中国新电信 2015年年报
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中国新电信 2015年年报
(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)Stock Code : 8167ANNUAL REPORT 2015
中国新电信 2015年年报
GEM has been positioned as a market designed to accommodate companies to which a higher investment risk may be attached than other companies listed on the Exchange. Prospective investors should be aware of the potential risks of investing in such companies and should make the decision to invest only after due and careful consideration. The greater risk profile and other characteristics of GEM mean that it is a market more suited to professional and other sophisticated investors.Given the emerging nature of companies listed on GEM, there is a risk that securities traded on GEM may be more susceptible to high market volatility than securities traded on the Main Board of the Exchange and no assurance is given that there will be a liquid market in the securities traded on GEM.
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and the Exchange take no responsibility for the contents of this report, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this report.
This report, for which the directors (the “Directors ”) of Neo Telemedia Limited (the “Company ”) collectively and individually accept full responsibility, includes particulars given in compliance with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on GEM for the purpose of giving information with regard to the Company. The Directors, having made all reasonable enquiries, confirm that, to the best of their knowledge and belief:
1. the information contained in this report is accurate and
complete in all material respects and not misleading;
2. there are no other matters the omission of which would
make any statement in this report misleading; and
3. all opinions expressed in this report have been arrived at
after due and careful consideration and are founded on
bases and assumptions that are fair and reasonable.
中国新电信 2015年年报
Corporate Information 3
Chairman’s Statement 5 Biographies of Directors 21 Report of the Directors 25 Corporate Governance Report 37 Independent Auditors’ Report 53
Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and
Other Comprehensive Income
57 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 59 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 61 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 63 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 65 Financial Summary 219
Neo Telemedia Limited
中国新电信 2015年年报
Annual Report 2015
Corporate Information
Mr. CHEUNG Sing Tai (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)Mr. ZHANG Xinyu (Vice President)Mr. LIAN Xin Mr. XU Gang
Mr. LEUNG Ka Wo Mr. CHOU Jianzhong Ms. XI Lina
Mr. HUANG Zhixiong
Mr. TSE Kam Fai
Mr. CHEUNG Sing Tai
Mr. CHEUNG Sing Tai Mr. TSE Kam Fai
Mr. LEUNG Ka Wo (Chairman)Mr. CHOU Jianzhong Ms. XI Lina
Mr. LEUNG Ka Wo (Chairman)Mr. CHEUNG Sing Tai Ms. XI Lina
Mr. CHEUNG Sing Tai (Chairman)Mr. LEUNG Ka Wo Ms. XI Lina
HLB Hodgson Impey Cheng Limited
中国新电信 2015年年报
4Corporate Information
Cricket Square
Hutchins Drive
P.O. Box 2681
Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands
Codan Trust Company (Cayman) Limited
Cricket Square
P.O. Box 2681
Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands
TC & Co.
Fan Wong & Tso
Stevenson, Wong & Co
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
Bank of Communications Co., Ltd.
China Construction Bank Corporation
The Bank of East Asia Limited
Cricket Square
Hutchins Drive
P.O. Box 2681
Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands
Unit 1504, Harcourt House
39 Gloucester Road
Hong Kong
Codan Trust Company (Cayman) Limited
Cricket Square
P.O. Box 2681
Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands
Tricor Tengis Limited
Level 22, Hopewell Centre
183 Queen’s Road East
Hong Kong
Neo Telemedia Limited
中国新电信 2015年年报
Annual Report 2015
5Chairman ’s Statement
P2P (i) + (ii) (iii) (iv) WIFI P2P
On behalf of the board (the “Board ”) of directors (the
“Directors ”) of Neo Telemedia Limited (the “Company ”), I hereby
present to the shareholders of the Company the annual results of
the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the
“Group ”) for the year ended 31 December 2015.REVIEW AND ANALYSIS
During the year ended 31 December 2015, the G roup ’s
operations comprised sales of telecommunications products and
services, peer-to-peer (“P2P ”) lending platform business, and
transmedia advertising services in the People ’s Republic of China
(“PRC ”).
