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东北农业大学入学测试机考 专升本 大学英语 模拟题

1、Good care must babies particularly while they are ill. (2)( ) A. take

B. take of C. be taken

D. be taken of


2、 is good of you to be constantly thinking of helping me. (2)( A. That B. This C. It

D. What


3、His eyes shone brightly when he finally received the magazine he . A. had long been expected

B. had long expected C. has long expected

D. was long expected


4、Please that you won’t make such a mistake. (2)( ) A. make out B. make in C. make sure

D. make up


5、Bill told me that live with his roommates again next year. (2)( A. he’d rather not B. he won’t rather

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) 2)( ) ( ) C. he’ll rather

D. he’d rather didn’t


6、I carry only enough money to make change for a bill. (2)( ) A. tens-dollar B. ten-dollar C. ten-dollars D. tens-dollars


7、Last summer I took a course on . (2)( ) A. how to make dresses B. how dresses to make C. how to be made dresses D. how dresses to be made


8、Don’t be too about things you are not supposed to know. (2)( ) A. strange B. amusing C. curious D. conscious


9、The water will be further polluted unless some measures . (2)( ) A. will be taken B. are taken C. were taken

D. had been taken


10、We have studied English for only one year, we can perform English short play already. (2)( )

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A. for B. and C. yet D. or


11、Some people consider it unwise to ___themselves in a quarrel between husband and wife.(2)( ) A.participate B.involve C.combine D.associate


12、I have just come here to see if I can be___ to you.(2)( ) A.help B.of help C.with help D.for help


13、Imagine ___with someone who never stops ___practical jokes on you.(2)( ) A.to live, to play B.to live, playing C.living, to play D.living, playing


14、The Old Man and the Sea and many other novels ___ Ernest Hemingway the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.(2)( ) A.earned B.gained C.awarded D.claimed


15、Those who had moved to America under the ___that America was paved with gold everywhere started to regret their decision.(2)( ) A.illusion B.intention C.impression D.concept

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16、She his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right. (2)( ) A. looked up B. looked for C. picked out D. picked up


17、Julie has gained more experience than in her restaurant and the customers like her. (2)( )

A. any waitress B. other waitresses C. the waitress D. any other waitress


18、She seems to be too short for a . (2)( ) A. twenty-year old girl B. girl twenty-year-old C. twenty-years-old girl D. girl of twenty


19、The room was so quiet that she could hear the of her heart. (2)( ) A. hitting B. beating C. hurting D. striking


20、 what the situation would be like, they decided to keep silent. (2)( ) A. Knowing not B. Not know

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C. Not knowing

D. Having not known


21、Tom told his mother he was going to go over his lessons but he went to bed. (2)( ) A. almost B. actually

C. immediately D. hardly


22、 that leather shoes are hand-made, the price seems reasonable. (2)( ) A. In view of B. Because C. Since

D. Considering


23、I don’t think possible to master a foreign language without much memory work. (2)( ) A. this B. that C. its D. it


24、 you have done might do harm to other people. (2)( ) A. That B. What

C. Which D. This


25、The boy his time between work and play. (2)( )

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A. spent

B. wasted C. separated D. divided


26、___change your mind,please give us a call.(2)( ) A.Were you to B.Would you C.Could you D.Might you


27、When ___, he denied ___ anything illegal.(2)( ) A.questioned, doing B.being questioned, doing C.questioning, doing D.questioning, having done


28、See you later. Jenny. I'm glad ___ with you for six months.(2)( ) A.to work

B.to be working

C.to have worked

D.to having been working


29、The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly, her long hair___________in the breeze.(2)( ) A.flowed B.had flowed C.flowing D.was flowing

标准答案:A 30、___from the European continent, England had been in close contact with the outside world.(2)( )

A.Because cutting off B.While to be cut off C.Although cut itself off D.Even if cut off


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31、We were so late getting to the theatre that we missed most of . (2)( ) A. the act first B. act one C. act first

