基于单片机的水位远程监测系统设计 - 图文

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目 录

一 引言 .................................................................................................................................................. 2 二 系统的总体设计 .............................................................................................................................. 3 三 硬件系统的设计 .............................................................................................................................. 4

3.1 传感器的选择 ......................................................................................................................... 4 3.2 单片机的选择 ......................................................................................................................... 5 3.2.3 复位电路 ............................................................................................................................ 7 3.2.4 电源电路 ............................................................................................................................ 7 3.2.5 模拟量采集电路 ................................................................................................................ 8 3.3 远程通信模块的选择 ............................................................................................................. 8 3.4 TC35的介绍 .......................................................................................................................... 12 3.6 单片机的接口设计 ............................................................................................................... 15

4.2.1 首先进行初始化 ........................................................................................................ 23 4.2.2 短信中心地址的设置 ................................................................................................ 24 4.2.3 短消息格式的设置 .................................................................................................... 25 4.2.4 短消息的发送 ............................................................................................................ 25 4.2.5 短信接收 .................................................................................................................... 26 4.2.6 删除短消息 ................................................................................................................ 27 4.3 串口程序 ............................................................................................................................... 28 4.4 主处理程序 ........................................................................................................................... 30 结论 ...................................................................................................................................................... 31 致 谢 .................................................................................................................................................... 32 附 录 .................................................................................................................................................... 34 英文文献 .............................................................................................................................................. 44

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一 引言


随着单片机技术的飞速发展,无论是在国内还是国外,单片机技术都己经得到了广泛地应用,其可靠性也得到了广泛地验证。单片机技术应用于水利土木监测领域,为各种安全监测提供了强有力的技术支持。但是国内外这方面的研究成果还是具有一定的差距。主要体现在,国际先进水平的水利土木安全监测系统,己经得到了广泛的应用,形成了一定的市场规模和占有率。国际上处于领先水平的技术相对于国内技术的优势在于: 传感器技术更先进,监测系统的整体设计能力更强,从业公司比较多,市场认知度比较高。国内这方面的研究目前开展的也很多,发展相对来说也很快,市场前景也比较看好。



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二 系统的总体设计



远程通信模块 GSM网络 水泵启动/停止 传感器采集数据 单片机处理数据 远程通信模块 在本系统中主要分为两大部分,硬件的选择和软件的编程,其中硬件的选择有传感器的选择,单片机的选择,单片机电源的选择,单片机复位芯片的选择。除此之外还要选择远程通讯系统模块,通讯模块的电源芯片,远程通讯系统与上位机的通信电平的转换芯片都需要挑选与搭配。软件部分主要分为单片机的编程和TC35编程。


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三 硬件系统的设计

3.1 传感器的选择



输出信号: 4~20mA(二线制) 供电电压: 24DCV(9~36DCV) 介质温度: 0~85℃ 环境温度: 常温(-20~85℃)

负载电阻: 电流输出型:最大800Ω;电压输出型:大于50KΩ 绝缘电阻: 大于2000MΩ (100VDC) 密封等级: IP68

长期稳定性能: 0.1%FS/年振动影响: 在机械振动频率20Hz~1000Hz内,输出变化小于0.1%FS

电气接口(信号接口): 紧线防水螺母与五芯通气电缆连接。 机械连接(螺纹接口): 投入式

量 程:10mmH2O~100mH2O (水位高/深度) 综合精度: 0.2%FS、0.5%FS、1.0%FS

图3-1 传感器外形尺寸

图3-2 传感器形状


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3.2 单片机的选择


3.2.1 MSP430F149具有以下特点介绍:


2)强大的处理能力。MSP430F1XX系列单片机为16位的RSIC结构,具有丰富的寻址方式,简洁的指令,大量的寄存器以及片内的数据存储器都可以参加多种运算。8MHz晶体下运算能力达到1MIPS(每秒运算100万条指令),是传统的51单片机远远达不到的。这些特点是该单片机采用C语言开发时候仍能有很高的工作效率,从而可以提高开发的周期,也可以实现程序的可移植性。 3)系统工作稳定。MSP430F1XX系列单片机在上电复位后,首先由DCOCLK启动CPU,保证系统从正确的位置开始执行,同时也保证晶体震荡器有足够的起振及稳定时间。在CPU运行中,软件可以设置特定的寄存器控制位来确定最后的系统工作时钟频率。如果MCLK发生故障,DCO会自动启动,以保证系统正常工作,如果程序出错,可以通过看门狗来解决。


5)具有灵活的时钟设置。主要有32K的晶体方式,高频率晶体方式,谐振器方式和外部时钟方式。这样可以根据功耗和速度要求进行灵活的时钟设置。 6)串口通信模块:USART0,USART1。两个串口都可以通过软件设置成UART方式或者SPI方式,由于该系列单片机提供了两个串口,因此能为用户进行多机通信设计提供方便。



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3.2.2 单片机P口介绍:





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3.2.3 复位电路


图3-4 复位电路图


3.2.4 电源电路

单片机系统里使用的是3.3V供电,因为硬件系统里对电源的要求具有稳压功能和纹波小等特点,因此该系统的电源部分采用TI 公司的TPS76033芯片,该芯片能很好的满足硬件的要求,另外该芯片具有很小的封装,因此有效的节约了PCB板的面积。具体电路如下:

图3-5 电源电路


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3.2.5 模拟量采集电路

在该系统中最前端为传感器,传感器采集传输的是模拟信号,信号为标准的电流信号(4mA-20 mA),信号相当微弱而且单片机采集的是电压信号所以要求将电流信号转换成电压信号,具体的电路如下图:



3.3 远程通信模块的选择

3.3.1 GSM的涵义

GSM全名为:Global System for Mobile Communications,中文为全球移动通讯系统,俗称\全球通\,是一种起源于欧洲的移动通信技术标准,是第二代移动通信技术,其开发目的是让全球各地可以共同使用一个移动电话网络标准,让用户使用一部手机就能行遍全球。我国于20世纪90年代初引进采用此项技术标准,此前一直是采用蜂窝模拟移动技术,即第一代GSM技术(2001年12月31日我国关闭了模拟移动网络)。目前,中国移动、中国联通各拥有一个GSM网,为世界最大的移动通信网络。GSM系统包括 GSM 900:900MHz、GSM1800:1800MHz 及 GSM1900:1900MHz等几个频


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我国陆地公用蜂窝数字移动通信网GSM通信系统采用900MHz频段: 890~915(移动台发、基站收) 935~960(基站发、移动台收)

双工间隔为45MHz,工作带宽为25 MHz,载频间隔为200 kHz。 随着业务的发展,可视需要向下扩展,或向1.8GHz频段的GSM1800过渡,即1800MHz频段:

1710~1785(移动台发、基站收) 1805~1880(基站发、移动台收)

双工间隔为95MHz,工作带宽为75 MHz,载频间隔为200 kHz。


1) 2) 3)

信道稳定,传输质量好,传输速率可达960bps以上。 系统容量较大,可传输数据量大,一条短信所能容纳的GSM信道无需中继,利用公网,不需要自建和维通信网,

数据量最多可达100字节以上。 组网十分灵活。





3.3.2 SMS卡的介绍

SMS(Short Messaging Service)是最早的短消息业务,也是现在普及率最高的一种短消息业务。目前,这种短消息的长度被限定在140字节之内,这些字节可以是文本的,可以是70 个汉字,或者是140个英文字母。SMS以简单方便的使用功能受到大众的欢迎,是属于第一代的无线数据服务。

SIM(Subscriber Identity Module)卡叫用户身份识别模块。它实际上是一张内含大规模集成电路的智能卡,用来登记用户身份识别数据和信息。它是GSM系统中不可缺少的一个重要部分,是用户接入GSM网络的凭证,只有插入了SIM卡,移动终端才能接入网络。它的组成由CPU(8)位,程序存储器(3-8bit),工作存储器(6-16bit),数据存储器(128-256kbit)


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89860 08110 02405 57419

图3-7 SIM卡的正面

SIM卡正面上有20值数码,前面的6位是中国的代号,第7位是业务接入号,在135,136,137,138,139中分别为5,6,7,8,9一般为0,现在的预付费SIM卡为1,第9,10位是各省的编码,第11,12位是年号,第13 位是供应商代码,第14-19位是用户识别码,第20位是校验位。 SIM卡的物理结构如下:

图3-8 SIM卡的背面

C1 C2 C3 C4

C5 C6 C7 C8

一共有8个触点,各个触点如下: C1:Vcc电源电压。 C2:RST复位端。


C4:无定义,为将来使用保留。 C5:GND地。 C6:Vpp编程电压。 C7:I/O输入输出。


3.3.3 AT指令及介绍


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GSM模块通过AT命令与单片机通信。 首先来了解一下AT指令。 AT 指令如下:

AT+CMGC Send an SMS command(发出一条短消息命令) AT+CMGD Delete SMS message(删除SIM卡内存的短消息)

AT+CMGF Select SMS message formate(选择短消息信息格式:0-PDU;1-文本)

AT+CMGL List SMS message from preferred store(列出SIM卡中的短消息PDU/text: 0/“REC UNREAD”-未读,1/“REC READ”-已读,2/“STO UNSENT”-待发,3/“STO SENT”-已发,4/“ALL”-全部的)

AT+CMGR Read SMS message(读短消息) AT+CMGS Send SMS message(发送短消息)

AT+CMGW Write SMS message to memory(向SIM内存中写入待发的短消息) AT+CMSS Send SMS message from storage(从SIN|M内存中发送短消息) AT+CNMI New SMS message indications(显示新收到的短消息) AT+CPMS Preferred SMS message storage(选择短消息内存) AT+CSCA SMS service center address(短消息中心地址) AT+CSCB Select cell broadcast messages(选择蜂窝广播消息) AT+CSMP Set SMS text mode parameters(设置短消息文本模式参数) AT+CSMS Select Message Service(选择短消息服务) 经过以上了解现在来对GSM模块进行软件编写。





3)设置短消息发送格式AT+CMGF=1〈CR〉,设置1代表text 格式,指令正确返回〈CR〉〈LF〉OK〈CR〉〈LF〉。



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3.3.4 短消息操作指令

1)短消息数据的长度AT+CMGS=8〈CR〉等待GSM 模块返回“〉”则可以将text 格式数据输入,text 格式数据以〈CTRL〉+〈Z〉作为结束符,短消息发送成功返回〈CR〉〈LF〉OK〈CR〉〈LF〉。

2)设置短消息到达自动提示 AT+CNMI=1,1,0,0,,设置正确返回〈LF〉OK〈CR〉〈LF〉。错误返回+CMS ERROR:。设置此命令可使模块在消息到达后向单片机发送指令+CMTI:“SM”,INDEX(信息在SIM中的存储位置)



3.4 TC35的介绍



电 源 图3-9 TC35物理结构图 射频电路 基带处理器 无线连接器 Flash ROM 40引脚ZIF插座 TC35是一个完整的GSM模块,本身能够完成独立的功能,外部通过40管脚的ZIF


