高一英语上学期the silver screen

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The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1. Train the students’ listening ability. 2. Train the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Important Points:

Talk about films and famous actors and directors.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to improve the students’ speaking ability?

Teaching Methods:

1. Listening-and-answer activity to help the students go through with the listening text. 2. Pair work or group work to practise speaking.

Teaching Aids:

1. a VCD 2. a TV set

3. a tape recorder

Teaching Procedures:

Step I. Greetings Greet the whole class as usual.

Step II. Free Talk T: Do you like going to the cinema or watching TV at home?

T: Then you must know some famous directors and film stars, I think. Can you tell the class who they are?(some pictures of the Chinese famous directors and film stars)

T: Do you know any other film stars?

T: All the people you mentioned are from China. Do you know some famous directors, actors and actresses in other countries?

T: Perhaps we are not very familiar with the directors, actors and actresses in foreign countries, but we know some of the foreign films. Please look at the pictures on Page 29. They are taken from four famous films. Can you guess their names? You can say them either in English or in Chinese.

(Teacher writes the English names of these films on the blackboard.)

Step III. Warming up (Teacher uses VCD to play a scene of a film. It appears on the screen of the TV set.) T: Do you know the name of the film? Have you seen it?( Harry Potter)

T: What story do you think it is telling?

T: How do you think the film will end?

T: You did very well.

(Teacher uses VCD to play a scene of another film.)

T: Please look at the screen. Now talk about it with your partner.

(Teacher gives students three minutes to prepare, then asks a pair of students to talk about the film.) (ppt. Show the sentence patterns)

Step IV. Listening T: Now let’s do some listening. First you should read the five questions in your textbooks.

(Teacher gives students one or two minutes to read the questions and then plays the tape for students.)

T: Now let’s listen to the tape from the beginning to the end to get a general idea.

(Teacher plays the tape for the first time. Then teacher plays the tape for the second time. Teacher may pause for students to write down the information. Play some parts of the tape more times if necessary. Finally teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)

Step V. Speaking T: Do you want to know something about the foreign actors and actresses?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Now work in pairs. One reads the biography of Meryl Streep and the other reads the biography of Keanu Reeves. Then interview each other using the information in the short biographies. You can ask questions in these ways. Please look at the black-board.

(Bb: the place where they grew up, the time when they were young, the reasons why they chose their jobs, something about their career)

T: OK. You can begin your interview. I’ll show on the screen some sentences for you to use if you like.( ppt. Show the following on the screen.) 1. Where were you born? Is it a small village or a town? 2. What country were you born? Where did you grow up? 3. Did you finish high school? What did you do after that? 4. Do you like your jobs? 5. How old were you when you made your first film? What’s the name of the film 6. Do you think you are successful in your career? Why do you think so?

(Teacher gives students enough time to prepare, then asks two pairs of students to act out the interview be-fore the class.)

T: Now I’ll ask a pair of students to act out before the class. A, you play the role of Meryl Streep. B, you play the role of the reporter. Now you can begin..

T: You did very well.

Step VI. Summary and Homework

T: In this class we’ve done some listening and speaking. We’ve also talked about some films and some famous directors, actors and actresses. After class, you can talk about other films that you are familiar with. Certainly you should talk about them in English. Preview the reading material

“Getting to know Steven Spielberg.” So much for this class. Good-bye, everyone! Ss: Good-bye, teache

The Second Period

Teaching Aims:

1. Train the students’ reading ability.

2. Learn the following words and phrases: creat, scene, script, popcorn, academy, studio, work on, take off, blockbuster, cut…in pieces, dinosaur, go wrong, follow-up, cruelty, win over, in the end

Teaching Important Points:

1. How to make the students understand the reading text better.

2. Learn and master the following phrases: work on, take off, cut…in pieces, hit, go wrong, win over, in the end , owe…to…

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. The differences between the following pairs of words or phrases: be afraid of doing sth./be afraid to do sth., high/highly

2. Learn the following sentence pattern: … love and friendship are the most important things in life.

Teaching Methods:

1. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

2. Question-and-answer activity to get the de-tailed information in the text. 3. Explanation for students to master some language points.

Teaching Aids:

1. a tape recorder 2. a computer

Teaching Procedures:

Step1: Lead-in T: Did you enjoy the film you watched yesterday, Are there any other films you like very much? , Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Finding Nemo …

T: Do you like to watch a short period of film now? While you are watching, please think about these questions.

Task : To answer simple questions about the film 1.Who can you see in this period of film? 2.Why was the boy so sad at first? 3.What happened at last? T: Do you know the name of this film? (ET) Who directed it? (Steven Spielberg) Show students the picture of

Spielberg, then ask them whether they know something about Spielberg. (Students may give one or two sentences about Spielberg.) In the English book, there is a passage called Getting to Know Steven Spielberg, and we will know more about Spielberg after reading this passage.

