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Australian 14 bad worse worst 15 16 17 18 19 base basic beautiful beautifully begin beginning bright brightly Britain British 20 build building rebuild 21 busy business businessman businesswoman 22 Canada Canadian 23 care careful carefully 24 cause because 25 26 certain certainly change changeable

adj. n. adj. adj. adj. n. adj. adj. adv. v. n. adj. adv. n. n. adj. v. n. v. adj. n. n. n. n. adj. n. n. v. adj. adv. n. v. conj. adj. adv. v. n. adj.

澳大利亚的 澳大利亚人 糟糕的;可惜的;坏的;严重的 更糟糕的;更可惜的;更坏的;更严重的 最糟糕的;最可惜的;最坏的;最严重的 根据地,基地;基础 基本的;基础的 美丽的 优美地 开始;着手 开始;开端 明亮的;聪明的 明亮地 英国 英国人 英国的 建造;建筑 建筑物;大楼 重建 忙的 商业;生意 商人 女商人 加拿大 加拿大的 加拿大人 小心;关心;照管 小心;关心;照管 小心的;仔细的 小心地;仔细地 原因 使产生;引起 因为 一定的;有把握的 一定;无疑;是的;当然;好 改变;更改;兑零钱 变化;找头;零钱 易变的;可变的


chemical chemistry

adj. n. n. n. n. adj. v. n. n. n. adj. v. adv. n. adj. v. n. v. n. v. v. prep. adj. v. adv. v. n. n. adj. n. adj. adv. n.

化学的 化学物质 化学 中国 中国人;汉语 中国的 选择 选择 城市 公民;居民;市民 清晰的;明亮的;清楚的 打扫;清扫; (天气)放晴 清晰地;明亮地;清楚地 云 多云的;阴天的 收集;采集 收集 覆盖;遮盖;掩盖 盖子;罩;封面 穿过 穿过;横过 完成的,完整的,完全的 完成,结束 完全地,完整地 骑车 自行车 危险 危险的 (一)天, (一)日;白天 每日的;日常的 每天 日报 死 死的;无生命的 死亡 决定;下决心 决定


China Chinese

29 30 31

choose choice city citizen clear clearly

32 33 34

cloud cloudy collect collection cover discover

35 36

cross acro

ss complete completely

37 38 39

cycle bicycle danger dangerous day daily


die dead death

v. adj. n. v. n.


decide decision

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

depend independent develop development different difference difficult difficulty discuss discussion drive driver easy easily education educational electricity electric engine engineer England English

v. adj. v. n. adj. n. adj. n. v. n. v. n. adj. adv. n. adj. n. adj. n. n. n. n. adj. v. adj. v. n. n. v. adj. adj. n. adj. n. n. n. adj. adj.

依靠,依赖;取决于 独立的;有主见的 发展;开发;培养 发展 不同的;差异的 区别 困难的;艰难的 困难 讨论 讨论 驾驶;驱赶 驾驶员;司机 容易的;不费力的 容易地 教育 教育的 电 电的 引擎;发动机 工程师 英格兰 英国人;英语 英国的;英语的 欣赏;享有;喜欢 使人愉快的;使人欢乐的 进入;参加 入口 考试;测试;检查 检查;细查;对……进行考试 兴奋的 使人兴奋的 花费;费用 昂贵的 农场;农庄 农民,农夫 恩惠 最喜爱的 最后的;最终的

53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

enjoy enjoyable enter entrance exam examine excited exciting expense expensive farm farmer favour favourite final

finally 61 fish fisherman (复数:fishermen) 62 fire fireman 63 64 65 fly flight follow following fool foolish 66 67 68 foreign foreigner forget forgetful France French 69 friend friendly friendship 70 frighten frightened frightening 71 72 free freedom freeze freezing frozen 73 74 75 fill full fun funny general

adv. n. v. n. n. v. n. v. n. v. adj. n. v. adj. adj. n. v. adj. n. adj. n. n. adj. n. v. adj. adj. adj. n. v. adj. adj. v. adj. n. adj. adj.

