研究正在比较 10 个国家 50 万人的饮食和患 癌症的比例。 这个研究的早期结果揭示挪威、瑞典和丹麦消费水果和蔬莱的量在欧洲国家中是最低 的, 而意大利和西班牙的水果和蔬菜消费量是最大的。 专家推荐每天至少食用五份水果和蔬 菜来减少得癌症的风险。 EPIC 研究的带头科学家——凯说他们现在正在关注饮食和一些非常普遍的癌症之间的 联系,包括直肠癌、乳腺癌和前列腺癌。[卫生类 C] 4 Passive Smoking Is Workplace Killer [卫生类 C]

Pressure mounted on Britain on Monday to take action on passive smoking with new research showing second-hand smoke kills about one worker each week in the hospitality industry. Professor Konrad Jamrozik, of Imperial College in London. Told a conference on environmental tobacco that second-hand smoking kills 49 employees in pubs. Restaurants and hotels each year and contributes to 700 deaths from lung cancer, heart disease and stroke across the total national work force. \in the hospitality industry at work outweighs the consequences of exposure of


living with a smoker for those staff,\researchers have measured the levels of exposure to passive smoking but Jamrozik calculated how it would translate into avoidable deaths. His findings are based on the number of people working in the hospitality industry in Britain, their exposure to secondhand smoke and their suffering of dying form it. Jamrozik said the findings would apply to most countries in Europe because, to a greater or lesser extent, levels of smoking in the community are similar. Professor Carol Black, president of the Royal College of Physicians. Which sponsored the meeting, said the research is proof of the need for a ban on smoking in public places. \tobacco smoke in pubs, bars, restaurants and other public places is seriously damaging to the health of employees as wells as the general public,\places smoke-free not only protects vulnerable staff and the public, it will also help over 300,000 people in Britain to stop smoking completely.\she added. Ireland

recently became the first country to introduce a national ban on smoking in public places. New York and parts of Australia have taken similar measures. 被动吸烟是工作场所的杀手 当新的研究表明在服务行业二手烟每星期导致一个工人死亡后, 英国在星期一就受到新 被动吸烟采取行动的强大压力。 伦敦皇家学院的康拉德·吉姆罗兹克教授在环境烟草大会上说,在酒馆、酒吧、饭店和 旅馆,二手烟每年杀死 49 个工作人员,使全国的工作人员中的 700 人因为肺癌、心脏病以 及中风而死亡。 吉姆罗兹克在一次访谈中说:“对 员工来说在服务行业工作比和吸烟者一起生活产生的 后果更严重。 ” 其他的研究者衡量受到被动吸烟威胁的程度, 而吉姆罗兹克计算这将如何转化成可以避 免的死亡。 他的发现基于英国服务行业的工作人数, 他们受到了二手烟的危害并且有可能因此而死 亡。 吉姆罗兹克说这些发现应该用于欧洲大部分国家, 因为在这些社会中吸烟的程度或多或 少有相似性。 主办这个会议的皇家医学院院长卡罗· 布莱克教授说, 这个研究证明需要禁止在公共场 所吸烟。 她在一次讲话中说: “酒馆、酒吧、饭店和其他公共场所的环境烟草正在严重地损害着 工作人员和大众的身体健康。 ” 她又补充说: “使这些场所禁烟不仅能够保护易受伤害的工作人员和公众,还可以帮助 英国 30 万人完全戒烟。 ” 爱尔兰最近成为第一个实行全国公共场所禁烟的国家。 纽约和澳大利亚的某些地区也实 施了相似的政策。[卫生类 C] 5 Breastfeeding Can Cut Cardiovascular Risk [卫生类 B]

Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke later in life and could prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths each year, researchers said on Friday. Babies who are breastfed have fewer childhood infections and allergies and are less prone to obesity. British scientists have now shown that breastfeeding and slow grown in the first weeks

