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第二部分练习篇 Exercise One

Listen to the following texts and then reproduce in the same language at the end of each segment:

Text 1.1

Mr Governor, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my great pleasure to be invited to attend the Guangdong Governor?s International Advisory Council Meeting.//

I would like to take this opportunity to highlight our report to the Governor and share with you our view on the role of telecommunications and information infrastructure (ICT) in the economic development.//

International experience suggests that Information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and services can have a substantial impact on the competitiveness of firms, nations, and regions. The most important impact of ICT does not come from manufacturing ICT goods, but from investing in and using ICT infrastructure and services.//

According to the ITU, global telecommunications services sales reached US$ 1.1 trillion in 2002, more than three times the value of telecommunications equipment sales of US$335 billion.

The value created by use of telecommunications services is estimated to be far higher than the total services revenue. Thus investment in ICT infrastructure creates value many times that of the investment itself. //

Firm level studies show that ICT investments help firms gain competitiveness through improved efficiency, reduced inventories, better designs, and faster rates of innovation. ICT allows firms to increase the efficiency of their business processes by decreasing procurement and transaction costs, improving accounting and control, enhancing management systems, and streamlining their supply chains.//

Several studies also indicate that ICT is a key driver of productivity and growth. There are several distinctive features of ICT that make them particularly important to national and regional economies, which include the pervasive and cross-cutting nature of ICT, the low or declining marginal costs of using the technologies, the ability to foster efficiency gains through streamlining supply chains, the facilitation of the creation of entirely new business models and industries, and the global nature of ICT.//

All of these characteristics imply that ICT can have an important impact on competitiveness and economic development.//

Text 1.2


我很高兴参加2001’国际投资论坛。我愿意借此机会,向大家介绍一下中国加入WTO 谈判和对外开放的有关情况。//

15 年“复关”和加入WTO 的马拉松谈判到今天应该说已经到了最后阶段。继1999 年11 月中美达成双边协议,2000 年5 月中欧达成双边协议后,中国加入WTO 进程加快,截止2000 年9 月,除墨西哥外,双边谈判已经基本结束。墨方曾多次表示即使不能达成协议, 也不会影响中国加入WTO 的进程。//


自2000 年6、7 月起,我国加入WTO 转入多边谈判,中国与WTO 成员就中国加入WTO 的多边法律文件(包括议定书及附件和工作组报告书)进行了磋商,谈判取得了重要进展。//

今年6 月初上海APEC 贸易部长会议期间,我部石广生部长与美国贸易代表佐立克就我国加入WTO 多边谈判的主要遗留问题进行了磋商,并达成了全面共识。接着,石部长又率团赴欧盟与欧盟贸易委员拉米就中国加入WTO 的有关问题进行了建设性的磋商,也达成了全面共识,从而为中国在年内加入WTO 创造了重要条件。//

今年6 月和7 月分别召开的WTO 第16、17 次工作组通过了我加入WTO 的议定书草案和工作组报告书草案的最后案文,下周将举行WTO 工作组第18 次会议,宣布WTO 中国工作组结束工作,将上述文件提交WTO 成员审批后,于11 月送WTO 总理事会或部长级会议通过。//




Exercise Two

Instruction: Listen to the following texts once, then start interpreting at the end of each segment.

Text 2.1

Each of you is a witness to that potential, in what you have learned and achieved here, and in your own hopes for the future. Twenty years ago, almost to the day, President Ronald Reagan spoke at this university and expressed the essence of economic and political freedom. // It is based, he said, on a belief in the dignity of each man, woman, and child. Free institutions, he said, reflect, in appreciation of the special genius of each individual, and of his special right to make his own decisions and lead his own life.//


Compared to President Nixon?s, or even President Reagan?s day, many Chinese citizens are now freer to make their own ways in life –to choose careers, to acquire property, and to travel.


And across this land are many millions of young people just like you, with their own abilities and their own expectations of a better life for themselves, their families and their country.//


On the path of reform that began a quarter-century ago, the Chinese people have make great strides. Over the past twenty-five years, China?s rapid and sustained economic growth has lifted the living standards of many citizens and raised China into the ranks of the world?s largest economies.//

You have reduced poverty, and in recent years, have consistently reported high economic growth rates. This dramatic economic progress shows what is possible when governments leave more decision-making power in the hands of private enterprises and individuals above all, it is a tribute to the Chinese citizens whose talents and daily efforts are making this a vibrant modern economy. //

在始于25 年前的改革道路上,中国人民取得了长足的进展。25 年来,中国经济持续快速增长,提高了许多公民的生活水平,使中国跻身于世界最大经济体的行列。贵国减少了贫困,近年来始终保持高经济增长率。这种种巨大的经济成就表明,政府允许私营企业和个人享有更多的决策权能带来什么样的变化。归根结底,这是对中国公民的一曲颂歌。正是由于中国公民的聪明才智和日复一日的辛勤劳动,中国现代化经济才能如此生机勃勃。

China?s economic success has also come about through far greater integration into the world economy. In the last two decades, your country has emerged as a major exporter of all kinds of manufactured goods, from heavy machinery, to computers, to toys. // China has gained enormously from access to foreign markets. Its development has also been fed by vast inflows of investment capital –over 50 billion dollars last year alone –and by imports of foreign technology, and the ever-increasing quantities of energy and raw materials necessary to sustain growth. //

经济取得的成就也是更大程度融入世界经济的结果。过去20 年来,贵国已经成为各类制造业产品的出口大国,从重型机械、电脑到玩具应有尽有。中国产品进入外国市场, 因此获得巨大的利益。中国的发展还因外来投资大量涌入──仅去年一年,外来投资已超过五百亿美元──及吸收外国技术和获得持续增长所需的源源不绝的能源和原材料供应获得动力。

China?s progress is part of a much wider story. So many of the great nations of Asia began the 20th Century ruled by colonial powers, or by dynasty, or bitterly divided by civil strife.

And throughout that century, ideologies of violence and malice took hold in Asia, as they did in Europe, and caused terrible harm and grief. Now the people of Asia are writing a different chapter. Great nations in this region have entered the 21st Century as independent peoples, growing in prosperity and individual freedom. //




(2004 年4 月15 日,美国副总统Dick Cheney 在复旦大学的演讲,节选)

Text 2.2.

Party Secretary Zhang, Governor Huang , Ladies and Gentlemen. Good morning. Thank you for inviting BP to contribute once again to the discussions of the Advisory Board.//

张书记、黄省长,女士们、先生们, 早上好。感谢你们再次邀请BP 公司参加广东省长国际顾问委员会的讨论。

It has been a fascinating experience for us to be a part of the extraordinary growth and development of Guangdong over the last few years. This is a province that has become a leader in many respects //

过去数年中,BP 公司成为广东经济超高速增长和超常发展中的部分,对此我们深感荣幸。广东是一个在众多领域都居于领先地位的省份:

– leading China in a range of industries, from electronics to plastics, watches to footwear; – leading the programme of reform and openness to world markets; and

– leading in economic growth, with the Pearl River Delta being the fastest growing part of the fastest growing Province in the fastest growing large economy in the world. //

-在从电子到塑胶、从钟表到鞋类的一系列产业中在中国居于领先地位; -在通向世界市场的改革开放进程中,在中国居于领先地位;


So the question now is this. What next for Guangdong? How can we build on this success? Can we recreate the economic miracle of the last two decades in the years ahead? These questions are addressed in a paper which we are presenting to the Advisory Board today.//

因此,我们今天面临的问题是:广东未来迈向何方?如何才能够继往开来?我们能否再创过去20 年的经济奇迹?

We have commissioned the paper from Professor Michael Enright, who is a world authority on competitiveness, and who has spent seven years studying the economy of the Pearl River Delta.//

在我们今天向顾问委员会提交的报告中,对这些问题进行了探讨。该报告是我们委托米高.恩莱特教授完成的。恩莱特教授是一位研究竞争力的世界级权威人士,过去7 年来,他一直在研究珠江三角洲的经济发展状况。

The report describes Guangdong as an economy that has been completely transformed in a little over two decades, but where officials, managers and employees are not satisfied to rest on their laurels and where there is a realization that additional work is needed if the Province is to continue its phenomenal growth.//


该报告认为,广东是一个在20 年稍多一点的时间就完成了彻底转型的经济体,然而, 当地的官员、管理人员和雇员们却不满足于已取得的成就,他们认识到,如果广东要继续保持其超常的发展轨迹,就必须付出更多的劳动,必须额外努力。

Two overall messages come through clearly. The first is that some of this additional work needs to be radical in its nature. There comes a point in the growth of any organisation or region when future development cannot be secured simply by ?more of the same?. New approaches, new solutions and new thinking are required.//


This is the case, for example, when a manufacturing company has reached the limits of its capacity. It has to invest in new plant if it is to continue growing strongly. // This was case for BP a few years ago - our established oil and gas fields had become mature, and we needed to discover new ones in order to maintain strong growth.//Similarly for Guangdong Province. The record has been a proud one, but now new engines of growth are needed for the future.//

例如,当一家制造厂达到其生产能力的极限时,就需要投资建设新的厂房,以便维持快速发展。这也是BP 在几年前遇到的情况——我们原有的油田和天然气田进入开发后期,因而需要开发新的油气田来维持强劲的增长。广东也是如此。毫无疑问,广东过去的成就是辉煌的,但现在需要为未来的增长寻找新的动力。

The second general message is that future growth must be ?sustainable?–which means ensuring that Guangdong has the business environment, workforce and external relationships to sustain its prosperity long term. //


So keeping those two principles in mind, let me pick out some of the main priorities. First, the role of cities. Guangdong is a beneficiary of globalization, and as the globalization writer Saskia Sassen puts it: “The work of globalization goes on in cities.”//


Nowhere is that more true than in Guangdong, where people have poured into the major cities over the past two decades. Guangzhou alone is now home to nearly 10 million people. With China?s accession to the WTO and improvements in agricultural efficiency, many more people are bound to move from the country to the city in the next few years. //

这句话尤其适用于广东。在这片土地上,过去20 年来人们像潮水般涌入大城市。现在的广州已经是近千万人口的家园。随着中国加入WTO 和农村生产效率的提升,未来数年必将有更多人口从农村进入城市。


But cities are not merely dormitories. They are complex social and economic organisms. And if cities are to be engines of growth, they require good planning and high quality services.

