unit 7 snapshots of New York&39;s Mood after 911

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Unit 7

The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks


September 11 Attacks It is a series of terrorist attacks upon the United States on September 11, 2001. On that morning, 19 militants associated with al-Qaeda hijacked (劫持) four commercial airliners and used them as weapons. Two of the airliners were intentionally flown into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. Both buildings collapsed within two hours. Everyone on board and many others working in the Twin Towers were killed. The third airliner was crashed into the Pentagon. The fourth plane crashed into a field in rural Pennsylvania after its passengers and flight crew tried to retake control of the plane. 2,973 victims and the 19 hijackers died as a result of the horrific attacks.


the Pentagon 五角大楼





World Trade Center




Text A

Snapshots of New York’s Mood after 9/11Corky Siemaszko


In the days following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Daily News staff writer Corky Siemaszko wrote a series of several snapshots of the city’s mood at the time. Here we present a selection from the series.


Snapshots of New York’s Mood after 9/11Part Division of the Text Further Understanding Questions and Answers Table Completion

Blank Filling


Part Division of the Text

Part 1

Heading Day of Terror

Main Idea The terror attacks threw the nation, particularly New York City, into utter horror and chaos; people were disillusioned(幻想破灭的) With wreckage(破坏 ), smoke and fire around New York looked like a battlefield. America was seeking revenge.


The Day After


Part Division of the Text Part 3 Heading Looking Back in Pain & Hope Main Idea Nearly one year after the event the wounded city began healing up; yet New Yorkers remained haunted by what they had seen. On the first anniversary people gathered to mourn the dead. As time passes grief might gradually die down, but the memory will go on.


One Year Later


Answer the Questions 1. What is the “grandest illusion” the author refers to? It is the illusion that America is strong and invulnerable (无法伤害的 ). 2. What, in the eyes of the author, did the twin towers of the World Trade Center once symbolize? They symbolized the power and the invincibility(无敌 ) of the USA.


3. How did New Yorkers feel when they realized that the twin towers were the targets of deliberate attacks? They felt angry and shocked.

4. In what sense are the 9/11 terrorist attacks a second Pearl Harbor?The 9/11 attacks and the Japanese air attack on Pearl Harbor were both surprise attacks on a massive scale which should be considered as acts of undeclared war.


Table Completion

Different peopleNew Yorkers Anxious relatives Politicians Investigators

Their response to what happenedThey waited at newsstands for the morning papers. They gathered at streetside morgues holding pictures of the disappeared. They beat war drums against terrorism. They pointed fingers at the likely culprit and rounded up the suspected accomp

lices of the suicide bombers.


Blank Filling Supply the missing information according to the story One year time is not enough for New Yorkers to fade the memory of what happened. They __________________ remained haunted by what they have lived though. ___________________ Fortunately, the wounded city _________________ rose from its knees . A new generation of firefighters and cops tried to fill the shoes of those who were lost. ______________


DAY OF TERROR Originally published: 9/12/2001 1 The morning coffee was still cooling when our grandest illusion was shattered. Within minutes, one of New York’s mightiest symbols was a smoldering mess and the nation’s image of invincibility was made a lie. 2 As the World Trade Center crumpled and the streets filled with screams and scenes of unimaginable horror, choking smoke blotted out the sun and plunged lower Manhattan into darkness. Those not entombed by the bomb-blasted buildings 3 ran and ran — just as they did eight years earlier, when another terror attack shook this mighty symbol of America’s power.


For the rest of the country, there was another shock 4 to digest — a second kamikaze attack. This time on the Pentagon. 5 More horror. More chaos. More amazement that the mighty United States could be so vulnerable to terror. 6 But on the streets of lower Manhattan there was no time for finger-pointing. No time for talk of revenge. People were dying. Cops and firefighters were dying with them. 7 Commentators called the attack a second Pearl Harbor, until now our most tragic hour. Politicians denounced the likely culprits in Afghanistan. And before dusk, there were inaccurate reports that an angry America was raining revenge on Kabul.


8 One day we will think back on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, and remember in crystal detail what we were doing when the first plane crashed into the north tower at 8:45 a.m. 9 And we will be amazed that we didn’t think it possible before. THE DAY AFTER Originally published: 9/13/2001

When the sun rose yesterday, someone joked that 10 the city was missing its two front teeth. But there was nothing to laugh about in the aftermath of our generation’s Pearl Harbor.


残骸,碎片 11 There was only wreckage and smoke and fire where the World Trade Center used to be. Thousands remained buried under tons of rubble. 12 A handful of people were plucked from the wreckage in lower Manhattan, living reminders that miracles do happen. 13 But for those digging through the debris, every passing hour sapped their strength and their hopes of finding more victims alive. 14 The rest of New York resembled a Third World capital after a particularly explosive coup.