Step2 Reading

I. Skimming

How many paragraphs does this passage have? (7)

Now skim the passage and try to get the main idea of each paragraph to finish this matching.

Task : Para. 1: secret of success (his family) Para.2: childhood/youth para.3.4.5.: how his career took off para.6.: Jaws, ET, Jurassic Park Para.7.: later films of war

II. Scanning

Try to finish a form about Spielberg. III. Reading Comprehension Here are some statements. Whether they are true or not? Now please read the passage carefully and think about the true or false questions.

Task: F 1.Spielberg studied English instead of film because he did not like film any longer. T 2.Spielberg began to be famous after he worked on a short film which won him as the youngest film director in the world. F 3. Many people who saw the film Jaws were afraid to swim in the sea when they remembered the scenes in which people were eaten by the shark. F 4.Steven Spielberg said that he became successful because of his own personal capacities and strengths. IV. Discussion

Do four–student group discussion, and several representatives of each group give their opinions.

? Why do you think Spielberg can be a successful director? ? What have you learnt from reading about Spielberg? The teacher gives a conclusion.

? The 1st paragraph shows us that Spielberg had great passion for film from a very early age.

? The 2nd paragraph shows that Spielberg worked hard. And he also had his perseverance. He studied English to get high grades and never gave up film.

? In the last paragraph, Spielberg says that he owes much of his success to his wife and kids. So we can see that Spielberg is not too proud. He is very modest.

Step 3: Conclusion T: Spielberg worked so hard on his passion --- film, and now we can see many films directed by him. If you are interested in any of his films, you can enjoy them in your spare time. And very importantly, I hope you can learn something from the films and people in films.

step 4. Summary and Homework T: In this class, we’ve read a passage about a famous American director Steven Spielberg. We’ve known what some of his films are about. We’ve also learned some words, phrases and so on in the text. After class, you should learn all of them by heart and try to use them freely and correctly. Read the text again and again until you can read it very fluently and recite some important sentences. Don’t forget to preview Language Study and Grammar in the text period. We’ll learn the two parts next class. That’s all for today. Class is over.

The Third Period

Teaching Aims:

Review the words learned in the last two periods. Learn the Attributive Clause with prepositions.

Learn the Attributive Clause introduced by relative adverbs “where, when and why”.

Teaching Important Points:

The usages of “prep.+the relative pronoun”. The usages and functions of the relative adverbs.

Teaching Methods:

Consolidate the words learnt using the re-view method.

Learn some usages of Attributive Clause using explanation and inductive methods. Individual or pair work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 . Greetings

Step 2. Grammar Study

T: The relative pronouns are used as objects either after verbs or after prepositions. When they are used as the objects of prepositions, the position of the prepositions must be paid attention to. The preposition usually follows the verb in spoken English. “who” “whom” \ English. If the preposition is used before the relative pronoun, \“whom” can only be used while “who” or \\That is \whom/which\= prep. + whom/which) Please look at the examples on the screen.

1.A. The person (who/that/whom) you should write to is Mr. Ball. B. The person to whom you should write is Mr.Ball.

2.A. The games(which/that)he competed in were swimming and shooting.

B. The games in which he competed were swimming and shooting the whole class as usual.

T: We can choose the proper prepositions in three ways. First, we can find out which verb the preposition is used

with in the clause. Second, we Can find out which noun or pronoun the clause modifies. Third, we can find out the meaning of the clause. I'll give you some examples. Look at the screen, please.

1. A. Have you met the person about whom he was speaking? B. He is the man to whom you can turn for help. 2. A. The farm on which we worked ten years ago isn't what it used to be. B. This is the tree under which we used to play games. 3. A. The pen with which he is writing now was bought yesterday. B. The gas without which we can not live is called oxygen. T: Are you clear about that? .

T:OK. Complete the sentences on the screen, using a preposition and a relative pronoun whom/which.

1. The book I heard was written twenty years ago. 2. The people _ the man spoke weren't listening. 3. The film I fell asleep was very boring.

(Teacher gives students some time to prepare, then asks some of them to give the answers. )

Step 3. Study for the Language Points

T: There are some words, phrases that are difficult to understand. Now find them out in the passage. (Teacher writes the words and phrases on the Bb: creat, work on , take off, cut…into/in pieces, hit ,go wrong, win over, in the end , owe…to…) T: There are pairs of words or phrases that are similar to each other. We should tell the differences between them. And there’s also a sentence pattern that we should master. (Bb: be afraid to do sth./be afraid of (doing) sth. , high/highly;…love and friend-ship are the most important things in life.) Now I’ll explain them to you. Look at the examples on the screen, please.

Step 3. Summary and Homework T: In this class we've reviewed some words about films. We've also learned the usages of some relative pronouns used together with prepositions. We've learnt the usages of the relative adverbs, too. After class, find out all the sentences which contain the Attributive Clauses in this unit. And remember to prepare for the contents for the next period. That's all for today. Class is over. Good-bye, everyone !

