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小学英语三年级上册期末检测试卷 、 题号 得分 一 亲爱的同学们,仔细审题,认真答题是取得好成绩的方法,努力吧!交一份满意的答卷,细心一点哦!加油! 份满意的答卷,细心一点哦!加油! 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 等级 听力部分


( )1. A. noodles B noon ( ) 6. A. arm B.leg ( ) 2. A. small B big ( ) 7. A. hurt B.hand ( ) 3. A. fruit B friend ( ) 8. A. head B. help ( ) 4. A.short B shorts ( ) 9. A. hair B. year ( ) 5. A.dress Bskirt ( ) 10. A. delicious B. birthday 二. 听音,选出听到的句子:

( )1. A. What's your name? B. What’s his name ? ( ) 2. A. Which class are you in ? B. I'm in class 2.

( ) 3. A. what should I wear today? B. what clothes should I wear ? ( ) 4. A. This is a coat B.These are gloves

( ) 5. A. I want to eat lunch! B. I want to be your friend. 三.听音判断,下列句子是否与听到的相符,相符用 “T” ,不相符用“F”.

( )1、My leg hurts. ( )2、I have three heads. ( )3、My foot hurts.

( )4、What’s the weather like in Jiangbin? ( )5、When is his birthday? 四、听音排序:

( ) I am in class 2. ( )What do you want for lunch? ( ) I’m looking forward to seeing you ( ) They are not good for you.

( ) Can I help you ? ( )This dress is make of silk ( ) My family name is Sun. ( )When is your birthday?.


( ) What’s your family name? ( ) What’s the matter? 五、听音,选择听到的单词完成句子。 ( ) 1.Lily's mother wants some _____.

A. eggs B.cake C.ice-cream新课 标 第 一 网 ( ) 2. What's your ______?

A. name B.family name C. his name ( ) 3. My ____ hurts.

A. nose B. foot C. arm

( ) 4. Can you _____ to my birthday party? A. come B.go C. run ( ) 5. I'm _____ years old.

A. 10 B.9 C. 8w W w .x K b 1.c o M ( ) 6.What do you want for ____ ? A.lunch B.breakfast C. dinner ( ) 7.Do you like _____ ?

A.meat B.potatoes C.chicken ( ) 8.Plants ____ us cotton

A.give B.gives C.offer ( ) 9.I play _____ with Andy.

A.football B.piano C.ping-pong ( )10.what’s the weather ______in Beijing?

A.look like B.like C.likes新 课 标 第 一 网



( ) 1. DecemberA.十一月 B.十二月( ) 2. 嘴A.mouth B. mouce ( ) 3.wear A.穿 B.脱 ( ) 4.年级 A.class B.grade ( ) 5. pet A.宠物 B.兔子 ( )6. 短裤 A.short B. shorts ( ) 7. bread A.面包 B.肉 ( ) 8.年龄 A. age B. ade ( ) 9. help A.帮助 B.谢谢( )10.美味的 A.party B. delicious


二.找出下列句子的答句,把序号填在括号里。 ( )1.What’s the matter? A.LI

( )2.What should you wear today ? B.My foot hurts. ( )3.What's your family name? C.I should wear a coat. ( )4.Which class are you in? D. I'm in class 2. ( )5.When is your birthday? E.My birthday is in May. 三.情景交际X|k |B | 1 . c|O |m

( )1.当你想问对方的名字时,应问:

A.What’s your name? B. What’s you name? ( )2. 我姓陈,用英语说:

A. My family name is Chen. B. My name is Chen Hua. ( )3.当你想知道对方是否喜欢水果时,英说:

A. Do you like fruit? B.Do you want fruit?

( )4.当你想表达“我的头部受伤了”时,应说:

A.My head hurts. B.My hair hurts.

( ) 5.当你想知道别人的生日,应问:

A. When is your birthday ? B. Where is your birthday ? 四.选出正确答案。

1.( ) I am in ____2. X|k |B | 1 . c|O |m A.glass B.class

2.( ) How old are ——? A.you B.your

3.( ) My family name is ____. A.Li B.Li Hua

4.( ) Which class____ you in?. A.is B.are 5.( ) I ____ long hair. A. have B. has

6.( ) What's the _____? My arm hurts. A.wrong B.matter

7.( ) what _____ pretty dog!


A.a B. one

8.( ) Do you like _____?. A.tomatoes B.tomatos新|课 |标| 第 |一 | 网 9.( ) What's —— matter? A./ B. the 10.( ) ______you have a pet? A.Are B.Do 五.阅读理解

Ann is my new friend.She is from China.She is 10 years old.Now she is in class 2. She likes bread ,fruit and meat.She has a white dog.It has a short tail.It can dance.We like it.


