山东大学《数据库系统》上机实验答案 详细整理 2013最新版
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- 山东大学数据库期末考试推荐度:
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Drop table 表名
update dbtest set test=1 select * from dbscore
1. 教师信息(教师编号、姓名、性别、年龄、院系名称)
test1_teacher:tid char 6 not null、name varchar 10 not null、sex char 2、age int、dname varchar 10。 根据教师名称建立一个索引。
教师编号 100101 100102 100103 教师姓名 张老师 李老师 马老师 性别 男 女 男 年龄 44 45 46 院系名称 计算机学院 软件学院 计算机学院
1、create table test1_teacher(
tid char(6) primary key, name varchar(10) not null, sex char(2), age int,
dname varchar(10) )
2. 学生信息(学生编号、姓名、性别、年龄、出生日期、院系名称、班级)
test1_student:sid char 12 not null、name varchar 10 not null、sex char 2、age int、birthday date(oracle的date类型是包含时间信息的,时间信息全部为零)、dname varchar 10、class varchar(10)。 根据姓名建立一个索引。 学号 200800020101 200800020102 200800020103 姓名 王欣 李华 赵岩 性别 女 女 男 年龄 19 20 18 出生日期 院系名称 班级 2010 2009 2009 1994-2-2 计算机学院 1995-3-3 1996-4-4 软件学院 软件学院 2、create table test1_student(
sid char(12) primary key, name varchar(10) not null, sex char(2), age int,
birthday date,
dname varchar(10), class varchar(10) )
3. 课程信息(课程编号、课程名称、先行课编号、学分)
test1_course:cid char 6 not null、name varchar 10 not null、fcid char 6、 credit numeric 2,1(其中2代表总长度,1代表小数点后面长度)。 根据课程名建立一个索引。
课程号 300001 300002 300003 课程名 数据结构 数据库 操作系统 先行课程号 300001 300001 学分 2 2.5 4
3、create table test1_course(
cid char(6) primary key, name varchar(10) not null, fcid char(6),
credit numeric(2,1) )
4. 学生选课信息(学号、课程号、成绩、教师编号)
test1_student_course:sid char 12 not null、cid char 6 not null、 score numeric 5,1(其中5代表总长度,1代表小数点后面长度)、tid char 6。
学号 200800020101 200800020101 200800020101
课程号 300001 300002 300003 成绩 91.5 92.6 93.7 教师编号 100101 100102 100103 4、 create table test1_student_course( sid char(12) , cid char(6) ,
score numeric(5,1), tid char(6),
primary key(sid,cid),
FOREIGN KEY (sid) REFERENCES test1_student(sid), FOREIGN KEY (cid) REFERENCES test1_course(cid), FOREIGN KEY (tid) REFERENCES test1_teacher(tid) )
5. 教师授课信息(教师编号、课程编号)
test1_teacher_course:tid char 6 not null,cid char 6 not null。
教师编号 100101 100102 100103 课程号 300001 300002 300003
5、create table test1_teacher_course( tid char(6) , cid char(6) ,
primary key(tid,cid),
FOREIGN KEY (tid) REFERENCES test1_teacher(tid), FOREIGN KEY (cid) REFERENCES test1_course(cid) )
1、create index index_table1 on test1_teacher(name); 2、create index index_table2 on test1_student(name); 3、create index index_table3 on test1_course(name);
三、插入数据 1、
insert into test1_teacher values('100101','张老师','男',44,'计算机学院');
insert into test1_teacher values('100102','李老师','女',45,'软件学院');
insert into test1_teacher values('100103','马老师','男',46,'计算机学院'); 2、
insert into test1_student values('200800020101','王欣','女
insert into test1_student values('200800020102','李华','女',20,to_date('19950303','yyyymmdd'),'软件学院','2009');
insert into test1_student values('200800020103','赵岩','男',18,to_date('19960404','yyyymmdd'),'软件学院','2009'); 3、
insert into test1_course values('300001','数据结构','',2);
insert into test1_course values('300002','数据库','300001',2.5); insert into test1_course values('300003','操作系统','300001',4); 4、
Insert into test1_student_course
insert into test1_student_course
insert into test1_student_course
values('200800020101','300003',93.7,'100103'); 5、
insert into test1_teacher_course values ('100101','300001');
insert into test1_teacher_course values ('100102','300002');
insert into test1_teacher_course values ('100103','300003');
数据库实验(二) 检索查询
create table test2_01 as select sid ,name from pub.student where sid not in (select sid
from pub.student_course)
create table test2_02 as select distinct student.sid,name from pub.student, pub.student_course
where student_course.sid = student.sid and student_course.cid in (select cid
from pub.student_course where sid='200900130417') 3、找出至少选修了一门其先行课程号为“300002”号课程的学生的学号、姓名。 create table test2_03 as select distinct student.sid,name from pub.student, pub.student_course
where student_course.sid = student.sid and student_course.cid in (select cid
from pub.course
where fcid='300002')
4、找出选修了“操作系统”并且也选修了“数据结构”的学生的学号、姓名。 create table test2_04 as select sid,name from pub.student where sid in (select sid
from pub.student_course,pub.course where student_course.cid=course.cid and name ='操作系统') and sid in (select sid
from pub.student_course,pub.course where student_course.cid=course.cid and name ='数据结构')
create table test2_05 as select student.sid,name,cast(avg(score) as numeric(5,0)) avg_score,sum(score) sum_score from pub.student,pub.student_course
