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2010 真题Text2 蓝色单词不掌握

I was addressing参加 a small gathering聚会 in a suburban郊区 Virginia living room卧室 -- a women's group that had invited邀请 men to join加入 them. Throughout在。。中 the evening one man had been particularly特别 talkative能说 frequently频繁 offering提供 ideas观点 and anecdotes事例 while his wife sat silently沉默的 beside在。。旁边 him on the couch沙发. Toward朝着 the end of the evening I commented评价 that women frequently complain抱怨 that their husbands don't talk to them. This man quickly concurred赞同. He gestured指 toward 爆发 laughter笑; the man looked puzzled困惑 and hurt受伤. "It's true" he explained解释. "When I come home from work I have nothing to say. If she didn't keep the conversation对话 going we'd spend度过时间,花费金钱 the whole整个 evening in silence沉默."

This episode插曲 crystallizes烘托 the irony矛盾 that although尽管 倾向 talk more than women in public公共 situations情况 they often talk less at home. And this pattern模式 is wreaking发脾气 havoc大毁坏 with marriage婚姻.

The pattern was observed观察 by political政治的 scientist科学家 Andrew Hacker in the late '70s. Sociologist社会学 Catherine Kohler Riessman reports报告 in her new book "Divorce离婚 Talk" that most of the women she interviewed采访 -- but only a few of the men -- gave communication as the reason理由 for their divorces. Given the current当今的 divorce rate比例 of nearly 50 percent百分之 millions of cases案例 in the United States every year -- a virtual实际上的 epidemic传染的 of failed失败的 conversation.

In my own research调查 complaints抱怨 from women about their husbands most often focused侧重 not on tangible明确的 inequities不公 放弃the chance 机会for a career职业 to accompany 陪伴a husband to his or doing far more than their share份额 of daily life日常生活-support支持 work工作 like cleaning清洁 cooking煮饭 social社交 arrangements安排 and errands差事. Instead相反 they focused on communication交流: "He doesn't listen to me" "He doesn't talk to me." I found发现 as Hacker observed years before that most wives妻子 conversational partners伴侣 but few husbands share分享 this expectation期望 of their wives. the image形象 that best最好的 represents 代表the current 当今crisis危机 is the stereotypical老套的 cartoon卡通 scene 场景of a man sitting at the breakfast早餐 table桌子 在。。前面 the back of it wanting to talk.

26.What is most wives' main主要的 expectation of their husbands?

A.Talking to them.

B.Trusting相信 them.

C.Supporting their careers.

D. Sharing housework.

27.Judging判断 from the context上下文 ,the phrase短语 “wreaking havoc”(Line 3,Para.2)most probably means意味着 ___ .

A generating产生 motivation动机.

B.exerting产生 influence影响

C.causing造成 damage破坏

D.creating创造 pressure压力

28.All of the following are true EXCEPT_______

A.men tend to talk more in public than women

B.nearly 50percent of recent近期 divorces are caused by failed conversation communication between couples夫妻

D. a female女性 tends to be more talkative at home than her spouse伴侣

29.Which of the following can best summarize概括 of this text ?

A.The moral道德 decaying腐烂 deserves应得 more research by sociologists .

B.Marriage break_up裂痕 sex性别 inequalities不公平.

C.Husband and wife have different expectations from their marriage.

D.Conversational patterns between man and wife are different.

30.In the following part immediately立即 after this text,the author will most probably focus on ______

A.a vivid活灵活现的 the new book Divorce Talk

B.a detailed细节的,详细的 description描述 of the stereotypical cartoon

C.other possible可能的 reasons for a high divorce rate in the U.S.

D a brief简单的 introduction to the political scientist Andrew Hacker