For a healthy and motivated workforce, strong public services are required, such as education, health care, housing and transportation. And for competitive enterprises, good business services are required, such as financial, professional and communication services.//



In Guangdong, we need to ensure that the planning of cities anticipates population growth rather than falling behind it.// In Guangzhou, in particular, such a change is being made, with the movement of factories to the edge of town, the development of residential communities and the redevelopment of the centre. This is a massive undertaking and shows a vision for the cities of tomorrow and serves as a role model for other cities.//



((BP 公司执行董事、首席财务官高拜伦博士在广东省长国际咨询会议上的发言2003 年11 月3 日,节选)

Text 2.3


今年在SARS 爆发期间,我想到了学生们,非常关心他们,然后我又想从他们身上可以得到一些力量,这就是为什麽当时我到了清华大学和他们共进午餐,同时我也到了北京大学和他们交谈,在图书馆里面和他们交谈,在那个时候,你也许感受不到我们所处的气氛,但是就是这些年轻人还是那样的乐观,他们憧憬着美丽的将来。//



I like young people very much. Because young people are always so energetic and they have the least conservative ideas, and they represent the future of our world. And this year during the outbreak of the SARS epidemic, I thought about the students. I cared a lot for them, and I wanted to gain strength from them. So that was why I went to our Tsinghua University to have lunch with them. And also I went to Beijing University and I had a chat with the students in the



At that time probably you could not have imagined what an atmosphere we were in, but I felt that the young people were as hopeful as ever. They always dream about a beautiful future. They pointed to the trees outside the window and said to me, \all the leaves grow, when the tree becomes green all over, this crisis will be over. And they also said that they would all rather be the green leaves themselves, and they asked me, Premier, in this big tree, which part of the tree are you? I immediately replied, \the leaves like you.\and I owe you this because in this way we can have a heart-to-heart discussion.



As you know, as you probably know, I'm the son of a schoolteacher. I spent my childhood mostly in the smoke and fire of war. I was not as fortunate as you as a child. When Japanese aggressors drove all the people in my place to the Central Plaza, I had to huddle closely against my mother.

Later on, my whole family and house were all burned up, and even the primary school that my grandpa built himself all went up in flames. In my work life, most of the time I worked in areas under the most harsh conditions in China. Therefore I know my country and my people quite well and I love them so deeply.

(2003 年12 月10 日温家宝总理在美国哈佛大学的演讲“将目光投向中国”,节选)

Text 2.4




Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen,

In the golden autumn, I am very happy to welcome the distinguished guests to China West Forum 2001 in the ancient capital Xi'an, an age-old and mysterious city full of dynamism the modern era. Taking this opportunity, I would like to brief you on the new opportunities for foreign investment in the west after China joins the WTO. I hope that foreign businesspeople could take part in the development of western regions more actively to advance the economic and social development of the vast western areas.



中国恢复关贸总协定缔约国地位和加入世贸组织已经走过了15 年历程。15


Ladies and gentlemen,

China has gone through a journey of 15 years in order to first resume the contracting party status in GATT and later to enter the WTO. The twists and turns over the past 15 years have been deeply embedded in the minds of the Chinese people and witnessed by each and every foreign friend who cares for and supports China's cause of modernization. However, it is a comfort to see that China's accession to the WTO has been noticeably accelerated with the concerted efforts of various relevant parties over recent years.

今年5 月和6 月,中国先后同美国、欧盟就中国加入世贸组织多边谈判的遗留问题进行磋商,并达成了全面共识。7 月初和7 月中旬,世贸组织第16 次和第17 次中国工作组会议, 结束了中国加入世贸组织的实质性谈判,完成了中国加入世贸组织的议定书、中国工作组报告书等多边法律文件的起草工作。//

我相信,9 月召开的第18 次中国工作组会议,将最终通过中国加入世贸组织的所有法律文件,并将这些法律文件提交世贸组织总理事会审议,从而结束中国工作组的工作。//

如无特别情况,今年11 月在卡塔尔多哈举行的世贸组织第四次部长级会议,将正式通过决议,接纳中国成为世贸组织正式成员。经过15 年的艰辛努力, 中国加入世贸组织即将成为现实。//

In May and June this year, China held consultations and reached comprehensive consensus with US and EU on the outstanding issues in the multilateral negotiation of China's WTO accession. In early and mid July, the WTO held the 16th and 17th sessions of the China Working Party Meeting, at which the substantive negotiation on China's WTO entry was concluded with the drafting of the Protocol, Working Party Report and other multilateral legal documents regarding China's WTO accession completed.

I believe at the 18th Working Party Meeting to be convened in September, all the legal documents on China's accession will be eventually adopted and submitted to the WTO General Council for review, thus wrapping up the historic mission of the WTO Working Party on China. Hard endeavor of 15 years is about to turn China's entry to the WTO into a reality.



截至2001 年7 月底,中国累计批准设立的外商投资企业37. 8 万家,合同外资金额7170.1 亿美元,实际使用外资金额3728.3 亿美元。// 今年以来,外商来华直接投资继续保持良好势头。1-7 月,共批准设立外商投资企业1.4 万家,比去年同期增长18.2%;合同外资金额402.9 亿美元,增长45.8%;实际使用外资金额242.1 亿美元,增长21.7%。//

Ladies and gentlemen,

FDI absorption constitutes an important component of China's basic state policy of reform and opening up. As the reform and opening up going into depth over the past two decades


and more, China has been constantly improving its FDI utilization in terms of scale and quality.

As of the end of July 2001, China had cumulatively approved 378,000 foreign funded enterprises with a contractual value of USD 717.01 billion, of which USD 372.83 billion had been actually paid in. China has maintained a good momentum in its FDI attraction since this year. January through July, 14,000 foreign-invested enterprises were approved to establish, 18.2% higher than the corresponding period of last year, the contractual value of foreign investment grew by 45.8% to USD 40.29 billion and the actually utilized value climbed by 21.7% to USD 24.21 billion.

在中国东部地区吸收外资迅速增长的同时,西部地区吸收外资也取得了明显进展。截至2001 年6 月底,西部地区吸收外商直接投资的项目数、合同外资金额和实际使用外资金额,在全国总量中所占比重分别为7.3%、6%和5.3%。今年1-6 月,西部地区新设立外商投资企业742 家,合同外资19.1 亿美元,实际使用外资7.1 亿美元。//


While the FDI absorption of the eastern areas is growing at a rapid speed, the western regions have also made obvious headway in its FDI attraction. Up to the end of June 2001, the project number, contractual value and actually utilized value of FDI in the west accounted for 7.3%, 6% and 5.3% of the national total. In the first 6 months of this year, 742 new foreign invested enterprises were set up in the western regions with the contractual value amounting to USD 1.91 billion and actually utilized value, USD 710 million.

Joining the WTO is an inherent requirement of China's development of its socialist market economy which also complies with the objective trend of the world economic progress, and it will bring about unprecedented opportunities to the economic and trade cooperation between China and various countries and regions in the world.


After becoming a member of the WTO, China will open service areas such as banking, insurance, telecommunication, foreign trade, domestic trade, tourism step by step, formulate uniform, standard and transparent investment access policy, intensify efforts to enact and perfect relevant foreign related laws and regulations, improve the level of administration according to law in foreign related economic work, establish and perfect the foreign economic and trade regime consistent with the international prevailing rules and actual situation in China. Foreign business people are facing new development opportunities in making investment in China and participating in the development of western regions.



(Speech at China West Forum 2001--SUN Zhenyu, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation 节选)




这种可见性,既使口译工作充满了乐趣,也给译员带来了许多挑战。站在大庭广众之中, 于众目睽睽之下开口讲话,本身就不是一件容易的事情。姑且不论翻译的质量如何,译员首先应该是一个出色的讲话人。否则,即便翻译得再出色,也会因为拙劣的音质、节奏或吐词而使听众感到索然无味。显而易见,对于一个成功的口译工作者来说,掌握扎实的演讲技巧是根本要务。


为了获得良好的沟通效果,译员在达到工作地点后,一定要先熟悉工作环境。观察发言人所处的房间设施如何,屋顶的高低、窗帘的厚度、房间的面积等都会对音效造成影响。此外,发言人需要对多少观众讲话,是在讲台上发言还是流动讲话,这些问题译员都需要考虑。对于译员本人来说,是站在讲话人身边还是退到舞台一侧,有没有辅助工具(如麦克风), 是有支架的麦克风、手持无线麦克风还是便携式无线麦克风,在工作开始前的短暂时间里, 应该尽可能充分地掌握情况。特别要注意调试麦克风,以免出现音质有问题或电池电量不够的尴尬场面。



2.1 音量:讲话人声音的大小和强弱程度。译员切勿大声喊叫,即使是发言人声音过大, 也不可受到影响而提高音量。适中的音量即使自己的翻译容易被听众接受,也不会显得信心不足或喧宾夺主。在翻译过程中调节音量是必要的。译员从开始讲话就应注意观察听众表情, 特别是最前排和最后排听众的表情。前排听众露出不快的表情或者后排听众露出不解的表情,都是音量不合适的信号。




节奏:讲话人声音传递时的速度快慢。通常,中文表达速度是每分钟150-180 字, 英


文则是120-150 词。虽然译员应该考虑所翻译的内容特点和讲话人的所采用的速度而确定自己翻译传达的节奏,但在平均值上下浮动幅度过大,会造成听众接受信息的额外负担。因此,译员应采用中等速度,而且在重要信息点,如数字、专门用语、人名、头衔等和讲话人特别强调的关键词上将速度适当放慢。在翻译过程中经常调整节奏也十分重要。






吐词:讲话人能否清晰完整地说出词句。吐词清楚,对于有效传达信息至关重要。放慢讲话速度,是加强吐词的有效方法。同时,由于正式场合的发言不同于对话交谈,它往往要求讲话人将字词发得更加相对完整,字与字(词与词)之间的连读、弱读、吞音等则需要适当减少,更要避免在表达中加入带有个人习惯的不必要表达,如“嗯?? ”、“这个? ? ”、“就是说? ? ”、“Well? ”、“Eh? ”、“Yes? ”、“OK? ”等。




穿着。译员的穿着要大方得体,并根据工作的场合调整。在正式的谈判、会议、宴会等场合,译员需要着正装,但无需过于夸张;另外一些较为轻松的场合,如导游、参观、便饭等,可以着比较休闲一些的服装(Business Casual)。如果不肯定如何着装,一定要向组织者询问。重要的是,良好的着装绝不等同于昂贵新潮的品牌服饰,而应是整洁、大方、得体的衣着。









表情。通过轻松自然的表情,时刻向听众传达友好。即使在翻译过程中有困难出现时,译员也不应该皱眉、瞪眼或流露出其它沮丧、无奈的表情。译员的面部表情需要表现出对听众的善意,也应展现自己对所翻译的话题的兴趣和把握。同时,译员不是演员,夸张做作的面部表情只会适得其反。综上所述,译员作为身居“幕前”的沟通者,应保持整洁大方的仪表,掌握语言表达的技巧,同时做到不卑不亢、谦虚稳重、和蔼可亲。“好的开始是成功的一半”,译员的成功, 很大程度上就取决于一开口的那几句话给听众的感觉。


Exercise One

Instruction: A very effective way of practicing your public speaking is to read poems aloud. The following is an excerpt of a poem written by British poet Thomas Hood (1799 –1845). Read the poem aloud and try to make the poem alive by using proper volume, pitch, rate, pauses, pronunciation and enunciation.

