
更新时间:2023-08-17 09:35:02 阅读量: 资格考试认证 文档下载



1 Scope

The preparation, operator, technical requirement, workmanship procedure, and inspection of floor pulling-in technique are specified in the technical.

The technical applies to fitting of non-watertight floor of cargo ship and oil tank over 100k DWT constructed in Planar Panel Center with inner bottom or shell as base for bottom blocks, and with shell or longitudinal bulkhead as base for side blocks.

2 Preparation before Operation

2.1 Be aware of the assembly procedure and technical requirements of involved blocks;

2.2 Check code and accuracy of pieces;

2.3 Check status of Machines and tools。

3 Operator

3.1 The operator is to be trained and to pass the exam before operation.

3.2 The operator is to be familiar with the standard, and comply with technical discipline and site safe rules.

4 Technical requirement

4.1 Cutting and fabrication of Longitudinal

4.1.1 Free edge of flange and end surface of both flange and web should be grinded after cutting.

4.1.2 Perpendicularity errorδ2(as figure 1.)between web and flange should be less than ±1.5mm during fitting-up.

4.1.3 Center line error b(as figure 1.)between web and flange should be less than ±1.5mm during fitting-up.

4.1.4 Distortion should be corrected by fire fairing after welding.

4.1.5 T-bar tolerance:unevenness of flange is ±1.0mm per 2m,perpendicularity tolerance is±1.5mm; edge straightness is ±1.0mm per 2m,and ±1.5mm for whole piece.


2 Web and Flange Figure 2. Perpendicularity between Longitudinal Web and Shell Plate

4.2 Longitudinal fitting mark on bottom plate, shell plate and longitudinal bulkhead.

4.2.1 Longitudinal fitting mark made by flame planer should be checked by a steel band marked correctly with fitting position.

4.2.2 Longitudinal fitting mark tolerance is ±1mm.

4.3 Fitting and accuracy measurement of Longitudinal.

4.3.1 Mould line, e.g. direction of plate thickness, should be checked before longitudinal fitting. 4.3.2 Longitudinal fitting tolerance is ±1.0mm,perpendicularity between longitudinal web and shell plate is less than ±1.0mm, and should not exceed 1.5mm, as shown in Fig 2.

4.3.3 Check every longitudinal after fitting. Welding can be applied only when all longitudinal are checked out.

4.3.4 Measure longitudinal perpendicularity after welding, and correct by flame those with perpendicularity greater than 1.5mm.

4.4 Longitudinal and slot of floor

4.4.1 Longitudinal within the same block should be of the same specification and material, and should be a whole piece without joints.

4.4.2 Types of floor slot are illustrated in figure 3,and slot dimension c should be determined according to number of longitudinal which the floor pulled through:

longitudinal number≤3 c = web thickness+4mm,2mm at each side

3<longitudinal number≤7 c = web thickness+5mm,2.5mm at each side



longitudinal >7 c = web thickness+7mm ,3.5mm at each side

Figure 3. Type of Floor Slot

4.5 Cutting accuracy of floor

4.5.1 The floor is to be cut by NC cutting Machine.

4.5.2 Floor cutting accuracy is(Floor of 10m length is concerned) ±3.0mm in length ,±2.0mm in height.

4.5.3 Accuracy of space between floor slots is (Floor of 10m length is concerned) ±3.0mm between two end slots, and the extremity is ±4.0mm, as shown in Fig. 4.

Figure 4. Cutting Accuracy of Floor

5 Technical procedure 5.1 Floor fitting

5.1.1 Where rigidity of the floor is not sufficient, fit a bar of 20# channel at lower edge of floor before performing floor pulling in.

5.1.2 Machines and tools for floor pulling-in technical are a traveling crane and 3 windlasses.