最终,最后 鱼;鱼肉 钓鱼;捕鱼 渔夫,渔民 火;火炉;火灾 开火,开(枪,炮等) ,射击 消防队员 飞;飞行;乘飞机旅行 飞行 听从 下列的 傻子 愚弄;欺骗 愚蠢的;傻的 外国的 外国人 忘记;忘掉 健忘的 法国 法国的,法国人的;法语的 法国人;法语 朋友 朋友般的;友好的 友谊 使害怕 受惊吓的;吃惊的 恐怖的 自由的 自由 结冰 冻结的;极冷的 冰冻的 装满;注满 满的 乐趣;趣事;玩笑 滑稽的;可笑的 大体的,笼统的,总的

generally 76 77 gentle gently Germany German 78 79 gold golden good better best 80 81 happy happily health healthy unhealthy 82 hot heat 83 84 85 heavy heavily high height help helpful 86 87 history historical home homeless 88 honest honesty dishonest 89 90 hungry hungrily ill illness

adv. adj. adv. n. n. adj. n. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adv. n. adj. adj. adj. n. v. adj. adv. adj. n. n. v. adj. n. adj. n. adv. adj. adj. n. adj. adj. adv. adj. n.

一般地,普通地 温柔的 轻柔的 德国 德国人;德语 德国的(复数:Germans) 金;黄金 金色的 好的;良好的 更好的 最好的 幸福的;快乐的 幸福地;快乐地 健康 健康的 不健

康的 热的 热度;热量 加热 重的 沉重地;大量地 高的 高度 帮助 帮助 有帮助的;有益的 历史 历史的;历史上 家 家;在家;回家 无家可归的 诚实的;正直的 诚实 不诚实的 饥饿的 饥饿地 有病的;不健康的 病;疾病

91 92 93

important importance indoor outdoor inside outside

adj. n. adj. adj. prep. adv. prep. adv. n. adj. adj. v. n. n. v. n. n. n. adj. n. n. adj. adj. n. v. n. adj. adv. adv. n. n. adj. n. n. n. v. v. prep.

重要的 重要性 室内的 户外的 在……里面;在……之内 ……之内;在里面,在内部 在……外边 在外 兴趣;趣味 感兴趣的 有趣的;有意思的 发明;创造 发明;创造;发明物 发明者,发明家 邀请 邀请;请柬 意大利 意大利人;意大利语 意大利的;意大利语的 日本 日本人;日语 日本的 友好的;和善的 仁慈;好意 了解;知道;认识 知识 晚的;迟的 晚;迟 后来;以后 法律 律师 长的 长度 图书馆 图书管理员 喜欢 不喜欢 像


interest interested interesting


invent invention inventor

96 97

invite invitation Italy Italian


Japan Japanese

99 100 101

kind kindness know knowledge late later

102 103 104 105 106

law lawyer long length library librarian like dislike like

likely 107 little less least 108 109 live alive locate local location 110 111 loud loudly love lovely 112 luck lucky luckily 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 main mainly manage manager medicine medical meet meeting memory memorize mix mixture many/much more most 120 121 motor motorcycle nation national nationality international

adj. adj. adj. adj. v. adj. v. adj. n. adj. adv. v. n. adj. n. adj. adv. adj. adv. v. n. n. adj. v. n. n. v. v. n. adj. adj. adj. n. n. n. adj. n. adj.

很可能发生的;有希望的 少量的 更少的 最小的 居住;活着;生存;生活 活着的(作表语) 确定……的地点;把……设置在 当地的;地方的 位置;场所 响亮的;大声的 大声地 爱;热爱;喜欢 爱;热爱;喜欢 可爱的;好看的;美好的 幸运;运气 幸运的;吉祥的 幸运地;侥幸地 主要的 主要地 管理;处理;经营 经理 药 医学的;医疗的 碰见;遇见;会见;迎接;满足 会;集会 记忆 记住 混合 混合物 许多的 更多的 最多的 电动机;马达 摩托车 民族 民族的;国家的;全国性的 国籍 国际的

122 123

nature natural near nearby

n. adj. prep. adj. adj. adv. n. v. adj. n. adj. adj. adj. n. n. adj. n. v. n. v. n. v. adj. n.

