what are the best ways to reduce stress

更新时间:2023-03-16 05:29:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. Some read, some exercise, others work in the gardens. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress?Use specific details and examples to answer.

It is a undeniable fact that the pace of our living is more rapid than ever before, which results in all varieties of pressure from work, study , finance and even family. Pressure, to some degree, would motivate people and stimulate their enthusiasm. However, overwhelming pressure might shut people down, so it is really significant for people to choose proper ways to let pressure dissipate from our bodies for sake of a more relaxed ,pleasant and fulfilled life.

The ordinary ways people select to reduce stress are reading ,listening to music or having a walk in the garden. These are proved efficient. For when people are obsessed(absorbed) in a fascinating book or music, their concentration is relieved from their ponderous tasks every day. And when they are walking in the woods, breathing the clean atmosphere while listening to the twittering of birds, they tend to release the anxiety ,which is the main cause of pressure. Maybe that is the reason that many people choose to step out of their doors after dinner or in their holidays, they are not only seeking something for fun, but also at the aim of leaking stress.

Another way that many people tend to choose is to do exercises, that is

why colleges considers it equally important to build a gam as a library. Sports might be beneficial for reducing stress in the following two ways, by enhancing the strength of our bodies and by draining our stress directly out. According to a study published by Beijing University, students with healthier body, which is measured by resistance of virus , are less likely to collapse in front of adversity. Doing sports, as is generally known, is an essential part to build up a healthy figure, both physically and psychologically.

Those measures mentions above, significant as they are, in my perspective, is not the fundamental mean to reduce pressure. I believe, one could solve the problem concerning stress throughly through finding out the reason and take action to fight against it. For example, if a student is overwhelmed by the college entrance examination, the best way to help her out of such suffering is to find out the reason that she is stressed. It might because she considers the exam so important that she could hardly afford the loss. In such circumstance, what we do is to set up a right attitude for her. For instance, we can tell her this exam is not everything. People get to success through different ways. This might work because it is not the exam that makes her overwhelmed, but the frightening of failing to succeed. Had it turned out in this way, the girl might reduce her pressure from the prominent cause and end up getting a satisfactory score in the exam .

Beneficial gam transportation overwhelmed atmosphere efficient efficient beneficial