According to the “Opinions on the implementation of division
of work under the report on the work of the government ”
issued by the State Council of the PRC on 25 March 2015, the
PRC government planned to, among others, (i) formulate the
“Internet Plus ” action plan; (ii) promote the integration of modern
manufacturing industry and the mobile internet, cloud computing,
big data and internet of things; (iii) encourage the development
of e-commerce business; and (iv) guide the expansion of internet
enterprises into the international market. In view of the potential
growth in the e-commerce business and the favorable support
from the PRC government, the Group is positioned to optimize its
resources and seize the opportunities brought by the Internet and
big data era, and has made several acquisitions of the related
businesses in trading of mobile phones and tablets, operation of
mobile and Internet WIFI platforms and P2P lending platform.
During the year under review, the G roup completed the
acquisitions of (Guangdong Bluesea
Mobile Development Company Limited*) (“Bluesea Mobile ”)
and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as “Bluesea Mobile
Group ”), (Guangdong Avatar
Wealth Investment Management Company Limited*) (“Avatar
Wealth ”), and Million Ace Limited and its subsidiaries (collectively
referred to as “Million Ace Group ”).* for identification purpose only
中国新电信 2015年年报
6Chairman’s Statement
Driven by the newly acquired businesses, the G roup’s turnover
increased significantly to approximately HK$1,914.9 million for
the year ended 31 December 2015 from approximately HK$34.6
million for the year ended 31 December 2014. These newly
acquired businesses have contributed a positive profit stream of
approximately HK$47.0 million to the Group. However, due to the
burden of debt financing and unsatisfactory performance in the
Group’s other businesses, the Group recorded a loss attributable
to owners of the Company for the year ended 31 December
2015. In the absence of the impairment loss on goodwill arose
from various acquisitions completed during previous years,
the G roup’s net loss attributable to owners of the Company
decreased significantly from approximately HK$567.4 million for
the year ended 31 December 2014 to approximately HK$32.2
million for the year ended 31 December 2015.
Bluesea Mobile Group
On 1 April 2015, the G roup obtained the control of Bluesea
Mobile G roup through structured contracts. Bluesea Mobile
G roup is mainly engaged in the operation of a mobile and
Internet commercial WIFI platform, a P2P lending platform and
a cross-border e-commerce platform. Bluesea Mobile G roup’s
telecommunication business has contributed a positive profit
stream of approximately HK$5.2 million since being acquired by
the Group.
Million Ace Group
On 11 September 2015, the G roup completed the acquisition
of the Million Ace G roup which is mainly engaged in trading
of mobile phones and tablets. Million Ace G roup has greatly
boosted the revenue of the G roup and contributed a positive
profit stream of approximately HK$6.2 million since being
acquired by the Group.
Neo Telemedia Limited
中国新电信 2015年年报
Annual Report 2015
7Chairman ’s Statement
(i) (ii) (a) (b) 1) 2)
P2P 70% P2P 36.9
Hughes China Group
During the year under review, the performance of satellite-
related services has declined as compared to the year ended 31
December 2014. Hughes China Group continued to work on the
coal-mine surveillance projects, as well as the two other projects
namely “ ” and “ ”.CERNET Wifi Group Due to (i) the non-cooperation of the former general manager of (CERNET Wifi Technology (Beijing) Company Limited*) (“CERNET Wifi ”), and (ii) the non-cooperation of the holders of the non-controlling interests, the Company had been unable to both (a) access the complete sets of books and records together with the supporting documents of CERNET Wifi and (b) maintain and operate the business of CERNET Wifi properly. As such, CERNET Wifi has been de-consolidated from the consolidated financial statements since last financial year. During the year under review, CERNET Wifi has recovered its common seal, contract chop and business registration documents and its duplicate from its former general manager. To resume the operations of and repossess control over CERNET Wifi, the Company had been working on 1) a claim against holders of CERNET Wifi ’s non-controlling interests who own the brand name and network of CERNET which CERNET Wifi has used for its operations pursuant to an asset leasehold
agreement, and 2) recovery of CERNET Wifi ’s complete books
and records together with the relevant supporting documents
during the year under review. CERNET Wifi remained de-
consolidated from the Group ’s consolidated financial statements
as at 31 December 2015.
