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Unit One

1. 时间是世界上最容易浪费,也是最难以把握的东西。

A: Times are easiest thing in the world to waste and the most difficult thing to control. B: Time is the easiest thing in the world to waste and the most difficult to control. C: Time is easiest thing to waste and most difficult thing to control.

D: Times are the easiest thing in the world to waste and most difficult thing to control. 2. 如果他被迫去做他不乐意做的事,他不可能高兴。

A: If he is compelled to do that he is unwilling to do, he can not be happiness. B: If he compels to do that he enjoys doing, he can be happy.

C: If he is compelled to do what he does not enjoy doing, he can not be happy. D: If he compels to do what he is willing to do, he can not be happiness. 3. 学生应该正视学习中的困难,而不要逃避他们。

A: Students should confront the difficulties in their studies instead of escaping from


B: Students should face up to difficulties in their studies instead of to escape from


C: Students should encounter difficulty in their studies instead of to escape from them. D: Students should be faced with the difficulty in their studies instead of escaping

from them.

4. 今天他起得很早,以免开会迟到。

A:He rises early this morning in case that he might not be late for conference. B:He gets up early this morning in order to he could not be late for conference. C:He rose early this morning in case that he might not be late for the conference. D:He got up early this morning in order that he would not be late for the conference. 5. 多数人已经开始认识到,我们必须节约资源。

A:Most people have come to be aware of what we must conserve resource. B:Most people have come to realize that we must conserve resources. C:Most of people have come to be aware of that we must conserve resource. D:Most of people have come to realize what we must conserve resources.

Unite Two

第- 1 -页 共10页

1. 电脑在我们的日常生活中起着非常重要的作用。

A: Computer plays a very important role on our daily life.

B: Computer plays dramatically important role in our daily life. C: Computers play a very important part in our daily life.

D: Computers play dramatically important part on our daily life. 2. 由你决定邀请谁来参加下周的聚会。

A: You decide whom will be invited to the party the next week. B: It is up to you who will be invited to the party next week. C: You decide who will invite to the party the next week. D: It is up on you who will invite to the party next week. 3. 这部电影使我回想起了在北京所看到的情景。

A: The movie calls up my memory for what I saw in Beijing. B: The movie reminds me for that I have seen in Beijing. C: The movie calls up my memory of that I saw in Beijing. D: The movie reminds me of what I have seen in Beijing. 4. 直到天黑了,他才意识到太晚了而无法回家。

A: He realized it was too late to go home until it wasn’t dark. B: He didn’t realize it was very late to go home until it was dark. C: He realized it was very late to go home until it was dark. D: He didn’t realize it was too late to go home until it was dark. 5. Jack买不起他极想要得那种照相机,因为那种照相机太贵了。

A: Jack could not afford buying the camera he was longed for because the price was

too expensive.

B: Jack could not afford to buy the camera he longed for because it was too expensive. C: Jack could not afford buying the camera he longed for because the price was too expensive.

D: Jack could not afford to buy the camera he was longed for because it was too expensive.

Unit Three

1. 他再三强调的是,不管有多少困难,他们都不应该放弃。

A: That he emphasized three times again was that, no matter how difficult might be it,

they should never give in.

B: What he emphasized over and over again was that, no matter how difficult it might

be, they should never give up.

C: That he emphasized over and over again was that, no matter how difficult it might

be, they might never give up.

D: What he emphasized many times was that, no matter how difficult might be it, they

might never give in.

第- 2 -页 共10页

2. 该系统的设计使得用户能够快速简便地获得所需的信息。

A: The system has designed to deliver the required informations quickly and easily. B: The system has been designed to give the user quick and easy access to the

required information.

C: The system has designed to give the user quick and easy access to the required


D: The system has been designed to deliver the required information to the user. 3. 只有这样我们才能赶上并超过世界先进科学技术水平。

A: Only in this way can we catch up with and surpass the world’s advanced levels of

science and technology.

B: Only in this way we can keep up with and surpass the world’s advanced levels of

science and technology.

C: Only in this way we can put up and surpass the world’s advanced levels of science

and technology.

D: Only in this way can we keep up and surpass the world’s advanced levels of

science and technology.

4. 他对公司的财务状况一无所知,结果未能采取有效的措施。

A: His ignorance of the company’s financial situation resulted by his failure to take

effective step.

B: His ignorance of the company’s financial situation resulted in his failure to take

effective measure.

C: His ignorance of the company’s financial situation resulted by his failure to take

effective steps.

D: His ignorance of the company’s financial situation resulted in his failure to take

effective measures.

5. 来信收悉,若能详细告知合作方式,将不胜感激。

A: We have accepted your letter and would be grateful if you would tell us in detail

the way of cooperation.

B: We have received your letter and would be grateful if you would tell us more detail

the way of cooperation.

C: We have received your letter and would be grateful if you would tell us in detail the

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way of cooperation.