I Remember, I Remember by Thomas Hood

I remember, I remember The house where I was born, The little window where the sun Came peeping in at morn;

He never came a wink too soon, Nor brought too long a day, But now I often with the night Had borne my breath away!

I remember, I remember The roses red and white,

The violets, and the lily-cups, Those flowers made of light! The lilacs where the robin built, And where my brother set

The laburnum on his birthday, -- The tree is living yet


I remember, I remember, Where I was used to swing,

And thought the air must rush as fresh To swallows on the wing;

My spirit flew in feathers then, That is so heavy now,

And summer pools could hardly cool The fever on my brow!

I remember, I remember, The fir trees dark and high; I used to think their slender tops Were close against the sky: It was a childish ignorance, But now 'tis little joy

To know I'm farther off from heaven Than when I was a boy.

Exercise Two

Instruction: Work in pairs. Choose one of the topics below and give a three-minute speech to each other. Observe each other?s performance and make notes of how each of the six factors of public speaking is handled.

Topic 1: The Greatest Invention in My Eye Topic 2: Man and the Internet

Topic 3: The Role of English in the 21st Century China

Exercise Three

Instruction: Listen to the following texts once, and then start interpreting at the end of each segment.

Text 3.1. In Search of Better Understanding between the US and China

I want to thank the students for giving me the chance to meet with you, the chance to talk a little bit about my country and answer some of your questions. The standards and reputation of this university are known around the world, and I know what an achievement it is to be here. So, congratulations.//

I don't know if you know this or not, but my wife and I have two daughters who are in college, just like you. One goes to the University of Texas. One goes to Yale. They're twins. And we are proud of our daughters, just like I'm sure your parents are proud of you.//





My visit to China comes on an important anniversary, as the Vice President mentioned. Thirty years ago this week, an American President arrived in China on a trip designed to end decades of estrangement and confront centuries of suspicion.// President Richard Nixon showed the world that two vastly different governments could meet on the grounds of common interest, in the spirit of mutual respect. As they left the airport that day, Premier Zhou Enlai said this to President Nixon: \handshake came over the vastest ocean in the world-- 25 years of no communication.\During the 30 years since, America and China have exchanged many handshakes of friendship and commerce. //

我这次访华恰逢重要的周年纪念日,副主席刚才也谈到了。30 年前的这一周,一位美国总统来到中国,他的访华之旅目的是为了结束两国长达数十年的隔阂和数百年的相互猜疑。//尼克松总统向世界显示了两个迥然不同的政府能够本着相互的利益、相互的尊重来到一起。那天他们离开机场的时候,周恩来总理对尼克松总统说了这样一番话,他说你与我的握手越过了世界上最辽阔的海洋,这个海洋就是互不交往的25 年。自那时以来,美国和中国已经握过多次的友谊之手和商业之手。//

And as we have had more contact with each other, the citizens of both countries have gradually learned more about each other. And that's important. Once America knew China only by its history as a great and enduring civilization. Today, we see a China that is still defined by noble traditions of family, scholarship, and honor. //And we see a China that is becoming one of the most dynamic and creative societies in the world -- as demonstrated by the knowledge and potential right here in this room. China is on a rising path, and America welcomes the emergence of a strong and peaceful and prosperous China.//


(美国总统GeorgeW. Bush 2002 年2 月22 日在北京清华大学的演讲,节选)

Key Words:

anniversary: 周年纪念 estrangement: 疏远

enduring civilization: 持久的文明

Text 3.2 Proposed Cultural Events for the 2008 Olympic Games

Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon! Before I introduce our cultural programmes, I want to tell you one thing first about 2008. You?re going to have a great time in



主席先生,女士们,先生好,下午好!在向各位介绍我们的文化安排之前,我想先告诉大家,你们2008 年将在北京度过愉快的时光!//

There are a lot of wonderful and exciting things waiting for you in New Beijing, a dynamic modern metropolis with 3000 years of cultural treasures woven into the urban tapestry. Along with the iconic imagery of the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall, the city offers an endless mixture of theatres, museums, discos, all kinds of restaurants and shopping malls that will amaze and delight you.//


But beyond that, it is a place of millions of friendly people who love to meet people from around the world. People of Beijing believe that the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing will help to enhance the harmony between our culture and the diverse cultures of the world. Their gratitude will pour out in open expressions of affection for you and the great Movement that you guide.//

除此之外,北京城里还有千千万万友善的人民,热爱与世界各地人民相处。北京人民相信,在北京举办2008 年奥运会,将推动我们文化和全世界文化的交流。他们将向您和您所领导的奥林匹克运动表达奥运会的感激之情。//

Within our cultural programmes, education and communication will receive the highest priority. We seek to create an intellectual and sporting legacy by broadening the understanding of the Olympic Ideas throughout the country. Cultural events will unfold each year, from 2005 to 2008.// We will stage multi-disciplined cultural programmes, such as concerts, exhibitions, art competitions and camps which will involve young people from around the world. During the Olympics, they will be staged in the Olympic Village and the city for the benefit of the athletes. Our ceremonies will give China?s greatest –and the world?s greatest artists a stage for celebrating the common aspirations of humanity and the unique heritage of our culture and the Olympic Movement.//

在我们的文化计划当中,教育和交流将是我们的重中之重,我们希望借助在全国推广对奥林匹克信念的理解,创造一笔文化和体育财富。从2005 年到2008 年我们每年定期举办文化活动。//我们开展多元文化活动,如音乐会、展览、艺术竞赛和文化营,吸引全世界青少年参与。在奥运会期间,这些文化活动同时在奥运村和全市范围内展开,以方便运动员的参加。我们的开闭幕式,将提供中国和世界杰出艺术家参与的舞台,讴歌人类的共同愿望、我们独特的文化遗产和奥林匹克运动。//

With a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man –Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Byzantine, Mesopotamian, Persian, Arabian, Indian and Chinese.//

Carrying the message “Share the Peace, Share the Olympics”, the eternal flame will reach new heights as it crosses the Himalayas over the world?s highest summit –Mount Qomolangma,


which is known to many of you as Mt. Everest.//

In China, the flame will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, travel the Great Wall and visit Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and the 56 ethnic communities who make up our society. On its journey, the flame will be seen by the inspire more human beings than any previous relay.//


以“共享和平,共享奥运”为主题, 奥运永恒不熄的火炬,将跨越世界最高峰,珠穆朗玛峰,从而达到一个最高的高度。//

在中国,奥运圣火将通过西藏穿过长江和黄河,踏上长城,途经香港、澳门、台湾并在组成我们国家的56 个民族中传递。通过这样的路线,我们保证比以往任何一次接力数量都多的人民目睹火炬。//

Seven hundred years ago, amazed by his incredible descriptions of a far away land of great beauty, people asked Marco Polo whether his stories about China were true. He answered, what I have told you was not even half of what I saw. Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you.//

Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonder to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike.

Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you all!//

700 年前,马可波罗曾经对一片遥远的美丽国度有过令人难以置信的描述。人们在惊奇之余问马可波罗,你有关中国的描述是真的吗?马可波罗回答:我向你们描述的还不到我所见到的一半。实际上,我们今天向大家展示的,也只不过是北京的一个部分而已。//



(2001 年7 月13 日国际奥委会第112 次全体大会,中国申奥形象大使杨澜的陈述,节选)


modern metropolis: 现代化大都市 urban tapestry: 城市风貌 iconic imagery: 标志性形象 the Forbidden City: 紫禁城 the Temple of Heaven: 天坛 legacy: 遗产

multi-disciplined cultural programmes: 多元文化活动 common aspirations: 共同愿望 Torch Relay: 火炬接力 Byzantine: 拜占庭的

Mesopotamian: 美索不达米亚的 Persian: 波斯的 eternal:不朽的


Mount Qomolangma/Mount Everest: 珠穆朗玛峰

Text 3.3 经济全球化中的国际合作



Your Excellency President Fox, Dear Colleagues,

Today, as we meet at the picturesque Los Cabos on this side of the Pacific to discuss important plans of economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, my memory of our last Economic Leaders? Meeting by the Huangpu River in Shanghai remains vividly fresh. What a great joy to be reunited with old friends! Let me take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to you, Mr. President, for your gracious invitation and to the Government of Mexico for its meticulous arrangements.//


With economic globalization surging forward and science and technology making dazzling progress with each passing day, countries have been presented with new opportunities of development in the past year. At the same time, however, the increased uncertainties in world economic development have posed new challenges to the economies of many countries and regions, APEC members included.// Trade protectionism is on the rise, making it still harder to achieve free, fair and equitable trade. Non-traditional security threats have increased, as struggles against terrorism remain both arduous and complicated. The world we live in is hardly a tranquil place.//


Despite the host of problems facing the international community and more that will still crop up unexpectedly in the future, the tide of history in favor of peace and development cannot be


reversed, nor will the people of all lands change their yearning for a better life.// Wherever they live, people want lasting peace and stability in the world, a world that enjoys universal prosperity and sustainable development. If world peace and common development are to be secured, it is necessary for statesmen of all countries to display vision and courage needed to move history forward in response to the will of the people. It is also necessary for the family of nations to step up coordination and cooperation.// The APEC community should, as always, conform to the trend of the times, give full play to its advantages and go in for extensive cooperation.//

(2002 年10 月27 日APEC 第十次领导人非正式会议,中华人民共和国主席江泽民的演讲,节选)

Key Words:

黄浦江:Huangpu River 风景秀丽的:picturesque 洛斯卡沃斯: Los Cabos

日新月异:make dazzling progress with each passing day 贸易保护主义:trade protectionism

非传统安全因素:non-traditional security threats 不可逆转:cannot be reversed

顺应时代潮流:conform to the trend of the times

Text 3.4 广州申办亚运会



Guangzhou has been an open city since ancient times. As early as a thousand years ago, our ancestors established close and friendly relations with many countries in Asia and other parts of the world via the Marine Silk Road. Currently we have 13 sister cities across the world, including Manila of the Philippines and Kwangju of South Korea.// Every day we receive thousands of tourists, merchants and officials from around the globe. Thousands of foreign nationals have come to live and work happily here among the local people, enriching the cultural fabric of Guangzhou with their own contribution.//

广州的发展,除了全国的支持与我们自身的努力外,离不开世界各国特别是亚洲各国、各地区的关心和支持。//我们真诚地希望,通过主办2010 年亚运会,与朋友们共同分享我们的发展成果,推动亚洲奥林匹克体育事业发展,增进亚洲各国人民的友谊和交流合作,促进亚洲经济繁荣和社会文明进步。//

