牛津高中英语模块一 Unit1 定语从句

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关系词分为关系代词(that, who, whom, which, whose)、关系副词(when, where, when, why)和关系限定词(whose).


考虑三个因素(限定性、指人还是指物、充当的成分) 一般:who/whom/that指人 which/that指物



在从句中作主语或宾语,但不能放在介词后作介词宾语。如: The eggs that I bought yesterday were not fresh. 我昨天买的鸡蛋不新鲜。

I prefer dumplings that have just been cooked. 我更喜欢吃刚煮出来的饺子。


(l)当先行词有最高级修饰或本身就是最高级时。如: This book is the most difficult one that I have ever read. 这本书是我所读过的最难的一本书。 The best that I could do was to apologize. 我能做的最好的事情就是道歉。

(2)当先行词有序数词修饰或本身就是序数词时。如: Here are two students,the third that you want is to come in a minute.这儿有两个学生,你要的第三个学生一会儿就来。 The second school that I visited here was Yucai Middle School. 我在这儿所参观的第二所学校是育才中学。 (3)当先行词是all、不定代词如(something,anything, nothing,little, much,none)时。如:


There is little that I can do to make up for the lost time. 我没有办法弥补所丢失的时间。

All that is worth doing is worth doing well.值得做的就值得做好。 (4)当先行词前有only,all,any,no等词修饰时。如: There are no people that things must not happen to. 没有人一生不出事。

The only thing that they could do was to sleep. 他们所能做的事就是睡觉。


This is the school (that) I once studied at. 这就是我曾经上学的学校。

当先行词在there be(存在句)结构中做“实义主语”时,而且还通常省略。

The 9:15 is the fastest train (that) there has ever been. (7)当先行词既含有人又含有物时。如:

They talked about the persons and things that they remembered in the school.他们谈论还能记起的在学校里的人和事。

The man and manners that he describes in his book are familiar. 他书中所描述的人以及所用的手法都很熟悉。

(8)句中有两个定语从句,其中第一个从句的关系代词已用了who或which时,第二个定语从句的关系代词用that。如: Our English teacher is the man who is talking with the girl that is in red.我们的英语老师就是那位男子,他在和穿红衣服的女孩谈话。 We built a factory which produces fertilizer that is badly needed. 我们修建了一个工厂,生产急需的化肥。 (9)在以who开头的疑问句中。如: Who is the boy that is standing at the gate? 门口站的那个男孩是谁?

Who was she that he danced with? 和他跳舞的那个女士是谁?



The building which stands near the river is our school. 河边的那所建筑物是我们学校。

This is the reference book which you want.


下面几种情况通常用which,不用that: (l)关系代词在介词后面时。如: This is the chair on which I sat just now. 这就是我刚才坐的那把椅子。

That is the house in which we lived last year. 那就是去年我们住的房子。



They are hollow, which makes them very light.. 它们是空的,这使得它们很轻。

The book,which was written in 1994, was published in 1996. 1994年写的那本书,1996年才出版。 (3)先行词为that时。如:

What's that which you are looking at? 你们正在看什么?

What's that which you are holding in your hands?你手里拿的什么?

关系代词whom, which在定语从句中作介词宾语时,介词一般放在whom,which之前。关系词的选择:


It is a tribute in which the British-speaking peoples can share irrespective of party or class.

James Russell is a man for whom I have the greatest respect. 非正式语体,介词后置,who/that指人,that指物,或者都用zero. There are the boys (who/that) I went to school with. The case (that) you are referring to is now closed.

关系代词whom, which在定语从句中作介词宾语时,介词一般放在whom,which之前。介词由两方面来确定。 (l)根据动词和介词的搭配来确定。如: This is the house in which we lived last year. 这就是我们去年住的房子。

There comes the man about whom we just talked. 我们刚才谈论的那个人过来了。 (2)根据从句的意思来确定。如:

He built a telescope through which he could study the skies. 他建造了一个望远镜,通过这个望远镜他就能观察天体。

Wei Hua,with whom I palyed pingpong yesterday, is not here now.和我昨天一起打乒乓球的魏华现在不在这儿。

表示方式的结构,以the way作先行项的关系分句通常由in which引导。

The way in which you answered the questions was admirable. 但在非正式语体中,通常省略。

The way you answered the questions was admirable.


who,whom指人,在从句中作主语、宾语。whose既可指人,也可指物,在从句中作定语。 如:

The professor who comes from Beijing University is famous.. 从北京大学来的那位教授是很著名的。

he writer whom we met in the street gave us a lecture last month.我们在街上碰到的那位作家上个月给我们作过一次报告。 The bike whose bell doesn't work is mine. 那辆铃不响的车子是我的。

4. 特殊关系词as&but

(l)as作代词,引导定语从句,主要用于the same as ,the same…as或such…as 结构中,这时as 相当于who或which。如: The house is just the same as it used to be. 这所房子和过去没什么差别。

Such people as you are talking about will surely succeed.你说的这种人肯定会成功的。


Mike,as you know, is a good man. 如你所知,迈克是个好人。

The elephant is like a snak,as anybody can see.任何人都能看到,大象像条蛇。

which和as引导非限定性定语从句的区别。 which引导非限定性定语从句:

(l)只代替主句的部分内容。 (2)可代替主句的全部内容。

(3)代替主句中表物或事的一个名词或词组,且对其进行说明。 (4)当定语从句为复合结构,且关系词为宾语时。 (5)定语从句为否定句时。

(6)定语从句为主动句,且关系词在从句中作主语时。 as引导非限定性定语从句:

(l)可放在主句前,也可放在主句后。 (2)表达“正如,就像”意义时。

(3)从句谓语为know,explain, say, expect, imagine, show, report, announce, point out时。



But=that……not…… There is no one but errors.

5.when, where, why


I will nevre forget the day (when) I joined the Party.我永远不会忘记我入党的那一天。

We don`t know the reason (why) they didn't complete their

production plan according to the schedule.我们不知道他们为什么没有按计划完成生产计划。

One morning an elephant was led down the road where they stood.一天早晨,一头大象从他们所站的那条路上被赶过去。 也可用介词后置的方法省去where。

The room he worked in is now kept in good repair.

Do you still remember the days______ we worked together? Do you still remember the days______ we spent together?

Do you still remember the place______ my mother once worked? Do you still remember the place______ we visited that year? Do you still remember the place______ we spent our holidays?




The drive, who is very young, had only just got his licence. This book, which only appeared a year ago, has already gone through several editions.


He tried to stand on his hands for five minutes, which is rather a difficult thing to do.