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图3-10 TC35的管脚图


VBATT+:供电胶管。供电电压在3.3V-5.5V之间 ,该胶管还必须满足峰值电流为2A。当模块在充电的时候,该胶管还可以作为输出管脚。所有的VBATT+必须并行连接在一起。


/IGT:启动管脚。该管脚用来启动TC35模块进行工作。该脚管低电平有效。 RXD0:发送数据到DTE。 TXD0:接收数据从DTE。

CTS0:清除发送。该信号有效表示TC35模块准备接受DTE数据。 RTS0:请求发送。该信号有效表示DTE准备发送数据到TC35模块。如果该管脚不用的话,通过一个10K的电阻将该管脚拉高。



CCRET:SIM卡复位管脚。由基带处理器提供。 CCIO:SIM卡的串行数据总线。输入输出数据。 CCCLK:SIM卡的时钟线。 CCVCC:SIM卡的电源输出管脚。 CCGND:SIM卡的接地管脚。


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3.5 TC35的硬件设计

3.5.1 TC35的电源设计


图3-11 TC35电源电路

3.5.2 TC35接口设计


图3-12 TC35的接口设计图


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3.5.3 SIM卡座子


图3-13 SIM卡座子接线图


3.6 单片机的接口设计

作为这个系统的核心处理部分,主要完成与TC35通信,它们是通过串口UART0实现的,虽然这两者的供电电压不同但是他们的接口点评可以直接相连,不需要电平转换。单片机通过一个I/O口来控制TC35的工作状态,MSP430F149单片机由两个时钟输入,即一个32kHz的时钟信号,一个8MHz的时钟信号。该系统的时钟部分是通过晶体振荡器实现的。电源的管脚加入一个0.1μF的电容来滤波,模拟地和数字地共地,模拟电源输入端增加一个滤波电容,设置p1.5口来作为启动通信的按键,由于p1.5作为中断来使用,这里设置成低电平出发方式,需要将管脚拉高。P1.0作为输出口,与TC35模块的/IGT管脚连接实现控制TC35的工作。连接传感器并且进行A/D转换的接口设置为P6.0口,单片机的电源分别接入AVCC和DVCC复位端为RESET0接口,并且通过I/O口P1.1发出高电平信号来实现水泵的启动停止,具体的过程是由软件来实现的。 下面为单片机的接口设计:


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图3-14 单片机外部接线设计图

3.7 电平转换部分




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从排针可以看出需要 6-4 5-3 这样实现TC35的TTL电平和MCU的TTL电平接入 如下图


接好MCU的TTL电平 ,注意应该是发送对于接收 [MCU_T---TC35_R MCU_R---TC35_T MCU_GND---TC35_GND] 如图



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图3-18实物图 430接线部分

单片机端 : 红色P3.0 MCU_RXD 橙色P3.1 MCU_TXD

切记 :先启动TC35 。让TC35注册到网络。MCU下载程序后自动复位,TC35不要断电。


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四 系统的软件设计

4.1 模拟量采集

MSP430F149单片机中集成了14路12位A/D转换,其中8路属于外部的信号转换,3路是对内部参考电压的检测转换,1路是接温控的传感电压转换,每一路转换都有一个可控制的转换存储器,而且,参考电平和时钟源都是可选择的,可以外部提供的.这给使用上带来了很大的灵活性.原理上不同于一般积分和逐次比较等A/D转换原理,它的输入信号是加在A/D的电容网络上的,通过电容的充电来采样信号进行A/D转换的.其时序可以归纳为 : 选择通道模式,参考电平,时钟源,分频因子,及中断允 转换结束 写结束采样控制位,开始转换 延时到采样结束时序 加信号,开始采样 下次转换 图4-1时序框图

模拟量采集模块主要是单片机通过A/D通道采集来自传感器的信号,将信号进行处理。MSP430F149的A/D转换有几种模式,比如序列通道单次转换,序列通道多次转换,在本系统中采用的是序列通道多次转换。 下面是A/D转换方框图:


设置标志位 图4-2 A/D转换方框图


停止A/D转换 读取数据 启动A/D转换 唐 山 学 院 毕 业 设 计

单片机通过A/D通道采集来自传感器的信号,然后将信号进行处理。选用序列通道单次转换,数据采集的间隔时间通过定时器A来完成,在每次定时器A中断到来时读取A/D采集到的数据,在读取之前先停止A/D转换,在读取数据完成后自动启动A/D转换,如果得到数据,则设置一个标志位通知主程序,告诉主程序已经得到新的数据。 具体的程序如下: void Init_ADC(void); void Init_TimerA(void); void Init_ADC(void) {

//设置P6.0为模拟输入通道 P6SEL = 0X07;

//设置ENC为0,从而修改ADC12寄存器的值 ADC12CTL0 &= ~(ENC); //转换的起始地址为:ADCMEM0 ADC12CTL1 |= CSTARTADD_0;



//转换模式为:单通道、多次转换 ADC12CTL1 |= CONSEQ_2; //SMCLK

ADC12CTL1 |= ADC12SSEL_1; //时钟分频为1

ADC12CTL1 |= ADC12DIV_0; //采样脉冲由采用定时器产生 ADC12CTL1 |= (SHP); //使能ADC转换 ADC12CTL0 |= ENC; return; }



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//1/8 SMCLK CCTL0 = CCIE; //CCR0 中断允许 CCR0 = 32768; //时间间隔1s TACTL |= MC0; //增记数模式 return; }