D. first act


32、I bought a shirt because it was good in quality and in price. (2)( A. reasonable B. valuable

C. comfortable D. enjoyable


33、We agreed here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet. (2)( ) A. having met B. meeting C. to meet

D. to have met


34、Very seldom that two clocks or watches exactly agree. (2)( A. you find

B. you will find C. you do find D. do you find


35、The missing boys were last seen near the river. (2)( ) A. playing

B. to be playing C. play

D. to play

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) ) 标准答案:A

36、Of all the problems, this one is of the importance. (2)( ) A. great B. more C. less D. greatest


37、It happened to be very cold the morning of our sports meet. (2)( ) A. at B. of C. on D. with


38、The gate is too for a car; we’ll have to walk through. (2)( ) A. shallow B. loose C. broad D. narrow


39、In Hangzhou Mr. Green was so struck by beauty of nature that he stayed for another night. (2)( ) A. /; / B. /; the C. the; / D. the; the


40、At the age of 14, he went to his uncle's farm, where he had lessons on botany ___ .(2)( ) A.self-taught B.self-teaching C.being self-taught D.having self-taught

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41、The actors have to ___ before they appear in front of the audience.(2)( ) A.cover up B.paint up C.make up D.do up


42、Quite a lot of people watch TV only to ___time.(2)( ) A.pass B.kill C.waste D.spend


43、John was never particular ___ the food his wife served.(2)( ) A.about B.of C.for D.to


44、The designing of a satellite in the heavy environment is ___an easy job.(2)( ) A.by all means B.by means of C.by no means D.by any means


45、Edward is the boy ___I think scored the winning point for the basketball team.(2)( ) A.that B.what C.whom D.who


46、He didn’t know what while he was away from home. (2)( ) A. would happen B. happened

C. had happened D. happens

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47、His speech made deep impression on the audience that they could hardly forget it. (2)( ) A. such a B. so a C. so D. such


48、The computer center, last year, is very popular among the students in this school. (2)( ) A. open

B. opening

C. having opened D. opened


49、 is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. (2)( ) A. There B. This C. That D. It


50、Crusoe’s dog became ill and died, made him very lonely. (2)( ) A. as B. which C. that D. this


51、One of my teeth is so ______ that it is going to be missing soon.(2)( ) A.lose B.loose

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C.loss D.lost


52、—How about taking a walk? —Oh, I think it’s ______ cold for a walk. (2)( ) A.very much B.too much C.much too D.so much


53、You are supposed to write your composition every ______ line.(2)( ) A.one B.a C.other D.another


54、After living for years in a big city, they found it difficult to settle ______ in a town.(2)( ) A.for B.at C.up D.down


55、The reason for my absence was ______ I had fallen ill.(2)( ) A.why B.because C.for



56、This is the university ______.(2)( ) A.at which do we study B.we are studying C.we are studying at D.where we study at


57、It was in this house ______ the important meeting in history was held.(2)( ) A.where

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B.that C.which D.in which


58、She looked so honest that we all regarded her story ______.(2)( ) A.like true B.as true C.like real D.as real


59、Mrs. Brown as well as her children ______ to go Paris on holiday next week.(2)( ) A.is B.are C.will D.will be


60、He is training hard, hoping to ______ a new world record.(2)( ) A.set off B.set aside C.set up D.set out


61、The British people and the American people not only speak the same language but a lot of special customs as well. (2)( ) A. share B. spare C. hold D. carry


62、The book I the other day can be found nowhere. (2)( ) A. borrow B. borrowed

C. are borrowing D. was borrowing

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63、She doesn’t speak her friend, but her written work is excellent. (2)( ) A. as well as B. so often as C. so much as

D. as good as


64、“Where do you live?” “I live 550 Dalian Road.” (2)( ) A. on B. at C. to

D. for


65、They are working hard to what they have lost. (2)( ) A. make up for B. keep up with C. catch up with D. make out for