D: We have accepted your letter and would be grateful if you would tell us more detail

the way of cooperation.

Unit Four

1. 这封信必须交给约翰本人。

A: The letter should be to be handed to John himself. B: The letter must be to hand to John by himself. C: The letter could be to hand to John himself. D: The letter might be to be handed to John by himself. 2. 成功在于勤奋,这句话很正确。 A: It is truly that success lies in diligent. B: It is true that success lies in diligence. C: It is of truth that success lies to diligent. D: It is of truth that success lies to diligence. 3. 我们常常发现运用一个规律比懂得它要难得多。

A: We often find it is much difficult to apply a rule than to know it. B: We often find it much more difficult in applying a rule than know it. C: We often find it is much difficult in applying a rule than know it. D: We often find it much more difficult to apply a rule than to know it. 4. 每一个人都希望这个乏味的讨论马上结束。

A: Everyone hopes that the bored discussing can come to the end soon. B: Everyone hopes that the bored discussion can be come to an end soon. C: Everyone hopes that the boring discussion can come to an end soon. D: Everyone hopes that the boring discussing can be come to the end soon. 5. 尽管困难重重,我们仍决心执行我们的计划。

A: In spite of all difficulties, we determined to carry with our plan. B: In spite of all the difficulties, we determined to carry up our plan. C: In spite of all the difficulties, we decide to carry on our plan. D: In spite of all difficulties, we are determined to carry out our plan.

Unit Five

第- 4 -页 共10页

1. 小时候,我总告诉妹妹说狼来了,把她吓得直哭。

A:As a boy, I used to intimidating my sister into crying by telling her what a wolf will


B:As a boy, I was used to intimidate my sister into crying by telling her what a wolf


C:As a boy, I was used to intimidating my sister into crying by telling her that a wolf

was coming.

D:As a boy, I used to intimidate my sister into crying by telling her that a wolf will


2. 代沟美国有,中国也有。

A: Generation gap exists in the United States as well as China. B: Generation gap exist in the United States as well as China. C: Generation gap exist in China as well as in the United States. D: Generation gap exists in China as well as in the United States. 3. 这是一次重要的会议,请务必不要迟到。

A: This is the important meeting; Please see to it that you are not late to it. B: This is an important meeting; Please see to it that you should be not late for it. C: This is the important meeting; Please see to it that you should be not late for it. D: This is an important meeting; Please see to it that you are not late to it. 4. 既然你计划移居加拿大,那你必须努力适应寒冷的气候。

A: Now that you are planning to move for Canada, you must try adjusting to a cold


B: Now that you are planning to move to Canada, you must try adjusting to a cold


C: Now that you are planning to move to Canada, you must try to adapt to a cold


D: Now that you are planning to move for Canada, you must try to adapt to a cold


5. 那位年轻女士太激动,以至情不自禁地提起了婚姻话题。

A: So excited was the young lady that she can not help speaking of the subject of


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B: So exciting was the young lady that she can not help to bring up the subject of


C: So exciting was the young lady that she can not help bringing up the subject of


D: So excited was the young lady that she can not help to speak of the subject of


Unit Six

1. 玛丽过去除了咖啡什么都不喝。

A: Mary is used to drink nothing but coffee. B: Mary used to drink nothing but coffee. C: Mary is used to drinking anything but coffee. D: Mary used to drinking anything but coffee. 2. 对于年轻人来说,独立思考问题的能力很重要。

A: As for the young, the ability to think independently is very important. B: As for the young, a ability to think dependently is more important. C: As for the young, the ability to think dependent is much more important. D: As for the young, a ability to think independent is so important. 3. 无论多么困难,我都不会失去信心。

A: No matter what difficult it is, I won’t never lose my faith. B: No matter what is it difficult, I will never lose my faith. C: No matter how difficult it is, I will never lose my faith. D: No matter how difficult is it, I won’t never lose my faith. 4. 除了英语,你最好再学一门外语。

A: Besides English, you’d better to learn the other foreign language. B: Except English, you might as well learn the other foreign language. C: In addition to English, you’d better learn another foreign language. D: Apart from English, you might as well learn another foreign language. 5. 我们的新产品非常受欢迎,对此我们感到十分自豪。

A: Our new products are very popularly, of which we are so proud. B: Our new products are very popular, of which we are very proud.

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C: Our new products are so popularly, which we are very proud. D: Our new products are so popular, which we are so proud.

Unit Seven:

1. 你吓得我突然惊跳起来。 A: You scared me with a start! B: You scared of me with the start! C: You scared me with a start suddenly! D: You scared of me with start suddenly! 2. 小孩子不能明辨是非。

A: Children cannot tell right from wrong. B: Children cannot tell the right from wrong.