////////////////////////////////////定时器中断完成A/D转换 void Init_ADC(void); void Init_TimerA(void);

//定时器中断,完成ADC转换 interrupt [TIMERA0_VECTOR] void TimerA_ISR(void) {

int results;

ADC12CTLO &= ~ENC; //关闭转换 results = ADC12MEM0; //读出转换结果 ADC_BUF[nADC_Count] = result;

nADC_Count += 1; //设置标志 if(nADC_Count == 10) {

nADC_Flag = 1;

for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) ADC_BUF_Temp[i] = ADC_BUF[i]; nADC_Count = 0; //将数据倒向缓冲区 }

ADC12CTL0 |= ENC = ADC12SC; //开启转换 }

以上程序使用了全局变量nADC_Flag,通过nADC_Flag变量通知主程序有新的数据到来,全局变量nADC_Count用来技术处理, nADC_BUF0[]等全局变量,用来临时存放数据,nADC_BUF_Temp[]等全局变量用来作为与主程序交换数据的缓冲区。


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4.2 发送与接受短信的实现




结束 送出短消息目的内容 送出短消息目的号码 发送短消息? 输入短消息内容 开始


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结束 输出短消息内容 传输完毕? 正常响应? 开始 退出 Y 发出读取短消息指令 Y N N 超时? Y 删除接收区中无用的短消息 4.2.1 首先进行初始化

// 初始化

int tc35_init(char pBuf[]) {

pBuf[0] = 'A'; pBuf[1] = 'T'; pBuf[2] = 'E'; pBuf[3] = '0'; pBuf[4] = 13; return 5; }


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4.2.2 短信中心地址的设置

// 设置短信中心地址 int setCsca(char pBuf[]) {

pBuf[0] = 'A'; pBuf[1] = 'T'; pBuf[2] = '+'; pBuf[3] = 'C'; pBuf[4] = 'S'; pBuf[5] = 'C'; pBuf[6] = 'A'; pBuf[7] = '=';

pBuf[8] = '+'; pBuf[9] = '8'; pBuf[10] = '6'; pBuf[11] = '1'; pBuf[12] = '3'; pBuf[13] = '8'; pBuf[14] = '0'; pBuf[15] = '0'; pBuf[16] = '3'; pBuf[17] = '1'; pBuf[18] = '1'; pBuf[19] = '5'; pBuf[20] = '0'; pBuf[21] = '0'; pBuf[22] = ','; pBuf[23] = '1'; pBuf[24] = '4'; pBuf[25] = '9';

pBuf[26] = '13'; //结束字符 return 27; //返回数据包长度 }


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4.2.3 短消息格式的设置

在发送短消息的时候,需要选择短消息的格式,短消息的格式分为两种,分别为TEXT何PDU格式。该系统的格式为TEXT格式,具体程序如下: //设置短消息格式 int setCmgf(char pBuf[]) {

pBuf[0] = 'A'; pBuf[1] = 'T'; pBuf[2] = '+'; pBuf[3] = 'C'; pBuf[4] = 'M'; pBuf[5] = 'G'; pBuf[6] = 'F'; pBuf[7] = '=';

pBuf[8] = '1'; //短消息格式为TEXT格式 pBuf[9] = 13; //结束字符

return 10; //返回数据包长度 }


4.2.4 短消息的发送


int setCsca(char pBuf[]) {

pBuf[0] = 'A'; pBuf[1] = 'T'; pBuf[2] = '+'; pBuf[3] = 'C'; pBuf[4] = 'M';


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pBuf[5] = 'G'; pBuf[6] = 'S'; pBuf[7] = '='; pBuf[8] = '+'; pBuf[9] = '8'; pBuf[10] = '6'; pBuf[11] = '1'; pBuf[12] = '3'; pBuf[13] = '8'; pBuf[14] = '0'; pBuf[15] = '0'; pBuf[16] = '3'; pBuf[17] = '1'; pBuf[18] = '1'; pBuf[19] = '5'; pBuf[20] = '0'; pBuf[21] = '0'; pBuf[22] = ','; pBuf[23] = '1'; pBuf[24] = '4'; pBuf[25] = '5';

pBuf[26] = (char)(index & 0xff + 0x30); //指针指向所需数据 pBuf[27] = '26'; //结束字符 return 28; //返回数据包的长度 }


4.2.5 短信接收


int revSms(char pBuf[]) {

pBuf[0] = 'A'; pBuf[1] = 'T';


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pBuf[2] = '+'; pBuf[3] = 'C'; pBuf[4] = 'M'; pBuf[5] = 'G'; pBuf[6] = 'R'; pBuf[7] = '=';

pBuf[8] = (char)(index & 0xff + 0x30); //接收指针指向的数据 pBuf[9] = 13; //结束字符 return 10; //返回数据包长度 }


4.2.6 删除短消息


int deleteSms(char pBuf[]) {

pBuf[0] = 'A'; pBuf[1] = 'T'; pBuf[2] = '+'; pBuf[3] = 'C'; pBuf[4] = 'M'; pBuf[5] = 'G'; pBuf[6] = 'D'; pBuf[7] = '=';

pBuf[8] = (char)(index & 0xff + 0x30); //删除具体内容 pBuf[9] = 13; //结束

return 10; //返回数据包长度 }



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4.3 串口程序


等待 等待 N

N 设置发送标志 数据到来 Y 发送数据 Y 设置标志 图4-5串口通讯流程图



void Init_UART0(void) {

U0CTL = 0X00; //将寄存器的内容清零 U0CTL += CHAR; U0TCTL = 0X00; UBR0_0 = 0X45; UBR1_0 = 0X00;