大自然 大自然的;自然的 在……附近;靠近 近的;附近的 附近的 在附近 需要;必要 需要 必要的;必须的 声音;响声;噪声 嘈杂的;喧闹的 年老的;古老的;旧的 年龄较大的;前辈的 办公室 官员;办事员 官方的;官员的 官员 施行手术;开刀 手术 组织 组织;团体;机构 拥有;所

有 自己的 属于自己的东西 拥有者;物主 (用颜料的)画;绘 涂料;颜料 画家;绘画者;漆工 画;油画;水彩画 人 个人的,私人的 物理 物理的;身体的 愉快;高兴 感到高兴的;感到满意的 令人愉快的 污染 污染


need necessary

125 126 127

noise noisy old elder office officer official

128 129 130

operate operation organize organization own

owner 131 paint painter painting 132 133 134 person personal physics physical pleasure pleased pleasant 135 pollute pollution

n. v. n. n. n. n. adj. n. adj. n. adj. adj. v. n.


possible possibly impossible

adj. adv. adj. n. v. adj. v. n. adj. adv. adj. adv. n. v. adj. adj. adv. v. adj. adv. n. v. n. v. n. n. v. n. v. n. adj. adv. adj. n. adv. n. v. n.

可能的;可能发生的 可能地;也许 不可能的 电源;力量;能源 提供动力 强大的 生产;产生;制造 产品 快的;迅速的 快地;迅速地 安静的 安静地 雨;雨水 下雨 有雨的;多雨的 真的;真正的 真正地;确实 认识到;意识到;实现 最近的;近来的 最近;新近;近来 记录;唱片;录了音的磁带 记录;将(声音,景象等)录下 录音机 报告;汇报 报告;汇报;成绩单 记者 复习 复习 抢夺,抢劫 抢劫 悲伤的;使人悲伤的 难过地;悲伤地 安全的;平安的 保险柜 安全地;平安地 安全 说;讲 谚语;俗语;格言


power powerful

138 139 140 141

produce product quick quickly quiet quietly rain rainy


real really realize

143 144

recent recently record recorder


report reporter

146 147 148 149

review revision rob robbery sad sadly safe safely safety


say saying

151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158

science scientist second secondary secret secretary serious seriously serve service short shorts slow slowly snow snowy

n. n. adj. adj. n. n. adj. adv. v. n. adj. n. adj. adv. n. v. adj. adj. adv. v. n. v. n. n. v. adj. v. n. n. adj. n. v. adj. v. n. v. v.

科学;自然科学 科学家 第二的;次要的 中等的;第二的 秘密 秘书 严重的 严肃地;严重地 为……服务 服务;公用事业 短的;矮的 短裤 慢的;缓慢的 慢地;缓慢地 雪 下雪 多雪的;下雪的 软的 温柔地 解决;解答 解决(方法) ;解答 说话;讲话 说话;讲话;演讲 成功 获得成功;达到目的 成功的 建议,提议 建议,提议 太阳;阳光 阳光充足的;晴朗的 惊奇 使惊奇 感到惊奇的 教;教书 教师;教员 告诉;讲述;吩咐 复述

159 160 161 162

soft softly solve solution speak speech success succeed successful

163 164 165

suggest suggestion sun sunny surprise surprised

166 167

teach teacher tell retell


thank thankful

v. n. adj. v. n. adv. adv. n. n. n. adj. adj. n. adj. adj. adv. v. n. adj. n. adj. v. n. n. v. n. n. v. n. adv. adj. adv. adv. n. adj. adj. adv. v.

感谢;谢谢 感谢

;谢谢 感激的 想;思考;认为;考虑 思想,想法 一起 总共;总计 旅行;观光 游客;旅行者 传统 传统的 真的;真实的 真理;真相 通常的 不寻常的,异常的 通常;经常 使用;运用;应用 用途;用法 有用的;有益的 种种,种类 各种各样的,不同的 参观;访问;拜访 参观;访问;拜访 参观者;访问者 等;等候 侍者;服务员 女侍者;女服务员 称……的重量;重 重量 好;令人满意地;完全地 健康的 更好地 最好地 西;西方 西方的 宽阔的;广泛的 宽阔地;广泛地 拓宽

