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上册 lesson one



e.g. The heroic deeds of Leifeng embodied the glorious tradition of the PLA. 雷锋的英雄事迹体现了人民解放军的光荣传统。


n. 尊敬,崇敬,敬畏。如:pay reverence to sb. 向某人致敬。 show reverence to 对…表示尊敬。

e.g. Everyone should show reverence to his motherland. 每一个人都应该尊敬他的祖国。 辨析:refuse / reject

二者都有拒绝的意思, 但reject拒绝计划或建议,语气较强硬. refuse多指拒绝邀请,语气委婉, 如:

reject a plan or proposal /bill refuse an invitation rather than


注意: rather than是连词,前后两端所接的词在词性上应该一致,但前端为谓语动词或动词不定式时, 后端接动词原形。此外本词组连接两个主语时,谓语动词和第一个主语一致。 e.g. He resigned rather than take part in such a dishonest transaction. 他宁愿辞职也不参加这场虚伪的交易。 I,rather than you should do this work. 是我而不是你应该做这个工作。

in other words

固定搭配短语,意思为:换句话说, 也就是说。 e.g. In other words , he became a great hero. 换句话说, 他成了伟大的英雄。 act out


e.g. The film star acts out the hope of young generation successfully. 这位电影明星成功地用演技表达出年轻一代的愿望。 sprinkle

v. 喷,洒,淋。

如:Sprinkle the floor with water.用水洒地。 e.g He sprinkled water on the flowers. 他将水洒在花上。

Jagger grabs a halfgallon jug of water and runs along the front platform, sprinkling its contents over the first few rows of sweltering listeners.(1)括号内为自然段序号,下同。 贾格尔抓起一个半加仑水罐沿舞台前沿边跑边把里面的水往前几排闷热难耐的听众身上洒。 在这个句子中?contents?是指 the contents of the jug,即water; “sweltering listeners”是指由于太热而大汗淋漓的听众。

Then came The Band, mixing the more traditional ideas of the country and western music


into the more radical “city” ideas of the hard rock.(9) 以后又出现了乐队,把乡村音乐和西部音乐所表达的观念与硬石派较为激进的城市观念结合在一起。

这是一个倒装句, 主语是The Band, 谓语是came, “mixing...”是伴随状语,表示谓语动词的伴随动作。当一个句子没有宾语,而且主语较长时,可将谓语提前。该句的非倒装语序为: Then The Band came, mixing...the hard rock.

Lesson two

Lesson Two Four Choices for Young PeopleLesson

本课最重要的语言点是出现频率较多的否定前缀 ?in?,?ir?,?un?.

这些否定前缀意思是 “not”, 放在形容词的前面,构成形容词的反义词。 e.g. insoluble : not soluble,无法解决的,难以解释的. unprecedent: not precedent, 史无前例的. undignified: not dignified, 不庄重的.

uninhabitable: not inhabitable, 无人居住的. unsullied: not sullied, 未玷污的, 没弄脏的. irrationality: no rationality , 不合理.

其余类似的否定前缀还有?dis?, ?im?,如: improper, disagree


贡献出, 起一份作用。词组: contribute to,这里to是介词,后面通常跟名词。

e.g. The exchange of goodwill missions contributes to a better understanding between the two countries.



失望。 词组: be disappointed in, 对某人某事感到失望。 be disappointed at hearing that, 听到……感到失望。

e.g. Brown was very disappointed in the result of the election。 布朗对选举的结果感到很失望。


满足。常用词组: be satisfied with 对……感到满意。 e.g.He is very satisfied with their current situation. 他对目前状况感到非常满意。

The people responsible are, presumably, the adults who have been running things. 对此负责的应该是那些管理这个世界的成年人。

句中responsible 是后置定语,指的是the people who are responsible for this,用来修饰主语。

Who have been running things是定语从句修饰表语the adults。 presumably 作状语,意思为“大概”,“也许”。

My point is merely that the idealists who make the revolution are bound to be disappointed in either case.(13)

该句是主系表结构。My point is that是“我认为”的意思。who make the revolution为定语从句修饰the idealists。be bound to是固定词组,意思为“一定会,注定”。 e.g. These are bound to be controversial questions.



come off

意思是take place, happen, 举行、发生。 e.g.Did your proposed trip to Rome ever come off? 你计划去罗马吗?后来实现了吗? plot v.密谋、策划。

e.g.He is plotting to kill the manager. 他正密谋杀死那个经理

Lesson Three The Use of Force 辨析contemptible /contemptuous

contemptible 卑鄙的,不齿的,可轻视的。 e.g. a contemptible peasant 一个卑微的农夫。 contemptuous 轻蔑的,傲慢的。

e.g.a contemptuous lawyer 一个傲慢的律师。 be up to sb.