47 and months of life has a protective effect against cardiovascular disease. \that promote more rapid growth put babies at risk many years later in terms of raising their blood pressure, raising their cholesterol and increasing their tendency to diabetes and obesity — the four main risk factors for stroke and heart attack,\said Professor Alan Lucas of the Institute of Child Health in London. \suggests that the reason why breast-fed babies do better is because they grow more slowly in the early weeks.\Lucas said the effects of breastfeeding on blood pressure and cholesterol later in life are greater than anything adults can do to control the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, other than taking drugs. An estimated 17 million people die of various disease, particularly heart attack and strokes, each year, according to the World Health Organisation. Lucas and his colleagues compared the health of 216 teenagers who as babies had either been breastfed or given different nutritional baby formulas. They reported their findings in The Lancet medical journal. The teenagers who had been breastfed had a 14-percent lower ratio of bad to good cholesterol and lower concentrations of a protein that is a marker for cardiovascular disease risk. The researchers also found that regardless of the child's weight at birth, the faster the infants grew in the early weeks and months of life, the greater was their later risk of heart disease and stroke. The effect was the same for both boys and girls. \cholesterol level is, the lower your blood pressure is 16 years later,\Lucas said. 母乳喂养能够减少心血管疾病的危险 专家在周五说母乳喂养能够减少今后生活中出现心脏病和中风的可能, 并且每年可以避 免成千上万的死亡。 用母乳喂养的婴儿在童年比别的儿

童更少感染疾病或过敏, 并且更少肥胖。 英国科学家 目前指出, 母乳喂养和在出生后的前几个星期和月份内生长缓慢可以起到避免心血管疾病的 保护作用。 伦敦儿童卫生学院的阿兰·卢卡斯教授说: “促进快速生长的饮食会使婴儿在多年之后 容易得血压高、胆固醇高、糖尿病及肥胖症——这是导致中风和心脏病的四个危险因素。 ” “我们的证据显示母乳喂养的孩子之所以更健康, 是因为它们在生命的最初几个星期里 生长得更慢。 ” 卢卡斯说母乳喂养对今后生活中血压和胆固醇的作用比除吃药之外成年人为控制导致 心血管病的因素而使用的任何方法都有效。 根据世界卫生组织报告,每年大约有 1700 万人死于心血管病,特别是心脏病和中风。 卢卡斯和他的同事比较了 216 个十几岁的青少年的健康状况, 他们幼年时有的是母乳喂 养的,有的食用的是营养配方奶粉。他们在兰斯特医学杂志上发表了他们的发现。 在坏胆固醇和好胆固醇的比例方面,吃母乳的青少年的比例低 14%,并且他们的蛋白 质积聚也比较低,而蛋白质积聚是导致心血管病的因素之一。 研究者还发现, 不论孩子出生时的体重是多少, 孩子在最初几个星期或几个月里长得越 快,他们在今后的生活中的心脏病和中风的危险就越大。这种作用对男孩女孩都一样。 卢卡斯说: “在新生期间喝越多的人奶,16 年后胆固醇水平和血压就越低。 ”[卫生类 B] 48 6

Healthy Food [卫生类 B]

Street sellers, particularly in developing countries, supply large amounts of food for people on low incomes. This sector also employs some 6% ~ 25% of the work force, mainly women, in developing countries, and provides markets for agricultural and other produce. In many countries, however, the authorities are not willing to recognize it as a formal sector of the food supply system, they may ignore it In food control programs of even try to put and end to it. There are two possible contaminants: pathogenic micro-organisms and hazardous chemicals. As far as micro-organisms are concerned, there is apparently no convincing evidence that street foods are more involved in the transmission of infection than foods obtained in, e.g., hotels. Studies in Egypt and else-where have found street foods to compare not unfavorably with hotel foods in respect of contamination with micro-organisms-some street foods were found to be contaminated with pathogens, but so were foods from four-and five-star hotels in the same area. Hazardous chemicals have been found in street foods, and food exposed for sale on roadsides may become contaminated by lead from vehicle exhausts. Health dangers may arise from: purchase of raw around of poor quality; improper storage, processing, and cooking, leading to reuse of water; limited piped drinking-water; lack of refrigeration; unsatisfactory waste-disposal facilities; and personal cleanliness. The authorities should take into account the potentials of different categories of food for transmitting disease, and should control appropriately for the different categories — sellers of bottled drinks require less control than those of food. Dry foodstuff, dried grains, and sugared foods are less likely to transmit disease than gravies, cooked rice, and low-acid milk, egg, and meat products. Similarly foods which are thoroughly cooked and eaten at once are safer than precooked food kept at high temperatures for several hours. 健康食品 街头小贩,特别是在发展中国家,为低收入的人们提供了大量的食品。在发展中国家, 这个部门雇佣了 6% ~ 25%的劳动力,特别是妇女,而且为农业生产和其他生产提供市场。 但是在许

