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- 小学英语教师命题比赛推荐度:
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2.答题内容应全部显示在本word文档中,文档名称在答题完后改 成参赛者编号,然后提交。
3.保留本文档原有的页面设置,答题内容(完形填空题除外)字体 一律采用宋体或新罗马五号字体,两端对齐,单倍行距。 一、阅读下列语言材料,将其改编成225词左右的短文。(20分)
要求:1. 改编后的短文保留原语言材料的主体内容。
2. 改编后的短文中的词汇基本控制在《2008年浙江省初中毕业生学业考试
Bob was at home alone one night while his parents were out for the evening. He had often stayed alone before, so he wasn’t afraid. As he waited for his parents to return home, he watched the late movie on television. His eyelids became heavier as the time passed. Suddenly Bob opened his eyes. What was that noise in the next room? Bob listened carefully and heard the window slowly being inched open. For a minute Bob was so frightened that he could not move, his body felt like stone. He knew that he mustn’t lose his head and began to think of things he could do. He couldn’t reach the door, nor could he reach the telephone in the kitchen because any sound he made would betray him. He held his breath and listened carefully. Again he heard the sound of someone trying to enter his home through the window.
Bob’s drums were standing in the corner near the TV. “Wait, maybe there is something I can do,” thought Bob.
He grabbed the drumsticks and beat on his drums as he had never beaten before. The noise was so terrible that Bob astonished even himself. He also surprised the person in the window, who turned tail and ran for all he was worth.
Bob had just used his drum in a very unusual way. “Maybe drums aren’t such a bad instrument after all,” thought Bob with a sigh of relief. (241)
改编后的短文如下: 评分建议:
(1) 改写后的文章没有较好保留原文章的主体内容至少扣5分。 (2) 原文中有7个超纲单词(红色标注),在改写中要处理;处理方式可以换 词、改词、去除(不影响文章整体意思)、标注中文(不超4个)。未进 行处理的,一处扣2分。
(3) 改写的文章在这里没有出现,而在下一大题编制完形填空题中出现,确 认经过改写,在此大题上扣5分。 (4) 对于字数没有很好把握的扣3分。
要求:1. 编制15小题,题号为1-15;每小题选项4个(A、B、C、D)。 2. 对编制好的完形填空题按下列要求排版:①字体用新罗马五号加
3. 提供参考答案与答案解析。
(1) 分值分配:每题2分(含答案与解析)。
(2) 编制的选项出现纯语法考查项目或四个选项词性不统一,该选项不得分。 (3) 选项中应以五类词(动词、名词、形容词、副词、连接词)考查为主, 应 以考查意思和逻辑的连贯性为主。
(4) 格式要求中填空格长短不统一扣2分;选项(A、B、C、D)上下未对齐 扣2分。
要求:1. 无需改变语言材料内容。
2. 编制3小题,题号为1~3;每小题选项4个(A、B、C、D)。 3. 提供参考答案。
I became lame(瘸的) in both legs when I was a child. I can’t stand without the help of the two sticks. Only in my wheelchair can I “walk”.
I still remember the first day at school. When I appeared at the door, everyone in the classroom looked at me in surprise. My face turned red. I couldn’t help turning back. It was the kindness and sympathy(同情) in their eyes that kept me from doing so. I went shyly toward an unoccupied(未占领的) seat.
Being lame, I didn’t dare to walk in front of my classmates. I was afraid that I might be laughed at. In those days I was very sad to see others walking quickly.
One day a few girls came up to me and asked me to go outside. I was really excited. They encouraged me with a friendly smile and pushed me in my wheelchair from place to place. I was thankful to them for giving me a chance to see the sights of our lovely school with my own eyes.
After that we often read, played and talked together. My friends are always ready to help me. It made me forget I am handicapped(残疾的).
Once they asked me, “What is the most beautiful thing in the school?” Immediately I said, “It’s the friendship.”
(1) 分值分配:每题10分(含参考答案)。
(2) 设问的题干表述不清或有语法错误,每处扣5分;选项中出现表述不清、 语法错误、科学性错误、无效选项,每处扣1分。
(3) 题目编制要从理解主旨要义、理解文中具体信息、根据上下文推断生词 词义、作出简单判断和推理、理解文章基本结构、理解作者意图观点态 度这些方面着手。考查项目除理解文中具体信息外不宜重复,在评分中 予以考虑。
要求:1. 命题立意包含考查的项目和设置这些选项的意图。 2. 总体描述、分项描述、两者结合描述均可。 评分建议:

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