UMCTL_0 = 0X49; //调整寄存器

ME0 |= UTXE0 + URXE0; //使能UART0的TXD和RXD IE0 |= URXIE0; IE0 |= UTXIE0; P3SEL |= BIT4; P3SEL |= BIT5;

//使能UART0的RX中断 //使能UART0的TX中断 //设置P3.4为UART0的TXD //设置P3.5为UART0的RXD //数据位为8bit //将寄存器的内容清零 //波特率为115200

U0TCTL += SSEL1; //波特率发生器选择SMCLK


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P3DIR |= BIT4; return; }


串口中断主要是发送和接受中断下面是具体的程序: /////////////////////////////////////// // 处理来自串口 0 的接收中断

interrupt [UART0RX_VECTOR] void UART0_RX_ISR(void) {

UART0_RX_BUF[nRX1_Len_temp] = RXBUF0; //接收来自的数据 nRX1_Len_temp += 1;

if(UART0_RX_BUF[nRX0_Len_temp - 1] == 13) { } }

/////////////////////////////////////// // 处理来自串口 0 的发送中断

interrupt [UART0TX_VECTOR] void UART0_TX_ISR(void) {

if(nTX0_Len != 0) { } }

nTX0_Flag = 0; nSend_TX0 += 1;

if(nSend_TX0 >= nTX0_Len) {

nSend_TX0 = 0; nTX0_Len = 0; nTX0_Flag = 1; }

// 表示缓冲区里的数据没有发送完

TXBUF0 = UART0_TX_BUF[nSend_TX0]; nRX0_Len = nRX0_Len_temp; nRev_UART0 = 1; nRX0_Len_temp = 0;


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4.4 主处理程序


通过流程图可以看出,主处理只负责简单的标志判断和设置标志,然后从指定的缓冲区读取数据,或者将数据放到相应的缓冲区,其他的由中断来进行处理,因此主程序主要和中断程序进行数据交换。 主处理模块方框图如下:

采集新数据 等待 打开中断 TC35数据 程序初始化 发送数据 Y 单片机处理 Y 启动/停止水泵 N Y

图4-6 主处理模块方框图




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致 谢






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[19] 刘涛、张春业、韩旭东、李鹏.基于手机模块TC35的单片机短消息收发系统[J].

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附 录


#include #include \#include \#include \#include \#include \

void sendSms(char pPhone[],int phonelen,char pData[],int nLen,int mode); //定义串口操作变量 // 串口 0 的接收标志 char nRev_UART0;

// 串口 0 的发送缓冲区 char UART0_TX_BUF[200]; // 串口 0 的接收缓冲区 char UART0_RX_BUF[200]; int nTX1_Len; char nRX1_Len; char nRX1_Len_temp; int nTX0_Len; int nRX0_Len; int nRX0_Len_temp; char nTX0_Flag; char nTX1_Flag; int nSend_TX0; int nSend_TX1; int nADC_Count; int nADC_Sa; char nADC_Flag; int ADC_BUF[10 * 8]; int ADC_BUF_Temp[10 * 8]; int nComm;


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void main(void) {

int count; int i; int nLen;

char PhoneNumber[18]; char UART1_RX_Temp[50]; char csca[14]; char pBuf[80]; int nPhone;


// 关闭中断

nSend_TX1 = 0; nSend_TX0 = 0; nTX1_Flag = 0; nTX0_Flag = 0; nTX0_Len = 0; nTX1_Len = 0; nRX1_Len = 0; nRX0_Len = 0; nRev_UART1 = 0; nRev_UART0 = 0; nPhone = 0; nLen = 0; nComm = 0; nADC_Count = 0; count = 0;

///////////////////////////////// // 初始化 Init_CLK(); Init_UART0(); Init_UART1(); Init_ADC(); //打开中断


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_EINT(); // TC35初始化

nTX0_Len = tc35_init(UART0_TX_BUF); // 设置中断标志,进入发送中断程序 IFG1 |= UTXIFG0; Delay_ms(100); csca[0] = '+'; csca[1] = '8'; csca[2] = '6'; csca[3] = '1'; csca[4] = '3'; csca[5] = '8'; csca[6] = '0'; csca[7] = '0'; csca[8] = '2'; csca[9] = '3'; csca[10] = '0'; csca[11] = '5'; csca[12] = '0'; csca[13] = '0';

nTX0_Len = setCsca(UART0_TX_BUF,csca); // 设置中断标志,进入发送中断程序 IFG1 |= UTXIFG0; Delay_ms(500);

nTX0_Len = setCmgf(UART0_TX_BUF,0); // 设置中断标志,进入发送中断程序 IFG1 |= UTXIFG0; Delay_ms(500);

//首先从FLASH里面读出电话号码数据 nPhone = isPhoneSet(PhoneNumber); if(nPhone == 1) {



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//等待配置 for(;;) {

if(nRev_UART1 == 1) {

nRev_UART1 = 0;

for(i = 0;i < nRX1_Len;i++)


UART1_RX_Temp[i] = UART1_RX_BUF[i];

PhoneNumber[i] = UART1_RX_BUF[i];


nPhone = setPhone(UART1_RX_Temp); //设置成功 if(nPhone == 1) {

nTX1_Len = SetOK(UART1_TX_BUF); // 设置中断标志,进入发送中断程序

IFG2 |= UTXIFG1; break;