如:be entirely up to sb. 完全该由某人来做。

e.g. It is entirely up to us to give them all the help we can. 我们完全有责任全力帮助他们。

on the chance这是一固定搭配,用作副词成分,意为“期待,指望”,其后既可跟of 引导的doing 名词性短语,也可用that引导的从句,从句常用might引起的虚拟形式。 e.g. I vainly went there on the chance I might see him. 我去那儿是指望能看到他,但却枉然。

ground one's teeth

ground one's teeth 为grind one's teeth的过去式,意思为咬牙、磨牙。 e.g.The boy tightly ground his teeth and refused any food. 这个男孩紧咬着牙,拒绝吃任何食物。

go through with sth

go through with sth means to continue to do something till the end 将某事继续干下去,直到结束。

e.g. They went through with the work till the midnight. 他们一直干深夜才结束。

I took a trial shot at it as a point of departure. (6) 一开始我就猜测问题出在哪。

“take a trial shot ”means“to make guess”,猜测,注意该词组后跟介词“at”。 “as a point of departure”means“as a staring point”,一开始。

But a blind fury, a feeling of adult shame, bred of a longing for muscular release are the operatives. (32)

但是想征服她后休息的目的不能达到而造成的愤怒和一种成人的羞耻感,是促使我这样做的主要因素。“a blind fury ”means“an unreasonable and uncontrolled fury ”,意思为:无法理喻和不能控制的愤怒。

Perhaps I should have desisted and come back in an hour or more.No doubt it would have


been better.(31)这两个句子都使用了虚拟语气。“情态动词could,would, need,might,ought to,should+完成式动词短语”表示过去想做而未实现的动作。 e.g.You could have finished the work yesterday. 你本可以昨天就完成这项工作。

Lesson Four Die as You Choose dodge躲闪,回避,逃避

e.g. He threw a chair at me ,but luckily I dodged. 他朝我扔过一把椅子,但幸运的是我躲过了。

考点辨析:evade, 也有躲避的意思,但更强调用心机和计划狡猾的手段,回避对自己不利的东西。

e.g. He evaded the question by talking about something else. withhold

不给予,不发给,不肯做,另外还有“不投入,扣发”的意思。 e.g. He is withholding his approval until after next week's meeting. 他打算到下周的会议后才给予同意。

The company withholds part of its employees' earning for income taxes. 公司由于收入税的问题扣发了员工的部分收入。 注意辨析:prevent...from 制止,阻止


vi.侵入,闯入;打扰。intruder, n.另外该词还有“强加,塞入”的意思。 e.g. ①I hope I'm not intruding. 我希望不致打扰。

②Do not intrude your opinions on others. 不要将你的观点强加于别人。


当名词用时意为复数名词“警察”,在本课该词为动词,意思为“to control as if usingpolice\管理。

e.g. A new body has been set up to police the construction of the dam. 一个新的机构已经成立,用来管理水坝的建设。

Yet medical monstrosities that are hardly any better undoubtedly continue, almost as a matter of macabre routine, in America, Britain and many other countries.


这句话中,“that are hardly any better\是定语从句修饰主语,短语“as a matter of macabre routine ”是条件状语,而介词“in”则是地点状语。

Just as there can be culpable omissions, so too can there be blameless acts。

该句意思为:Just as sometimes a person can be condemned for not doing something,it is also possible not to blame him for something he has done.

正如有时人会因为疏忽了某事而受到谴责,同样他也会为自己做某事而遭到批评。 这句话是倒装语序,因为副词“just\放在句首,情态动词“can”要提前,形成倒装句


Lesson Five I'd Rather Be Black than Female


eliminate a possibility 排除一种可能性

eliminate the false and retain the true 去伪存真

e.g. We eliminate most of the runners in the heats, only the best run in the final. 我们淘汰了大部分热身赛中的长跑者,只有最优秀的进入决赛。 reap

收割,收获;获得,得到。在大多数情况下为及物动词 e.g. reap the rice 收割水稻

reap profits through (from) 从……获得利润

e.g. Members of the people's commune are reaping wheat. 人民公社的社员正在收割小麦。 辨析 aware of / conscious of

这两个词都表示“意识到”,后面都连有of,引导意识到的对象。 aware 一般应用于感官可及的外界事物。

e.g. Everybody in our country is aware of the paramount importance of the modernization of China.