Avatar Wealth
On 1 April 2015, the G roup completed the acquisition of 70%
equity interest of Avatar Wealth through obtaining control of
Bluesea Mobile. Avatar Wealth is engaged in running P2P lending
platform business. It offers a full range of products to lenders and
on the other hand provides simplified, convenient and flexible
financing solutions to both SME ’s and individual borrowers. Since
being acquired, Avatar Wealth has contributed a positive profit
stream of approximately HK$36.9 million to the Group.
* for identification purpose only
中国新电信 2015年年报
8Chairman’s Statement
45% P2P
40,000 3,000
Bees Financial
In addition to Avatar Wealth, the G roup also launched a P2P
lending platform in
(Shenzhen Bees Financial Internet Financial Services Co Ltd.*)
(“Bees Financial”), a 45% owned subsidiary of the Company.
Bees Financial has entered into a funds depository business
cooperation agreement with (Guangdong Huaxing
Bank*) (“Guangdong Huaxing”) pursuant to which G uangdong
Huaxing agreed to provide funds depository services to clients
of Bees Financial’s P2P online lending platform. G uangdong
Huaxing also agreed to continue to cooperate with Bees Financial
in the areas of payment and settlement, client resources sharing,
wealth management and other internet finance services. The
cooperation with G uangdong Huaxing promotes transparency
and significantly reduces the credit risk and liquidity risk of Bees
Financial’s P2P online lending business.
During the year under review, Ease Ray G roup’s revenue
has decreased as compared to 2014 due to the temporary
suspension of its services in various cities as a result of the
policies implemented to regulate the traffic signboard advertising
by the municipal governments.
Bluesea Mobile Group
Upon the completion of open offer, the Group is ready to expand
further in the telecommunication sector. An Internet data center
(“IDC”) in Panyu, the PRC with gross floor area of approximately
40,000 sq.m. and 3,000 server cabinets will be set up for
provision of, among others, value-added services including data
distribution and analysis and cloud related services.
* for identification purpose only
Neo Telemedia Limited
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Annual Report 2015
9Chairman ’s Statement
WiFi 21
B (O2O) 1) 2)
In addition to IDC in Panyu, Bluesea Mobile has entered into a strategic cooperation framework agreement in respect of the joint development of Zhuxishugu (Cloud Computing Center) to further rigorous drive the joint development of information-based industry with core big data in Jiangmen City. Pursuant to the framework agreement, Bluesea Mobile shall be responsible for, among others, the overall investment, construction, planning and coordination of the development project. With the support of Jiangmen Municipal G overnment, Bluesea Mobile shall jointly develop and construct with (China Telecom Corporation Limited, G uangdong Branch*), a main station of big data industrial base in Binjiang New Area, Jiangmen City and the resource centre of big data industrial base in Taishan City, introduce well-known enterprises and promote the high-speed development of cloud services and cloud application in Jiangmen.Bluesea Mobile ’s WIFI services network, “bluesea-free WIFI ”, will also be expanded to cover not less than 21 municipalities in G uangdong Province, the PRC. A cross-
border e-commerce integrated zone of at least 180,000 sq.m. is also being set up in Foshan International Furniture Expo Mall in support of the G roup ’s cross-border e-commerce platform “ ”. Facilities of the integrated zone include a Type B customs warehouse and an Online to Offline (O2O) experience zone.
CERNET Wifi Group
As the outcome of the legal proceedings had remained uncertain, operations of CERNET Wifi and the G roup ’s control over CERNET Wifi had remained suspended during the year under review. With a view to saving time and costs involved in the legal proceedings, on 17 February 2016, the Group entered into agreements (the “Unwinding Agreements ”) with (“A1 Net ”), the immediate holding company of CERNET Wifi and a subsidiary of the Company by way of structured contracts (the “Structured Contracts ”), the shareholders of A1 Net and two independent third parties (the “Purchasers ”) to unwind the Structured Contracts. Pursuant to the Unwinding Agreements, among others, 1) the Structured Contracts under which the G roup had obtained control over CERNET Wifi would be unwound; and 2) the shareholders of A1 Net disposed of their entire interests in A1 Net to the Purchasers.* for identification purpose only
中国新电信 2015年年报
10Chairman’s Statement
In addition, upon the unwinding of the Structured Contracts,
while the Group will not incur further cost in relation to the legal
proceedings, A1 Net has undertaken to repay the Group its share
of any claimed amount received by CERNET Wifi if the outcome
of the legal proceedings is in favour of CERNET Wifi.
