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- 出国留学申请简历中文版推荐度:
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Name: Wang Yifang
Sex: Male
Birth: 28/6/1965, Beijing P. R. China
Major: Computer Software
1. Courses Studied:
Mathematical Analysis Introduction to Database System
Advanced Algebra Software Engineer
Mathematical Logic Computer Network*
Set Theory and Algebra Structure Computer Interactive Graphics
Graph Theory Digital Logic
Probability & Statistics Computer Architecture
Theoretical Computer Science Microcomputer Architecture
Introduction to Computing Computer Interface and Peripheral Devices Data Structure Lab. of Digital Logic
Assembly Language Lab of PASCAL Programming
Compiler’s Principle Lab. of Microcomputer
Operating System Lab. of Compiler Design
Unix & C English (Band 1~6)
Specialty English
2. Courses Learned by Myself
Combinational Mathematics the Science of Programming
Advanced Operating System Programming in FORTRAN
3. Honors
□ Fist prize in the national computer contest for non-professional students, 1989. □ Practical Work Fellowship, 1992
□ Beijing University Fellowship, 1993.
□ Excellent Undergraduate Scholarship, 1994.
□ Privilege to enter the Graduate program at Beijing University, waived of the
admission test, 1994.
4. Professional Experience
a. Course Project
* Operating System: developed a SPOOLING system on a virtual machine with a simplified instruction system. (MS DOS environment)
* Compiler Design: a practical PASCAL compiler developed on PC. (MS DOS environment)
* Database System: an insurance system with simplified functions on
INFORMIX 5.0 (UNIX system).
b. DBMS testing of Cobase system, which is a research project conducted by the
Database Research Group in my department.
* I am in charge of the white box testing of the log management subsystem.
c. Programming for G/S project, which is directed by Prof. Fang Yu, 1994.
* My share of the responsibility is to develop the user interface with Windows
d. Unix (Chinese Version) testing, sponsored by the Institute of Software,
Academia Sinica, 1994.
* My task is to test (black box test )the lib functions listed in the Unix manual.
e. I am now teaching Computer Architecture to part time students who are going
to sit in the national computer qualification test to get their Associate’s Degree.
6. Affiliations
□ Computer Club Committee member, 1991~1994.
□ English Club member, 1993.
□ Department Volleyball Team player, 1992.
□ Representative of the Student Union, Dept, of Computer Science, Beijing
University, 1992.
7. Standard Tests
□ TOEFL: 653, Oct 1994(61/68/67).
□ GRE General: 2220, Oct 1994.(V: 720 97%, Q:790 96%, A:710 90%). □ GRE Subject (Computer Science): 740, 83%, Oct, 1994.
8. My Motto
Liberty is not easy, but far better to be an unfettered fox, hungry and threatened on its hill, than a well-fed canary, safe and secure in its cage.
9. Address
Room 203, Building 32
Beijing University
Beijing 1000871
P.R. China
Signature Date
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- 2014.民诉 期末考试 复习题
- 巅峰智业 - 做好顶层设计对建设城市的重要意义
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- 生命密码联合密码
- 空间地上权若干法律问题探究
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- 样本
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- 简历
- 申请
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- 中级评茶员培训教学大纲
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- 【2014】高考英语阅读理解巩固精品题练习(47)及答案
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