我们国家的每一个人都觉察到中国现代化的极端重要。 conscious 一般应用于内心所意识到的感觉。

e.g He is conscious of a sense of guilt. 他感觉到自己的过错。

反义词 unaware & unconscious drop out of 掉队,退出

They dropped out of the team. 他们退出了球队。 此外常见的其他搭配还有: drop behind 落在后面

drop in(over) 顺便看望,非正式来访 drop off (参加的人)越来越少,减少 redominate 居统治地位,统治,占优势

predominate over sb. 支配或统治某人。名词形式:predomination e.g. Red and scarlet predominate in those flowers. 这些花中大多数是红色和鲜红色的。

It will take years for whites—including those who think of themselves as liberals—to discover and eliminate the racist attitudes towards they all actually have.(3)该句的基本结构为“It will take+时间+不定式”。who引导的定语从句修饰those,they all actually take为定语从句修饰attitudes,省略了关系代词that或which。

You know she?ll only drop out of the game to have a couple of children just about the time we?re ready to run her for mayor.(13)本句中to have a couple of children为不定式作目的状语。we're ready......for mayor



4. avoid doing sth. (5)

avoid 避免,注意:后接动词时,用动名词doing 形式。 e.g. avoid meeting sb. 避免遇见某人

5. The spans allotted are on the order of minutes or seconds. 时间分配差不多以分秒计算。

on the order of :大约,大概,差不多

e.g. That car must be worth on the order of five hundred thousands dollars. 那辆车大约值50万美元。 6. statistically speaking (11) 从统计数字上看,根据统计 类似这样的结构还有:

generally speaking 一般说来 briefly speaking 简单说来

specifically speaking 具体说来

7. surrender to (12)

固定搭配,“ 屈服于,向……投降,沉迷于……”,后跟名词。 e.g. He surrendered himself to despair and took his own life. 他陷于绝望,自杀了。

8. While I would not be so simplistic as to .....(11) while 在此句中的意思为although,表示尽管.

e.g. While the modeling business is no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand.


此外,while 还有其他的含义:①当……时候。e.g. While she was young, she liked painting.年轻的时候,她喜欢绘画。

②可是。e.g.Tom is extrovert ,while Susan is shy.汤姆性


9. be accompanied by (8) 伴随发生,同时伴随

e.g. The rain was accompanied by high wind. 风雨交加。

10. results in inefficient communication (8) result in 是固定搭配,引起(某种结果),使获得(某种成果),结果…… e.g The accident resulted in three deaths.事故导致三人死亡。 result from 由……造成,因……而产生

e.g. The accident resulted from a defective brake. 事故是由刹车失灵造成的。

Lesson Nine

△ By the age of 20 you will have been exposed to at least 20,000 hours of television。

expose to:leave uncovered or unprotected 暴露于

eg:1.The soldiers were exposed to the enemy?s gunfire. 士兵受到敌人炮火的袭击。


2.The students were exposed to the rain on the way home. 学生们在回家的路上遇到了大雨。

△ who never concentrate on anything

concentrate on:focus attention on 集中注意力 eg:1.I can?t concentrate on my work today? 今天我无法集中精神工作。

2.You should concentrate on listening to the teacher in class. 课上你应该集中精神听老师讲课。

△ The surest way to avoid doing so is to keep everything brief. avoid+doing sth

eg:1.After the quarrel they avoided meeting each other. 争吵之后,他们两人避免互相见面。

2.No one can avoid making mistakes in his life. 没有人一生不犯错误

△ results in inefficient conununication. result in:bring about 导致,带来

eg:1.The dispute between two countries resulted in war. 两国的争端最终导致战争。

2.The negligence of the work resulted in the failure of the experi— ment。


△ That visual stimulation is a substitute for thought. substitute for:use as a substitute 代替

eg:1.Mr.Li is ill,so Mr.Yang is a substitute for him. 李老师病了,所以杨老师来替他。

2.They use tea as a substitute for beer to celebrate. 他们以茶代酒来庆贺。

△ When before has virtually an entire nation surrendered itself wholesale to a medium for selling?,

surrender(oneself) to:give way to 向……投降

eg:1.We advised the burglar to surrender himself to the police. 我们建议窃贼向警方投案.