The Directors are of the view that the entering into the
Unwinding Agreements is in the interest of the Company and
its shareholders as a whole and would not result in any material
adverse impact on the operation and financial position of the
Hughes China Group
The management of the Hughes China G roup will continue
to work on additional coverage of the coal-mine surveillance
projects and develop its “ ” and “ ” projects.
The G roup is ready to expand further in the P2P business and
plans to establish a third-party payment company, develop
personal credit information platform, set up integrated service
shops in the Pearl River Delta and expand its customer base.
With the launch of the P2P lending platform business in Avatar
Wealth and Bees Financial, the G roup aims to establish an
integrated data transfer, mobile marketing and sales, and financial
transactions system and become one of the leading P2P Internet
financial group in China.
CNCC Logistics
In June 2015, the G roup completed the acquisition of 43% of
the equity interest in (CNCC Logistics
Equipment Co., Ltd.*) (“CNCC Logistics”). CNCC Logistics
is principally engaged in the design, manufacture and sale of
logistics equipment, and the provision of relevant technical
advisory services. Through CNCC Logistics, the G roup will set
up 50 skid mounted liquefied natural gas (LNG) filling stations
and related business, as well as manufacturing plants in Jinan,
Shandong Province and in Northwest China.
* for identification purpose only
Neo Telemedia Limited
中国新电信 2015年年报
Annual Report 2015
11Chairman ’s Statement
(i) (ii) (iii)
0.38 3,176,281,448 1,089
Shenzhou Aerospace Institute
(G uangdong Shenzhou
Aerospace Manufacturing Technology Institute*) (“Shenzhou
Aerospace Institute ”) has been set up as a private non-
enterprise entity of which Bluesea Mobile is one of the organizers.
The objective of Shenzhou Aerospace Institute is to, among
others, (i) promote aerospace technology amongst the general
public; (ii) expand the aerospace technology industry; and
(iii) promote the manufacturing technology information within
traditional manufacturing industry in the Foshan region by
integrating aerospace related technology, for commercial use in
the Pearl River Delta region with a focus on industrial information
technology and communication, intelligent manufacturing
technology and the relevant manufacturing services. Further,
depending on the development and progress of various projects,
Shenzhou Aerospace Institute may establish future joint venture
companies with the Company.OVERALL
The acquisitions of Bluesea Mobile, Avatar Wealth and Million
Ace G roup have been important moves for the G roup in
picking up its growth momentum. Moving forward, the G roup
will continue to explore potential investment opportunities in
the telecommunication and Internet finance sectors. With the
favorable policies and support from the PRC government towards
these fast growing sectors, the management is optimistic that the
Group will regain its strength and be able to reward shareholders
with better results in the foreseeable future.FINANCIAL POSITION
During the year under review, the Group completed an open offer
of 3,176,281,448 shares at the subscription price of HK$0.38
per offer share on the basis of one open offer share for every two
shares held on 7 December 2015 (the “Open Offer ”). The Open
Offer was completed on 30 December 2015 and the net proceeds
raised from the open offer were approximately HK$1,089 million.
The net proceeds were intended to be used according to the
prospectus of the Company issued on 8 December 2015.* for identification purpose only
中国新电信 2015年年报
12Chairman’s Statement
1,384.1 48.5
246.8 16.6
147.8 410.7
As at 31 December 2015, the G roup had interest-bearing bank
borrowings of HK$26.2 million (2014: HK$ nil) and other loan
of HK$27.3 million (2014: HK$27.3 million) which are repayable
within one year.
