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电子商务网站的盈利战略研究(11800字) 摘 要:在网络时代,以盈利为目标的原则依然是企业经营的基本准绳。电子商务企业必须建立一套明确的为市场所接受的、可行的盈利模式,否则就不会有长远的生命力。本文主要对电子商务的盈利战略和我国电子商务网站现有的 ...


摘 要:在网络时代,以盈利为目标的原则依然是企业经营的基本准绳。电子商务企业必须建立一套明确的为市场所接受的、可行的盈利模式,否则就不会有长远的生命力。本文主要对电子商务的盈利战略和我国电子商务网站现有的盈利模式进行了阐述,探究电子商务网站盈利模式的创新发展。研究和分析电子商务网站的盈利模式,有助于挖掘新的电子商务盈利模式,为电子商务的创新提供依据。电子商务模式虽然嫁接了互联网这一高端技术,但是还是要遵循为客户创造价值这个宗旨。电子商务网站要取得长久发展必须要把客户的需求放在第一位。


Research on the Profit-making Strategy of E-commerce Sites

Abstract: In the Internet era, making-profit business is still the basic criterion.E-commerce enterprises must establish a clear set of profit model ,which is acceptable  and feasible for market, otherwise there would be no long-term vitality. This article mainly expounded the profit strategy of E-commerce, existing profit model in china and explored the innovation development of profit model of the e-commerce websites. Research and analysis on the E-commerce profit model helps uncover new e-commerce profit model and provide basis for the innovation of e-commerce. Although e-commerce model grafted the technology of the internet, but still have to follow the purpose of creating value for customers.E-commerce site must take the needs of customers in order to obtain long-term development.

Key words:E-commerce; profit strategy;value creation; customer first

目    录
摘  要    1
关键词    1
一、前言    2

二、电子商务的概念和发展史    2
(一)电子商务的概念    2
(二)电子商务的发展史    2
三、电子商务盈利战略    3
(一)盈利战略的含义    3

(二)企业实施盈利战略的三个条件    4
(三)实施盈利战略的方法    4
1.敏感性分析    4
2.标准分析法    4
3.增值判断    4

(四)改变传统意义上的沟通方式    5
1.改变传统状态下的人与人的沟通方式    5
2.改变传统意义上的人与企业之间的沟通关系    5
3.改变传统意义上的企业与企业沟通的方式    5
四、我国电子商务网站的盈利战略    6

(一)我国B2B电子商务网站盈利战略——以阿里巴巴为例    6

1.阿里巴巴简介    6
2.阿里巴巴的盈利战略    7

(二)我国B2C电子商务网站的盈利战略——以麦网(M18)为例    8

1.麦考林简介    8

 2.麦考林探索新方法—将微博用户转换为电商用户    9
(三)我国C2C电子商务网站的盈利战略——以拍拍网为例    9

1.拍拍网简介    9
2.拍拍网的盈利战略    10

五、企业价值创造和企业盈利之间的平衡    10
(一)企业利润    10
(二)企业价值    10

(三)企业价值创造和企业盈利之间的平衡    11

六、结束语    12
参考文献    12

致    谢    13



关键词 建筑电气,电气照明,低压配电系统,弱电系统,自动化

Building Electrical Design Automation of Lijing 1#

With the rapid development of construction technology and the emergence of modern architecture, building electrical has developed into a Comprehensive engineering disciplines, used in construction field, which is based on modern physics, electromagnetism, electronics, optics, acoustics, etc. It is an important part of modern electrical science. This paper describes the development of building electrical and its significance in national economic development, and introduces the principle of high-rise residential electrical system detailedly. It not only describes the electrical design of modern high-rise buildings the main content, but also presents the design should pay attention to the problem. This instance of the electrical system of Lijing 1# was well designed in strong electricity and weak electricity. According to the requirements of energy efficient building design and the operational characteristics of electrical equipment, energy-saving lighting design, reduce line losses, energy-efficient air conditioning system, a reasonable choice for transformers and other aspects are described in the paper. Several saving technical measures of reducing power consumption energy saving building have been put forward.
Key words Building Electricity,Electric Lighting,Low Voltage Distribution System,weak electricity system,Automation




