初三英语复习讲义(Book I Units9—14)

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初三英语复习讲义(Book I Units9—14)


1.名词所有格:主要用于表示有生命的东西的名词后加’s。有时也可以用于表示时间,距离等无生命的东西的名词,(表示无生命的东西的名词的所有关系一般与of构成短语,the door of the room) 构成方法如下:

a.一般在词尾加’s. Li ping’s seat, half an hour’s walk, today’s newspaper, the

world’s population

b. 以s结尾的复数词尾加’ the teachers’ office

不是以s结尾的复数词尾加’s,children’s books, men’s shoes c.表示某物为几人共有;在最后一个人名后加’s.

这是汤姆和迈克的房间. This is Tom and Mike’s room d.各人分别有某物时,在每个人名后加’s.

这些是汤姆和迈克的房间. These are Tom’s and Mike’s rooms.

e.双重所有格of+名词所有格,如:我哥哥的几个朋友. several friends of my



a.表示某人有?? I(We, You, They)have??

He(She, It)has??

I ________ an English book (have) He _______ an eraser in his hand.(have) b.表示存在有 There is+单数名词和不可数名词+介词短语

There are+复数名词+介词短语

There ________a map of China on the wall. (be) There ________some money in the purse. (be) There ________two birds in the sky. (be)

There ________a pear, two apples and four oranges on the desk. (be) What ________in the picture? (be) There ________some trees 二、主要句型

1.Jim’s family tree 2.Please have a seat 3.This is a picture of a classroom 4.They’re on the teacher’s desk

5.There is a map on the wall in the classroom. It’s a map of China.

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6.Hong Kong is an SAR

7.Lin Tao and David are at the door of the teacher’s room 8.The door is locked 9.We must open the door and get the ball 10.He is up there in the tree with Bill 11.There isn’t any cat here=There’s no cat here. 12.Come on. 13.They are at school/home/work. 14.What colour is it? It’s purple. 15.Colour it green, please.

16.Which man is Jim’s father? The one in the white car. 17.The woman in the red coat is Mrs Brown . 18.Whose blouse is this? It’s my blouse.

19.Look at the clothes on Mrs Green’s clothes. 20.a picture of the Green family.(the Greens) a picture of Ann’s family. a picture of my friend.

21.You must look after your clothes. 三、Exercises


1.Here is a picture of flowers. ________(涂)the flowers red, please 2.________come from________. They speak English. (English) 3.My uncle has a new car, ________colour is black. (it)

4.My ________(手套)are the same as ___________(你姐姐的) 5.Have you been to the ________(child)Palace?

6.The women in white ________(衬衫)are my teachers. 7.The room ________(有)four windows and two doors. 8.He asked how many TV sets your school _______(有)

9.This room is the _________(双胞胎的). They clean it every day. 10.There are many ________ ________(少先队员)in the park. B、改同义句

1.We have no classes on Sundays.

We ________ ________ ________ classes on Sundays. 2.The girl is in red.

The girl is ________ ________clothes.

3.He is working now. He is ________ ________now. 4.A week has seven days.

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________ ________ seven days in a week. 5.You mustn’t put the bike here. ________ ________ the bike here. 6.He said to me,“Please sit down.”

He ________ ________ ________ have ________ ________. 7.Shall we go to Hainan next year?

________ go to Hainan next year, ________ ________?

8.His father comes from the USA. His mother comes from the USA,too ________of his ________ ________ ________. C、选择填空

( )1.How many _____water can you see on the table? I can’t see ____

A.glass of, no B.glasses of, any C.glass, any D.bottles, some ( )2.Jack, _____talk to your father like that.

A.don’t B.doesn’t C.not to D.not ( )3.Which women? ____at the bus stop

A.The one B.The ones C.That one D.The one’s ( )4.This is ____old picture of _____family.

A.an, the Kate B.an, the Kate’s C.a, the White D.an, the White ( )5.There is a boy ___the tree ____oranges ____the tree.

A. on, eat, in B. in, eat, on C. in, eating, on D. on, to eat, inn ( )6._____are in the same school.

A.You, he and I B.You, I and he C.I, you and he D.He, you and I ( )7.There isn’t ____bread in the fridge. There’s only a little

A.much B.many C.some D.any

( )8.He said there _____one bird, two boats and three trees in the picture

A.is B.had C.was D.were ( )9.Taiwan is _____the southeast of China.

A.to B.on C.in D.at

( )10.This girl ___her mother, And she __her mother very much.

A.like?like B.is like?is like C.likes?like D.is like?likes D、动词填空

In England, nobody under the age of eighteen __________(allow)to drink in a public bar(酒吧)

Mr Thompson used ________(go)to a bar near his house. quite often. But he never _____(take)his son, Tom, because he was too young. Then when Tom had his

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eighteenth birthday, Mr Thompson

______(take)him to his usual bar for the first time. They ______(drink)for an hour, and then Mr Thompson said to his son, “Now, Tom, I want to teach a useful lesson. You must always be careful.________.(not drink)too much. And how __________ you _________(know) when you ________(have) enough? Well, I ____(tell) you. Do you see those two lights at the end of the bar? When they seem _________ (become)four, you _____(have)enough and should go home.”

“But, Dad!”said Tom.“I can only see one light at the end of the bar.” E、中译英


please _________ _______ the picture ________ _________ _________ ________ 2.我们教室的墙上有两幅地图, 一幅是中国地图,另一幅是世界地图.

_______ _______two _________ ________ _________ ________ ________ ________ ______. One is a ________ _________ _________, _________ _________is a _________ _________ ____________ ___________. 3.澳门在哪里?靠近香港,它也是一个特区别行政.

Where _________ _________? It _________ ________ _________ ________. It _________ ______ _________, too. 4.我的猫在哪里?在鱼缸上

Where ________ _________ _________? _________ _________the _________ _________.


Please _______ _______ _________ ________ _________ _________ when you leave, _________ _________?


The teacher asked __________ _________ _________ _________ __________ _______ _______ English film the next month 7.后天我们学校有个运动会,是吗?

________ ________ ________a sports meeting in our school __________ _________ _________ _______, ________ _________? 8.这些是谁的衬衫?是我的父亲的.

__________ _________ ______these? ________my _______.

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