1.( )Ann is ____ years old. A.nine B.ten 2.( ) Ann is in ____.A.class one B. class two 3.( ) She likes _____. A.cake B.fruit 4.( ) Ann has a white _____.A.cat B.dog 5.( ) It can _____. A.dance B.sing



听力部分新 课 标 第 一 网


(A )1. A. noodles B noon ( A ) 6. A. arm B.leg ( A ) 2. A. small B big ( A ) 7. A. hurt B.hand ( A ) 3. A. fruit B friend ( A ) 8. A. head B. help ( B ) 4. A.short B shorts ( A ) 9. A. hair B. year ( B ) 5. A.dress Bskirt ( A) 10. A. delicious B. birthday 三. 听音,选出听到的句子:

( A )1. A. What's your name? B. What’s his name ? ( A ) 2. A. Which class are you in ? B. I'm in class 2.

( A ) 3.A. what should I wear today B.what clothes should I wear ? ( B ) 4. A. This is a coat B.These are gloves

( B ) 5. A. I want to eat lunch! B. I want to be your friend.

三.听音判断,下列句子是否与听到的相符,相符用 “T” ,不相符用“F”.

( T )1、My leg hurts. X|k |B | 1 . c|O |m ( T )2、I have three heads. ( F )3、My foot hurts.

( T )4、What’s the weather like in Jiangbin? ( F )5、When is his birthday? 四、听音排序:

( 5 ) I am in class 2. ( 1 )What do you want for lunch? ( 2 ) I’m looking forward to seeing you ( 7 ) They are not good for you.

(8 ) Can I help you ? ( 6 )This dress is make of silk ( 9 ) My family name is Sun. ( 4 )When is your birthday?. ( 3 ) What’s your family name? ( 10) What’s the matter? 六、听音,选择听到的单词完成句子。 ( A ) 1.Lily's mother wants some _____. A. eggs B.cake C.ice-cream ( B ) 2. What's your ______?X k B 1 . c o m

A. name B.family name C. his name


( A ) 3. My ____ hurts.

A. nose B. foot C. arm

( A ) 4. Can you _____ to my birthday party? A. come B.go C. run ( A ) 5. I'm _____ years old. A. 10 B.9 C. 8

( A ) 6.What do you want for ____ ?

A.lunch B.breakfast C. dinner ( B ) 7.Do you like _____ ? 新 课 标 第 一 网 A.meat B.potatoes C.chicken ( A ) 8.Plants ____ us cotton

A.give B.gives C.offer ( A ) 9.I play _____ with Andy.

A.football B.piano C.ping-pong ( B)10.what’s the weather ______in Beijing? A.look like B.like C.likes


http://w ww.x kb1.com 一.找出英、汉相对应的词。

( B ) 1. DecemberA.十一月 B.十二月( A ) 2. 嘴A.mouth B. mouce ( A ) 3.wear A.穿 B.脱 ( B ) 4.年级 A.class B.grade (A ) 5. pet A.宠物 B.兔子 ( B)6. 短裤 A.short B. shorts ( A ) 7. bread A.面包 B.肉 ( A ) 8.年龄 A. age B. ade ( A ) 9. help A.帮助 B.谢谢( B )10.美味的 A.party B. delicious 二.找出下列句子的答句,把序号填在括号里。 (B )1.What’s the matter? A.LI.

( C )2.What should you wear today ? B.My foot hurts.

( A )3.What's your family name? C.I should wear a coat. ( D )4.Which class are you in? D. I'm in class 2.

( E )5.When is your birthday? E.My birthday is in May.


( A ) 3. My ____ hurts.

A. nose B. foot C. arm

( A ) 4. Can you _____ to my birthday party? A. come B.go C. run ( A ) 5. I'm _____ years old. A. 10 B.9 C. 8

( A ) 6.What do you want for ____ ?

A.lunch B.breakfast C. dinner ( B ) 7.Do you like _____ ? 新 课 标 第 一 网 A.meat B.potatoes C.chicken ( A ) 8.Plants ____ us cotton

A.give B.gives C.offer ( A ) 9.I play _____ with Andy.

A.football B.piano C.ping-pong ( B)10.what’s the weather ______in Beijing? A.look like B.like C.likes


http://w ww.x kb1.com 一.找出英、汉相对应的词。

( B ) 1. DecemberA.十一月 B.十二月( A ) 2. 嘴A.mouth B. mouce ( A ) 3.wear A.穿 B.脱 ( B ) 4.年级 A.class B.grade (A ) 5. pet A.宠物 B.兔子 ( B)6. 短裤 A.short B. shorts ( A ) 7. bread A.面包 B.肉 ( A ) 8.年龄 A. age B. ade ( A ) 9. help A.帮助 B.谢谢( B )10.美味的 A.party B. delicious 二.找出下列句子的答句,把序号填在括号里。 (B )1.What’s the matter? A.LI.

( C )2.What should you wear today ? B.My foot hurts.

( A )3.What's your family name? C.I should wear a coat. ( D )4.Which class are you in? D. I'm in class 2.

( E )5.When is your birthday? E.My birthday is in May.


