中职英语第四册Unit 7 It’s Not Related To My Major

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备 课 组 英语组 主备人 执教人 课时安排 第 1 至 2 课时 总 课时 课 题 Unit 7 It’s Not Related To My Major 课 型 时 间 年 月 日 1. Master the important words and expressions in the dialogue. 2. Enable the students to know how to express certainty and uncertainty in 教学 目标 English 3. Making an English speech.. 4. Enable the students to make dialogues by using the useful expressions learned in the dialogue according to the given situation. 重点 教学设想 难点 教法学法 教学手段 Useful words, phrases and sentence patterns. 1.How to use the useful expressions in the real situations. 2.Improve the students’ Listening and speaking ability talking, reading and speaking Computer 教 学 程 序 与 策 略 Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warm up Activity 1: Put the words in the box into the two groups given below. 注:1.新课导入部分 通过简单调查,导入主题,激发学生兴趣,启发学生思考,并为下一个活动做准备。在讨论中,教师补充相关学生可能要用到的词汇: exam, wage, deadline, commitment, labor work ,mental work, time management, monthly pay, paid leave. Activity 2: Read the following statements and discuss with a partner whether you agree or disagree with them. 注: 1. 改变职业与专业的关系。 个性化 修改 签发人: 1 签发时间: 年 月 日

2.结合上一个活动中学生学生提到的职业特点与专业特点的关系, 分析它们之间的异同。 3.结合书中观点,鼓励学生讨论 专业和职业的关系度对择业的影响,适当补充相关的词汇与表达方式 Step 2 Listening and speaking A How Is the new job? Activity 1: Listen to the conversation and circle the best answer. Activity 2: Listen again and tick ()true of false. 注:让学生注意听力中的语音语调,基础好的同学可以模仿。 并且记下重难点词汇,以备理解。 Activity 3: Listen again and fill in the blanks. B I’m Not really sure Activity 4: Listen to the conversation and circle the best answer. Activity 5: Complete the conversation with the sentences in the box. Listen and check the answer. Then practise the conversation with a partner. Step 3 Language point 1 Give it a shot __________ 2. be convinced that ________________________ e.g. I think I’m convinced that you should try for the position. 3. apply for Apply … to … 4. Be related to … 5. take a slight pay decrease for a chance to move forward 降低一点薪水来换取晋升的机会 move forward 晋升 take a slight pay decrease 降低一点薪水 6. can’t stand doing 7. do a course in business studies Step 4 homework 教后 反思 签发人: 2 签发时间: 年 月 日



备 课 组 英语组 主备人 执教人 课时安排 第 3 至 4 课时 总 课时 Unit 7 It’s Not 课 题 Related To My Major 课 型 时 间 年 月 日 1. Master the important words and expressions in the text. 2. Master some useful words, phrases and sentence structures learned in the 教学 目标 passage. 3. Train the students’ reading ability. 4. Improve students’ senses about detailed information 重点 Useful words, phrases and sentence patterns. 1.How to use the useful expressions in the real situations. 2.Improve the students’ reading ability 教学难点 设教法想 学法 教学手段 Reading, listening and speaking Computer 教 学 程 序 与 策 略 个性化 修改 Teaching Procedures: Step I Warm up 1. Review the knowledge of introducing in last class. Learn new words in the vocabulary and ask Ss to read them Step II Pre-reading tasks The pre-class tasks are as follows: Activity 1: Read the text and underline what the writer ever experienced 注:可以让学生重点阅读第一段,同时训练学生细致观察的能力。 签发人: 3 签发时间: 年 月 日

Step III Reading the text. Activity 2: Read the text quickly and try to catch the main idea of the text. You may use your skills of skimming and scanning and have a discussion with your partner. Later I will ask two of you to share your opinions. Activity 3:Read the first paragraph again and tick true or false. Activity 4: Discuss with your partner: What would you do next if you were Mr.King? 注:是学生了解段落主要大意,训练学生概括段落大意的能力。 Activity 5: Read the text again and find out the grammar and difficult points. a. ….with a bachelor’s degree in media studies. 伴随状语,获得传媒研究专业学士学位 b. c. Applied for jobs in film and television.申请影视领域的工作 In the end, I did unpaid work for a company in public relations. 最后,我在一家公司的公共关系部从事一份无偿的工作。 d. e. To begin with 起初 For the time being, I’m helping my company to advertise an American film.目前,我正在帮我的公司为一家美国电影做广告宣传。 f.

I can have a chance to put what I ‘ve learned into use. 我能有机会把我所学的用到工作中。 Step IV Writing Activity 6: Discuss with your partner : what would you do next if you were Mr. King ? Step VI Homework 教后 反思


签发人: 4 签发时间: 年 月 日


备课组 课时安排 课 题 英语组 主备人 执教人 第 5 至 6 课时 总 课时 Unit 7 It’s Not Related To My Major 课 型 时 间 年 月 日 Unit 7 Reading and Writing 1. Master the important words and expressions in the text. 教学 目标 2. Master some useful words, phrases and sentence structures learned in the passage. 3. Train the students’ reading ability. 4. Improve students’ senses about detailed information 重点 教学设想 教学手段 难点 教法学法 Read the passage and they know detailed information. Reading comprehension Reading, practice Computer 教 学 程 序 与 策 略 个性化修改 Teaching Procedures: Step I Warm up 2. Review the knowledge of introducing in last class. Learn new words in the vocabulary and ask Ss to read them Step II Pre-reading tasks The pre-class tasks are as follows: Activity 1: Read Passage B and the question: what mistakes should be avoided in career planning? (give 4 mins to discuss and sum up ) 签发人: 5 签发时间: 年 月 日

