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摘 要 在新农村建设中,各级政府都要高度重视文化建设,以此为突破口大力弘扬社会主义主旋律,丰富群众文化生活,提升生活质量,促进和谐社会建设。社区文化建设应当紧扣住四个方面的重点:发挥宣传阵地作用,营造新农村建设浓厚氛围;发挥信息媒体作用,引导新农村建设良好风尚;发挥文艺团体作用,打造新农村建设精神品牌;发挥专题活动作用,激发新农村建设干事热情。

关键词 社区文化建设 新农村建设 分析研究 中图分类号:C912 文献标识码:A

Make the Community Culture Become a Beautiful Landscape of New Rural Construction HU Jiayou

(Sheyang Qianqiu Community Education Center, Yancheng, Jiangsu 224300)

Abstract In the new rural construction, governments at all levels should attach great importance to cultural development, as a breakthrough to vigorously promote the social subject theme and enrich the cultural life and enhance quality of life, promote a harmonious society. Community Cultural Development should focus on four areas to live closely: to play the role of advocacy positions, creating a thick atmosphere of the new rural construction; role of the media to play a message, a good habit to guide new rural construction; role play arts organizations, to create the spirit of the brand new countryside construction; play the role of special events, to stimulate enthusiasm for the new rural construction officer.

Key words community culture construction; new rural construction; analysis and research 在新农村建设中,文化建设是非常重要的组成部分,其对净化农村风气、引领良好风尚和丰富群众文化生活等方面具有重要作用。当前,各级部门都应当重视社区文化建设工作,立足于社区发展实际,发掘文化潜力资源,使其成为新农村建设一道亮丽风景。 1 发挥宣传阵地作用,营造新农村建设浓厚氛围