2.They surrendered themselves to despair. 他们感到绝望。

Lesson Ten The Tenth Man 1. legible /readable

辨析: legible 易读,字迹清楚的,可识别的。e.g. The new edition is in larger, more legible type. 新的版本字体较大,易于阅读。

readable :有趣味的,使人爱读的。e.g. a readable novel 一本令人爱读的小说。

2. be bound to be the next victim (12) be bound to 固定词组,注定,必定

e.g. Just wars are bound to triumph over wars of aggression.


正义的战争必定战胜侵略的战争。 3. in case (12)


e.g. In case he comes , let me know. 如果他来的话,告诉我一声。

4. see trough (9)

意为“看穿,识破”。e.g. He can't fool

her ,she sees through him every time. 他无法欺骗她,她每一次都能识破他。 5. pick at (24)


e.g. The sick man picked at the blanket. 病人一再地用手拉毯子。 6. in the favor (26)

in one's favor 意为“对某人有利”。e.g. The evidence is not in his favor. 证据对他不利。

7. They had no means of comparison and assumed ... who happens to share the table with him.(37)

这句话可以分为一个主句和一个比较状语从句两部分。主句中had no means of comparison 和assumed that...是并列关系。状语从句的主语为traveler, stepping off the liner 是它的定语;从句中包括一个who 引导的定语从句,修饰businessman。 △ We are quite indifferent as to which three. indifferent:having no interest,not caring for indifferent to:对…不感兴趣,漠不关

eg:1.He is quite indifferent to the picnic this time. 这次他对野餐不感兴趣,

2.How can you be indifferent to the crisis? 你怎能对这场危机漠不关心呢? △ We see through that.

see through:not be deceived by 看穿

eg: 1.the soldier saw through the enemy?s little game. 士兵看透了敌人的把戏。

2.The parents saw.throuhg what the child thought. 父母看透了孩子的想法。

△…he was bound to be the next victim.

be bound to:certain to,obliged to 一定,必须

eg: 1.They are bound to take their son to the park every weekend. 他们每个周末必定带儿子去公园。 2.He is bound to come. 他肯定会来。

△ I want you to hold this watch for me in case'一 in case:in the event of 万一

eg:1.You?d better take the umbrella with you in case it rains。 万—下雨你最好带上雨伞。

2. Please call me in case you can not find my house. 万一找不到我家,给我打电话。


△ The chances had suddenly grown in his favor from ten to one to—four— teen to one.

in sb?s favor:to the advantage of sb. 对……有利

eg: 1.The new exchange rate is in our country?s favor. 新的汇率对我们国家有利。

2.The votes were in his favor in the election. 选举中的投票对他有利。

△ and a sense of grievance nagged at his mind...

nag at:find fault,worry or annoy by scolding 不断地挑剔,恼人 eg:1.His wife nagged at him all day lcng. 他妻子整天唠唠叨叨责备他。 … 2.The noise kept nagging at me. 噪音使我很恼火。

△ I never consented to the draw.

consent to:give agreement or permission 同意,允许 eg:1.Her parents didn?t consent to the marriage. 她的父母不同意这桩婚事

2.Every one consented to the advice. 每个人都同意此建议。

△ sums up a nation?s character forever'

sum up:express briefly,form a judgement 总结

eg:1.At the end of the class,the teacher summed up the key points. 快下课时,老师把重点进行了总结。

2.He summed up the situation here quickly. 他很快就认清了这里的形势。

△ Who happens to share the table with him. happen to:chance,have the fortune 碰巧

eg:1.I happened to meet him in the street yesterday. 昨天我碰巧在街上遇到他

2.She happened to go shopping when l visited her. 我去看她时碰巧她去买东西了。

Lesson Eleven On Getting off to Sleep

1. plunge into 陷入,投入

e.g. We plunge into a discussion. 我们投入到一场争论中去。

2. resolve 决定,后跟动词时,跟to不定式形式。

Resolve to become one with the masses. 决心和群众打成一片。 3. 辨析 contrariness / contradiction contradiction 矛盾,

e.g. the universality of contradiction 矛盾的普遍性 contrariness 是指相反,对立面,反面。

e.g. the contrariness of matter 事物的对立面


4. 辨析 imaginary / imaginative

imaginary 想像中的,虚构的,幻想的,指不真实的假想。 e.g. an imaginary enemy 假想的敌人

imaginative 意思是富有想像力的,唤起想像力的 e.g. an imaginative artist 富有想像力的艺术家

5. ...and go prosing on in fancy with him ... in fancy 意为“在想像中”,这里并非是常用法。 fancy 构成的常用词组有:

(1)have a fancy (that ...),意为“感到,揣想”。

e.g. I have a fancy that he will arrive late .我觉得他会迟到。 (2)have a fancy for 意为“(没有一定道理的)喜欢,想要”。

e.g. I had a sudden fancy for some mushroom.我突然喜欢上了蘑菇。 (3)take a fancy to ,意为“爱上,(变得)喜欢”。

e.g. She took a fancy to the house as soon as she saw it .她看到这个房子就喜欢上了。 6. They sink,at once,into stupid,heavy slumber, leaving you to your own mental devices.(4)

这个句子中,介词短语at once和分词短语leaving you to your own mental devices作为状语修饰sink,后者为伴随状语。

7. I defy any reasonable man to fall asleep while mustering a herd of ceruean swine.(5) 分词短语表示的状语有时前面可以有一个连词相当于while muster,但要注意分词短语意义上的主语应是主句的主语,defy意思为“藐视”。

△ You may depend upon it that before I have gone very far...。. depend upon it be quite certain about 完全相信,敢说

eg:1.You may depend upon it that the strike will go on. 我敢说罢工仍会继续。

2.He will come soon depend upon it 你可以完全相信他一会儿准来。 △ and I can do anything but sleep but:except 除了

eg:1.They all went to the cinema but Peter because he was ill. 因为彼得病了,除了他以外,大家都去看电影了。 2.None but the brave deserve the fair. 只有英雄才配美人。

△ and I can solve,to my own satisfaction,all the doubts of humanity to one?s+名词

eg:1.To my surprise,he suddenly stood up and left the meeting room. 令我惊讶的是,他突然站起来离开了会议室。 2.To our great joy,we succeeded at last. 令我们非常高兴的是我们终于成功了。

△ much given to a teasing inconsistency?..

be given to sth./doing sth.:have as a habit 习惯 eg:1.He is given to wild forecasts. 他爱作轻率的预言。

2.I am not given to flattering others.


half of the firm and conduct the interview. on behalf of:as the representative Of 代表

eg:1.I came to the meeting on behalf of my colleagues. 我代表我的同事来参加会议。

2.On behalf of the factory,he came to sign contract with us. 他作为工厂的代表来与我们签订合同。 △I can live with all that.

live with:accept and endure 忍受

eg:1.I don?t 1ike the noise here,but l can live with it now. 我不喜欢这儿的噪音,但现在我能忍受了。 2.Can you live with the humid climate here? 你能忍受这潮湿的气候吗?

△They nodded and approved of the question. approve of:agree,give approval of 赞同,批准

eg:1.The school approved of her application for studying abmad. 学校批准了她出国学习的申请。

2.Most of the congress members approved of this bill. 大多数国会议员赞同这项议案。

△We have something similar to a two-year apprenticeship, similar to :like,of the same sort 相似

eg:1.My attitude towards life is similar to yours. 我对生活的态度与你的很相似。

2.Is gold similar to brass in colour ? 金子和黄铜的颜色很相似吗?

△We deal only with people who pay

deal with:do business,have relation with 做生意,解决,处理 eg:1.Did your company deal with foreign firms ? 你们公司与外国公司有生意往来吗?

2.How did you deal with that difficult problem? 你是怎样解决那个难题的?

△They watched him carefully to make sure all of this sunk in. sink in:go down deep 深入

eg:1.The warnings of the teacher and the parents have sunk in his mind.

他已经把老师和父母的警告铭记在心。 2.Has the rain water sunk in the ground? 雨水渗入地下了吗?

△.dreaming of a black 318i With a sunroof.

dream of:see in a dream,imagine,suppose 梦到,想象 eg:1.He often dreams of sailing on the sea. 他经常梦见在海上航行。

2.After she went abroad,she always dreamed of home. 她出国后总是梦到家。


