
更新时间:2023-08-21 09:14:01 阅读量: 高等教育 文档下载


人力资源outcome部分 案例分析

1 Basic components of organization.

Individuals carry out different roles to achieve its goals and arrangement.

It’s include objectives, people and structure.(换顺序)

2 Classification of goals(组织目标分类) 关键词 P29

Product goals:

Consumer goals:

Secondary goals:

Operational goals:

3 Objectives and policies


4 Internal with external environment(换词)

Resources: qualified employee, job, finance equipment

Internal environment: objective, communication, administration

External environment: design, staff training, consumer satisfaction

5 Stakeholder and reasons of stakeholders P71

Employees: peoples work for organization

Fianciers: lend organization money

Directors and managers: people lead organization

Suppliers: people provide raw materials and services

Communities: people affected by organization

6 Strategies for controlling staff

John Child point out four strategies, they are Personal centralize, Bureaucratic control, Output control and Cultural control

A Motivation factors

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Physiological needs, Safety and security needs, Social needs, Ego needs Self-actualization

Alderfer’s ERG theory: Existence, Relatedness, Growth

B Equity theory


C Goal theory 定义

D Improving job performance and team cohesiveness 凝聚力

Team work, Participation in decision making, Autonomy,

Consultation, Selection of adaptable supervisor, effective delegation, empowerment(7选4)

人力资源outcome部分 案例分析

E Team work


12 Duties and roles of manager

Naylor point out some theories as follow, the responsibility of manager is include achieving objectives in a changing environment, working with and through people, working the most of available resources, balancing equity, efficiency and effectiveness

13 Likert’s Management systems(Key words)

Exploitive authoritative:

Benevolent authoritative:



14 Measure the effectiveness of management

Productivity level, Meeting deadline, Time management, Motivation and morale

15 How these indicators help to assess their performance


16 Understanding of leadership


17 John Adairs action centred approach

Action centred approach 关注的是领导对于the task team, maintenance and individual needs 这项不同层次的需求的驾驭能力

18 Contingency, situational and transformational approaches to leaderships

Vroom and Yetton’s decision quality and acceptance approach 如何帮助David更具员工参与决策的程序,将领导风格分为三类:独裁专制型,协商型和群体决策型

19 Hersey and Blanchard model (key point)P211

Telling: relationship behavior

Selling: task and relationship behavior

Participating: relationship and support

Delegating: not much task or relationship

20 Why leadership


