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71. 你最好告诉她开会的时间,否则她会迟到的。 朝阳

_____________________ tell her the time of the meeting, or she will be late for it. 74.你最好不要在这里踢足球,太危险了。大兴

You ____________________ play football here, it’s dangerous. 70. 下雪了,堆个雪人怎么样?

东城 It’s snowing. ___________________ making a snowman? 72.到了课外活动时间了。


_____________________ after-class activities. 71.该考虑假期英语学习计划了。大兴

_______________________ think about the plan of English study in the vocation. 73.他太累了,不能完成工作了。 昌平 He was _______________________________ finish the work. 74.恐怕我们用一两个月就学好一门外语是不可能的。 昌平 I’m afraid that _____________________ a foreign language in one or two months. 73. 尽量多地回收和再利用是很有必要的。 西城 _____________________ reuse and recycle ___________________________. 62. 每天读半个小时英语,是容易(做到)的。 通州 ______________________ to read English for half an hour every day. 74.放弃吃垃圾食品很有必要。

朝阳 __________________________ junk food.

74. 如果你想成功,不断努力学习是很重要的。


_______________________________________ if you want to succeed. 70. 雨停了,我们回家吧。 石景山 It stopped raining. ______________________ home. 71. 明天我们要开晚会,你愿意参加吗?


We are going to have a party tomorrow. _________________ join us? 72. 有好消息的话,我会尽快告诉你的。 石景山 I’ll let you know _______________ if I have good news. 73. 我每天花半个小时弹钢琴。 石景山

_____________________ play the piano every day. 65. 建造这条公路用了两年的时间。 通州 ________________________ the highway.



____________ the workers more than a year to build the bridge. 73. 汤姆,每天你走着上学花多长时间? 房山

Tom, __________________________________________ to school every day? 74. 哥哥忙得根本没时间帮我学英语。 石景山 My brother is ______ he doesn’t have time to ______ my English. 今天早上公交车太挤了,我都没上去。 西城 The bus was ____________ crowded for me ____________ this morning. 72. 当她听到这个好消息时,激动得无法入睡。 房山

When she heard the good news, she _____________________________ sleep. 73. 他跑得特别快,简直没人能追上他。


He ran __________________________________. 63. 我妈妈昨天忙得没时间给我们做饭。

通州 My mother was ____ busy ____ cook for us yesterday. 72.这个书桌太沉了,我都搬不动它。 大兴 The desk is ________________________ I have not move it.

72. 很抱歉,电脑出毛病了。恐怕你现在不能用。


I’m sorry. __________________________ the computer. I’m afraid you can’t use it now.

71. 你看上去很焦虑,你怎么啦?


You look worried. _____________________________? 73. 我们要尽可能多花时间学习英语。


We’ll __________________________ learning English. 71. 玛丽是个受欢迎的女孩,她和大家相处得很好。 东城 Mary is a popular girl. She ___________________________ everyone in her class.

72. 同学们见到老师走进教室,就停止了交谈。


The students __________________________ as soon as they saw the teacher enter the classroom. 74. 不仅仅是孩子们,就连家长们也喜欢看卡通片《喜洋洋与灰太狼》。


_______________________________________ the cartoon Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.

70.他说他一点儿也不累。 He said (that)he ___________________ tired at all.

70. 我今天没时间去公园,明天怎么样?

 I have no time to go to the park today. _______ tomorrow?

71. 我的电脑不能工作了,出什么问题了?  My computer doesn’t work. ____________________ it?

72. 外面刮风了。请你关上窗户好吗?

It is blowing outside. _________________ the window? 73. 莉莉不仅自己喜欢画画,而且教我画画。 Lily _________________________________. 74. 李老师在备课上用很多时间,甚至周末都不休息。

Mr Li spends ___________________________ even on weekends.

73. 你看起来很不舒服,你怎么了?

You look uncomfortable and ____________________________________?

74. 我相信我们的政府一定能够尽它最大的努力来阻止一些人再次使用瘦肉精。 I believe our government can _________________________________________ __________________________________________the lean meat powder again. 71. 吉姆病了,我们去看看他吧。

Jim is ill. him. 72. 我每天读半小时英语。

an hour to read English every day. 73. 今天天气很好,出去散步怎么样?

It’s fine today. __________________ out for a walk?

74. 夜深了,格林先生强迫汤姆停止玩电脑游戏马上去睡觉。

It was very late at night. Mr Green right away. 70. 我们已工作了两个小时,该休息了。

We have worked for two hours. It’s a rest. 71. 小伙子,你哪不舒服?

, yang man?

73. 当李先生听到这个好消息时,兴奋得说不出话来。

Mr. Li was _______ excited ________ say anything when he heard this piece of good news.

74. 要下雨了,你最好叫你爸爸不要出去散步了。

It is going to rain. .

70. 该吃晚饭了。___________________________ supper. 71. 春天来了,咱们去植树吧。

Spring is coming. __________________to plant trees. 72. 河水过去很脏,但是现在很干净。

The river ______________ dirty. But it’s very clean now. 73. 父母和邻居都为他而自豪。

_________________________________ him. 74. 学生们作业太多,用在体育锻炼上的时间很少。

The students have ____________________ physical exercises.


I’m sorry I _______________________ class. 71. 噢,你不喜欢这个颜色。那件蓝色的怎么样?

Oh, you don’t like this color. ____________ that blue one? 72. 他不仅擅长体育,唱歌也不错。

He is _____ doing well in sports _______ good at singing. 73. 我会争取明天放学前完成这项任务。 I ___________ before school is over tomorrow.

74. 我们想告诉老师,不要阻止我们尝试我们的新想法。

We want to ______________________________our new ideas. 70. 到集合的时间了。

______________ get together. 71. 每天跑步对身体有好处。

______________ for your health to jog every day. 72. 铃声响了,咱们开始上课吧。

There goes the bell. ______________ our class. 73. 北京以悠久的历史和许多著名景点闻名世界。

Beijing ______________ its long history and many interest places. 74. 我认为临阵磨枪,最后突出复习不会取得好效果。

I _________________ starting preparations only at the last moment good results.