66、I like spring. I hope good weather will . (2)( ) A. go on B. stay C. keep

D. continue


67、There are usually at least two of looking at every question. (2)( A. means B. directions C. views

D. ways

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68、 The reason why the car was stopped was . (2)( ) A. that the road was slippery

B. due to the slippery road C. because the road was slippery D. because of the slippery road


69、He won’t to bring me my umbrella unless I tell him again. (2)( A. forget

B. remind C. remember

D. realize


70、Do you know ___the population of China is?(2)( ) A.how many B.how much C.which D.what


71、Advertising is different from other forms of communication ___the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered. (2)( ) A.in that B.now that C.see that D.whereas

标准答案:A 72、I know nothing about his journey ___ he is likely to be away for six months.(2)( A.except B.unless C.except that

D.apart from


73、___editor and ___publisher of this magazine is a learned man from Britain.(2)(东北农业大学 专升本 110144100.doc 第 14 页 共 43 页

) )

) A.An, a B.The, a C.The, the D.The, /


74、Many a white-collar worker___to return to the easy days of university or college.(2)( ) A.wishes B.wish C.have wished D.wishing


75、It will much time if we drive the car instead of walking. (2)( ) A. save B. spend C. take D. use


76、“Can I help you?” “Well, I’m afraid the box is too heavy for you, thank you all the same.” (2)( ) A. and B. so C. or D. but


77、Not until the early years of the 19 century what heat is. (2)( ) A. man knew


B. didn’t man know C. man did know D. did man know


78、The great noise produced by the machine will sooner or later do to the workers’

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hearing. (2)( ) A. damage B. help C. wrong D. harm


79、The research results show that the earth goes a little faster it is closer to the sun. (2)( ) A. as if

B. so that C. than D. when


80、“Where do you suggest going?” “We promised the children to the West Lake.” (2)( ) A. taking

B. to take C. taken D. took


81、The doctor suggests that I should sleep with the window open it’s very cold. (2)( ) A. if B. unless C. when D. since 标准答案:B

82、His grandma in bed for a week. (2)( ) A. lies

B. has lain

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C. has laid

D. has lied


83、 he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. (2)( ) A. What B. That

C. The fact

D. The matter


84、It is reported that people have entered for the competition. (2)( A. hundreds B. hundred

C. hundreds of D. several hundreds


85、The boy used to watch the planes and land far away. (2)( ) A. take away B. take off C. take out

D. take up


86、You’re your time trying to persuade him. He’ll never join us. (2)( A. spending B. wasting C. losing

D. missing


87、Alice received an invitation from her boss, came as a surprise. (2)( A. it

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) ) ) B. that C. which D. he


88、Not only the data fed into it, but it can also analyze them. (2)( ) A. can the computer memorize B. the computer can memorize C. do the computer memorize D. can memorize the computer


89、Mrs. White found her husband surrounded by letters and papers and very worried. (2)( ) A. looking B. looks

C. looked D. to look


90、But for your help, we ___the work as scheduled.(2)( ) A.could not finish

B.would not have finished C.would have finished D.could have finished


91、How well educated a person is ___a strong influence on his career.(2)( )

A.has B.have C.to have D.having


92、What he wrote made no ___to me.(2)( ) A.meaning B.idea C.sense D.story

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93、I bought this antique vase at a quite ___price.(2)( ) A.cheap B.reasonable C.expensive D.small


94、___change your mind, please give me a call.(2)( ) A.Might you B.Were you C.Should you D.Would you


95、Hardly had they arrived at the airport ___the plane started to leave.(2)( ) A.than B.then C.until D.when


96、His project must be completed ___as scheduled.(2)( ) A.in vain B.at most C.in advanced D.by all means


97、The moon to a large mirror which reflects the sun’s light to the earth. ( ) A. compares

