四川省邻水中学中期英语试题( 初2018级初一上)王虹

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Ⅲ.听对话, 选择最佳答案。(共5分,每小题1分)


英 语 试 题


1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号在答题卡相应栏内用签字笔或钢笔填写清楚,并将考号栏下对应的数字框涂黑,科目栏将 英语 [ ] 涂黑。 ..

2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,不能答在试题卷上。(1-85 题需填涂在机读卡上)

3.答卷密封线内写清楚考号、班级和姓名。 4. 答第II卷时一律不能用铅笔或彩色笔答题。

5. 考试结束后,将机读卡和答卷交回,考生自己保管好试卷。



第一部分 听力(20分)

I.听句子,选出句中所包含的信息。(共5分,每小题1分) ( )1.A.class ( )2.A.he ( )3.A.sit ( )5.A.boy

B.Miss B.she B.see B.ten B.draw

C.please C.this C.six C.eleven C.four

( )11.What’s the girl’s name? A. Tina.

B.Mary. C. Betty.

( )12. Is Kate a new student here?

A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C. No, she is a new teacher. ( )13. What class is Ben in ?

A.Class 5. B.Class 4. C.Class 1. ( )14.What’s Jim’s telephone number?

A.It’s 532 475. B.It’s 625 357. C.It’s 652 735. ( )15.How many books are there?

A.14. B.15. C.16. Ⅵ.听短文,选择最佳答案。(共5分,每小题1分) ( )16. How old is Li Wen?

A. Eleven. B. Twelve. C. Ten. ( )17. Who is Li Wen’s teacher?

A. Mr Zhang. B. Miss Li. C. Miss Zhou. ( )18.Are Li Wen and Mike friends?

A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. C.I don’t know. ( )19. Who is Miss Zhou?

A. She is Li Wen’ s teacher. B. She is Mike’s teacher. C. She is Jim’s teacher.

( )20. How many teachers are there in the passage(短文)? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 第二部分 基础知识运用(85分)

第一节.单项选择。(每小题1分,共30分) 21.下面 组都是辅音字母。

A.G,M,I B.C,D,F C. H,E,J D. S,O,N 22. —What your name, please ? —My name Tom.

A. are; is B. is; is C. am; is D. is; am 23. —Sit down, please!

( )4.A.eight


( )6.A.Good morning. B.See you tomorrow. C.Good afternoon. ( )7.A.Goodbye,Bob. B.Thank you. C.His name is Bob. ( )8.A.Hello,Lucy, nice to meet you.B.Thanks,Lucy. C.Yes, I am. ( )9.A.I’m a student. B.Fine,thanks. C.No, she isn’t. ( )10.A.I’m your teacher. B.It’s 781 554. C. I’m 13.

初一(英语)中期试题 第1页

—____ .

A. Good B. Fine C. OK D. Thanks 24. are good friends.

A. Tom and I B. I and Tom C. Tom and me D. Me and Tom 25. —Are these your cousins? —No, aren’t.

A. those B. these C. their D. they 26. — do you spell “book” ? —B-O-O-K.

A. Where B. What C. How D. Who

27. Sam Brown is my friend. Sam is his _____ name and Brown is his _____ name.

A. last; first B. first; last C. last; last D. first; first 28. —It’s nice you all.

A. meeting B. meet C. to meet D. meets 29. This is ______ Li. He is my English teacher.

A. Mr

B. Mrs

C. Ms

D. Miss

30.—______? —It's red.

A.What's this

B.What colour is it

C.How are you D. Is it red 31. —Are you David Brown? —_____

A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I’m. C. Yes, I’m not. D. No, I am. 32. My name is Betty I am from America.

A. and B. so(因此) C. but D. with 33. This is ______ Chinese book and that is _____English book.

A. a ; a B. a ; an C. an ; a D. an ; an 34. is the first day of the week(周).

A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Saturday D. Sunday 35.—What’s your sport?


A. like B. fine C. favourite D. good 36.There a pen and two books on the desk.

A.be —It’s cool.

A.What ; in B.How’s ; in C.What's ; in D.What’s ; of 38.— ?

—It’s a red pencil.

A.What colour is it B.What’s this C.What are these D. What colour are they 39.—______ are you? —Fine,thanks. A.What A.He's

B.Where B.This's

C.How D.How old

40.—What's this? —______ a book.