169 170 171 172 173 174

think thought together altogether tour tourist tradition traditional true truth usual unusual usually


use useful

176 177

variety various visit visitor


wait waiter waitress

179 180

weigh weight well better best

181 182

west western wide widely widen


基数词与序数词 下列数词应背出 one first five fifth

two second eight eighth

three third nine ninth thirty thirtieth

twelve twelfth forty-one forty-first 2

twenty twentieth

形容词、副词的比较级与最高级 规则

small smaller smallest gentle gentler gentlest

big bigger biggest heavy heavier heaviest

beautiful more beautiful most beautiful slowly more slowly most slowly 不规则

good/well better best

bad/badly/ill worse worst

far farther/further farthest/furthest

much/many more most little less least

old older/elder oldest/eldest 3

名词的复数形式 规则 girl girls

boy boys dish dishes scarf scarves American Americans

watch watches

country countries

bus buses knife knives 不规则 man men foot feet fish fish Chinese Chinese

Japanese Japanese

woman teacher women teachers

man driver men drivers 4


woman women policeman policemen

tooth teeth

box boxes

factory factories German Germans

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Are you ____________ (ability) to complete this plan in three days? I’m sure that you have the ____________ (able) to complete it in three days. A: Would you like to be an ____________ (act)? B: No, I’d like to be a policeman.

The award for this year’s best ____________ (act) went to Meryl Streep (梅丽尔·斯特里普).

The school offers many after-school ____________ (act) for the students. Mrs Brown is over 80 now but she is still quite ____________ (act). In ____________ (add) to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil. The little girl has begun to learn to ____________ (addition) and subtract.

Although the boy is ____________ (age) five, he is able to help his mum with the housework.

10 I have a younger sister and she is about your ____________ (aged).

11 If you compare British football with ____________ (America) football you’ll find many


12 I visited a few campuses when I was in ____________ (American). 13 Don’t be ____________ (angrily). We are just fooling. 14 She slammed the telephone down ____________ (angry).

15 Did you see my wallet? It has ____________ (appear) from the table.

16 The report about that famous singer killing people will ____________ (disappear) in

tomorrow’s newspapers.

17 It’s really interesting to see so many ____________ (baby) in the baby-care centre in the


18 These ____________ (army) will be sent to that country to keep it in peaceful order. 19 Do you know that ____________ (art) over there? It is said that he is 104 years old. 20 I’m not interested in ____________ (artist) at all. Shall we change a topic and talk about


21 The famous Disneyland park in Hong Kong ____________ (attraction) millions of tourists

every year.

22 There are so many ____________ (attract) in Hong Kong Disneyland Park that millions of

tourists visit there every year.

23 Fashions are really an ____________ (attract) to me. I can’t help buying the latest fashions. 24 That model showed us a quite ____________ (attract), blue, silk dress.

25 If you want to visit ____________ (Australian), I’d suggest you go to the Great Ocean Road. 26 The ____________ (Australia) company helped the local people build a new charity school


27 I have never seen a ____________ (bad) film before. 28 That is the ____________ (bad) film I have ever seen.

29 At the ____________ (begin) the film, I couldn’t understand what it was about.

30 Leaves ____________ (beginning) to fall down from trees when autumn comes. 31 The sun shines ____________ (bright) high in the sky.

32 The classroom isn’t ____________ (brightly) enough for students to study in.

33 I couldn’t forget the weeks that I had spent in ____________ (British). It is really a country

with mysterious history.

34 If you enjoy sweet food, you will prefer these ____________ (Britain) candies. They’re nice

but too sweet for me.

35 It is said that they will ____________ (build) the tower next year. The old one will be broken

down next month.

36 Have you visited the Shanghai Commercial Centre – the tallest ____________ (build) in

Shanghai yet?

37 Why are you as ____________ (business) as a bee these days? 38 That company does ____________ (busy) with some factories in Africa. 39 Simon would like to be a ____________ (business) when he grows up. 40 Do you know Linda, that successful ____________ (business) in our city? 41 ____________ (Canadian) is also called the Country of Maple Leaf.

42 Can you get any ____________ (Canada) products in Shanghai? They don’t seem very

popular here.

43 Someone ____________ (Canada) will visit our school this coming Friday. 44 When you try to hold a kitten, take it up ____________ (careful). 45 The mother held her baby with ____________ (careful). 46 I am always ____________ (care) when crossing the roads. 47 What was the ____________ (because) of the accident? 48 John didn’t attend the meeting ____________ (cause) he was ill. 49 I was ____________ (certainly) that he had seen me. 50 ‘May I use you bicycle?’ ‘____________ (certain).’