} else {

nTX1_Len = SetError(UART1_TX_BUF); // 设置中断标志,进入发送中断程序



}//if(nPhone == 1) }//if(nRev_UART1 == 1) }//for(;;)

//短消息处理循环 count = 0; for(;;)


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//采集数据 if(nADC_Flag) {

//清除标志 nADC_Flag = 1; count += 1; if(count >= 6500) {


//将采集得到的数据转换为8位 for(i = 0;i < 80;i++) {

pBuf[i] = (char)((ADC_BUF_Temp[i] >> 4) & 0xff); }

count = 0;

nLen = PhoneNumber[0]; for(i = 0;i < nLen;i++) {


PhoneNumber[i] = PhoneNumber[i + 1]; }



}//if(count >= 65000) }//if(nADC_Flag) }//for(;;) }

//////////////////////////////////////// // 处理来自串口 0 的接收中断 #if __VER__ < 200


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interrupt [UART0RX_VECTOR] void UART0_RX_ISR(void) #else

#pragma vector=UART0RX_VECTOR __interrupt void UART0_RX_ISR(void) #endif {

char chrTemp; //接收来自的数据

UART0_RX_BUF[nRX0_Len_temp] = RXBUF0;

nRX0_Len_temp += 1;

chrTemp = UART0_RX_BUF[nRX0_Len_temp - 1]; if((chrTemp == 13) || (chrTemp == 10)) {


nRX0_Len = nRX0_Len_temp; nRev_UART0 = 1; nRX0_Len_temp = 0; } }

//////////////////////////////////////// // 处理来自串口 0 的发送中断 #if __VER__ < 200

interrupt [UART0TX_VECTOR] void UART0_TX_ISR(void) #else

#pragma vector=UART0TX_VECTOR __interrupt void UART0_TX_ISR(void) #endif {

if(nTX0_Len != 0) {

// 表示缓冲区里的数据没有发送完

nTX0_Flag = 0;


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} }

TXBUF0 = UART0_TX_BUF[nSend_TX0]; nSend_TX0 += 1; Delay_us(5);

if(nSend_TX0 >= nTX0_Len) {

nSend_TX0 = 0; nTX0_Len = 0; nTX0_Flag = 1; }


void sendSms(char pPhone[],int phonelen,char pData[],int nLen,int mode) {

int i; int len1; int len2; char buf1[100]; char buf2[200]; int res; //TEXT模式

packSms_text(pPhone,phonelen,pData,nLen, &len1,&len2,buf1,buf2); //发送头信息

for(i = 0;i < len1;i++) {

UART0_TX_BUF[i] = buf1[1]; }

//设置发送数据的长度 nTX0_Len = len1;

//设置中断标志,进入发送中断程序 IFG1 |= UTXIFG0; //等待 > 响应


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while(1) {

//接收到数据 if(nRev_UART0 == 1) {

for(i = 0;i < nRX0_Len;i++) {

buf1[i] = UART0_RX_BUF[i]; }

len1 = nRX0_Len; nRX0_Len = 0; nRev_UART0 = 0; break; } }

//判断是否是 > 响应

res = getSendResponse(buf1,len1); if(res == 1) {


for(i = 0;i < len2;i++) {

UART0_TX_BUF[i] = buf2[1]; }

//设置发送数据的长度 nTX0_Len = len2;

//设置中断标志,进入发送中断程序 IFG1 |= UTXIFG0; }

//等待响应 //接收到数据 while(1) {

if(nRev_UART0 == 1)


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for(i = 0;i < nRX0_Len;i++) {

buf1[i] = UART0_RX_BUF[i]; }

len1 = nRX0_Len; nRX0_Len = 0; nRev_UART0 = 0; break; } }

isSuccessSend(buf1,len1); }

void Init_TimerA(void) {

// 选择SMCLK,清除TAR TACTL = TASSEL1 + TACLR; //时间间隔 CCR0 = 40000; // 增记数模式 TACTL |= MC0; }

////////////////////////////////////////////// // 定时器中断,完成 ADC 转换 #if __VER__ < 200

interrupt [TIMERA0_VECTOR] void TimerA_ISR(void) #else

#pragma vector=TIMERA0_VECTOR __interrupt void TimerA_ISR(void) #endif {

int i; // 关闭转换

ADC12CTL0 &= ~ENC;


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// 读出转换结果

ADC_BUF[10 * 0 + nADC_Count] = ADC12MEM0; ADC_BUF[10 * 1 + nADC_Count] = ADC12MEM1; ADC_BUF[10 * 2 + nADC_Count] = ADC12MEM2; ADC_BUF[10 * 3 + nADC_Count] = ADC12MEM3; ADC_BUF[10 * 4 + nADC_Count] = ADC12MEM4; ADC_BUF[10 * 5 + nADC_Count] = ADC12MEM5; ADC_BUF[10 * 6 + nADC_Count] = ADC12MEM6; ADC_BUF[10 * 7 + nADC_Count] = ADC12MEM7; nADC_Count += 1; if(nADC_Count >= 10) {

for(i = 0; i < 10 * 8;i++) {

ADC_BUF_Temp[i] = ADC_BUF[i]; }

nADC_Count = 0; nADC_Flag = 1; }

// 开启转换

ADC12CTL0 |= ENC + ADC12SC; }


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A number of the SMS method of


1, A number of SMS decoding method is characterized, including the following steps: receiving side terminal after receipt of text messages sent to terminal number extracted information, referred to the receiver terminal to the first decoding strategy number of the sender information terminal decoding; if decoding is successful, the recipient in the sender terminal display terminal number; Otherwise, the second decoding strategy number of the sender terminal to decode the information, and decoding in the above results show that the recipient terminal.