多国家, 官方不愿承认这是食品供应系统的一个正式部门。 他们在食品控制纲要中 可能对它忽略不计,甚至企图终止这个部门。 有两种可能的污染源:致病的微生物,有毒的化学制品。就微生物而言,没有明显的有 力证据证明街头食品比旅馆的食品更能传播传染病。 埃及和其他地方的研究已经发现在微生 物污染方面街头食品并不比旅馆食品差——人们发现一些街头食品被病原体所污染, 但在相 同地区的一些四、五星级的旅馆中的食品同样也受到病原体的污染。 街头食品已经被发现含有有毒化学物, 而且在路边摆着卖的食品可能被汽车废气中的铅 所污染。 对健康的威胁主要源于:购买质量不好的原材料,不适当的储藏、加工以及烹饪,重复 用水,有限的管道饮用水,缺乏冷藏;以及不能令人满意的废物清除设备;没有经验或不讲 个人卫生。 当局应该考虑到各种食品传播疾病的可能, 而且应当对不同种类加以适当地控制——对 于卖瓶装饮料的要求要比卖食品的要求少。粮食、干蔬菜和糖类食品要比肉汁、米饭以及低 酸牛奶, 鸡蛋以及肉制品传播疾病的可能性要小。 同样的立即吃掉的煮熟的食品要比在高温 里放了几个小时还没煮的食品安全得多。[卫生类 B] 49 7

Many Children's Deaths Preventable: WHO [卫生类 A]

Over five million children die each year from disease, infections and accidents related to their environment although many of these deaths are largely preventable, says the World health Organization. On Monday, the WHO asked governments and citizens around the world to take action to create healthy environments for children as it celebrated World Health Day. \very places that should be safest-home, school and community,\Brundtland, director-general of the WHO at theday's launch in New Delhi, India. \child has the right to grow up in a healthy home, school and community. They future development of our children-and of their world-depends on their enjoying good health now. We have their future in our hands. Now we must work more effectively together to reduce the risks from the environment which our children face,\Brundtland said. This year's theme, \faced by children in and around the places where they live and play. These include inadequate access to safe drinking water and sanitation, insect-borne diseases, air pollution, chemical hazards and injuries from traffic, falls, burns and drownings. Communities around the world organized events to promote awareness of children's health issues, which included drawing contests for schoolchildren in Vietnam, street plays in India, puppet shows in Namibia professional lectures for policy makers in Germany and elsewhere. Activities also took place in cities across Canada on Monday, including Calgary, Montreal, Halifax and Ottawa. Although children under five represent only 10 per cent of the world's population, they bear 40 per cent of the global disease burden, says the WHO. And as much as one-third of the total burden of disease may be caused by environmental factors. World health Day has been celebrated on April 7th since 1950. Each year the WHO chooses a theme to highlight areas of particular concern. Last year's theme, Move for health, focused on promoting physical activity as part of healthy living. 世界卫生组织: 世界卫生组织:许多孩子的死亡是可以预防的 世界卫生组织报告, 每年都有 500 万以上的儿童死于与他们所处环境有关的疾病、 感染 或事故,尽管其中的许多情况都是可以预防的。 周一,世界卫生组织在庆祝世界卫生日时,呼吁全世界的政府和人民都采取行动,为孩 子们创造一个健康的环境。

世界卫生组织的总干事高· 哈兰姆· 布朗德特兰博士今天在印度新德里的启动仪式上说: “家庭、 学校和社会应该是最安全的地方, 可是对儿童健康的最大威胁就是存在于这些本该 是最安全的地方。 ” “每个孩子都有权享受在家庭、 学校和社区健康成长的权利。 我们孩子们未来的发展和 他们的世界的发展都取决于他们现在是否能享有良好的家庭。 布朗德特兰博士说, ” “我们现 在应当更有效地工作,以减少我们孩子所面临的来自环境的危险。 ” 今年的主题 “为孩子创造健康环境” 重点关注在孩子们居住和玩耍的地方所可能面临的