51 Many ____________ (changeable) have taken place since then. 52 The weather is so ____________ (change) at this of year. 53 The ____________ (chemistry) symbol for copper is ‘Cu’. 54 We have three periods of ____________ (chemical) this week.

55 ____________ (China) people are working hard to make the country richer and more


56 ____________ (Chinese) is an oriental country with a long history. 57 The shop has a wide ____________ (choose) of hats. 58 You may do as you ____________ (choice).

59 Have you ____________ (choice) what you want for your birthday? 60 He spoke so ____________ (clear) that I could hear every word. 61 He said she was a lady with a ____________ (clearly) mind. 62 The sky became suddenly covered with dark ____________ (cloudy). 63 The sky was ____________ (cloud), so I took my umbrella.

64 Before you begin to make a speech, you should ____________ (collection) your thoughts

and ideas.

65 He has a very good ____________ (collect) of foreign coins. 66 The celebration of Christmas is a ____________ (customer). 67 The ____________ (custom) will go to law for the bad service.

68 I am unable to ____________ (bicycle) to school because my bike is broken. 69 He lost control of his ____________ (cycle) and fell down. 70 It is ____________ (danger) to walk on thin ice in a lake.

71 The wounded policeman is now out of ____________ (dangerous). 72 His secret ____________ (dead) with him, for he never told anyone. 73 There was a ____________ (die) silence after the announcement. 74 Car accident caused many ____________ (die). 75 Who made the ____________ (decide) to go fishing? 76 As to where to go, they haven't ____________ (decision) yet. 77 The builders are ____________ (development) that part of the city. 78 This is an important stage in our country's ____________ (develop). 79 Can you tell the ____________ (different) between an ape and a monkey? 80 My husband has several shirts of ____________ (difference) colors. 81 He finished the work without any ____________ (difficult). 82 Mathematics is ____________ (difficulty) for some students. 83 We will ____________ (discussion) the proposal at the meeting. 84 We had a ____________ (discuss) on language and communication. 85 The bus ____________ (drive) asked the passengers to buy tickets. 86 It is dangerous to ____________ (driver) after drinking. 87 You can find books ____________ (easy) in this library. 88 The rich young woman has an ____________ (easily) life.

89 It was the most ____________ (education) experience I had ever had. 90 The government's policy on higher ____________ (educational) is a success. 91 While I was cooking supper the ____________ (electric) went off. 92 He bought an ____________ (electricity) hair-dryer for Mary. 93 Press this button to start the ____________ (engineer). 94 His dream is to become an ____________ (engine). 95 I must work to improve my ____________ (England).

96 The ____________ (England) countryside looks at its best in spring. 97 The English Channel divides ____________ (English) from France. 98 I hope you ____________ (enjoyable) yourself this evening.

99 Last night was the most ____________ (enjoy) time I've had in a month of Sundays. 100 He showed me how to ____________ (entrance) data (数据) into the computer. 101 There is a front and a back ____________ (enter) to the house. 102 He repeatedly fails to pass the ____________ (examine).

103 The doctor ____________ (exam) the boy and found there was nothing the matter with him. 104 She is very ____________ (exciting) about winning the first prize.

105 We went to an ____________ (excited) football game last week. 106 I don't think we can afford the ____________ (expensive). 107 I think international calls are very ____________ (expense).

108 The ____________ (farm) was pleased to see his piles of corns on the cob. 109 We've lived on this ____________ (farmer) for twenty years. 110 Would you please do me a ____________ (favourite)?

111 His ambition was to meet his ____________ (favour) pop star face to face. 112 The game is now in its ____________ (finally) stages.

113 They ____________ (final) realized that the whole thing was a joke. 114 I'll book you on a direct ____________ (fly) to London.

115 Only experienced pilots ____________ (flight) large passenger airplanes. 116 They were married in 1978 and had a daughter the ____________ (follow) year. 117 The cat ____________ (following) every movement of the mouse. 118 How ____________ (fool) I was not to have bought it. 119 Tom ____________ (foolish) a lot of people into believing him. 120 What a ____________ (foolish) I was to believe he is a good man. 121 He likes collecting ____________ (foreigner) stamps.