C.It's D. That’s

41. —What’s your classroom in England like? — really big. A.They’ re A.How are you

B.We’re C.It’ s D. He’s

B.How old are you D.Where are you from

42.—______? —I'm 12 . C.What's your name


C.is D.are

37.—______ the weather like Linshui?

43. Today is Thursday. Tomorrow is . A. Wednesday B. Saturday C. Friday D. Sunday 44.— your uncle? —He’s a worker. A.What




45.—Where is Tony? —He's Mike. A. next of

B.in front of

C.on the right

D.behind of

46.Tony is ______ and he is from ______. A.English;England

初一(英语)中期试题 第2页


C.England;England D.England;English

Hello,everyone.My name is 61 and my English name is David.I’m twelve and I’m from Beijing.Beijing is a big city in 62 .This is Lingling and her 63 name is Lucy. 64 my friend.She’s from Beijing 65 . 47. How many are there in your school? A. woman teachers B. women teacher C. women teachers D. woman teacher 48.—There is a man behind the bike. Who’s he?

—He’s father. A.Marry’s and Betty B.Marry’s and Betty’s

C.Marry and Betty’s

D.Mary and Betty 49.There is a photo my family the wall.

A.at; on

B.of ;in

C.at ;in

D.of; on

50.There is a lot of and in her room. A.furnitures ; photos

B.furnitures ; photo C.furniture; photo

D. furniture; photos



Wang Hui and Daming 51 classmates. They are 52 . Daming is 53 Beijing and Wang Hui comes from Shanghai. Beijing and Shanghai are big 54 . 55 are twelve .Daming is 56 Class Two. Wang Hui is in 57 ,too. They are in 58 class. Their English teacher is Miss Li. 59 is a good teacher. They are good 60 . 51.A.is B.are C.am D.be 52.A .English B.Chinese C.American D. China 53.A .about B.on

C.to D. from 54.A. city B.cities C.a city D. citys 55.A. She B.They

C.He D. It 56.A.to


C.at D.in 57.A. Class One B.Class Two C.Class Three D. Class Four 58.A .a same B.same C.the same

D.an same

59.A. Her B.He

C.It D. She

60.A. student

B.students C.a student D. student’s


初一(英语)中期试题 61.A.Li Da Ming B. Li daming C .Li Daming D. Li DaMing 62.A.England B. America C. Canada(加拿大) D. China 63.A.English B. England C. english D. england 64.A.He’s B .His C .She’s D .Her 65.A.to

B. too

C .two D .tow



根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( )66. Dong Yu is in . A. Class 2 B. Class 3 C. Class 4 D. Class 5 ( )67. 321 675 is telephone number.

A. Dong Yu' s B. Paul' s C. Zhang Jiaqian's D. Henry' s ( )68. How old is Zhang Jiaqian?

A. 12. B. 13. C. 14. D. 15. ( )69. How many students are there in Henry's class?

A. 16. B. 17. C. 18. D. 19. ( )70.下列哪项陈述是正确的?


A. Mr Zhou is a Chinese teacher. B. Dong Yu and Henry are good friends. C. Paul' s QQ number is 19732691314. D. Paul and Henry are the same age.


Max:Hello!What's your name?

James:My name is James Green. I'm from Toronto,Canada(加拿大). Max:Nice to meet you,James. I'm Max. I am from London. James:How do you do(你好)?

Max:How do you do? And this is my good friend,Steve. This is James Green,Steve. Steve:Hi,James.

James:Nice to see you .Are you from New York? Steve:No,I'm from Washington D.C.(华盛顿).

James:Good!Oh,this is Lin Bin,my friend. She is from China.

Lin Bin:Nice to meet you. My home is in Beijing.It's a beautiful(漂亮的)city. Max and Steve:Nice to meet you,too. 根据对话内容选择正确的答案。

71.How many people(人) are there in the conversation(对话)?

A.Two. B.Three. A.Two. A.Max. A.good A.London

B.Three. B.James. B.beautiful B.America


Hello! My name is Lucy. I am a girl. I m ten . I have a good friend, Grace. She is eleven . She is a nice girl. I'm in Class Six, Mrs Smart' s class. There are eleven boys and eight girls in my class. Grace is in my class too. This is Mrs Smart. She is thirty-six. She is my English teacher and she is my mother too.