2, As described in claim 1 method, and its characteristics is described in the first strategy for decoding and receiving side terminal coding strategy number that corresponds to the number of decoding strategies.

3, As described in claim 2 method, the characteristics is that the strategy described in the first decoder decoding strategy for the second dial (DTMF). 4, As described in claim 3 of the method of characteristics is described in the second decoding strategy for the sender encoding strategy number that corresponds to the number of decoding strategies.

5, As described in claim 3 of the method of characteristics is described in the second decoding strategy for the binary-coded decimal decoding strategy (BCD) o 6, Such as claims 1-5 of the method described in any of its characteristics is that in order to decode the message after the existence of numbers does not belong to the character terminal, decoding the first strategy to determine the success of decoding.

7, A number of SMS decoding method is characterized, including the following steps: receiving side terminal after receipt of text messages sent to terminal number extracted information; to determine the suitability of using the first decoding strategy described in the letter sent to terminal number, decode rate; if so, decoding strategies are the first terminal of the sender number to decode the information, or to the second decoding strategy number of the sender terminal to decode the information.

8, As described in claim 7, method of characteristics is described in the first strategy for decoding and receiving side terminal coding strategy number that corresponds to the number of decoding strategies.

9, Such as claims 7 or 8 of the methods described, and its characteristics is encoded as described in the sender terminal number information does not belong to the


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existence of the characters in the first decoding strategies to determine first whether or not decoding strategies to decode can be successful.

10, The contents of a text message decoding method is characterized, including the following steps:

If the receiving terminal were told to receive SMS text messages to the global system for mobile communications based on the contents of seven coding strategy (gsm7bit) encoding, the receiver terminal to determine whether the length of the original content and the content is encoded the same length, as well as determine the encoded news of the existence of compensation stream bit; if there is not compensation for the same length, and information exchange with the United States standard decoding strategy code (ascii) text content of the above decoding, and decoding the results show that in the receiver terminal; Otherwise, decoding strategies to gsm7bit content of the messages referred to in decoding, and decoding the results show that in the receiver terminal.

11, As described in claim 10 of the method, the characteristics is described in the contents of the length in bytes.

12, As described in claim 11 of the method, the characteristics is described in the receiver terminal information from the encoded stream to obtain information on the length of the original content.

13, As described in claim 12 method, is characterized, according to the information described in the encoded stream of compensation for carrying digital information content of the field to determine whether there is compensation bit.

14, A mobile terminal, including: receiving module for receiving text messages; first decoding module, receiver module connected with the above, the use of built-in number decoding strategy described in the sender information to decoding terminal number; its characteristics is described in the mobile terminal include: determine the module, the module connected to the first decoder for decoding module to determine the first terminal of the sender number of the success of decoding information; second decoding module, the module connected with the judge referred to in for the decoding module described in the first terminal of the sender number information decoding failure, with its built-in number decoding strategy described in the letter sent to terminal number, income re-decoding.

15, As described in claim 14 of the mobile terminal, and its characteristics is described in the first decoding module decoding strategy built-in number for the


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receiver terminal number and encoding strategy that corresponds to the number of decoding strategies.

16, As described in claim Qiao mobile terminal, and its characteristics is described in the first module built-in DTMF decoder decoding strategy.

17, As described in claim 16 of the mobile terminal, and its characteristics is described in the second module built-BCD decoder decoding strategy.

18, A mobile terminal, including:

Receiver module for receiving text messages; first decoding module, the use of built-in number decoding strategy described in the letter sent to terminal number, interest rate decoding; its characteristics is described in the mobile terminal include: determine the module with the described in the first decoding module and the receiver module connects to determine whether the first decoding module suitable number of built-in decoder for decoding strategy, and determine the results will be described in a letter sent to terminal number, the corresponding income sent to the decoding module decode; second decoding module, the module connected with the judge referred to in its use of built-in number decoding strategy described in the sender information to decoding terminal numbers.

19, As described in claim 18 of the mobile terminal, and its characteristics is described in the first decoding module decoding strategy built-in number for the receiver terminal number and encoding strategy that corresponds to the number of decoding strategies.

Background technology

With the third-generation mobile communications development, CDMA2000 protocol, TDMA and CDMA combined with a network (TDS-CDMA) and WCDMA protocol agreement will become the third generation mobile communication protocol of the mainstream. SMS the field of mobile communications as an important business, require the agreement of different good compatibility, and proceed to demand that a good codec compatibility strategy.

Currently, CDMA2000 terminal number of SMS using DTMF or 4 to 8 DTMF codec. For example, four DTMF encoding strategy is as follows:

The number of'1 'a'9', coding for 1-9; The number of'0 'coding for OxA; Symbol '*', coding for OxB; Symbol '#' code for OxC


唐 山 学 院 毕 业 设 计

Messages in the current WCDMA terminal BCD number using 4 or 8-bit BCD to codecs. For example, 4 BCD encoding strategy is as follows: The number of'1 'a'9' coding for 1-9; The number of'0 'code of 0; Symbol '*' coding for OxA; Symbol '#' code for OxB