C: The Children cannot distinguish the right out of wrong. D: The Children cannot distinguish right of wrong. 3. 我相信你们迟早会习惯的。

A:I am sure you will be got used to it. B:I am sure you will get used for it. C:I am sure that you will be got used for it. D:I am sure that you will get used to it. 4. 你读了李教授推荐的那本小说了吗?

A: Do you read the novel which it was recommended from Professor Li? B: Do you read the novel which was recommended by Professor Li? C: Did you read the novel which it was recommended from Professor Li? D: Did you read the novel which was recommended by Professor Li? 5. 没有向导的话,我们要走出深林是很困难的。

A: It is very difficult of us to go through the forest if there is not a guider. B: It is very difficult for us to go through the forest without a guide. C: It is very difficult of us to go the forest if there is not a guider. D: It is very difficult for us to go the forest without a guide.

Unit Eight:

第- 7 -页 共10页

1. 应该由你来承担一切后果。

A: You supposed to bear the whole consequences. B: You are supposed to bear all the consequences. C: You supposed to stand all consequences. D: You are supposed to stand all consequences. 2. 我对该队获胜的可能性表示怀疑。

A:I am skeptical of the team’s chances of win. B:I am suspicious for the team’s chances of winning. C:I am skeptical of the team’s chances of winning. D:I suspect the team’s chance of the winning. 3. 我们今天出发还是明天出发,对我来说没什么关系。

A: It’ll make no difference to me if we start off today or tomorrow. B: It’ll make not a difference to me if we start off today or tomorrow. C: It’ll make no difference to me whether we start off today or tomorrow. D: It’ll make not a difference to me whether we start off today or tomorrow. 4. 我们应该修建新的公路,我认为这是理所当然的。 A:I take it for granted that we should build new roads. B:I take it to granted that we should build new road. C:I take it to granted that we should construct new roads. D:I take it for granted that we should construct new road.

5. 没有学位和办公室的工作经验,这位年轻人和我们一样都不适合干秘书的工作。 A: Without a degree and with no experience of doing the office work, the young man

is not more fit to be a secretary than us.

B: Without a degree and with no experience of doing the office work, the young man

is no more fit to be a secretary than us.

C: Without a degree and with no experience of doing office work, the young man is

not more fit to be a secretary than us.

D: Without a degree and with no experience of doing office work, the young man is no

more fit to be a secretary than us.

Unit Nine:

第- 8 -页 共10页

1. 有些故事实在不能令人相信。

A: Some of the stories were really much than can be believed. B: Some of the stories were really more than can be believed. C: Some of the stories were really much than could be believed. D: Some of the stories were really more than could be believed. 2. 金属有许多有用的特性,其中强度是最重要的。

A: Metal has many useful properties, of which strength is the most important. B: Metal has many useful properties, of which strength is most important. C: Metal has many useful properties, in which strength is more important. D: Metal has many useful properties, in which strength is the most important. 3. 就他的性格而言,他是不会改变自己的主意的。

A: He is constitutionally capable of changing his opinions. B: He is constitutionally incapable of change his opinions. C: He is constitutionally capable of change his opinions. D: He is constitutionally incapable of changing his opinions. 4. 我确实知道,现在有不少母亲太过于溺爱自己的孩子了。

A:I really know that quite few mothers nowadays are too protective of their own


B:I know for sure that quite a few mothers nowadays are too protective of their own


C:I really know that quite few mothers can not nowadays spoil their children too


D:I know in sure that quite a few mothers can not nowadays spoil their own children

too much.

5. 虽然他没经历过许多的冒险,但是他有丰富的想象力,喜欢冒险。

A: He had very strong imagination and he loved adventures although he did not have

many great adventure himself.

B: He had very strong imagination and he loved adventure although he did not have

many a great adventures himself.

C: He had a very strong imagination and he loved adventure although he did not have

many great adventures himself.

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D: He had a very strong imagination and he loved adventures although he did not have

many a great adventure himself.

Unit Ten:

1. 楼道里弥漫着烟雾。

A: The corridor was filled of smoke. B: The corridor was full of smoke. C: The corridor was filled of smokes. D: The corridor was full of smokes. 2. 没有什么值得后悔的。

A: There is anything to be worth regretting. B: There is nothing to be regretted. C: There is nothing to regret. D: There is anything to be regretted. 3. 明天的这个时候将有一场足球赛。

A: There will be a football match this time tomorrow. B: There will be a football match at this time tomorrow. C: There will be a football at this time tomorrow. D: There will be football this time tomorrow. 4. 要不是你的劝告,我是不会做这份工作的。

A: But for your advice, I would not have done this work. B: Without your advice, I would not able to do this works. C: Without your advice, I could not finish this works. D: But for your advice, I would not be able to finish this work. 5. 他是这些男孩中受到奖励的唯一一个。

A: He was the only one of the boy who were giving a prize. B: He was the only one of the boys who was given prize. C: He was the only one of the boy who were giving prize. D: He was the only one of the boys who was given a prize.

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