本次设计范围包括:电气照明设计,电力供配电,建筑物防雷、接地系统及漏电火灾报警系统,火灾自动报警及联动控制系统, 电话、有线电视、综合布线系统等电气设计。电力供配电设计中以低压配电系统设计为主,电气照明设计,动力系统设计,综合布线系统,网络通信系统,信息网络系统,有线电视系统,有线网络系统设计为本次毕业设计中的重点内容。



目录    字
摘要    VI
Abstract    VII

第一章  概述    1
1.1设计概述    1
1.2设计中的节能政策    1
第二章  供电系统    3
2.1设计思路    3
2.2本设计的供电措施    3
2.3负荷分级及供电措施    3
2.3.1  负荷分级    3
2.3.2本设计中负荷等级分类    4
2.3.3各级负荷的供电措施    4
2.4电压等级与供电系统    5
2.4.1电压等级选择    5

2.4.2供配电系统设计    5
2.5供电质量与功率因数补偿    6
2.5.1电压偏差允许值    6
2.5.2减少电压偏差的措施    6

2.5.3电压波动允许值及减少电压波动的措施    6
2.5.4无功补偿    6
2.6负荷计算    7
2.6.1负荷计算的内容    7
2.6.2负荷计算的方法    8

2.7自备发电机组的设置原则与注意事项    11
2.7.1自备发电机组的设置    11
2.7.2自备发电机组容量的确定    12
2.7.3选择自备发电机组应注意的问题    12
2.8其他    12

2.8.1高压深入负荷中心    12
2.8.2双电源供电系统    13
2.8.3配、变电所    13
2.9设备计算与选型    13
2.9.1三级配电负荷计算    13
2.9.2无功功率补偿计算    15
2.9.3变压器负荷计算与选型    15

2.9.4自备电源的选择    16

第三章 低压配电及线路敷设    16
3.1低压配电设计    16

3.1.1低压配电系统的设计原则    16
3.1.2本次低压配电系统的设计    17
3.2低压配电系统    17

3.2.1高层建筑低压配电系统    17
3.2.2配电间    18
3.2.3照明配电箱    18
3.2.4动力箱、控制箱    18
3.3低压配电线路保护规定    18
3.4 保护装置的选择    20
3.4.1保护电器选择性配合    20
3.4.2断路器的选择    20

3.2.1投资风险报酬    9
3.2.2通货膨胀    9

3.2.3资金成本和机会成本    10
3.3 现金流量    11
3.3.1所得税    11
3.3.2 固定资产折旧    12
3.3.3 残值    12
3.3.4回收年限    13
3.3.5全过程现金流量    14
3.4 综合因素影响    15

3.5 一种特殊情况下的投资回收期计算方法    17

3.6 在跨国投资中一些特殊的影响因素    18
3.6.1汇率    18
3.6.2东道国政策    19
4  案例分析    20
4.1 方案简介    20

4.2 考虑几个因素下的回收期的调整    22
4.2.1考虑资金的时间价值    22

4.2.2考虑风险调整和通货膨胀的影响    23
4.2.3考虑投资回收年限    24
4.2.4综合比较    24
5  结论    26
参考文献    27


摘  要:在中国,普遍认为对于广大老百姓来说衣食住行从来都是人们生活的最基本需求。改革开放以来,随着我国经济的快速发展,我国基本完成了其中三个需求:衣、食和行,住却变成了一个越来越严重的民生问题。近些年来,由于房价的节节攀升,并不断刷新最高房价记录,这已经不仅是对百姓造成强大的生活压力。它也是使得国家经济结构呈现不平衡状态,地区间经济发展差距不断增加,社会贫富差距加大,社会稳定受到影响。本文首先结合国内外研究现状,通过调查统计总结了影响房地产价格的一般主客观因素,然后以调查问卷的形式调查株洲市房地产价格的影响因素并统计结果。通过对调查结果的分析,结合实际情况对株洲市房地产价格趋势做出展望。

Analysis on Factors' Statistic Survey of Influencing House Prices in Zhuzhou City
Abstract:In China, it is a common knowledge that people's most basic necessities of life are clothing, food, shelter and transportation. With the rapid development of our country's economics after the reform and opening, our country almost have finished three factors of basic necessities : food, clothing and transportation, but estate becoming a more and more livelihood issues for public. In recent years, high-price of estate is keeping up a steady increase, and breaking house price’s record. The high-price make a huge pressure to the public , and make national economic structure in a imbalance state, Magnify the difference of internal economic

improvement, and gap between the social wealthy and poor, It's bad for social stability. This paper combined the present situation of research at home and abroad. It has explained the general subjective and objective factors that influences the price of estate through survey and analysis,and investigated the influence factor of Zhuzhou city estate's price and counted result the investigation in terms of questionnaire. By analysis the result of investigation, get a perspective of Zhuzhou city estate price's developing trend by combining the actual situation.