危险。 这些危险包括,利用不到安全的饮用水和卫生的环境、昆虫传播的疾病、空气污染、化 学品的危害和交通事故、摔跤、烧伤、溺水带来的伤害。 世界各地的团体组织各种各样的活动来提高对儿童健康问题的认识, 像在越南举行的学 龄儿童的绘画比赛、 印度的街头表演、 纳米比亚的木偶剧以及在德国及其他一些地方面向政 策制定者们所做的一些职业讲座。 周一,包括卡尔加里、蒙特利尔、哈利法克斯和渥太华在内的加拿大各城市也举行了各 种活动。 世界卫生组织说,尽管 5 岁以下的儿童只占世界人口的 10%,但他们却背负着全球疾 病总量的 40%,而全球疾病总量的 1/3 是由环境因素导致的。 自从 1950 年以来,每年的 4 月 7 日都作为世界卫生日来庆祝。而且每年世界卫生组织 都选择一个主题来强调某一领域的特殊问题。去年的主题是“为健康而行动” ,强调了增强 体育运动作为健康生活的一部分。[卫生类 A] 8 Scientists Develop Ways of Detecting Heart Attack [卫生类 A]

German researchers have come up with a new generation of defibrillators and early — warning software aimed at offering heart patients greater protection from sudden death from cardiac arrest. In Germany alone around 100,000 people die annually as a result of cardiac arrest and many of these cases are caused by disruption to the heart's rhythm. Those most at risk are patients who have already suffered a heart attack, and for years the use of defibrillators has proved useful in diagnosing life-threatening disruptions to heart rhythms and correcting them automatically by intervening within seconds. These devices take on a range of functions, such as that of pacemaker. Heart specialists at Freiburg's University Clinic have now achieved a breakthrough with an implanted defibrillator capable of generating a six — channel electrocardiogram (ECG) within the body. This integrated system allows early diagnosis of acute blood — flow problems and a pending heart attack. It will be implanted in patients for the first time this year. Meanwhile, researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Mathematics in Kaiserslautern have developed new computer software that renders of ECG data more precise. The overwhelming majority of patients at risk will not have an implanted defibrillator and must for this reason undergo regular ECGs. \of the current programs only take into account a linear correlation of the data. We are, however, making use of a non — linear process that reveals the chaotic patterns of heart beats as an open and complex system,\Knaf says, \individual variations in patients taken into account.\An old study of ECG data, based upon 600 patients who had suffered a subsequent heart attack, enabled the researchers to compare risks and to show that the new software evaluates the data considerably better. 科学家探索发现心脏病的方法 德国研究者们发明了新一代的除颤器和旨在为心脏病人提供更多保护, 使他们免遭心脏 停止导致的突然死亡的早期预报软件。 仅在德国每年

就有 10 万人死于心脏停止。其中大部分是由于心律中断导致的。危险最


大的是那些已经犯过一次心脏病的病人。 几年来除颤器被证实在探测心律中止和在几秒钟内 实施自动干涉以调整心律的诊断中是有用的。这种方法起到了很多作用,例如起搏器。 弗莱伯大学诊所的心脏病专家已经在内置除颤器方面取得了突破性成就。 这种除颤器可 以在体内产生六个频道的心电图。 这个综合体系使血液流通问题和即将发生的心脏病可被早 些诊断出来。今年它将第一次被植入病人体内。同时,凯瑟劳特的弗劳胡佛实用数学学院的 研究者开发了一种新计算机软件。这种软件使心电图数据更加准确。 大部分有风险的患者不能用内置除颤器,因此必须接受常规的心电图检查。 “目前的许 多计划只把数据的线性关系考虑在内。 但是我们现在使用的是能够将心脏跳动的混乱模式作 为一个直观而又复杂的系统揭示出来的非线性处理方法” 。海根·纳夫说, “这样心脏跳动频 率的变化就会受到控制,而病人个人的特征也会得到考虑。 ”一个基于 600 位连续犯心脏病 的患者的以前的心电图数据研究使科学家们能够比较两种风险, 结果显示新软件明显能更好 地处理心电图数据。[卫生类 A] 9 Captain Cook Arrow Legend [理工类 C]