B. can compare

C. can be compared D. may compare


98、Science has made possible for machines to take the place of human labour. ( ) A. this

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2)2) ((B. that C. its D. it


99、 it was finished in time. (2)( ) A. As the work was difficult

B. Difficult as the work was C. Difficult as was the work

D. As was the work difficult


100、Train services are now back to after last week’s strike. (2)( ) A. ordinary B. usual

C. normal

D. natural


101、He his leg when he in a football match against another school. ( ) A. broke; played

B. was breaking; was playing C. broke; was playing

D. was breaking; played


102、English teachers are needed in remote areas. (2)( ) A. badly B. nearly

C. scarcely

D. rarely


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103、His handwriting is bad and is worse. (2)( ) A. mine B. my C. your

D. her


104、This room is as large as that. (2)( ) A. a time and a half B. one time and a half C. one and a half times

D. one and a half time


105、In today’s newspaper, it that there will be strong wind this afternoon. ( ) A. tells B. writes

C. records

D. says


106、“What do you think of the cake?” “It’s nice. I’d like to have .” (2)( A. some other B. another C. others

D. other


107、When my sister phoned me, I could not hear clearly what she was . (2)( A. speaking B. saying C. talking

D. telling

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2) ) ) (


108、The number of the teachers in our college greatly increased this term. (2)( ) A. is B. has C. are D. have


109、Her English is the best in the class. (2)( ) A. speaking B. spoken C. talked D. writing


110、 no need to take any kind of vitamin pills if we eat well and properly. (2)( ) A. It is B. It’s

C. There has D. There is


111、When we breathe, the oxygen in the air with our blood and gives us life. (2)( ) A. fills B. goes

C. takes in D. mixes


112、“I’m sorry to keep you waiting.” “Oh, not at all. I here only a few minutes.” (2)

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( ) A. have been B. had been C. was

D. will be


113、If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, great it is. ( ) A. what B. how

C. however

D. whatever


114、You never told us why you were one hour late for the last meeting, ? ( ) A. weren’t you B. didn’t you

C. have you

D. did you


115、I don’t quite remember the key the question though I answered it correctly. ( ) A. of B. to C. for

D. about


116、If you drink too much, your health will get even . (2)( ) A. bad B. poor

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2)2)2)(((C. worse D. not well


117、The thing that is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not. (2)( ) A. matters B. cares

C. considers D. minds


118、“Which of these two ties will you take?” “I’ll take to give me a change sometimes.” (2)( ) A. either B. both

C. neither D. all


119、He didn’t keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch . (2)( ) A. to repair B. repaired C. repairing D. repair


120、By nine o’clock I that my guests were not coming. (2)( ) A. recognized B. realized C. understood D. noticed

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121、It rarely snows in the south in winter, ? (2)( ) A. is it B. isn’t it

C. doesn’t it D. does it


122、I wonder if he us, and I think if he us we’ll be able to complete the task

ahead of time. (2)( ) A. helps; help

B. will help; helps

C. will help; will help D. helps; will help


123、Dark glasses are sometimes worn to the eyes from strong sunlight. (2)( ) A. prevent B. care

C. defend D. protect


124、He as well as I the suggestion you put forward just now. (2)( ) A. agree with B. agree to

C. agrees with D. agrees to


125、They often the scientist’s name, but they have never seen him. (2)( ) A. learn from B. hear from C. hear of

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D. listen to


126、Will the of houses and land continue to increase? (2)( ) A. worth B. value C. cost

D. importance


127、It can take up three months to a man to do this work. (2)( ) A. guide B. raise

C. train

D. learn


128、Although he is considered as a great writer . (2)( ) A. his works are not widely read

B. but his works are not widely read C. however his works are not widely read

D. still his works are not widely read


129、Students sometimes support themselves by of evening jobs. (2)( A. ways B. offers C. means

D. helps


130、I asked him to me a few minutes so that we could go over the problems. ( ) A. spend