72.How many countries (国家) are they from?

C.Four. C.Steve. C.fine C.China

D.Five. D.Jim. D.small D.Canada

73.Who is Lin Bin's friend?

74.Lin Bin thinks(认为) Beijing is a ______ city. 75.Max is from ______.

( ) 76. How old is Lucy?

A. 9. B. 11. C. 15. D.10 ( ) 77. There are students in Lucy' s class.

A. 8 B. 11 C. 19 D. 90 ( )78.What class is Grace in?

A.Class 4. B.Class 6. C.Class 8. D. Class 10 ( )79.Which one(哪一个) may be(可能) Mrs Smart?

A B C D ( )80.Lucy is Mrs Smart’s . A.cousin B.daughter C.sister D. aunt


Hello! My name is Yang Ming. I am from Beijing, a big beautiful city in China. I’m a student at a school.

I have a big family. My father is a worker. My mother is a nurse at a small hospital. My grandparents are here with us. My brother and I are in the same room at home. He is a student too. But we are not at the same school .I like black, white, green and red. I like cats and dogs too. Li Lei is my good friend. White and red are his favourite colours. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( )81. Yang Ming is from .

A. Beijing B. Shanghai C. Guangzhou D. Tianjin ( )82. What’s Yang Ming’s mother’s job?

A. A student. B. A worker. C. A nurse. D. A doctor. ( )83.Yang Ming and Li Lei like .

A. black and white B. white and red C. green and red D. black and green ( )84. Who is Li Lei?

A. Yang Ming’s brother. B. Yang Ming’s uncle. C. Yang Ming’s friend. D. Yang Ming’s cousin.

初一(英语)中期试题 第4页

( )85. There are people(人) in Yang Ming’s family.

A. seven B. six C. five D. four


第一节 口语交际(每小题1分,共10分) (A) A: Good morning. I'm Chen Zhong. B: 86 Mr Chen. A: What's your name, please? B: 87 A: 88 B: I'm Lingling. A: 89 B: Yes, L-I-N-G-L-I-N- G, Lingling. A: Thank you, Lingling. 90 B: Fine, thank you. How are you? A: Fine, thanks, Lingling. (B) A: Can you help me, please? B: 91 A: What's this in English? B: 92 A: How do you spell it? B: 93 A: 94 B: Yes, It's D-E-S-K. A: Thank you. B: 95 第二节 词汇 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写出正确单词,并将完整单词填在答题卡相对应的题号上。(每小题1分,共10分) 96. How many (柑橘)are there? 97.The weather in (春天)is very warm. 98. There are (十五) boys in the room. 99. I have a (电脑)in my bedroom. 100. My uncle works at a bus s (站).

A. You're welcome. B. D-E-S-K. C. Yes, of course. D. It's a desk. E. Can you say that again, please? A. Good morning. B. Sorry? C. Can you spell it, please? D. I'm Lingling. E. How are you? 101.My father is my mother’s h . 102. She is twelve y old. 103. Chengdu is the c of Sichuan. 104. Twenty and twenty is f 105. Welcome to Linshui M School.

第三节 句子改错(下列句子中划线部分有错误,请将改正后的正确答案填在答题卡相对应的题号上)(每小题1分,共10分) 106. It’s name is Mimi.

107. There are many pen on the desk. 109. What’s your father job?

108. There’s a office building near the gate. 110. Let we play football after school. 112. My sister is eightteen. 114. He’s name is Tom.

111. What’s class are you in , Lingling? 113. What about go swimming? 115. Are your father a driver? 词)(每小题1分,共5分) 116. I come from Beijing.(改为同义句) I Beijing.

117. Today is Sunday.(对划线部分提问)。 is it today? 118.Linda is my friend. (改为一般疑问句) Linda friend?

第四节 句型转换,请将答案写在答题卡相对应的题号上.(一空一词,缩写词算一个

119. There are some pictures in the classroom.(变为否定句) There pictures in the classroom. 120. Are these your parents?(作否定回答) No, . 第五节 书面表达(10分)


家庭成员 姓名 年龄 职业 初一(英语)中期试题 第5页