Key words:House Prices, Influence factors, Survey and analysis







   Automatic Guided Vehicle(AGV)system is an automated system consists of software and hardware.It includes several technologies,such as computer, automatic control,electronic,image processing,communication,machinery and so on.

   The working principle,classification, structure,application and research of AGV

are introduced in detail in this paper, above which, the visual guiding AGV based on embedded control system is designed.The main work and research are as follows:

   (1)The full system of the AGV is designed.
   (2)The hardware of the AGV is designed.

   (3)Zoning control algorithm based on visual guiding is designed;
   Finally, the system debugging is accomplished,and the desired requirements are achieved.

   Key words:AGV,Embedded System.













2.2.2 导引系统    - 11 -
2.2.3 行走和移载装置    - 11 -
2.2.4 运动方式和动力装置    - 12 -
2.2.5 人机接口模块    - 12 -
2.3 AGV硬件选型与设计    - 13 -
2.3.1 AGV硬件系统总体设计    - 13 -
2.3.2主控制模块的选型    - 14 -
2.3.3 其它模块的选型    - 15 -
2.3.4 电源模块的设计    - 15 -
2.4 AGV的软件设计    - 15 -
2.4.1嵌入式操作系统的选择    - 15 -
2.4.2 软件的总体设计    - 16 -
2.5 小结    - 16 -

第3章 AGV系统硬件设计    - 18 -
3.1 AGV机械结构设计    - 18 -
3.1.1 AGV总体结构设计    - 18 -
3.1.2 AGV行走系统设计    - 20 -
3.1.3 AGV移载系统的设计    - 20 -
3.2 车载控制系统的选型与设计    - 20 -
3.2.1 主控制器模块    - 21 -
3.2.2 直流电机模块    - 21 -
3.2.3 步进电机模块    - 22 -
3.2.4 图像采集模块    - 22 -
3.2.5 安全避障模块    - 23 -
3.2.6 人机接口模块    - 24 -
3.3 电源模块的设计    - 24 -
3.3.1 电源转换模块    - 25 -
3.3.2 电源检测模块    - 26 -
3.3.3 电平转换    - 27 -

3.4 硬件系统结构图和连线图    - 29 -
3.5 本章小结    - 31 -

第4章 AGV软件系统设计    - 32 -
4.1 软件流程设计    - 32 -
第5章 总结与展望    - 34 -
参考文献    - 36 -

致谢    - 37 -

摘  要:本试验以纽荷尔脐橙为试验材料研究在不同的水分胁迫下,叶片中脱落酸(ABA)含量的变化。在其它条件均相同的情况下,分别以最大土壤含水量60%,40%,20%,为试验组,以CK(正常浇水)作为试验对照组。在柑橘苗木达到试验所设计的胁迫后,连续控制30天,然后运用液相色谱—质谱法对叶片中的ABA含量进行测定,试验结果表明随着土壤含水量的降低,纽荷尔脐橙叶片中ABA的含量逐渐升高。

Studies on abscisic acid content of Newhall navel orange leaves under water stress
Abstract: This experiment studies on leaf abscisic acid content (ABA content) changes of Newhall navel orange which is regarded as experimental material under various water stress. Under the circumstances of other conditions are equal, take the maximum soil water content as 60%, 40%, 20% respectively for the test group, while CK (normal watering) as the control group. After Tangerine nursery stocks reach the designed water stress, they will be under 30 days continuous control, after that the ABA content of leaves will be measured in the way of

high—performance liquid chromatography. The results show that with the decreasing of water content, ABA content increased gradually.

Keywords: water stress; Newhall Navel Orange; abscisic acid; content

目  录      6900字
摘要    1
关键字    1
1  前言    2

1.1  柑橘方面的水分胁迫的研究    2
1.2  国内外水分胁迫的研究进展    2
2  材料与方法    3
2.1  试验器材    3
2.2  试验地点    3
2.3  试验设计    3
2.4  测定内容与方法    3
2.4.1  测定内容    3
2.4.2  试验方法:    4
2.4.3  采样及测定前处理    4