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) 2) (B. save C. spare D. share


131、___in the arguments about the morality of artificially reproducing life is the fact that,at present, cloning is a very inefficient procedure.(2)( ) A.Overlooked B.Overlooking

C.Having overlooked

D.Having been overlooked


132、We’ll___ what our country expects of us.(2)( ) A.keep up with B.put up with C.stand up to D.live up to


133、The writer has listed why cloning is not feasible to be ___on humans.(2)( ) A.amended B.adopted C.adjusted D.adapted


134、He was a charming and ___host whose house was an___rendezvous( 集合的) of the great.(2)( ) A.accomplished, accepted B.accomplishing, accepting C.accomplishing, accepted D.accomplished, accepting


135、I think the chief thing that ___ me about Mr. Bush was his kindness and humor.(2)( ) A.hit B.struck C.beat D.knocked


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136、Mrs. Clinton was always neatly and quietly dressed ___ her age and status.(2)( )


137、We discussed only such problems ___ concerned everyone of us.(2)( ) A.that B.what C.as



138、After the ___of 17 British passengers, Mr. Blair continued to express his concern over the safety of the other passengers still on board the hijacked airliner.(2)( ) A.relay B.release C.convey D.transfer


139、The “quality” newspapers are often held ___ as an example of impartial journalism.(2)( ) A.back B.in C.up D.onto


140、There are altogether fifty students in our class, twenty are boys. (2)( ) A. of them B. of those C. of whom D. of whose


141、Although he was so tired, he went to the concert with his friend that night. (2)( ) A. but

A.in regard to

B.in accordance with C.in reference to

D.in comparison with

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B. so C. yet D. and


142、He finished his lunch very fast, because he attend an important meeting. (2)( ) A. needed B. might

C. used to

D. had to


143、I don’t trust him at all. His smiles always make me . (2)( ) A. feeling sick B. be sick C. being sick

D. sick


144、Not until Mr. Smith came to China what kind of a country she is. (2)( A. did he know B. he knew

C. he didn’t know D. he could know


145、 road out of town is good. But this one is better than the other. (2)( A. Both B. All C. None

D. Neither


146、It is often more difficult to find trained men than ___for scientific research.(2)( 东北农业大学 专升本 110144100.doc 第 29 页 共 43 页

) ) )

A.getting financial support B.to get financial support C.get financial support

D.in getting financial support


147、John is a good student, ___his best subject.(2)( ) A.as English

B.being English C.English as D.English being


148、___great was the destruction that the South took decades to recover.(2)( A.Very B.Too C.So D.Such


149、You ought not to ___him the news that day.(2)( ) A.tell

B.be telling

C.have been told

D.have told


150、Hot metal ___as it grows cooler.(2)( ) A.contracts B.reduces C.condenses D.decreases


151、If I___to do the experiment, I would do it some other way.(2)( ) A.should be B.should be going C.was D.were


152、I would not be home tonight___ you not___me a lift in your car.(2)( A.if, give

B.if had, given

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) )

C.had, given D.have, given


153、We___it without your help.(2)( ) A.couldn't have done B.couldn't do C.could have done D.could haven't done


154、___in the crash, he won't participate in the race.(2)( ) A.His broken leg B.His leg is broken

C.His leg having been broken D.His leg being broken


155、So fast ___that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.(2)( A.light travels B.travels light C.does light travel D.has light traveled


156、Is this film moving?Yes, it is___.(2)( ) A.Rarely have I seen this before. B.Rarely before have I seen this. C.Rarely have I seen before this. D.Rarely I have seen this before.