As a result of \show that the coding strategy, it can be seen through the above-mentioned coding strategy, if the use of WCDMA mobile terminal 4 BCD coding strategy of the sender terminal to encode numbers, the receiving party Terminal for CDMA2000 mobile terminals, the use of four strategies for DTMF decoding messages received in the terminal to decode the number, then as a result of four DTMF decoding strategies and four different BCD coding strategy, that is, the number'0 ', the provision different decoding strategy, the sender of the digital terminal number'0 'will not be the correct decoding CDMA2000 mobile terminal, CDMA2000 mobile end-user will not be able to see the correct number of the sender terminal. Similarly, as long as the sender and receiver terminals in terminal-to-end codec number of different strategies are likely to result in the receiver terminal can not decode correctly. At present, the contents of the message coding and decoding, the receiving terminal for CDMA2000 mobile terminals, the messages received by the content of the messages were told gsm7bit coding strategy for the introduction of coding, but the sender terminal gsm7bit coding strategies may be used, or the use of ascii code strategy. CDMA2000 mobile terminal if the receiver in accordance with this information, directly gsm7bit decoder decoding strategy, the sender terminal in ascii coding strategy used in the content of the message is encoded, the decoding garbled results.

The invention of the number of decoding steps of the methods include: Received by the recipient terminal extracts message sender terminal number information, referred to the receiver terminal to the first decoding strategy number of the sender terminal to decode the information; if decoding is successful, the recipient in the sender terminal display terminal number; Otherwise, the second decoding strategy of the letter sent to terminal number, interest rate for decoding, and decoding in the above results show that the recipient terminal.

Decoded information to the presence of terminal number does not belong to the characters, the first decoder to determine the success of decoding strategies. The


唐 山 学 院 毕 业 设 计

invention of a number of decoding messages, including the following steps: Received by the recipient terminal message sender terminal number extracted information; to determine whether the use of the first decoder for decoding strategy; if so, decoding strategies are the first terminal of the sender number decoding information; otherwise, to the second decoding strategy sender information terminal to decode the number. Decoding strategy described in the first side and receiving-end coding strategy number that corresponds to the number of decoding strategies. Encoded as described in the sender information terminal in the existence of numbers does not belong to the first character decoding strategies to determine first whether the decoding strategy can be successful decoding.

The invention described in the support of the mobile terminal number decoder include: receiver module for receiving text messages; first decoding module, receiver module connected with the above, the use of built-in number decoding strategy described in information sent to terminal number decode . Described in the mobile terminal include: determine the module, the module connected to the first decoder for decoding module to determine the first terminal of the sender number of the success of decoding information; second decoding module, the module connected with the judge referred to by described in the first decoding module of the terminal on the sender number of letters, after the failure of income decoder, using its built-in number decoding strategy described in the sender information to decoding terminal numbers. Described in the first decoding module decoding strategy built-in number for the receiver terminal number and encoding strategy that corresponds to the number of decoding strategies. Described in the first module built-in DTMF decoder decoding strategy. Described in the second module built-BCD decoder decoding strategy.

The beneficial effects of this invention is as follows:

The method of the invention to the receiver terminal number coding strategy used in the corresponding decoding strategy number of the sender SMS number decoded information to determine the success of decoding, if successful, re-use of the second number referred to the number of decoding strategies decode the information, so that increased information on the number of decoder compatibility.

The present invention in order to support the decoding method described in number to provide a mobile terminal, the judge added a module for decoding module to determine the first terminal of the sender number of the success of decoding information; and the second decoding module, for decoding module described in the


唐 山 学 院 毕 业 设 计

first terminal of the sender number of letters, after the failure of income decoder, using its built-in number decoding strategy described in the sender information to decoding terminal numbers. The invention of the number of methods can be decoded before decoding to determine whether the use of the first decoder for decoding strategy, if appropriate, directly to the second decoder decoding strategy. To be methods of the present invention also provides a mobile terminal, the judge added a module to determine the suitability of teeth! \decoder decoding strategies to decode and determine the results will be described in accordance with sender terminal number information is sent to the corresponding decoding module to decode; second decoding module, the module connected with the judge referred to in its use of built-in number decoding strategy described in the letter sent to terminal number, interest rate decoding.

The present invention method of the SMS messages received to decode the content before comparing the contents of the original message length and the length of the encoded content of the existence of differences between, as well as to determine whether there is compensation, and to judge according to the results of comparison to determine the use of What kind of decoding strategies to decode, so to avoid a blind decoding of the situation caused by garbled. In order to support the invention described in the contents of decoding methods, provides a mobile terminal, which added a fourth decoder module for docking strategy to ascii decode the SMS messages received to decode the content; compared to determine module, used to compare messages the length of the original content and receive the contents of the encoded length, as well as to determine whether there is compensation, and to determine the basis of comparison results will be the contents of the received messages forwarded to the corresponding decoder decoding module.


唐 山 学 院 毕 业 设 计






5、如权利要求3所述的方法,其特征在于,所述第二解码策略为二进制编码的十进制解码策略(BCD )o


7、一种对短信号码解码的方法,其特征在于,包括下列步骤: 接收方终端收到短信后提取发送方终端号码信息;判断是否适合利用第一解码策略对所述发送方终端号码信,息进行解码;若是,则以第一解码策略对发送方终端号码信息进行解码,否则,以第二解码策略对发送方终端号码信息进行解码。




若接收方终端被告知接收到的短信的短信内容是以全球移动通信7位编码策略(gsm7bit)编码,则该接收方终端判断原始内容的长度是否与编码后的内容长度相同,以及判断编码后的消息流中是否存在补偿位;若长度相同且不存在补偿位,则以美国信息互换标准代码解码策略(ascii )对所述短信内容解码,并将解码结果显示在该接收方终端上;否则,以gsm7bit解码策略对所述短信内容进行解码,并将解码结果显示在该接收方终端上。



