八年级英语下册Unit5 Topic1 SectionB说课稿

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八年级英语下册Unit5 Topic1 SectionB说课稿

固始县方集镇第一初级中学 何 潇

一、说教材 1、地位与作用

Unit5 Topic1 Section B讲述了李老师因没买到票而感到的失望和遗憾,进而引出各种情感,集中体现了有关情感的形容词及一些短语,是本话题的核心,起着承上启下的作用。今天我说课的具体内容是Section B的1.,2,3a,and 3b。目的是学会如何表达自己的情感或他人的情感。语法是学习由连系动词+形容词构成系表结构。

2、教学目标 知识与能力:

1、Learn some new words and phrases:be proud of , seem, taste,smell,set the table, be able to

2、Learn some sentences patters about feelings:

(1)、He feels disappointed because he can’t get a ticket to The Sound of Music. (2)、It’s so funny and interesting. (3)、It’s so moving. (4)、Did she sound worried?

(5)、I’m sure Mr.Lee will be surprised!

3、Go on learning the structure of “linking verb+adj.”

(1)、He feels disappointed because he can’t get a ticket to The Sound of Music. (2)、The food tastes delicious. (3)、He looks a little disappointed. (4)、The litter smells terrible.

4、Learn to talk about the topic about the movie.



能听懂有关情感的对话材料;会简单地用英语表达自己的情感。 培养学生提



学会表达自己的情感或他人的情感。 3、教学重点和难点


(2)难点:连系动词+形容词构成系表结构的用法。 二、说学情

1、学生基础较差,对表达自己的情感的能力薄弱,而且情感词汇了解不多。 2、学生的词汇量掌握不多。

3、学生平时较少用英语与他人交谈并表达信息.。 三、说教法:






1、英语交际:把所学的交际英语进行英语交际。培养语言的综合运用能力。 2、科学储备大量英语知识:狠抓基础,注意密度。没有足够的词汇量,没有熟知语法规则,不了解语言规律就不可能进行很好的语言交流,为用而学,学了就用,用中学,学中用。把英语进行到底。



4、注意培养自学能力。 五、说教学过程 Step 1 Review

复习并处理新词句,然后导入新课。 呈现并处理本课活动1和3a。

要求学生掌握film; 理解Beijing Opera;了解moving。 呈现3a。学习并掌握短语set the table和be able to。

T: Look at the picture in3aon page 4. What’s Kangkang doing? Is he setting the table?

Ss: Yes, he is.

T: What’s he setting the table for? Ss: His friends are coming for supper.

T: Yes, but Michael can’t come because he is ill. That’s to say he isn’t able to come and Michael’s mother has to look after him at home. Is Michael’s mother able to go to the movie?

Ss: No, she isn’t.

T: Right. I’m sure she will be very disappointed. Then, is Mr. Lee able to go to the movie? What’s Mr. Lee’s feeling? Now let’s listen to3a and find out the answers.

(老师在放录音前先板书。) set the table be able to

Is Mr. Lee able to go to the movie? What’s Mr. Lee’s feeling?

T: Can you catch the dialog? Who can answer my questions?

S1: Mr. Lee is able to go to the movie and he will be surprised.(可帮助学生回答。板书并理解画线生词。)


Step 2 Consolidation


让学生分角色朗读3a,然后讨论并完成3b 让学生听录音,并完成4的填空练习,并核对答案 T: Listen to the tape, and then finish the blanks in 4. 让学生归纳学过的系动词和表示情感的形容词

T: Please sum up the linking verbs and feeling words in Section A and B. Step3 Project



八年级英语下册Unit5 Topic1 SectionB教案

固始县方集镇第一初级中学 何 潇

教学目标 一、知识与能力:

1、Learn some new words and phrases:be proud of , seem, taste,smell,set the table, be able to

2、Learn some sentences patters about feelings:

(1)、He feels disappointed because he can’t get a ticket to The Sound of Music. (2)、It’s so funny and interesting. (3)、It’s so moving. (4)、Did she sound worried?

(5)、I’m sure Mr.Lee will be surprised!

3、Go on learning the structure of “linking verb+adj.”

(1)、He feels disappointed because he can’t get a ticket to The Sound of Music. (2)、The food tastes delicious. (3)、He looks a little disappointed. (4)、The litter smells terrible.

4、Learn to talk about the topic about the movie.



能听懂有关情感的对话材料;会简单地用英语表达自己的情感。 培养学生提高言交际能力,能在小组中积极与他人协作,从而开阔自己的视野,扩大知识面。通过小组对话,培养学生合作学习的精神。让学生积极主动地投入到语言的实践中去,包括听、说、读、写的实践。在学中用,用中学,提高语言的综合使用能力,加深对基础知识的掌握和记忆。

三、情感、态度与价值观: 学会表达自己的情感或他人的情感。 四、教学重点和难点