157、I suppose she is not serious,___ ?(2)( ) A.do I B.don't I C.isn't she D.is she


158、I can only do it for you ___I'm paid in advance.(2)( ) A.just as

B.in that C.now that

D.on condition that

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159、Whatever is worth ___ at all is worth ___well.(2)( ) A.doing, being done B.doing, doing

C.being done, doing

D.being done, being done


160、You'll see to it ___everything is ready in time.(2)( ) A.what B.that C.whether D.how


161、It was the training that he had as a young man made him such a good engineer. (2)( ) A. that B. has C. what D. later


162、I got a letter from my sister, me that she would visit us next month. (2)( ) A. tells B. told C. telling D. to tell


163、They were all very tired, but of them would stop to take a rest. (2)( ) A. any B. some C. none D. neither

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164、It’s interesting to watch so many boats up and down the river in the morning. (2)( ) A. to come

B. having come C. coming D. come


165、John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes . (2)( ) A. open

B. to be opened C. to open D. opening


166、Would you like him to paint it blue?I'd rather he ___it green.(2)( ) A.paints B.painted C.paint D.is painting


167、James dressed himself up as a plumber before leaving the house lest he ___.(2)( )

A.was recognized B.could be recognized C.should be recognized D.was being recognized


168、He struck the girl in the face and she fell to the ground ___.(2)( ) A.die B.death C.dead D.deadly


169、I think it quite essential that your child ___ a foreign language at school.(2)( ) A.must learn

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B.learns C.learned D.learn


170、She woke up from the nightmare ___ .(2)( ) A.with start B.with a start C.starting D.started


171、Early to bed and early to rise a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (2)( ) A. make

B. had made C. makes

D. will make


172、Little about his own safety though he was in great danger himself. (2)( ) A. does he care B. did he care C. he cares D. he cared


173、“Where the recorder? I can’t see it anywhere.”“I it right here. But now it’s gone.” (2)( ) A. did you put; have put B. have you put; put C. had you put; was putting D. were you putting; have put


174、Police officers working on the murder have hundreds of families. (2)( ) A. asked

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B. researched

C. questioned

D. demanded


175、Few of us thought that the problem was worth . (2)( ) A. discuss B. discussed C. discussing

D. to discuss


176、I up early this morning, so I stayed in bed until 8 o’clock a.m. . (2)( A. needn’t have got B. didn’t need to get

C. shouldn’t have got D. can’t have got


177、 , the more you are aware of content and meaning. (2)( ) A. The more words you are familiar to B. The more words you are familiar with C. You are familiar to more words

D. You are familiar with more words


178、By the time he was twelve, Edison to make a living by himself. (2)( A. would begin B. has begun C. had begun

D. was begun


179、“Are you ready for your paper?” “Not yet. I need to read through it.”( )

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) ) 2) (

A. other three minutes B. another three minutes C. three other minutes D. more three minutes


180、Although she was frightened, she answered with a voice. (2)( ) A. quiet B. silent C. still D. calm


181、Do you have a preference ___a particular food?(2)( ) A.with B.at C.for D.in


182、By now most freshmen have grown so used to university life that they have forgotten all those___ about the university they originally had.(2)( ) A.concerns B.worry C.dreams D.ambition


183、Many people want to buy it because.___. the price is reasonable; ___ , it's rather durable.(2)( )

A.on one side, on the other side B.for one thing, for another C.on the one hand, on the other hand D.in one part, in the other part


184、The proposal ___we start doing the experiment two days earlier has been agreed upon by all.(2)( ) A.which B.what C.that

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D.of which


185、Spring ___, we may look forward to better weather.(2)( ) A.comes B.has come C.to be coming D.having come


186、The purpose of the research had a more different meaning for them than___ . (2)( ) A.for ours it had B.it did for us C.with us D.with ours


187、___from the balcony when he saw a policeman approaching him.(2)( ) A.Jumped down the thief B.Down the thief jumped C.Down jumped the thief D.Down did the thief jump


188、Can you see a man and his horse ___are crossing the bridge?(2)( ) A.who B.which C.that D.all


189、___, I cannot agree with him on the matter.(2)( ) A.Much as I respect him B.More as I respect him C.As I respect him much D.As I respect him more