Guangzhou has become a dynamic city through our own effort. But we acknowledge our


debt to the kindness and support from our friends in foreign countries and regions, especially those in Asia.// We sincerely hope through hosting the 2010 Asian Games, we can share what we have accomplished with our friends. We will promote the Olympic ideals in Asia, strengthen the contacts and cooperation among the Asian nations and accelerate the economic development and social progress on this continent.//


It has been a long-cherished dream of the citizens of Guangzhou to host an Asian Games, as such an occasion will help to enhance China?s overall economic development and improve our social welfare. I hereby solemnly declare that the government of Guangzhou will abide by The OCA Constitution and Rules and all other principles and rules relating to the Asian Games. We shall carry out to the letter the obligations set down in the Candidature File and the Host City Contract, and honor all promises made by the Guangzhou Asian Games Bid Committee.//

请相信,广州有足够的信心和能力把2010 年亚运会办成祥和、绿色、文明的体育盛会!你们对广州的神圣选择,将书写亚运会历史上最辉煌、最具特色的一页。//


Respected delegates, you can rest assured that the people of Guangzhou have the confidence and ability to make the 2010 Asian Games a grand athletic event, wholesome and exciting, green and clean. Your vote for Guangzhou will amount to writing a glorious and unique page in the history of the Asian Games.// Your Excellencies, I hope you will enjoy your work and stay in Guangzhou. Thank you all.//

(2004 年4 月15 日亚奥理事会申亚评估团广州考察,广州市市长张广宁的欢迎词,节选)

Key Words:

海上丝绸之路:Marine Silk Road 光州:Kwangju

友好城市:sister cities

夙愿:long-cherished dream 《亚奥理事会章程和规则》:The OCA Constitution and Rules 《申办报告》:Candidature File 《主办城市合同》:Host City Contract

广州亚申委:Guangzhou Asian Games Bid Committee

祥和、绿色、文明:wholesome and exciting, green and clean

第四单元 口译笔记技巧(I)



1.1 口译笔记的重要性


1.2 口译笔记的特点 1.2.1 与课堂笔记的区别





由于两种笔记目的的不同,因此口译记录与课堂笔记从所需时间看也大不一样,课堂笔记保留的时间通常较长,为了日后加以巩固,课堂笔记应详细、清楚,口译笔记仅仅是为了当场使用,无需一年以后,一个月以后,一天以后,甚至一小时以后再去查阅翻译记录,由于刚刚听过讲话,对其内容还有较深刻的印象,所以可不必要全文记下来,只要作简单记号, 达到提示的目的即可。口译工作一经结束,这些记录也就失去了使用价值。





第三产业已成为外商在穗投资的新热点。去年,新批第三产业项目1037 个,吸收外资44.4 亿美元,外商投资已从工业扩大到金融、保险、房地产、商业、娱乐、教育和保健等领域。


reduce poverty in other countries.

中国对世界经济产生了非常巨大的影响。它在消除贫困方面为我们提供了典范。1981 年至2001 年中国大约有4 亿人摆脱了贫困状态。短短过去的几年中,中国的发展及其对资源的需求促进了了其他国家的经济增长及贫困人口的降低。

The Commission for Africa report talks about the importance of freer and fairer trade and investment. In this context it is therefore especially interesting to see the huge increases there have been in trade between China and Africa. In 1999, the total value of two-way trade was $2 billion. In the eleven months from January to November 2004, this figure was $26.3 billion. This spectacular growth does not just reflect China's sales of commodities to Africa. Africa's exports to China were valued at $13.9 billion, an increase of 86% on the equivalent period in 2003. China's exports to Africa were $12.4 billion, an increase of 36%. China has also offered tariff exemptions for certain commodities from 25 African countries. These figures graphically illustrate China and Africa's growing importance to each other.

非洲委员会报告指出了更加自由和公平的贸易及投资的重要性。所以在此关注中国与非洲贸易的巨大增长具有相当意义。1999 年中非双边贸易总额是20 亿美元。2004 年1 月到11 月, 该数字已达263 亿美元。贸易的巨大增长不只是中国向非洲出口商品的增加, 其中非洲对中国的出口额达139 亿美元的,比2003 年同比增长了86%。同时中国对非洲的出口增加了36% 达到124 亿美元。另外,中国还免除了来自25 个非洲国家某些商品的关税。以上数字向我们生动地阐明中国对非洲日益增加的重要性。

The office of our Department for International Development in Beijing, part of the British Embassy, is working on a new programme that, among other things, will seek to understand more clearly the impact and opportunities for Africa arising from China's economic growth.

目前英国国际发展部(DFID)驻华代表处在其日常对华援助的项目外,正展开一项新的计划, 即力图更加细致地了解中国经济增长对非洲的影响以及所产生的机遇。

There are many other lessons from China's experience that are relevant to Africa. For example the report calls for the creation of a climate which unleashes the entrepreneurship of the people. There can be little doubt about China's enormous success on this front. The document also talks of the need to strengthen national and local capacity to design and deliver policies as well as calling for a massive investment in infrastructure. Both of these measures are, of course, major strands in China's own growth strategy.


The report highlights the need to double aid to Africa. Although China is still a developing country, it has long given aid to African countries. Last year, China also contributed $50 million to the replenishment of the African Development Fund. The UK and China are currently exploring possibilities for practical co-operation between the two aid programmes in Ghana and Tanzania.

报告强调对非洲投资需要增加一倍。尽管中国还只是一个发展中国家,但却长期为非洲各国提供援助。去年,中国还向非洲发展基金注入了5000 万美元。目前,英国和中国正



And for the UK the development of Africa is a priority. As the CFA report says it is a priority that is in our common interest. The UK development programme for Africa will be at least £1.25 billion by 2006/07. The majority of this assistance is now given as poverty reduction budget support. This is in line with the priorities of African countries themselves and respects the important principle of true country ownership.

非洲发展是英国关注的重点。正如非洲委员会报告所指出的,非洲发展是基于我们共同利益的一个首选议题。2006/07 财年,英国对非洲的发展援助至少要达到12.5 亿英磅。其中绝大部分都是以扶贫财政支持的形式来体现的。这符合非洲各国自身的发展重点,而且尊重了被援助国家对项目持有拥有权这一重要原则。

I hope these few remarks set the scene for our discussion. I now turn to our two keynote speakers, both members of the Commission for Africa. I should take this opportunity to highlight the more general increase in the UK development budget. Total UK official development assistance will reach 6.5 billion by 2007/08, equivalent to 0.47% of GDP. This represents an increase of 140% in real terms since 1997. The UK is also working to meet the UN target that the aid programme should reach 0.7% of GDP. If current trends continue, we will meet that target by 2013.

我曾提到英国对非洲发展的义务与承诺。我还要借此机会再次强调英国在发展援助方面预算的大幅度增长。2007/08 财年英国官方发展援助总额将达到65 亿英磅,相当于其GDP 的0.47%。自1997 年以来,净增长了140%。同时英国还积极地推动实现联合国提出的将官方援助发展援助提高到本国GDP 0.7%的目标。如果目前的发展趋势能够持续,我们将在2013 年实现这一目标。

(注:此段译文与原文第一句不合 疑有脱漏)

(Opening Remarks of Commission for Africa by By Sir Christopher Hum,Beijing, 7th June 2005)

Text 1.2

Ladies and gentlemen,

Wales has always been an outward looking nation. A great trading nation exporting materials like iron and coal, whilst through our ports have come remarkable treasures, including fine porcelains from China.


We have always made friends abroad and given a warm welcome to those coming to live in Wales. In the 1930s many from the trade union and labour movement went to fight fascism in the Spanish civil war. In the 1970s and 1980s many supported the movement to overthrow apartheid in South Africa. We are true internationalists. Like China Wales is a land of the dragon - my


departmental crest bears the legend 'the red dragon leads the way'


Today I want to talk about how Wales - a country of just three million people - can join you in China - five hundred times bigger - in partnership, and offer you our commitment and expertise. I also want to speak about the challenges presented to both our countries by the rapidly-changing global economy.


When I first visited the Pearl River delta in 1980 there was little industrial development. Earlierthis week I had sight of the remarkable economic powerhouse that region has become. The rapid development of this area which is now responsible for the production of forty percent of the world's microwaves, and seventy percent of the world's photocopiers, is awesome. China is already the sixth largest economy in the world; it is the fastest growing economy in the world, and is set to be the largest in the next twenty or thirty years. Over the past 3 years, China has added more to world output than the whole of the G7 countries put together.

在我1980 年第一次访问珠江三角洲时,那里几乎还没有什么工业。这个星期的头几天我得以目睹该地区已经发展成为了一个巨大的经济基地。这个地区迅猛的发展令人瞠目,如今该地区生产的微波炉占世界的40%,复印机占世界的70%。中国已经成为世界第六大经济强国,是世界上经济发展最快的国家,并且必将在未来的二十到三十年间成为世界上最大的经济强国。在过去的三年间,中国的世界产出比七国集团产出的总和还要高。

This remarkable growth should be celebrated as an opportunity and not a threat to nations like the United Kingdom. China's success is bringing benefits for global markets. For example whilst the export of Chinese goods was up by thirty-two percent last year, imports were up by forty-one percent. Exports from Wales to China almost doubled in value between 2002 and 2003. Over 250 Chinese companies have invested in Britain, and the United Kingdom is the largest EU investor in China, at almost $20 billion.

对于像英国这样的国家来说,应该把这种惊人的发展视为一种机会,而不是威胁。中国的成功为全球市场带来了利益。例如,去年在中国货物出口量增长32%的同时,其进口量增加了41%。在2002 到2003 年间,从威尔士到中国的出口量几乎翻了一番。在英国投资的中国公司已逾250 家,而英国又是欧盟在中国投资最多的国家,投资额达200 亿美元。

Rather like China, the enlargement of the European Union is an opportunity and a challenge for Welsh businesses, not a threat. Ten new countries join next month, creating a single market of some 450 million consumers, bigger and richer than the two biggest economies in the world, the USA and Japan combined.

与中国相同,欧盟的扩大对于威尔士的企业来说与其说是威胁不如说是机遇与挑战并重。下个月又将有十个国家加入欧盟,共同组成一个拥有4 亿5 千万消费者的市场,这比



A huge change has taken place over the last 35 years in the Welsh economy. 100,000 Welsh coalminers in the 1960s has been reduced to less than a thousand today, and instead of 90,000 steelworkers there are now 7,500.

在过去的35 年间,威尔士的经济发生了重大的变化。二十世纪六十年代煤矿工人的人口为10 万人,而今天已降到不足1000 人。原先9 万名钢铁工人,如今也已减至7500 人。

More people - 70,000 - are employed in foreign based companies in Wales. There are now some four hundred international companies operating in Wales. They include global brands like Ford, Sony, Sharp, General Electric, Toyota, International Rectifier, Johnson and Johnson, and Bayer.