As at 31 December 2015, the G roup had current assets of
approximately HK$1,384.1 million (2014: HK$48.5 million),
including cash and cash equivalents of approximately
HK$1,111.9 million (2014: HK$31.7 million), trade receivables,
prepayments and other receivables and payments in advance
of approximately HK$246.8 million (2014: HK$16.6 million);
and current liabilities of approximately HK$374.0 million (2014:
HK$95.3 million). The G roup’s current ratio had been increased
from approximately 0.5 times as at 31 December 2014 to
approximately 3.7 times as at 31 December 2015.
The Group had total assets of approximately HK$1,729.6 million
(2014: HK$147.8 million) and total liabilities of approximately
HK$410.7 million (2014: HK$250.8 million), representing a
gearing ratio (expressed as total liabilities to total assets) of
approximately 23.7% as at 31 December 2015 (2014: 170%).
The G roup’s turnover for the year ended 31 December 2015
amounted to approximately HK$1,914.9 million (2014: HK$34.6
Neo Telemedia Limited
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Annual Report 2015
13Chairman ’s Statement
Details of commitments of the Group were set out in note 38 to
the consolidated financial statements.CONTINGENT LIABILITIES
As at 31 December 2015, the G roup did not have any material
contingent liabilities.CHARGES ON ASSETS
As at 31 December 2015, there were no material charges on the
Most of the G roup ’s cash balances and transactions are either
denominated in Renminbi or Hong Kong dollars, i.e. functional
currencies of relevant group entities. The G roup does not have
a foreign currency hedging policy. However, the management
monitors foreign exchange exposure and will consider hedging
significant foreign currency exposure should the need arise. As
at 31 December 2015 and 2014, the G roup did not have any outstanding hedging instruments.
中国新电信 2015年年报
14Chairman’s Statement
Beyond Net Service Limited
Winding-up petition
Reference is made to the announcement of the Company
dated 15 October 2014 regarding the receipt of a winding-
up petition (the “Winding-up Petition”) by the Company on
15 October 2014, presented by Beyond Net Service Limited
(the “Petitioner”) at the Court of First Instance of the High
Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the
“High Court”) against the Company. The Winding-up Petition
concerns a sum of HK$3,067,500 (the “Claim”), being the
amount of a cheque issued by the Company on behalf of Cloud
Computing Investment Limited (“Cloud Computing”), a wholly
owned subsidiary of the Company, to the Petitioner pursuant to
a consultancy agreement entered into between the Petitioner
and Cloud Computing on 1 August 2012 (the “Consultancy
Agreement”). In accordance with the Consultancy Agreement,
the Petitioner should provide certain consultation and services to
Cloud Computing within one year from the date of the agreement
but the Petitioner has failed to do so. Having reviewed the details
of the Winding-up Petition and the relevant facts, the Company
has instructed its legal advisers to apply for striking out and
dismissal of the Winding-up Petition (the “Application”), which
was heard at the High Court on 4 May 2015, and the Company
received on 12 May 2015 the decision (the “Decision”) from the
High Court that the Application has failed. The Company has
instructed its legal advisers to appeal the Decision. The appeal
was dismissed by the Court of Appeal of the High Court on 8
October 2015 (the “Order”). Pursuant to the Order, the sum of
HK$3,067,500 paid into the High Court by the Company had
been paid out to the Petitioner in satisfaction of the Claim and the
Winding-up Petition was dismissed on 19 October 2015.