It was a great legend while it lasted, but DNA testing has finally ended a two-century-old story of the Hawaiian arrow carved from the bone of British explore Captain James Cook who died in the Sandwich Islands in 1779. \the Australian Museum,\announcing the DNA evidence that the arrow was not made of Cook's bone. But that will not stop the museum from continuing to display the arrow in its exhibition, \Treasures of the Australian Museum,\which does include a feather cape presented to Cook by Hawaiian King Kalani'opu'u in 1778. Cook was one of Britain's great explorers and is credited with discovering the \was clubbed to death in the Sandwich Islands, now Hawaii. The legend of Cook's arrow began in 1824 when Hawaiian King Kamehameha on his deathbed gave the arrow to William Adams, a London surgeon and relative of Cook's wife, saying it was made of Cook's bone after the fatal fight with islanders. In the 1890s the arrow was given to the Australian Museum and the legend continued until it came face-to-face with science. DNA testing by laboratories in Australia and New Zealand revealed the arrow was not made of Cook's bone but was more likely made of animal bone, said Philp. However, Cook's fans refuse to give up hope that one Cook legend will prove true and that part of his remains will still be uncovered, as they say there is evidence not all of Cook's body was buried at sea in 1779. \Thornton, president of the Captain Cook Society, in a statement from Britain. \I am sure that one of these days ?? one of the Cook legends will prove to be true and it will happen one day.\库克船长弓箭的传说 这本是个绝妙的传说,但 DNA 测试最终结束了这个长达两个世纪之久的古老故事。传 说是关于一支据说是用 1779 年在桑伟奇群岛死去的英国探险家船长詹姆士·库克的遗骨刻 成的夏威夷弓箭。 在不久前 DNA 证据宣布该弓箭并非来自于库克船长的遗骨时,澳大利亚博物馆收藏经


理尤帝·菲利普说: “澳大利亚博物馆里并没有库克的遗骨。 ”但这并不能停止博物馆在展览 会上展出弓箭。 “考古发现:澳大利亚博物馆的宝藏”展览中的确还展示了一个在 1778 年夏 威夷国王卡兰尼欧普送给库克的一个羽毛斗篷。 库克是英国最伟大的探险家之一,他在 1770 年发现了“南大陆” ,也就是现在的澳大利 亚。此后在桑伟奇群岛被棒

击致死。 库克弓箭传说始于 1824 年,当时夏威夷国王卡在弥留之际将弓箭赐给了库克妻子的亲 戚,一名伦敦外科医生威廉·亚当斯,并告诉他弓箭是在那次致命殴打后用库克的遗骨做成 的。 在 19 世纪 90 年代, 弓箭被交给澳大利亚博物馆。 这个传说直到与科学直接接触才停止。 据菲利普说, 澳大利亚和新西兰的试验室的 DNA 测试证实弓箭并非取材于库克的遗骨, 而更可能来自动物的骨头。 但是,库克迷们却不肯放弃希望。他们期待库克传说之一将会被证明是正确,并且他的 部分遗骨还会被发现。正如他们所说,有证据表明库克的遗骨并不是在 1779 年全都葬身大 海了。库克船长协会的会长克利夫·托马森在一个来自英国的声明中说: “在这个问题上, 科技取得了胜利。我坚信某一天库克传说之一将会被证明是真的。 ”[理工类] 10 Singing Alarms Could Save The Blind [理工类 C] If you cannot see, you may not be able to find your way out of a burning building — and that could be fatal. A company in Leeds could change all that with directional sound alarms capable of guiding you to the exit. Sound Alert, a company run by the University of Leeds, is installing the alarms in a residential home for blind people in Sommerset and a resource centre for the blind in Cumbria. The alarms produce a wide range of frequencies that enable the brain to determine where the sound is coming from. Deborah Withington of Sound Alert says that the alarms use most of the frequencies that can be heard by humans. \is burst of white noise that people say sounds like static on the radio.\She conducted an experiment in which people were filmed by thermal-imaging cameras trying to find their way out of a large smoke-filled room. It took them nearly four minutes to find the door without a sound alarm, but only 15 seconds with one. Withington studies how the brain processes sounds at the university. She says that the source of a wide band of frequencies can be pinpointed more easily than the source of a narrow band. Alarms based on the same concept have already been installed on emergency vehicles. The alarms will also include rising or falling frequencies to indicate whether people should go up or down stairs. They were developed with the aid of a large grant from British Nuclear Fuels. 警报器救盲人 如果看不见,那你可能会因找不到路而逃不出一幢失火楼房,那将是致命的。英国利兹 市的一家公司发明的一种可指方向的警报器可能会把你引向出口。 声音警报是一家由利兹大学设立的公司。 该公司现在正在为位于萨莫塞特的一家盲人收 容所和位于卡姆布雷亚的一家盲人资源中心安装此种装置。这种警报器发出的频率范围广, 使人脑可以判断出声音的来源。 53