Recently, there has been a high level of investment in the aerospace, automotive and plastics industries, as well as increases in employment and in the education and health sectors.


The Wales of today boasts key strengths in aerospace, automotive, electronics, information technology, biotechnology, financial and business services, pharmaceuticals, media and creative industries, opto-electronics, and defence-related activity.


An example of how we operate in a truly global market is the European Airbus project to build the A380 superjumbo aircraft.

作为我们在真正的全球市场运作的实例,我们参与了建造A380 超巨型客机的欧洲空中客车项目。

The wings for the aircraft are being built at Broughton in North Wales, and then transported by sea for final assembly at Toulouse in France, using a specially-constructed roll-on/roll-off ferry built in Shanghai. Economic stability has been a key in our continued success.


The government, of which I am proud to be a member, has achieved the lowest inflation rate in thirty years, the lowest interest rates in fifty years, and the highest employment in our history. And despite a period of global uncertainty and sluggish international trade, the United Kingdom has enjoyed uninterrupted growth since we came into power in 1997 - the longest period of continuous growth for 200 years - with Wales leading the way amongst the UK regions.



高的就业率,我本人作为政府的一员对此感到十分自豪。尽管全球经济经历了一段不太稳定的时间,世界贸易也出现一段萧条期,但英国自1997 年新政府执政后一直处于持续发展状态--在200 年中是持续发展时间最长的一次--而威尔士在英国各地区中处于领先地位。

Having more people in employment has enabled us to reduce public debt and social security payments, and invest in our infrastructure. Seven years ago, we spent 42p in every pound of public spending on the costs of economic and social failure in interest payments on debt and unemployment benefit. Today the figure is 25p. By investing in innovation, our transport system and improving our education system we are able to match business needs. We are radically re-shaping our scientific, technological and learning base, and are preparing a ten-year investment framework for science and innovation.

就业率提高使我们可以减少公共债务和社会安全支出,而投资于我们的基础建设。七年前,我们每英镑的公共支出上,就有42 便士是用来支付经济和社会债务的利息以及失业救济。现在这个数字是25 便士。通过对创新和交通系统的投资,以及改善我们的教育体制,使我们能够跟得上商业需求。我们正在从根本上重塑我们的科学、技术和学习基础,并正筹划一个科学和创新的十年投资计划。

The Welsh Assembly Government is already driving the knowledge exploitation agenda forward through a range of programmes including the major and unique technium centres, one of which is a planned incubator unit devoted to Chinese companies. The WDA are also discussing with the China Britain Business Council the possibility of it establishing an office in Cardiff. We are investing in pre-school education, as good quality early years education has a crucial impact on children's future opportunities and development. We are reforming the financing of higher education so that universities can provide high - quality education for more students, and achieve international standards of teaching and research.

威尔士议会政府已经在通过一系列的项目推动知识开发议程,其中包括独特的产业科技中心,其中一个是专为中国公司建立的孵化器。英国威尔士发展局还将与中英商会探讨在加的夫建立办事处的可能性。我们同时对学前教育进行投资,因为早期良好的教育对儿童未来的发展和机会将产生至关重要的影响。我们还在进行高等教育的财务改革,从而使大学可以为更多的学生提供高质量的教育, 并达到国际教育和研究的标准。

And we are building on the highly successful New Deal programme which has helped many thousands of unemployed people into work, with a New Deal for Skills. This will offer, for the employed as well as unemployed, a one-stop skills service with access to personal skills advisers and training, including for people with disabilities, lone parents and people with few skills. But we want our high employment and prosperity spread internationally. That is why I am pleased both businesses and trade unions in the UK share the Government's view that protectionism is not the answer. Because protectionism damages development, for example in Africa.




假如这段话当作老师在课堂里作讲座的内容或一般会议上的讲话,那么作为学生课堂笔记或会议记录可能会把原话记下来,最多也不过把几个字省去,如“第三产业”记成“三产” 等,而口译则完全不同,为了一目了然,还能省去许多不必要的词,运用一些符号等,这一段可记成:


Investments in tertiary industry by foreign businessmen have become the new hot spot of Guangzhou. Last year, 1,037 projects of tertiary industry were approved with a total foreign investment of 4.44 billion US dollars. The field of foreign investments has been expanded from industry to finance, insurance, real estate, commerce, entertainment, education, health care and so on.

1.2.2 与速记的区别


a.口译笔记是用文字和各种符号作记录,不仅重点突出,一目了然,而且便于快速阅读,一目数行。必要时,根据口译记录时所作的一些分析,还可以概括发言内容,摘要译出, 这是最好的速记员也难以做到的。




即使最熟练的速记专家也无法迅速地、准确地读出速记下来的内容。学过速记的人都知道,不管是何种语言,何种方法速记,其原理都一样,即按发音规则写,其速记符号(shorthand outlines)都是按单词发音来记的,有的常用词用一些有规则或无规则的省略, 再好的速记员在解读速记符号时,读出来的只能是原文,原来的语言的发音,绝对读不出另一种语言。

1.2.3 与听写的区别

口译记录也不同于听写(dictation),不管是学习中文或英文,我们都曾学过听写,听写的要求是让学生记录老师所说的每一个单词并加以正确的标点符号。听写时,老师读的语句速度较慢,而且练习中老师常要读两遍以上,学生还有时间校对。而口译记录要求速度快, 但并不要求记录每个记录,只需中心思想,如听到Question,problem 或问题时,只需写上“ ”或“?”。因此,作为培训人员,在给学生训练口译笔记时,应避免放慢速度,避免采用听写的方式,从开始学记录起,就应学会跟上正常语速的讲话,这种做法,一开始可能会不习惯,也许记录做得很糟,但经过一段时间的培训以后,一定能学会口译记录,跟上正



1.3 口译笔记的功能


1) 具有辅助短时记忆的作用,避免遗忘漏失;

2) 透过图像、版面与符号的交错运用,笔记具有逻辑分析与保存的功能,能将语篇的段落整理清楚并保存一段时间。

1.4 口译笔记的原则


★ 口译为主,笔记为辅:口译员应当以听讲话人,全面地吸收信息、组成口译信息为主体,笔记只起辅助作用,不应当舍本逐末;

★ 笔记应体现信息的概念与结构:无论图像、符号,缩写词或者其组合时,都应当组成完整的信息概念或组织结构;

★ 记下密度和难度高的信息:信息负荷过量(如数字、专有名词) ,一定要做笔记; ★ 笔记的内容与符号,以多重利用为原则:任何已记下的笔记内容与符号,都应尽量再次利用,重复使用;

★ 笔记的语言符号必须能够沟通:口译员应避免使用不熟悉的符号,或双人合作时应避免字迹零乱;

★ 笔记纸大小,依口译员可控制的空间而定:口译员站立时,笔记本不宜超过手掌大小,有桌椅可用时,笔记最大不超过A4 纸。



第二部分 练习篇

Exercise One

Instruction: Listen to the following excerpts from the texts found in Exercise Three and take notes. Then reproduce them in the same language with the help of your notes.

1. It was therefore only logical that the first thorough reform in Germany in 1948 was a “currency reform” with the introduction of the Deutsche Mark as a new monetary unit and at the same time the establishment of a fixed rate of exchange with the previous currency. Compensation


trading and the black market disappeared al most over night, people had confidence in the new currency, and markets were again price regulated.



Exercise Two

Instruction: Listen to the following excerpts from the texts found in Exercise Three and take notes. Then reproduce them in the target language with the help of your notes.

1. DWDM is a cost-effective and reliable way to meet this growing demand. Transmission capacity of commercially available systems has reached 400 Gigabits (400,000,000,000 bits) per second on a single optical fiber. That?s equivalent to about 4 million telephone conversations. (Considering that Guangdong has about 16million telephone users, this means that the entire traffic could be handled by four fibers.)



Exercise Three

Instruction: Listen to the following texts once, then start interpreting at the end of each segment.

Text 3.1

The information industry: Embler of Economic Growth 信息产业:经济增长的引擎

In 1947,a device called the transistor was invented in Bell Laboratories, the research and development arm of AT&T (now Lucent Technologies). That invention helped to establish entire branches of industry, including consumer electronics, computing, and titans such as Sony and Microsoft. // Now, the changes taking place in our optical technologies are so significant that they have been compared with the development of the transistor. // Optical fibers form a network that interconnects the globe. These fibers are used to transmit our phone calls, faxes, TV programs, e-mail, data and many other types of information. //






Until quite recently, it was possible to send only one wavelength (or color) of light along each fiber. A lot of effort is concentrated on maximizing the amount of information that can be transmitted using this single wavelength. // But dense-wavelength-division-multiplexing (or DWDM) makes it possible to transmit a large number of wavelengths on a single fiber, effectively sending a ?rainbow?, where there was only one color before. // If we compare this with a crowded highway leading into a big city, for example, it?s almost as though by installing just two boxes, one at each end of the highway, and adding a small amount of additional equipment along the route, we suddenly expand the highway to multiple levels, allowing the vehicles to choose from a large number of identical highways. //


但是DWDM 技术却能够在一根光纤上传输大量的波长,可以有效地传送一个“彩虹”,而在以前只能传送一种颜色。//

假如我们把光纤比作通向一座城市的拥挤的高速公路,那么就如同我们在高速公路的两端各一个盒子,然后沿着高速公路再加一些额外的设备,于是忽然间高速公路就好像加多了几层, 使得车辆可以在许多相同的道路中做出选择。//

The situation in today?s networks is in many cases very much like an overcrowded highway. An increasing number of telephone users, as well as new services such as the Internet, have led to a massive explosion in the growth of information traffic.

