人教新目标八年级英语下册Unit 4课时训练(含答案)

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Unit 4Why don't you talk to your parents?课时训练

第一课时 Section A(1a~2d)


1.Our teacher doesn't ________(允许) us to go out at night.

2.I ________(猜测) she won't come to the meeting this afternoon. 3.He got a lot of money from the ________(交易).

4.Your answer to the question is ________(错误的).I will tell you the right one soon. 5.Tom's father came back home yesterday ________(午夜). Ⅱ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 6.I don't want ________(stay) at home alone.

7.Why don't you ________(write) a letter to your cousin. 8.You could ________(give) this book to Mike.

9.When I got home,I found my mother ________ (cook) in the kitchen. 10.We all hope to have more free time ________ (relax). Ⅲ.单项选择。

( )11. She got into a fight with her best friend.

A. argued with B. talked with C. wanted to fight with D. looked through ( )12.Jane’s parents don't allow her ________ her net friend. A.meeting B.meetC.to meet D.met

( )13.The teacher told my father ________ last night.

A.call him up B.to call him upC.called up him D.to call up him

( )14.I don't have ________ to buy that pair of sports shoes.It's too expensive. A.enough moneys B.enough moneyC.much too money D.many money ( )15.I hope things ________.

A.give away B.give outC.put off D.work out Ⅳ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 16.我认为我们可以通过电话谈一下。

I think we can have a talk ________ ________ ________. 17.你应该给他写一封信。

You should ________ ________ a letter. 18.他正在浏览今天的报纸。

He is ________ ________ today's newspaper. 19.上周,汤姆和比尔打了一架。

Tom ________ ________ ________ ________ Bill last week. 20.你应该早点起床以便你能够吃上早餐。

You should get up earlier ________ ________ you could have breakfast.

第二课时 Section A(3a ~ 3c)


1.Mr.Brown always ________(提供) his help when I'm in trouble.


2.—What do you think of Peter?

—He isn't friendly because he often ________(争吵)with others.

3.Can you e________ why you arrived late for school this morning? 4.Don't be n________.Your daughter will be back soon.

5.There are all kinds of presents in this store.You can buy w________ you like here. Ⅱ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

6.Which is your ________ (old) brother and which is your younger brother? 7.I like going to school by bike.Firstly,it is fast.________(second),it is good for my health. 8.It's difficult to ________(communication) with him,because he can't speak Chinese. 9.—Do you mind me ________(smoke) here?—You'd better not. 10.Betty often offers ________(do) the housework at home. Ⅲ.单项选择。

( )11.—How are you ________ with your parents?—Very well.

A.getting to B.getting off C.getting on D.getting into ( )12.Li Lei argued ________ Liu Ming ________ the seat. A.with;about B.about;withC.with;for D.about;for ( )13.Linda offered ________ her seat to the old man on the bus. A.give B.gives C.giving D.to give

( )14.She lives far from school.She always gets up early ________ she can catch the early bus to school.

A.so B.so that C.because D.although ( )15.They are not very nice to the new student. A. friendly B. mad C. interested D. beautiful Ⅳ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 16.我将步行去上学而不是乘公交车。

I'll go to school on foot ________ ________ by bus. 17.对孩子们来说与父母多交流是必需的。

It's necessary for kids to ________ ________ ________ their parents. 18.你与你的新同学相处得如何?

How are you ________ ________ ________ your new classmates? 19.他总是拒绝回答老师的问题。

He always ________ ________ ________ the teacher's questions. 20.吉姆借了我的书,还没还给我。

Jim ________ my book,but he didn't ________ it ________ me.

第三课时 Section A(4a ~ 4c)


1.Don't ________(复制) my English homework.It's bad for your English study. 2.You must ________(归还) my bike tomorrow.

3.This song is very ________(流行的)these days.It sounds wonderful.

4.It's almost dark now but the farmers are ________(仍然) working on the farm. 5.—Mr.White never tells a lie.—So we all ________(信任) him very much. Ⅱ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

6.It's ________(clearly) that she doesn't want to be my friend.


7.—Why does Mrs.King look worried?

—Because her son left home without ________(take) any money. 8.Jim is ________(friendly) than his friend John.

9.You shouldn't care too much about what others think.You should be ________(you). 10.My sister is afraid of ________(stay) at home by herself at night. Ⅲ.用方框中所给单词的适当形式补全短文。

before,instead,whatever,communicate,relation,together,offer,nervous,argue,also Mom and Dad-they're two of the most important people in your life.__11__ between you and your parents are important.Here are five ways to help you stay close with your parents.

Spend time together.Don't just play computer games alone.__12__,you should ask your parents to play with you.Go outside __13__,play soccer or try a board game.If your parents are far from you,you can __14__ with them by talking on the phone or sending emails. Share your feelings and ask for help.You may need your parents' help when you're upset or __15__.But they might not know that you're having a problem.So,tell them when you're sad.

Be kind.Little things might mean a lot to your parents.__16__ they push(督促) you,it will be very lovely of you to __17__ to help fold the clothes or clean up your room.And if you try not to __18__ with your brothers or sisters,your parents might be happy.

Show your care.An usual way is to kiss,hug (拥抱)and say “I love you.” Kids and parents can __19__ show their love by understanding each other and being caring.

Do your best at __20__ you do.You don't have to be perfect (完美的),but when you do your best,you make your parents proud.It makes them happy to see how you're turning into such a great kid.

11.________12.________13.________14.________15.________ 16.________17.________18.________19.________20.________


从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。 A:You look unhappy,Tim.What's wrong?

B:I don't have any friend in my new school.__21__ A:Don't worry.Although you don't have any now,you will soon make some. B:How could I make friends with them?

A:You could talk with them after class.__22__ B:That may make them laugh.__23__

A:Yes,you should be ready to offer your help when they need you. B:Well,that's a good idea.I can help them work out math problems.

A:Why don't you play basketball with them after school or on weekends?__24__ B:Great!Thank you,Mom.__25__ A:You're welcome.Just try your best. A.That's your favorite. B.What should I do,Mom? C.Your advice is very good. D.You are good at telling jokes. E.And anything else I should do?

21.________ 22.________ 23.________24.________ 25.________