122 More than a million ____________ (foreign) visit the city every year. 123 I am so ____________ (forget) I often leave my keys at home. 124 Don't ____________ (forgetful) your friends when you become rich. 125 Water ____________ (frozen) at the temperature of 0 degrees Celsius. 126 These ____________ (freeze) foods are the most convenient of all.

127 It's very cold today; the temperature has dropped to ____________ (freeze) point. 128 The train was going at ____________ (fill) speed. 129 When I had read it I was ____________ (full) with horror.

130 That's ____________ (fun) he was here a moment ago and now he's gone. 131 What ____________ (funny) it will be when we all go on holiday together. 132 She always speaks ____________ (gentle) to the child. 133 My new teacher is a very ____________ (gently) person.

134 A ____________ (Germany) scientist interrupted me and asked if I came from China. 135 Six ____________ (Germany) will come to visit our company soon. Let’s get ready. 136 The hot dog did not originate in the United States, but in ____________ (German). 137 She wore so much jewellery that she seemed to be covered in ____________ (golden). 138 Her hair has a beautiful ____________ (gold) sheen (光泽). 139 We all had a ____________ (well) time on the beach. 140 This is a ____________ (good) example than the first. 141 A: When can you have dinner with me this week?

B: I think Friday would suit me ____________ (good).

142 Look on the bright side of things, and you will live ____________ (happy). 143 I am ____________ (happily) to receive your invitation. 144 Smoking is not good for your ____________ (healthy).

145 That book is not ____________ (health) reading for a child.

146 They are ____________ (healthy) children because they don't have enough to eat. 147 The weather has been very ____________ (heat). 148 Turn the ____________ (hot) down or your cake will burn. 149 The rain came down ____________ (heavy) all night. 150 I heard his ____________ (heavily) steps on the stairs. 151 The tree grew to a ____________ (high) of 20 feet. 152 The speaker has a very ____________ (height) voice. 153 He has given me a ____________ (help) suggestion.

154 The thing is done, and there is no ____________ (helpful) for it. 155 Could you ____________ (helpful) me up with this suitcase? 156 We went to see a ____________ (history) play.

157 Do you know the ____________ (historical) of the company? 158 My ____________ (homeless) isn't very big, but very comfortable. 159 Floods in that country made thousands of people ____________ (home). 160 All my life I have tried to be an ____________ (honesty) man. 161 I will not make friends with a ____________ (honest) person. 162 I respect you for your ____________ (honest). 163 She looked at the roast ____________ (hungry).

164 The ____________ (hungrily) child asked for a piece of bread.

165 I have never seen her since her father fell sick of a serious ____________ (ill). 166 Did you really feel ____________ (illness) this morning?

167 It's very ____________ (importance) to teach the children about road safety. 168 We cannot emphasize too much the ____________ (important) of learning English. 169 We shall be ____________ (interest) to hear about it.

170 There is an ____________ (interest) program on television tonight. 171 I have lost my ____________ (interesting) in chemistry. 172 Can you tell me who ____________ (invention) the telephone?

173 The ____________ (invent) of the computer marked the beginning of a new era. 174 Alexander Graham Bell is the ____________ (invent) of the telephone. 175 Thank you for your kind ____________ (invite).

176 He ____________ (invitation) several of his friends to the show. 177 Modern music was first developed in ____________ (Italian). 178 I need to practise my ____________ (Italy) before my business trip. 179 Tom has been to ____________ (Japanese), I have also been there. 180 I've passed the intermediate level exam of ____________ (Japan). 181 It's very ____________ (kindness) of you to tell me the truth. 182 Please do me the ____________ (kind) to answer this letter quickly. 183 There is one or two things I'd like to ____________ (knowledge) about. 184 To my ____________ (know), she has never been late before. 185 We will discuss this in detail in a ____________ (late) chapter.

186 Tom came to school ____________ (later) and missed the first class. 187 The new ____________ (lawyer) comes into force next month. 188 He is dreaming of becoming a ____________ (law). 189 She was slender and had ____________ (length) dark hair. 190 The fish is two feet in ____________ (long).

191 The ____________ (library) told the student that he should return the book. 192 Professor Hunter has a ____________ (librarian) of about five thousand books. 193 My mother ____________ (like) seeing you with me. You’d better leave first. 194 John is ____________ (like) to be in London this autumn. 195 We won no ____________ (little) than 500 in a competition. 196 This is the ____________ (little) useful of the four books. 197 The fish we caught is still ____________ (live).