where student.sid = student_course.sidand age ='20' group by student.sid,name
create table test2_06 as select sid,max(score) max_score from pub.student_course group by cid
7、查询所有不姓张、不姓李、也不姓王的学生的学号sid、姓名name create table test2_07 as select sid,name from pub.student where name not in (select name from pub.student
where name like '张%' or name like '李%' or name like '王%')
create table test2_08 as select substr(name,1,1) second_name,count(*) p_count
from pub.student
group by substr(name,1,1)
create table test2_09 as select student.sid,student.name,score from pub.student,pub.student_course where student.sid = student_course.sid and cid ='300003'
10、查所有有成绩记录的学生sid和cid create table test2_10 as select sid,cid from pub.student_course where score is not null
数据库实验(三) 复制表、删除数据
create table test3_01 as select * from pub.Student_31
delete from test3_01 where length(translate(sid,'\\0123456789','\\'))>0
2.将pub用户下的Student_31及数据复制到主用户的表test3_02,删除表中的出生日期和年龄不一致 (年龄=2012-出生年份) 的 错误数据。
create table test3_02 as select * from pub.Student_31
delete from test3_02 where age < 2012 - extract(year from birthday) delete from test3_02 where age > 2012 - extract(year from birthday)
create table test3_03 as select * from pub.Student_31 delete from test3_03 where sex not in(select sex from test3_03 where sex='男' or sex='女' or sex=null)
create table test3_04 as select * from pub.student_31
delete from test3_04 where dname is null or length(dname)<3 or dname like '% %'
create table test3_05 as select * from pub.student_31 delete from test3_05 where length(class)>4
create table test3_06 as select * from pub.student_31
delete from test3_06 where length(translate(sid,'/0123456789','/'))<12
delete from test3_06 where age>2012-extract(year from birthday) or age<2012-extract(year from birthday)
delete from test3_06 where name is null or length(name)<2 or name like '% %'
delete from test3_06 where sex not in (select sex from test3_06 where sex ='男' or sex='女' or sex=null)
delete from test3_06 where dname is null or length(dname)<3 or name like
'% %'
delete from test3_06 where length(class)>4
create table test3_07 as select * from pub.Student_course_32
delete from test3_07 where sid not in (select sid from pub.student)
create table test3_08 as select * from pub.student_course_32
delete from test3_08 where (cid,tid) not in(select test3_08.cid,test3_08.tid from test3_08,pub.teacher_course where test3_08.cid=pub.teacher_course.cid and test3_08.tid=pub.teacher_course.tid)
create table test3_09 as select * from pub.student_course_32
delete from test3_09 where score<0 or score>100
create table test3_10 as select * from pub.student_course_32
delete from test3_10 where score<0 or score>100
delete from test3_10 where sid not in (select sid from pub.student)
delete from test3_10 where cid not in (select cid from pub.course)
delete from test3_10 where tid not in (select tid from pub.teacher)
delete from test3_10 where (cid,tid) not in(select test3_10.cid,test3_10.tid from test3_10,pub.teacher_course where
test3_10.cid=pub.teacher_course.cid test3_10.tid=pub.teacher_course.tid)
Test4 复制表、修改表结构、修改数据
1、将pub用户下表student_41及数据复制到主用户的表test4_01中,使用alter table语句为表增加五个列:“总成绩:sum_score”、 “平均成绩:avg_score”(四舍五入到个位)、“总学分:sum_credit”、“院系编号:did varchar(2) ”。
使用update语句,利用pub.student_course、pub.course,统计 “总成绩”;
create table test4_01 as select* from pub.student_41 alter table test4_01 add sum_score int
alter table test4_01 add avg_score numeric(5,1) alter table test4_01 add sum_credit int alter table test4_01 add did varchar(2) select *from test4_01
create table test01 as select sid,sum(score) sum_score from pub.student_course group by sid update test4_01
set sum_score=(select test01.sum_score from test01
where test01.sid=test4_01.sid)
2、将pub用户下表student_41及数据复制到主用户的表test4_02中,使用alter table语句为表增加五个列:“总成绩:sum_score”、 “平均成绩:avg_score”(四舍五入到个位)、“总学分:sum_credit”、“院系编号:did varchar(2) ”。
create table test4_02 as select* from pub.student_41 alter table test4_02 add sum_score int
alter table test4_02 add avg_score numeric(5,1) alter table test4_02 add sum_credit int alter table test4_02 add did varchar(2) select *from test4_02
create table test02 as select sid,avg(score) avg_score from pub.student_course group by sid update test4_02
set avg_score=(select test02.avg_score from test02
where test02.sid=test4_02.sid)