// DWDM is a cost-effective and reliable way to meet this growing demand. Transmission capacity of commercially available systems has reached 400 Gigabits (400,000,000,000 bits) per second on a single optical fiber. That?s equivalent to about 4 million telephone conversations. (Considering that Guangdong has about 16 million telephone users, this means that the entire traffic could be handled by four fibers.) //

Future systems will provide multiples of this capacity. With so many people being able to share a single fiber, the charges for the individual will drop drastically. In effect, we are pushing capacity towards infinity and dropping costs to close to zero. //


DWDM 在满足这方面的需求既省钱又可靠,单一光纤的商业传输能力已经达到每秒四百吉(咖)比特。这就相当于四百万个电话对话,(考虑到广东省有一千六百万个电话用户,这意味着四根光纤就可以搞定整个信息交通了。)//


(1999 年月日第一届广东经济发展国际咨询会,朗讯科技总裁兼首席执行官Richard McGinn 的演讲“The information industry: Embler of Economic Growth”,节选)


Key words

Bell Laboratories (美国)贝尔实验室

AT&T (now Lucent Technologies) (美国)电话电报公司(现为朗讯科技公司) consumer electronics 家用电器 optical fibers 光纤 wavelength 波长

DWDM = dense-wavelength-division-multiplexing 密度波长分割多路传输,可直接译为DWDM gigabit 吉(咖)比特(10+[9]比特) transmission capacity 传输能力 cost-effective 节约成本的 information traffic 信息交通

Text 3.2

Key Factors for Economic Growth and Prosperity 经济增长与繁荣的要素

At the end of the twentieth century the Federal Republic of Germany is one of the world?s leading industrial nations, a development that seemed one of the world?s leading industrial nations, a development that seemed inconceivable after the end of the Second World War in 1945. // The capital stock of the country was largely destroyed by the effects of the war and the west of Germany had to absorb over 6 million refugees within a very short time. // Money had altogether lost its functions of a means of payment and a store of value. People preferred to barter in goods and services, and the banking system was not able to provide additional capital. //

在20 世纪末联邦德国是世界上工业发达的国家之一,她的发展里程似乎就是发达工业国家的缩影,这种发展在1945 年二战结束之后似乎是不可想象的。//


From today?s point of view the large monetary overhang which immediately became visible after the end of the war appears to be of economic significance. // This was triggered off by the credit financing of expenditure on armaments, the result of an inflationary rise in the money supply. // It was therefore only logical that the first thorough reform in Germany in 1948 was a “currency reform” with the introduction of the Deutsche Mark as a new monetary unit and at the same time the establishment of a fixed rate of exchange with the previous currency. // Compensation trading and the black market disappeared al most over night, people had confidence in the new currency, and markets were again price regulated. //


因此,唯一符合逻辑的是,1948 年西德进行的彻底改革属于“货币改革”,期间德国



2.1 缩略语记录法

许多初学者在数字记录时,往往会听到什么就直接在笔记本上记下什么,比如: 听到“九亿五千三百二十万八千”时,记作“9 亿5 千3 百20 万8 千”,或“9 亿5320 万8000”;听到“seventy-five million eight hundred and sixty-four thousand two hundred and fifteen” 时,记作75m 864t 215。


2.2 填空记录法


b, m, th, 十千百十亿, 亿万万,万万千,

百十个在这个“标尺”中,清楚地标出了中文和英文的数位,并对照起来。这样,译员在听到数字后,就可以直接把每个位数对齐填到相应的位置上。英译中时可以将数字填在“标尺” 上方,而中译英时就可以将数字填在“标尺”下方,然后对照着相应用另一中语言读出来即可。例如:

听到“seventy-three billion ninety-eight million four hundred and twelve thousand five hundred and ten”。

7 3 9 8 4 1 2 5 1 0 b, m, th,

十千百十亿, 亿万万,万万千, 百十个


听到“六十亿三千三百零五万七千零三十”。 b, m, th,

十千百十亿, 亿万万,万万千, 百十个 6 3 3 0 5 7 0 3

于是顺利译出“six billion thirty-three million fifty-seven thousand and thirty。

2.3 分节号记录法



一个分节号“,”用来表示“千”; 两个分节号“,,”,用来表示“百万”; 三个分节号“,,,”,用来表示“十亿”。



four thousand two hundred,可记录为4,2 eighty-five thousand,可记录为85, seven million,可记录为7,,

one billion three hundred and twenty million,可记录为1,,,320,,。



3.1 充分利用小数点


听到“六百七十四万两千”,可以直接在脑中将小数点点在million 这一位上,后面的位数就变成了小数位,从而转化为“6.742 百万”翻译成“six point seven four two million”;

听到“四十八万”,转化为“0.48 百万”,翻译成“zero point four eight million”;

听到“两亿五千万”,转化为“0.25 个十亿”,翻译成“zero point two five billion”。


3.2 数字的单位




毫米millimeter (mm) 厘米centimeter (cm) 分米decimeter (dm) 米meter (m)


公里/千米kilometer (km) 英里mile (mi) 英寸inch (in) 英尺foot (ft) 码yard (yd) 重量:

毫克milligram (mg) 克gram (g)

千克/公斤kilogram (kg) 吨ton (t) 磅pound (lb)

市斤half a kilogram 市两fifty grams 盎司ounce (oz) 面积:

平方米square meter (㎡) 平方尺square foot (ft2)

平方公里square kilometer (km2) 平方英里square mile (kmi2) 公顷hectare 英亩acre

市亩mu (667 square meters) 体积和容积:

立方米cubic meter (m3) 升liter (l)

毫升milliliter (ml)

立方英尺cubic mile (mi3) 品脱pint (pt) 加仑gallon (gl) 货币:

人民币元RMB/¥ 美元USD/$ 英镑pound/£ 欧元euro/¢ 港币HKD/$

日元Japanese yen/〒其它: 瓦特watt (w) 焦耳joule (j) 欧姆ohm

安培ampere (A)

度kilowatt per hour (kwh) 摄氏度degree Celsius (℃) 华氏度degree Fahrenheit (℉)


4.倍数的翻译 4.1 倍数的增加

中翻英时,表达“数字A 是数字B 的X 倍”,有两种翻译方法:“A is X times as large as B”或“A is X times larger than B”。正如前文所述,中英两种语言在这方面的表达存在差异, 这两种英语表达法意义是完全一样的,但由于第二种表达容易引起别人的误会,理解成“A 是B 的(X+1)倍”,所以最好避免使用。而在英翻中时,表达“A is X times as large as B”,也有两种翻译方法:“A 是B 的X 倍” 或“A 比B 大(X-1)倍”。第二种表达因为要经过换算,比较繁琐,所以最好避免使用。

4.2 倍数的减少

在中文中,我们是不会用倍数来表达数量的减少的,例如,我们不会说“A 比B 小X 倍”,而是用分数,表达为“A 比B 小几分之几”。因此,在翻译英语倍数的减少时,需要进行换算,具体规律是英语中所说的“X times smaller”,即是中文中的“减少了X-1/X”, 或“是1/X”。例如:

“A is four times smaller than B.”译为“A 比B 小四分之三”,或“A 是B 的四分之一”;

“A is six times smaller than B.”译为“A 比B 小六分之五”,或“A 是B 的四六分之一”。



冰冻三尺,非一日之寒Rome was not built in a day. 十年树木,百年树人It takes time to educate a person. 五湖四海/四面八方all over the world 三思而后行Look before you leap.

新官上任三把火A new broom sweeps clean. 一不做,二不休In for a penny, in for a pound



(总计)达到: add up to, amount to, hit, reach, stand at, total 增长:increase (to/by), go up, grow, rise

猛增:hike, jump up, shoot up, skyrocket, soar, surge, zoom 缓增:climb, pick up

下降:decrease (to/by), decline, drop, fall, go down, reduce 猛降:plummet, plunge, slash, tumble 稍降:dip, slip, trim


占:account for, cover, equal, equivalent to

超出:exceed, outnumber, outpace, outstrip, surpass 停滞:freeze, stagnate, stay


Exercise One

Instruction: Work in pairs. One student read the following figures aloud in the language given, the other take notes and then interpret them into the target language. Take turns to practice.

四千三百八十六 二百七十四点九 五万五千九百三十二 十一万零八百四十一 五十四万九千六百三十八 二百七十四万三千六百九十四 八千八百五十九万七千三百二十 二亿三千七百一十五万零二百三十六 十六亿八千九百九十万三千七百五十四 七百零四亿九千三百五十七万九千零四十八 One hundred and thirteen point eight four Six thousand four hundred and thirty-one Seventy hundred and forty-two

Eight hundred and thirty-seven thousand one hundred and five Nine hundred and sixty-five thousand and seventy-seven

Four million eight hundred and three thousand seven hundred and twelve

Ninety-four million two hundred and seventeen thousand eight hundred and twenty-six Five hundred and thirty million one hundred and thirty-nine thousand seven hundred and forty-seven

Two billion five hundred and thirty-three million eight hundred and five thousand one hundred and one

Thirty-seven billion nine hundred and twenty-five million four hundred and forty-one and thirty eight

Exercise Two

Instruction: Listen to the following texts once, and then start interpreting at the end of each segment.

Text 8.1 Finance and Marketing for the Guangzhou Asian Games

The city of Guangzhou has a thriving economy. During the 1999-2003 period, the city?s total fiscal revenues reached an average annual growth of 18%. As the economy is growing


steadily, it is estimated that by the year 2010 the revenues will exceed 9 billion USD per year. //

Sports undertakings are one of the prioritized sectors in government expenditure. The government?s investment in sports undertakings reached 13.9 million USD in 2002, and increased to 19.6 million in 2003.//

If Guangzhou is selected as the host city of the 2010 Asian Games, we shall be able to supply the required funds year by year for timely completing the stadiums, gymnasiums, and related facilities necessary for staging the Games. //

广州经济发达,财力雄厚。1999 年至2003 年,广州市财政收入累计195.4 亿美元, 年均增长速度达到18%。随着经济的持续稳定增长,预计到2010 年广州的财政收入将超过90 亿美元。//

体育事业是政府公共财力投入的重点领域之一,2002 年广州财政投入体育事业经费1390 万美元,2003 年增加到1960 万美元。//如广州获准承办2010 年亚运会,我们将确保举办亚运会所必需的公共财力,逐年安排资金,按时完成亚运体育场馆及配套设施的建设。//

A reliable plan for securing funds: To raise the funds for staging the 2010 Asian Games, we have drawn up a reliable plan, which falls into two parts. Part one is the non-OCAG budgetary estimates, which put the total investment at 1.1727 billion USD. Of this estimated total investment, 425.2 million USD will go to the construction of the sites, including the construction of new ones and renovation of the existing ones.//

723.4million USD will be spent on relevant facilities, including the Athletes? Village, the Media Village, the Press Center, tree planting and environmental protection around these places. The funds for this purpose are to be raised by the government and non-government sectors together. //

为解决举办2010 年亚运会所需要的资金,我们编制了合理稳妥的资金计划。分为两大部分:第一部分为非组委会概算,总投入为11.727 亿美元。其中,场馆设施计划投资为4.252 亿美元,包括新建场馆和现有体育场馆的更新改造投资。//

配套设施投资7.234 亿美元,主要建设亚运村、记者村、新闻中心、场馆道路绿化和环境保护等设施。资金由政府和民间共同筹集。//

Part two is the OCAG budgetary estimates. The total revenues would be 205 million USD, and the total expenditure 202 million USD. Of the total expenditure, 52 million USD would be spent on staging the Games, which is to be used mainly by the competition division of the OCAG and the competition committees for individual events.// 48.75 million USD would be spent on publicity and promotion, mainly in China, but also in Asia and other parts of the world, the latter to be carried out by the OCAG and the OCA.//

