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Unit 1

be happy with (对某人或事物)满意的

find out the truth 发现真相

fill…with… 用……把……装满

run over 溢出

run into 流入

send…to prison 把……关进监狱

cut…in half 把……切成两半

divide…between… 在……之间分配

go ahead 开始做;着手干

be amazed at(对某人或事物)大为惊奇

dress as 打扮成

make sure 确保 ;设法保证

cut…up 切碎;剁碎

have a try 尝试一下

go down 下沉

take…off 拿开 ;挪开

add up 把……加起来

Unit 2

a sense of humour 幽默感

let…down 使……失望

by heart 单凭记忆;能背诵

take a seat 坐下

without difficulty 轻而易举

join in 参加;加入

have no idea 丝毫不知道

turn pale(脸色)变得苍白

be in trouble 倒霉;处于困境

receive a lot of applause 获得了阵阵掌声 leave a message 留口信

call back 回电话

take a message 捎口信

play a joke on sb. 跟某人开玩笑 ;捉弄某人 turning point 转折点

a series of 一系列

side by side 肩并肩

from time to time 不时;有时

tell the truth 说实话

in return 作为回报

Unit 3

cook meals 做饭

talking and sharing 交流与分享

be on business 出差

set rules 制定规矩

have no interest in 对……没有兴趣

out of date 过时的

help with 帮着做

wash the dishes 洗碗

school events 学校活动

make sense 有道理;有意义

prepare meals 做饭

iron clothes 熨衣服

water the plants 浇水

disagree about 不同意

be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心

go your way 对你有利

get angry 发怒

Unit 4

ask for advice/help 寻求建议/帮助

call the police 报警

take…to the hospital 送……去医院

be on a diet 节食

laugh at 嘲笑;讥笑

feel ashamed of 对……感到惭愧

share sth.with sb. 与某人分享某物

drive sb.mad 让某人受不了

have a habit of… 有……的习惯

make a mess 搞得一塌糊涂

have a fight with… 与……吵了一架

be full of energy 充满活力

be annoyed with… 对……生气

out of place 格格不入

shout at sb. 朝某人叫嚷

none of one’s business与某人无关

hear from 收到某人的信件(或电子邮件、电话等)make up one’s mind 下定决心

pay attention to 注意;留心

Unit 5

talent show 达人秀

shine down upon 照射在……上

pass out 昏迷:失去知觉

rush forward 冲上前

put make-up on one’s face 给某人上妆 ahead of 领先

win the prize 获奖

keep still 保持静止;保持不动(的状态) floor plan 楼层平面图

emergency exit 紧急出口

on weekdays 在工作日(周一至周五)

closing words 结束语

opening words 开场白

jump out of one’s skin 大吃一惊

to cut a long story short 长话短说

to be honest 说实话

a piece of cake 小菜一碟

Unit 6

a balanced diet 均衡饮食

dairy product 乳制品

stay away from 离开;不接近

fried food 油炸食物

soft drink 软饮料(不含酒精)

medical examination 体格检查

lose weight 减肥

plenty of 大量 ;充足

in general 通常;大体

treat oneself to sth. 给自己买 某物

eating habits 饮食习惯

fish and chips 炸鱼薯条

be prepared to do sth. 愿意做某事

in the fading light 在黄昏的余光中

gentle wind 微风

Unit 7

have a rest 休息一下

think of 想像到

come along 出现

make fun of sb. 嘲笑某人

pick up 捡起

what a pity 真可惜

go on doing 不停地做

in silence 沉默地

become more and more interested 越来越感兴趣 after a while 过了一会儿

as quickly as possible 越快越好

trick sb.into doing sth. 诱使某人做某事 turn sth. over 使翻转

a little stream of water 一条小溪

fly at 扑向

put out 熄灭;扑灭

Unit 8

be proud of 引以为豪

go out of the door 出门

look for 寻找 ;寻求

at last 终于 ;最终

watch chain 表链

fix…on 集中 (目光、注意力等)于

hold out 递出

instead of 作为……的替换

be accused of…被控告……;被指责…… under the name (of ) 用……名字;以……假名 support one's family 养家

moving story 感人的故事

photo album 相册 :影集

memorable event 难忘的事情

be deeply moved 深受感动

ivy vine 常春藤蔓

go upstairs 上楼

ivy leaf 常春藤叶

out of danger 脱离危险

icy cold 冰冷的