3、将pub用户下表student_41及数据复制到主用户的表test4_03中,使用alter table语句为表增加五个列:“总成绩:sum_score”、 “平均成绩:avg_score”(四舍五入到个位)、“总学分:sum_credit”、“院系编号:did varchar(2) ”。
使用update语句,利用pub.student_course、pub.course,统计 “总学分”;
drop table test4_03
create table test4_03 as select* from pub.student_41 alter table test4_03 add sum_score int
alter table test4_03 add avg_score numeric(5,1) alter table test4_03 add sum_credit int alter table test4_03 add did varchar(2) select *from pub.course drop table test03
create table test031 as select sid,cid,score from pub.student_course alter table test031 add credit int
update test031
set credit=(select credit from pub.course
where test031.cid=pub.course.cid and score>=60) update test031 set credit=0 where score<60
create table test03 as select sid,sum(credit) sum_credit from test031 group by sid update test4_03
set sum_credit=(select test03.sum_credit from test03
where test03.sid=test4_03.sid)
4、将pub用户下表student_41及数据复制到主用户的表test4_04中,使用alter table语句为表增加五个列:“总成绩:sum_score”、 “平均成绩:avg_score”(四舍五入到个位)、“总学分:sum_credit”、“院系编号:did varchar(2) ”。
drop table test4_04 drop table test04
create table test4_04 as select* from pub.student_41 alter table test4_04 add sum_score int
alter table test4_04 add avg_score numeric(5,1) alter table test4_04 add sum_credit int alter table test4_04 add did varchar(2) select *from pub.department
create table test04 as select* from pub.department
insert into test04 select*from pub.department_41 update test4_04
set did=(select test04.did from test04
where test4_04.dname=test04.dname) where dname in(select dname from test04) update test4_04 set did='00'
where dname not in(select dname from test04) or dname is null
update dbtest set test=4 select * from dbscore
5、将pub用户下表student_41及数据复制到主用户的表test4_05中,使用alter table语句为表增加五个列:“总成绩:sum_score”、 “平均成绩:avg_score”(四舍五入到个位)、“总学分:sum_credit”、“院系编号:did varchar(2) ”。
(1) 利用pub.student_course、pub.course,统计 “总成绩”; (2) 利用pub.student_course、pub.course,统计“平均成绩”; (3) 利用pub.student_course、pub.course,统计 “总学分”; (4) 根据院系名称到pub.department或者pub.department_41中,找到
create table test4_05 as select* from pub.student_41
alter table test4_05 add sum_score int
alter table test4_05 add avg_score numeric(5,1) alter table test4_05 add sum_credit int alter table test4_05 add did varchar(2) update test4_05
set sum_score=(select test4_01.sum_score from test4_01
where test4_01.sid=test4_05.sid) update test4_05
set avg_score=(select test4_02.avg_score from test4_02
where test4_02.sid=test4_05.sid) update test4_05
set sum_credit=(select test4_03.sum_credit from test4_03
where test4_03.sid=test4_05.sid) update test4_05
set did=(select test04.did from test04
where test04.dname=test4_05.dname) where dname in (select dname from test04) update test4_05 set did='00'
where dname not in (select dname
from test04) or dname is null update dbtest set test=4 select * from dbscore
6、将pub用户下的Student_42及数据复制到主用户的表test4_06中,对表中的数据进行整理,修复那些不规范的数据: 剔除姓名列中的所有空格;
select *from pub.student_42 drop table test4_06
create table test4_06 as select* from pub.student_42
update test4_06
set name=replace(name,' ','')
create table test4_07 as select* from pub.student_42 update test4_07
set sex=replace(sex,'性','') update test4_07
set sex=replace(sex,' ','')
create table test4_08 as select* from pub.student_42 update test4_08
set class=replace(class,'级','') update test4_08
set class=replace(class,' ','')
create table test4_09 as select* from pub.student_42 update test4_09
set age=2012-extract(year from birthday) where age is null
10、 将pub用户下的Student_42及数据复制到主用户的表test4_10中,对表
中的数据进行整理,修复那些不规范的数据: (1) 剔除姓名列中的所有空格; (2) 剔除院系名称列中的所有空格;
(3) 对性别列进行规范(需要先确定哪些性别数据不规范,也就是那些
(4) 对班级列进行规范(需要先确定哪些班级不规范)。
(5) 年龄为空值的根据出生日期设置学生年龄(年龄=2012-出生年份),
select *from pub.student_42 drop table test4_06
create table test4_10 as select* from pub.student_42 update test4_10
set name=replace(name,' ','')
update test4_10
set dname=replace(dname,' ','')
update test4_10
set sex=replace(sex,'性','') update test4_10
set sex=replace(sex,' ','')
update test4_10
set age=2012-extract(year from birthday) where age is null
update test4_10
set class=replace(class,'级','') update test4_10
set class=replace(class,' ','')
update dbtest set test=4 select * from dbscore
update test4_10
set age=2012-extract(year from birthday) where age is null
update test4_10
set class=replace(class,'级','') update test4_10
set class=replace(class,' ','')
update dbtest set test=4 select * from dbscore
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