第二部分为组委会概算。收入总额为2.05 亿美元,支出总额为2.02 亿美元。支出项目中,安排竞赛费用5200 万美元,主要包括组委会竞赛部和各单项竞委会组织各项比赛需要的费用;//安排宣传推广及文化等费用4875 万美元,主要包括国内宣传推广及文化等费用,以及亚组委与亚奥理事会在亚洲及世界范围内共同进行的宣传推广费用。//

These scientific and prudent budgetary estimates have been worked out in strict accordance with the requirements set by the OCA for hosting the Games. Each item contains a reasonable allowance for unforeseen spending.// In conclusion, if Guangzhou is selected as the host city, we


can guarantee the financial resources for staging the Games. This guarantee lies mainly in the government?s commitment and huge investment. It also lies in the steady development of China?s economy and the improvement of the Chinese people?s living standard. //

概算支出是科学的、实事求是的,能够有效保障举办2010 年亚运会所必须的各项支出的需要。每项支出中都安排有合理数额的不可预见费用。//


(2004 年4 月15 日广州亚申委陈述报告会,“财政与市场开发”陈述人孙雷向亚奥理事会申亚评估团的陈述,节选)

Key Words:

fiscal revenue: 财政收入 undertakings: 事业

non-OCAG budgetary estimates: 非组委会概算 Athletes’Village: 亚运村 Media Village: 记者村

OCAG budgetary estimates: 组委会概算

OCAG: (The Organizing Committee of the Asian Games)亚组委 OCA:(The Olympic Council of Asia)亚奥理事会 prudent: 谨慎的

Text 8.2 The Status Quo of China?s Economy

Last year China used 40% of world?s cement, 27% of world?s steel, 25% of the world?s aluminum, 30% of iron ore, and 31% of the world?s coal, as its growth continued to outpace each and every country in the world. Last year China used 7% of the world crude oil becoming the second largest oil consumer in the world. //


The Chinese economy, the 6th largest in the world, is growing at and annual rate of around 9%, three times as fast as the Group of Seven industrialized economies. As US$1.24 trillion, China?s GDP is just 10%of that of US?s 11 trillion dollars and almost a third of Japan?s economy, the world?s second largest.//

中国经济为世界第六大,而且正以9%的年增长率高速发展着,这一速度是七国集团工业化经济体的三倍。中国的GDP 达到12,400 亿美元,仅占美国GDP11 万亿美元的10%,却是世界第二大经济体日本GDP 的近三分之一。//

In 2003, China?s imports grew by 41% to US$477 billion and exports grew by 40% to US$495 billion. In 2003 China surpassed Japan to become the third largest importing economy in the world after US and Germany. This makes China not just an exporter of products, but the third


largest and most valued and coveted customer in the world.//

2003 年,中国的进口增长41%,达到4770 亿美元,出口增长40%,达到4950 亿美元。2003 年,中国超过日本,成为世界第三大进口国,仅次于美国和德国。这使得中国不仅仅是产品的出口国,也是世界第三大,并且最受重视、令人觊觎的消费者。//

By the end of July 2003, China had attracted 446,441 foreign invested enterprises with a contractual value of 887.2 billion US dollars. Last year China attracted 52.7 billion US dollars earning China the number one rank by UNCTAD as the recipient of most Foreign Direct Investment in the world.//

截至2003 年7 月底,已经有446,441 家外商投资企业进入中国,合同金额达到8872 亿美元。去年,中国吸收了527 亿美元外资,被联合国贸易和发展会议列为世界上第一大外商直接投资吸收国。//

A major factor that has spurred American Investment in Guangdong is the provincial and local commitments to the environment. For example, during the 10th Five-Year Plan, Guangdong Local and Provincial Governments Committed approximately 150 billion RMB or USD 18.1 billion to address environmental issues.// This includes: 44.2 billion RMB or USD 5.3 billion on measures to clean up the Pearl River and to build 16 municipal treatment plants. 3.18 billion RMB or USD 383 million to clean up Yue Dong River, Lian River, and Feng River and build 63 municipal treatment plants. // 22.4 billion RMB or USD 2.7billion on the waste management including 115 solid waste treatment and disposal facilities. 5.7 billion RMB or USD 686 million on the “Blue Sky Project”, including RMB 3.5 billion or USD 421 million on desulfurization on flue gas.//

在广东,省政府和地方政府对于环境的重视,是刺激美商投资的一个主要因素。例如,在“十五”期间,广东省级和地方政府投入了约1500 亿元人民币(折合181 亿美元)用于解决环境问题。// 这其中包括: 442 亿元人民币(折合53 亿美元),用于治理珠江,建造163 间城市废物处理厂。31.8 亿元人民币(折合3 亿8300 万美元),用于治理东江、连江、丰江,并建造63 间城市废物处理厂。// 224 亿元人民币(折合27 亿美元),用于废物处理,包括115 套固体废物处理设备。57 亿元人民币(折合6 亿8600 亿美元),进行“蓝天工程”,包括投入35 亿元人民币(折合4 亿2100 万美元)用于废气的脱硫处理。//

(2004 年10 月13 日第六届中国国际高新技术成果交易会,广东美国商会会长Harley Seyedin 的演讲“The Status Quo and the Future of American Enterprises Doing Business in China”,节选)

Key Words: iron ore: 铁矿石 crude oil: 原油

Group of Seven: 七国集团 covet: 觊觎,垂涎

contractual value: 合同金额

UNCTAD:(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)联合国贸易和发展会议 spur: 刺激


Yue Dong River: 东江 Lian River: 连江 Feng River: 丰江 solid waste: 固体废物

“Blue Sky Project”: 蓝天工程 desulfurization: 脱硫 flue gas: 废气

Text 8.3 CEPA 之后的粤港经济合作



With the concerted efforts of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, we shall build the Greater Pearl River Delta into one of the most prosperous and dynamic economic centers of the world. With this target and under the principles of “forwardness, comprehensiveness, pragmatism and mutual benefit”, Guangdong and Hong Kong have seized the opportunity provided by CEPA, actively fostered cooperation in all areas including economy and trade, tourism, tertiary industry and customs clearance and have thus obtained achievements in the following eight major areas://

经贸合作成果丰硕。2003 年粤港进出口总值(含转口)2054.6 亿美元,同比增长23.5%; 今年1-9 月,粤港进出口总值(含转口)2537.2 亿美元,同比增长26.4%。//

Great progress in economic and trade cooperation –In 2003, the total import and export volume of Guangdong and Hong Kong (including transit trade) amounted to 205.46 billion USD, representing an increase of 23.5% compared with the same period of the previous year; from January to September, the import and export volume of Guangdong and Hong Kong (including transit trade) totaled 253.72 billion USD, increasing by 26.4% over the same period of last year. //

至2004 年9月底,广东经批准的港资企业累计达80690 家,实际吸收香港直接投资累计985 亿美元,2003 年实际利用港资86.46 亿美元,增长23.9%;//今年1 至9月,广东经批准的港资企业共3746 家,按新口径统计,实际吸收港资40 亿美元。// 服务业合作方兴未艾。CEPA 签署实施以来,香港物流、金融、保险、会计、法律、会展等服务业及专业人士加快进入我省投资发展。//

By the end of September 2004, Guangdong had approved 80690 Hong Kong-funded enterprises, with a direct investment of 98.5 billion USD. Actual utilization of Hong Kong funds of 2003 amounted to 8.646 billion USD, an increase of 23.9%. //From January to September this year, a further 3746 Hong Kong-funded enterprises were approved, with an actual utilization of Hong Kong funds reaching 4 billion USD, according to the new method of calculation.// Rapid development in the cooperation of the tertiary industry –Since CEPA was signed and came to effect, a number of Hong Kong professional personnel in the tertiary industry areas of logistics, finance, insurance, accounting, law and conference and exhibition have sped up their participation and investment in the development of our Province. //

至9 月30 日,经广东口岸进口享受零关税待遇的香港产品价值5 亿港元,累计减免


关税3059 万元人民币。享受零关税优惠进口的港澳货品日渐增多,共涉及60 多个税号的商品。//

旅游合作成效显著。“个人赴港澳旅游”政策成功实施,至今年10 月31 日,我省共签发赴香港个人游签注432 万个,持个人游签注赴港407 万人次。//

Up to September 30, 500 million HKD worth of imported goods of Hong Kong origin had entered Guangdong customs enjoying the zero tariff treatment, which represents a total reduction of 30.59 million RMB tariff. Moreover, more imported goods of Hong Kong and Macao origin are now enjoying the zero tariff favorable treatment, amounting to over 60 tariff items.//

Rapid development of tourism –After the successful launching of the “Scheme of Individual Visit to Hong Kong and Macao”, Up to October 31 this year, Guangdong had issued 4.32 million visas for individual visit to Hong Kong, and residents in Guangdong had already made 4.07 million visits to Hong Kong with individual visit visas. //

联合推介“大珠三角”成效显著。今年10 月下旬,粤港联合到欧洲举行经贸交流会, 联合推介“大珠三角”。//共签订投资和贸易项目总额达47.6 亿美元,其中外商投资项目201 个,吸收外资总额26.2 亿美元,贸易成交金额21.4 亿美元,扩大了粤港和“大珠三角”的国际影响。//

Effective joint promotion of the “Greater Pearl River Delta”–Following Guangdong and Hong Kong?s joint promotion tours to Japan and South Korea, the two parties co-organized a trade promotion tour to Europe at the end of October to jointly promote the Greater Pearl River Delta. //In this latest promotion tour, we signed investment and trade contracts worth of 4.76 billion USD, among which 201 are foreign business investment projects. We have attracted total foreign investment of up to 2.62 billion USD and trade deals of up to 2.14 billion USD and have made the Greater Pearl

River Delta known more widely to the international community.