该公司的戴博拉·威星顿称此种警报器使用人类可以听到的大部分音频。她说: “它们 是一种突出的频谱连续而均匀的噪音。人们感觉它们听上去就像是收音机发出的静电噪声, 其在救人方面潜力巨大。 ” 她进行了一次试验。 她让人们在一所充满浓烟的大屋子里设法找到出路, 同时她用热效 应成像摄像机进行拍摄。在没有警报器时,这些人用了近 4 分钟才找到门,而在警报器的指 引下,只用了 15 秒。 她在大学里对人脑如何处理声音进行研究, 并提出与波段窄的频率相比, 人们更容易发 现波段宽的音响源。基于此理论的警报器已被应用于急救车上。 这种警报器也容纳了音频的升降,以指示人们上、下楼。这种设备是得到英国核燃料组 织的大笔资助才开发成功的。[理工类 C] 11 Car Thieves could Be Stopped Remotely [理工类 C]

Speeding off ina stolen car, the thief thinks he has got a great catch. But he is in a nasty surprise. The car is fitted with a remote immobilizer and a radio signal from a control center miles away will ensure that once the thief switches the engine

off, he will not be able to start it again. For now, such devices are only available for fleets of trucks and specialist vehicles used on construction sites. But remote immobilization technology could soon start to trickle down to ordinary cars, and are be available to ordinary cars in the UK in two months. The idea goes like this. A control box fitted to the car incorporates a miniature cellphone, a microprocessor and memory, and a GPS satellitepositioning receiver. If the car is stolen, a coded cellphone signal will tell the unit to block the vehicle's engine management system and prevent the engine being restarted. There are even plans for immobilizers that shut down vehicles on the move, though there are fears over the safety implications of such a system. In the UK. An array of technical fixes is already making life harder for car thieves. \of Thatcham, a security research organization based in Berkshire that is funded in part by the motor insurance industry. He says it would only take him a few minutes to teach a novice how to steal a car, using a bare minimum of tools. But only if the car is more than 10 years old. Modern cars are a far tougher proposition, as their engine management computer will not allow them to start unless they receive a unique ID code beamed out by the ignition key. In the UK, technologies like this have helped achieve a 31 per cent drop in vehicle-related crime since 1997. But determined criminals are still managing to find other ways to steal cars. Often by getting hold of the owner's keys in a burglary. In 2000, 12 per cent of vehicles stolen in the UK were taken using the owner's keys double the previous year's figure. Remote-controlled immobilization system would put a major new obstacle in the criminal's way by making such thefts pointless. A group that includes That cham, the police, insurance companies and security technology firms have developed standards for a system that could go on the market sooner than the customer 远程制止偷车贼 超速驾驶在偷来的汽车里,偷车贼以为自己大获全胜。但是他马上就会又惊又恼。车上 已经被装了远程制动装置, 一个几英里以外的控制中心发来的无线信号将确保盗贼一旦启动 54

引擎,他就不能再次发动汽车了。 目前, 这种装置只用于卡车队或者用于建筑工地的特殊车辆上。 但是远程制动技术很快 就会逐步应用到普通汽车上。并且应该在两个月之内用在英国的普通汽车上。 计划是这样的。把一个集合有微型无绳电话,微量处理器,存储器以及全球定位系统的 卫星接收器的控制盒子安装在汽车上。 如果汽车被盗, 一个被编码的无绳电话信号就会告诉 这个装置停止车辆引擎控制系统来阻止引擎再次被启动。 甚至还有一些人主张计划将制动装置装在运行着的车辆上, 可是这一来人们就会担心这 个系统的安全性。 在英国, 一系列的技术装置已经让盗车贼步履维艰了。 玛丁兰多来自位于贝克郡的一个 由汽车保险工业投资成立的名为撒策姆的安全研究机构。他说: “车辆盗窃的手法已经有所 改变。 ” 他还声称只要是 10 年以上的汽车,他就能用几样简单的工具在几分钟之内教会一个新 手怎样偷车。 现代车却远没有这么简单, 因为它们的引擎管理计算机装置只有接收到一个独一无二的 由点火钥匙发送过来的身份密码才可以启动汽车。自 1997 年以来,在英国,技术人员已经 利用此项技术帮助减少了 31%的涉及车辆犯罪案。 但是不死心的盗贼们却还在一直想方设法偷车。 例如很多时候, 他们在夜里盗走主人的 汽车钥匙进而偷车。在 2000 年,英国 12%的车辆被盗案是由于主人的钥匙被盗,这个数字 比前一年增长了 1 倍。 远程控制的制动系统给盗贼设置了一个全新的障碍。包括撒策姆,公安部门,保险公司 以及安全技术公司的这样一个群体已经为体系开发出了一个标准, 将比顾客所预