190、 took us several hours to clear the snows and open the road to traffic. ( ) A. They B. All

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2)(C. He D. It


191、Her parents objected to that farmer, though he has a lot of money. (2)( ) A. her marrying B. marrying

C. marry

D. her marrying with


192、You can not see the doctor you have made an appointment with him. ( ) A. except B. unless C. even

D. however


193、You can take as many as you like because they are free of . (2)( A. fare

B. charge C. money

D. pay


194、Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar write correctly. ( ) A. can you B. will you C. you can

D. can’t you


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2) 2)( )(195、Before anyone could take a photo of the strange-looking bird, it away. (2)( ) A. has flown B. flew

C. was flying D. would fly


196、He called the police for help, that the problem was more than he could deal with. (2)( ) A. to realize

B. having been realized C. realized D. realizing


197、___the people in the workshop, Tonny is the most skilled.(2)( ) A.Of all B.To all C.In all D.From all


198、Jane cannot drive us downtown, for she has ___to take us all.(2)( ) A.very small a car B.too small a car C.so a small car D.such small a car


199、When questioned, he ___doing anything illegal.(2)( ) A.refused B.objected C.denied D.opposed


200、The car___on the way to the station, and we had to get a taxi.(2)( ) A.broke down B.breaking down

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C.broken down D.was broken down


201、He can't drive a car. Let ___fly an aero-plane.(2)( ) A.solitary B.lonely C.alone D.loneliness


202、The boy said to his mother in an ___ voice that she shouldn't have blamed him.(2)( ) A.injury B.injurious C.injured D.injuring


203、___how the splendid Maya Culture disappeared all of a sudden from the earth, it remains a mystery hard to solve.(2)( )

A.In turn B.As to C.Thanks to D.As a rule


204、In the era of market economy, the concept of “Consumer First” should be ___by manufacturers.(2)( ) A.rejected B.reformed C.relived



205、He's widely known more ___a poet than ___a novelist.(2)( ) A.for,to B.for,as C.as,for D.as,as

标准答案:D 206、The football match was held over until further notice ___the continual rain.(2)( ) A.on account of

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B.thanks to C.but for D.as for


207、The rain was heavy and ___the land was flooded.(2)( ) A.consistently B.consequently C.constantly D.continuously


208、Another issue ___the new republic is the problem of the education of its citizens.(2)( ) A.confining B.confirming C.confronting D.contributing


209、A window in the kitchen room was ___; there was rubbish everywhere and the clock had been stolen.(2)( ) A.scattered B.smashed C.scratched D.scraped


210、Knowing that her son was suffering from a ___ disease, the mother cried her eyes out.(2)( ) A.deadly B.dying C.dead-like D.deathly


211、Is there any___in your company?(2)( ) A.vacancy B.desertion C.emptiness D.hollow


212、The old man ___the boy on his knees.(2)( )

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A.seated B.was seated C.sat D.was sat

标准答案:A 213、Voices of argument were ___as the two motorists became more bad-tempered.(2)( ) A.increased B.risen C.swollen D.raised


214、Don't take him for a friend; he's ___a bully.(2)( ) A.everything to B.nothing but C.anything like D.something of


215、She was exhausted and in no___for dancing.(2)( ) A.emotion B.temper C.mood D.feeling


216、During foggy weather trains are late ___ .(2)( ) A.and so forth B.more often than not C.or something

D.as a matter of fact


217、The paint is still wet___.(2)( ) A.Don't he sure to touch it. B.Not be sure to touch it. C.Be not sure to touch it. D.Be sure not to touch it.


218、Who will be in charge of your team?We'll elect ___ .(2)( ) A.Henry as captain

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B.Henry captain C.captain Henry D.as captain Henry


219、The speaker doesn't know how to ___himself across.(2)( ) A.make B.run C.take D.put


220、It's high time you ___us the truth.(2)( ) A.tell B.have told C.told D.had told


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