(2004 年11 月4 日第七届香港特别行政区行政长官特设国际顾问委员会会议,广东省省长黄华华的演讲,节选)

Key Words:

前瞻:forwardness 务实:pragmatism

口岸通关:customs clearance

同比:compared with the same period of the previous year 港资企业:Hong Kong-funded enterprises 新口径:new methods of calculation 服务业:tertiary industry 税号:tariff items

个人赴港澳旅游:individual visits to Hong Kong and Macau 大珠三角:Greater Pearl River Delta

Text 8.4 广州经济概况




平方公里,人口超过1000 万人。//

Lying in the southern part of China?s mainland and on the north rim of the Pearl River Delta, Guangzhou is next to the South China Sea and adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao. Governing ten districts and two county-level cities, Guangzhou covers an area of 7347.4 square kilometers with a population of over 10 million. //

改革开放20 多年来,广州的生产总值翻了四番多,至2004 年,达到4115.81 亿元,按户籍人口计算,人均GDP 为5.63 万元,按2004 年平均汇率折算,约合6800 美元,综合经济实力在国内大城市中位居前列,


In the past twenty years since China?s reform and opening-up, Guangzhou?s GDP has been octupled to reach 411.581 billion RMB with per capita GDP hitting 56,300 RMB measured by the registered population (or $6,800 calculated at the average foreign exchange rate of 2004), placing it the third among the Chinese cities in terms of aggregate economic strength next only to Shanghai and Beijing. //

20 多年来,广州累计实际使用外资300 多亿美元,90 个国家和地区的外商历年累计在广州直接投资项目15000 个,其中,仅美国的外商投资项目就达500 多个。//

In this period, Guangzhou has utilized more than $30 billion foreign investment in accumulation, with foreign direct investment from 90 countries and regions going to 15,000 projects, 500 of which are funded by American businesses. //

2004 年,广州对外贸易进出口总额达到1447.96 亿美元,比上年增长28.2%。至年末,有70 多个国家和地区的外商在广州投资设立了7933 家外资企业和2000 多个外商办事机构。世界500 强企业已有127 家进入广州,共设立227 个项目,投资总额合计71.8 亿美元。//

In 2004, the import and export volume totaled $144.796 billion, a year-on-year jump of 28.2%. By the end of the same year, foreign investors from 90 countries and regions had set up 7,933 companies and over 2,000 representative offices in Guangzhou, including 127 Fortune 500 companies who had invested $7.18 in 227 projects. //

至2004 年底,广州拥有商品交易市场1600 个,超1 亿元的批发市场有94 个,年成交额达521.79 亿元,居全国领先水平;2004 年,我市餐饮业实现增加值93.84 亿元,实现零售额300.45 亿元;//

By the end of last year, it had set up more than 1,600 trade markets, including 94 wholesale markets whose single trade volume exceed 100 million RMB and total annual volume reached 52.179 billion RMB, taking the lead in China. In 2004, it reported added value of 9.384 billion RMB and retail volume of 30.045 billion RMB in catering industry. //

我市社会消费品零售总额连续十多年在全国十大城市中仅次于上海和北京,名列第三位,占广东省消费品零售总额的近三成,2004 年,全市社会消费品零售总额达1675.05 亿元。//

Its retail volume of social consumer products, standing at 167.505 billion RMB in 2004,


ranks the third in China for over ten consecutive years, following Shanghai and Beijing, making up for one third of that of Guangdong Province. //

(2005 年3 月16 日美国商会亚太地区年会,广州市副市长王晓玲的演讲,节选)

Key Words:

南海:South China Sea 毗邻:be adjacent to

县级市:county-level city 翻四番:octuple

户籍人口:registered population

综合经济实力:aggregate economic strength 累计:in accumulation

办事机构:representative office

世界500 强企业:Fortune 500 enterprises 商品交易市场:trade markets

社会消费品:social consumer products

第二十九单元 同声传译应对策略


同声传译工作是一项非常具有挑战性的工作,对译员各方面的知识要求都比较高。普通发言人的讲话速度一般为每分钟150 字左右,而译员的翻译速度要远远超过这个速度,所以即使是有经验而且有经受过专业训练的译员也会在口译过程中遇到各种问题。这些问题要求我们使用一些常用的应对策略,使整个的口译工作能够顺利进行。以下介绍一些经常使用的同声传译应对策略。




在处理长句时,可以使用“Salami Technique”。Salami 是一种意大利蒜味咸香肠。其成品既长又大,外表丑陋无比,给人的第一感觉是一种难以下咽的食物。但是,在切成薄薄的一片片放在装饰美丽的盘子里,其形状与色调都发生了很大变化,颇能吊起人们的食欲。


“意大利蒜味咸香肠”经常被用来比喻在复杂事物后面总能找到解决问题的简单方法。在很多的领域,都可以看到Salami 技巧这样的术语。

同声传译中的Salami Technique

主要是指一种化繁为简,切分句子的技巧。在一些正式会议场合经常会遇到一些很长并且复杂的句子,由于中文英文之间在句子结构等方面的差异,所以同传过程中必须对这些句子进行加工处理。把一个整的长句,化解成若干个小句子, 使得同传中更容易争取时间,避免信息丢失,内容更易于理解。

如: Strange behavior on the part of whales in the southern Atlantic has been observed over a number of years now. A team of marine scientists has come up with a new theory to explain this behavior. But considerable controversy has arisen in Argentina about the theory.

译文:人们发现南大西洋的鲸鱼行为怪异。// 人们经过多年的观察发现的。//


翻译长句,除要注意根据意群,将其切断为简单句外,还有一个关键要掌握,即英文句子之所以长和复杂,那是为了避免重复使用同一个词,于是用who, which, that 代替主词和宾语,因而使句子变得很长。而中文则不怕重复使用同一词语。例如: That is the single monetary policy which will be discussed at the next European Union Conference.

这里,英文中为了避免在第二句话中重复single monetary policy ,将其简化成一个which ,并将两个句子合为一句复合句。在译成中文时,可以不怕重复,译为\那就是单一的货币制度,这个货币制度将在下一届欧洲联盟会议上进行讨论。\


How can the European Union contribute to the development of a European film and television programme industry which is competitive in the would market, forward looking and capable of radiating the influence of European culture an d of creating jobs in Europe?


2. 倒装句的处理 英、汉语的语序差别很大,这就给口译造成了较大困难。例如: Japan surrendered in 1945 after Americans dropped two atom bombs 。同声传译时,往往是刚刚译出前半句\日本人在1945 年投降了\,接着又出现了后半句\美国人投了两颗原子弹后\。在这种情况下,


如果译员已按英文语序译出,只好把句子重新组合,再重复说一遍。但这又显得翻译水平不高。如何处理好呢?以下二种方法不妨试一试。第一种:译员不要接得太紧,而是等讲话的人将大部分句子说出后,再开始翻译。但是,在快速的同声传译中,往往等不了这样长的时间。这样,我们可以采取第二种方法:将一个句子断为二、三个简单句,在简单句之间,适当补充一些字、词,把它们有机地联结起来。上述例句可以译成: \日本人投降了,那是在1945 年,在这之前,美国人投了两颗原子弹。\



英语常用被动语态,相对来说,汉语则多用主动语态。了解这一点,在互译时,就会避免译出英文式的中文,或中文式的英文。例如: In some of the European countries the people are given the biggest social benefit such as medical insurance.


在有些欧洲国家里,人民享受到最广泛的社会福利,如医疗保险等等。\ 在同声传译时,由于时间紧迫,译员很容易顺着英文的句子结构往下译, 译成\?? 人民被给予最大的社会福利??\。仔细听国际会议的同声传译,就会发现不少译员经常犯这一通病。因此,应当引起足够的重视。



受过专业训练的译员不应该出现很多听不懂的地方。但有时难免由于疲倦或偶尔分心, 出现个别词语没有听清楚或没听懂的情况。在翻译过程中,如果该词是不会影响到译员理解的非关键词,如起修饰作用的形容词、副词等,译员可以不去计较,而应该把主要精力放在翻译语篇的意思上。在翻译过程中切忌因为个别的问题词语(problematic word)而让思维停留,这样整个翻译的质量都会受到影响。另外,译员应培养自己的猜测和预测能力。当然, 事先充分了解必要的背景材料和知识是十分重要的。这样做,译员就能心中有数,知道讲话人要谈什么方面的内容。译员在这个基础上进行翻译,即使遇到个别不会的词,根据上下文,



同声传译,又要同步,又要快速和准确,难免发生错误、漏译和误译。如何在现场纠正同传过程中的错误,这也是一门技巧。译员发现自己译错后,应该从容不迫,利用后面的翻译内容自然地纠错。纠错时一定让人听的自然。如果不是严重误译,一般不必对着听众说“对不起,我刚刚翻译错了? ”。这样会影响听众对译员的信心,也会占用翻译的时间。纠错时要象平时交谈中纠正语病一样,力求自然。


如果是在交替传译的场合,译员可以要求发言人的讲话速度慢些。但同声译员一般坐在离发言人很远的口译箱里,请发言人讲得稍慢些是不可能的了。这时译员一定要稳住,不能着急,要仔细分析整段的内容,紧紧抓住中心思想译出即可。在翻译过程中,尽量整段整段地处理来自发言人的信心,然后使用概括法(generalization)、简约法(simplification)等同传策略译出源语的主要思想。另外也要求译员提高自己讲话的速度,赢得时间处理更多的信息。一般发言人的讲话速度是每分钟150 字左右,但同声传译译员的讲话速度有时会超过


每分钟250 字,有时甚至更快。


科技发展日新月异,新词新语层出不穷。同声译员经常会在翻译过程中遇到一些以前没听说过,甚至词典上都没有出现过的新词新语。这类词语都是要求译员在很快的时间内找出合适的译入语。译员一般采取以下措施:(1)根据语境判断词义。(2)采用“parrot repetition” 的形式直接重复该词。如经常出现的有关信息技术的术语:IT、Internet 等。同声传译要求译员在同一时间内同时做几样事情,所以经常会遇到难以应付的场面。这就要求译员平时就养成学习的好习惯,对新词新语、新知识等始终保持旺盛的求知欲望,在语言与知识两个方面不断武装自己,做到有备无患。

第二部分 练习篇


Simultaneous Interpreting. Listen to the following texts. Start to interpret after the speaker delivers the first sentence or half of the first sentence.

Text 1.1

I am very pleased to make some opening remarks at this important event. The British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, has made faster development in Africa one of his two priorities for the British Presidency of the G8 and EU in 2005. In May last year, he set up the Commission for Africa. The Commission's report was formally launched in London, Addis Ababa and New York on 11 March. Its aim is to provide a coherent set of policies to accelerate progress towards a strong and prosperous Africa. There are copies of the summary of the report in English, Chinese and French available today.

我非常荣幸能为此次盛会致开幕词。英国首相托尼.布莱尔认为加速促进非洲发展是英国2005 年担任八国高峰会议以及欧盟轮值主席的两项重要议程之一。他于去年五月启动了非洲委员会。今年3 月11


I am also pleased to welcome two distinguished individuals who served as members of the Commission - Mrs Linah Mohohlo of Botswana and His Excellency Ji Peiding of China. I will introduce them formally when I invite them to make speeches.

我非常高兴地欢迎我的两位杰出的同仁——非洲委员会委员Linah Mohohlo 夫人和吉佩定阁下的到来。在邀请二位发言的时候,我再详细为大家介绍二位。

China's impact on the world economy has been immense. It has led the way in reducing poverty. Around 400 million of China's people were lifted out of poverty between 1981 and 2001. Over the last few years, China's growth and demand for resources have fuelled growth and helped