The Company has further instructed its legal advisers to advise
and take action on behalf of Cloud Computing against the
Petitioner on the Petitioner’s failure to perform the Consultancy
Agreement. Pursuant to such instructions, the legal adviser has
issued a High Court Action on 5 December 2014 against the
Neo Telemedia Limited
中国新电信 2015年年报
Annual Report 2015
15Chairman ’s Statement
Arch Capital Limited Hillgo Asia Limited 1281 144,000,000 144,000,000
Oberlin Asia Inc. HCH Investments Limited
Writ of summons
Reference is made to the announcement of the Company dated
14 June 2015, a writ of summons (the “Writ ”) was issued by
Arch Capital Limited and Hillgo Asia Limited against the Company
under Court of First Instance of the High Court of Hong Kong
Action No.1281 of 2015 (“Action ”). In the statement of claim
under the Writ, the said two companies purportedly claim as
the holders for value of two convertible notes in an aggregate
principal amount of HK$144,000,000 issued by the Company
(the “Convertible Note(s)”), and claim for the principal amount
of HK$144,000,000 under the said Convertible Notes together
with interest and costs.The Convertible Notes were issued by the Company in relation to the acquisition of HCH Investments Limited in April 2013 as part of the consideration payable to Oberlin Asia Inc. (the “Vendor ”). The Vendor nominated the said two companies to hold the Convertible Notes; and it was expressly provided in the Convertible Notes that they were non-transferable. There are on-going disputes between the Company and the Vendor regarding the said acquisition. Further, subsequent to the said acquisition and without the prior knowledge or consent of the Company, the ultimate beneficial ownership of the said two companies was transferred to Next-G eneration Satellite Communications Limited (“Next-Gen ”), a company listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange. It is the Company ’s position that the said transfer was in breach of aforesaid provision of non-transferability, and
therefore the said two companies and Next-Gen are not entitled
to claim on the Convertible Notes.
The Directors have therefore given instructions to the Company ’s
legal adviser to contest and defend the Action and to raise
a counterclaim against the said two companies. A Defence
and Counterclaim has accordingly been filed on behalf of the
Company on 26 August 2015, disputing the claim of the said
two companies and counterclaiming them for damages (the
“Counterclaim ”).
中国新电信 2015年年报
16Chairman’s Statement
On 6 January 2016, an order for discontinuance of the
Counterclaim and a Tomlin order were filed with the High Court
that all further proceedings in relation to the Action be stayed
except for carrying out the terms that include the following,
among other things, into effect:
– The Company shall, within 3 business days after closing of
the Open Offer, pay to the said two companies the sum of
HK$10,080,000, representing the outstanding interest on
the Convertible Notes for the period from 5 October 2014
to 4 October 2015.
– The Company shall comply with all terms of the Convertible
– The obligation of the Company to pay interest of the
Convertible Notes at the rate of 7% per annum from 5
October 2015 until full payment is expressly waived by the
said two companies.
The Directors consider that with a view to saving time and costs
involved in the Action and the Counterclaim, the filing of the said
orders is in the interest of the Company and its shareholders as a
whole and would not result in any material adverse impact on the
operation and financial position of the Group.
Reference is made to the announcement of the Company dated
19 December 2014 in relation to the application by CERNET
Wifi to the China International Economic And Trade Arbitration
Commission (“CIETAC”)
to claim against (CERNET Company
Limited*) (“CCL”) and (CERNET Investment
Company Limited*) (“CERNET Investment”) for, inter alia, an
amount of RMB22,529,555, being the benefits after deduction
of tax generated from the assets leased by CCL and CERNET
Investment to CERNET Wifi pursuant to the Asset Leasehold
Agreement (the “Asset Leasehold Arbitration”).
* for identification purpose only
Neo Telemedia Limited
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Annual Report 2015
17Chairman ’s Statement
26,528,148 (i) (ii) 17,786,802 23,330,550
On 5 February 2015, CERNET Wifi received a counterclaim from CCL and CERNET Investment claiming for, inter alia , a total amount of RMB26,528,148.
On 13 February 2015, in addition to the claims made in the Asset Leasehold Arbitration, CERNET Wifi has further claimed against CCL and CERNET Investment for, inter alia , (i) the continuation of the Asset Leasehold Agreement and (ii) the benefits after deduction of tax generated from the assets leased by CCL and CERNET Investment to CERNET Wifi since 1 October 2014.
On 4 June 2015, CCL and CERNET Investment revised their counter claim amount to RMB17,786,802.
On 15 June 2015, CERNET Wifi further revised its claim amount to RMB23,330,550.
CIETAC has deferred its decision to 12 September 2015 in order to gather more information before arriving at a conclusion. In early September 2015, CIETAC further deferred its decision to 14 December 2015. In mid January 2016, CIETAC further deferred its decision to a date to be determined as more time is required to review the audit report on the financial information in relation to this claim.