198 After I retire I'm going to ____________ (location) in California.

199 First, we must decide on the ____________ (locate) of our new swimming pool. 200 The museum is ____________ (locate) on Main Street.

201 Following the national news we have the ____________ (locate) news and weather. 202 My mother's ____________ (lovely) for me was very great. 203 My ____________ (love) daughter came to her father for a cuddle. 204 You are ____________ (luck) to be alive after being in that accident. 205 ____________ (lucky), he was in when I called. 206 He came to Beijing to try his ____________ (luck).

207 She noted down the ____________ (mainly) points of the speech. 208 The participants were ____________ (main) young people. 209 Our ____________ (manage) is very strict with us. 210 Who will ____________ (manager) while the boss is away? 211 Why did the patient refuse to take the ____________ (medical)?

212 I have to have a ____________ (medicine) examination before going abroad. 213 The two lawyers had an argument at their very first ____________ (meet). 214 He's an interesting man, would you like to ____________ (meeting) him? 215 This has been the hottest summer within my ____________ (memorize). 216 An actor must be able to ____________ (memory) his lines.

217 She put the sugar into the coffee and ____________ (mixture) them up with a spoon. 218 Air is a ____________ (mix) of gases.

219 If you still feel hungry, there is ____________ (much) food in the kitchen. 220 His illness was ____________ (much) serious than the doctor first thought. 221 Which of you has made the ____________ (many) mistakes? 222 Of the three questions, this is the ____________ (much) difficult. 223 I was told that Spain is a romantic ____________ (national).

224 Our newspaper is a ____________ (nation) newspaper. It is published all over China. 225 ‘What’s your ____________ (national)?’ ‘I’m Indian.’

226 An ____________ (national) conference will be held in Beijing next month. Visitors from all

over the world will come.

227 ____________ (natural) does not provide everything we want. 228 We visited a museum of ____________ (nature) history. 229 She is staying at a ____________ (near) hotel.

230 It is ____________ (need) that he be sent there at once. 231 I have had no ____________ (new) from him for a long time. 232 It's ____________ (noise) and I can't catch a word.

233 What's up? There's such a loud ____________ (noisy) in the corridor.

234 A police ____________ (office) came to our help when our car broke down on the way. 235 She received several ____________ (office) letters this morning. 236 The surgeon ____________ (operation) on her for appendicitis (阑尾炎). 237 The doctor has performed the ____________ (operate).

238 I was asked to ____________ (organization) the trip, but I messed it up. 239 They have established a student ____________ (organize). 240 I saw the whole accident with my ____________ (owner) eyes. 241 Who is the ____________ (own) of that motorcycle? 242 She spends hours ____________ (paint) her face. 243 He was an unknown ____________ (paint) one year ago. 244 There are three ____________ (paint) on the wall. 245 You cannot ____________ (passage). Stop where you are.

246 The bridge is not strong enough to allow the ____________ (pass) of vehicles. 247 Were there many ____________ (person) at the party?

248 ____________ (physical) has made enormous progress in this century. 249 These are ____________ (physics) changes while those are chemical changes. 250 He finds great ____________ (pleased) in reading.

251 Your father has told me of your success, and I am very ____________ (pleasant) about it. 252 The new manager is a ____________ (pleasure) Chinese American. 253 I feel it is our duty not to ____________ (pollution) our environment. 254 She was horrified by all the ____________ (pollute) on the beach. 255 I'll do everything ____________ (possibly) to help you. 256 Living in space is not an ____________ (possible) dream.

257 I don't know how I can ____________ (possible) thank you enough. 258 I will do everything in my ____________ (powerful) to help you. 259 Russia used to be a very ____________ (power) country.

260 The ____________ (protect) of the country is the duty of everyone. 261 Wearing dark glasses can ____________ (protection) your eyes from the sun. 262 I'll ____________ (improve) to the world that he was right. 263 He studied harder to ____________ (prove) his French. 264 She is ____________ (quickly) at learning a foreign language. 265 It gets cold ____________ (quick) when the sun goes down. 266 It has ____________ (rainy) for about 4 days. When will it stop?