中国新电信 2015年年报
18Chairman’s Statement
CERNET Wifi’s PRC legal advisor is of the opinion that the
outcome of the Asset Leasehold Arbitration will be based upon
calculation and settlement of cost, revenue and benefits under
the Asset Leasehold Agreement. As such, as at the date of this
report, the outcome is uncertain.
On 12 January 2015, CERNET Wifi filed a claim against
the former general manager of CERNET Wifi (the “Former
GM”), in (Beijing Haidian District
People’s Court*) (the “Beijing Haidian Court”) for, inter alia,
the return of CERNET Wifi’s common seal, contract chop,
business registration, and license to carry out value-added
telecommunication business (“CERNET Wifi’s Documents”).
On 17 November 2014, the Former G M was dismissed in
response to CERNET Wifi’s declining business by way of board
resolution passed by the CERNET Wifi’s board. On 5 December
2014, CERNET Wifi passed a shareholders’ resolution that
CERNET Wifi’s Documents be under the custody of CERNET
Wifi’s legal representative, Mr. Zhang Xinyu, a director of the
Company. On 26 December 2014, CERNET Wifi requested the
Former GM for the return of CERNET Wifi’s Documents but the
Former GM had failed to do so. Beijing Haidian Court issued the
judgement on 18 March 2015, pursuant to which the Former
GM shall return CERNET Wifi’s common seal, contract chop and
business registration and its duplicate.
The Former G M has brought the claim to
(Beijing No.1 Intermediate People’s Court*) as an appeal to
the Beijing Haidian Court’s decision. On 21 May 2015, Beijing
No.1 Intermediate People’s Court issued the final judgement
and upheld the original judgement. As at 31 December 2015,
the CERNET Wifi’s common seal, contract chop and business
registration and its duplicate were received by CERNET Wifi.
* for identification purpose only
Neo Telemedia Limited
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Annual Report 2015
19Chairman ’s Statement
69 1,361,993.57 34
320 45 30.3 16.0
On 12 January 2015, notices of claim of 69 former employees of CERNET Wifi were served on CERNET Wifi by (Haidian District Labour Dispute Arbitration Committee of Beijing Municipality*) (the “HDLDAC ”) pursuant to which, the applicants claimed for the amount of RMB1,361,993.57, being the salary, over-time payment, meals fee, disbursement, annual leave fee, and dismissal fees payable by CERNET Wifi. CERNET Wifi has counter-claimed against 34 applicants for the return of company properties and payment of commissions (the “Labour Arbitration Claim ”).
The HDLDAC rendered its decision with respect to the Labour Arbitration Claim and CERNET Wifi has brought the claim to the Beijing Haidian Court as an appeal to the HDLDAC ’s decision.On 19 May 2015, Beijing Haidian Court upheld the decision rendered by HDLDAC. CERNET Wifi has brought the claim to Beijing No.1 Intermediate People ’s Court as an appeal to the Beijing Haidian Court ’s decision.EMPLOYEES
As at 31 December 2015, the G roup had approximately 320 staff (2014: 45). The total remuneration, including that of the Directors, for the year under review is approximately HK$30.3 million (2014: HK$16.0 million). The G roup remunerates its employees based on their performances, experience and the prevailing industry practice. Employee remuneration, excluding Director ’s emoluments, is reviewed annually. In addition to the basic salaries, employees are also entitled to benefits including bonus and mandatory provident fund. On 19 December 2012, the Company had adopted a share option scheme under which full time employees, including Directors, of the Company and its subsidiaries, might be granted options to subscribe for the Company ’s ordinary shares.* for identification purpose only
中国新电信 2015年年报
20Chairman’s Statement
On behalf of the Board, I would like to take this opportunity
to express my appreciation to the G roup’s shareholders and
customers for their utmost support, and to the management and
staff for their dedication and contribution to the Group during the
Hong Kong, 18 February 2016
Neo Telemedia Limited
中国新电信 2015年年报05-10
Unit 2 跨文化交际05-31
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- 2015
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