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AC Machines


The electrical machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy, and vice versa, is the workhorse in a drive system. A machine is a complex structure electrically, mechanically, and thermally.Although machines were introduced more than one hundred years ago, the research and development in this area appears to be never-ending. However, the evolution of machines has been slow compared to that of power semiconductor devices and power electronic converters.Traditionally, AC machines with a constant frequency sinusoidal power supply have been used in constant-speed applications, whereas DC machines were preferred for variable-speed drives. But in the last two or three decades, we have seen extensive research and development efforts for variable-frequency, variable-speed AC machine drive technology, and they will progressively replace DC drives. In most cases, new applications use AC drives.

AC machines can generally be classified as follows:

Induction machines: Cage or wound rotor (doubly-fed), Rotating or linear;

Synchronous machines: Rotating or linear, Reluctance, Wound field or permanent magnet, Radial or axial gap (disk), Surface magnet or interior (buried) magnet, Sinusoidal or trapezoidal;

Variable reluctance machines: Switched reluctance, Stepper.

Induction Machines

Among all types of AC machines, the induction machine, particularly the cage type, is most commonly used in industry. These machines are very economical, rugged, and reliable, and are available in the ranges of fractional horse power (FHP) to multi-megawatt capacity. Low-power FHP machines are available in single-phase, but poly-phase (three-phase) machines are used, most often in variable-speed drives. Fig. 1-6A-1 shows an idealized three-phase, two-pole induction motor where each phase winding in the stator and rotor is represented by a concentrated coil. The three-phase windings are distributed sinusoidally and embedded in slots. In a wound-rotor machine, the rotor winding is similar to that of the stator, but in a cage machine, the rotor has a squirrel cage-like structure with shorted end rings. Basically, the machine can be looked upon as a three-phase transformer with a rotating and short-circuited secondary. Both stator and rotor cores are made with laminated ferromagnetic steel sheets. The air gap in the machine is practically uniform

(non-salient pole).

P f N e

e 120= One o

f the most fundamental principles of induction machines is the creation of a rotatin

g and sinusoidally distributed magnetic field in the air gap. Neglecting the effect of slots and space harmonics due to non-ideal winding distribution, it can be shown that a sinusoidal three-phase balanced power supply in the three-phase stator winding creates a synchronously rotating magnetic field. The rotational speed can be given as equation (1-6A-1). Ne is called synchronous speed in rpm and π2/e e w f =is the stator frequency in Hz. P is the pole numbers of a machine.

The rotor winding will be subjected to a sweeping magnetic field, and have inducing current in the short-circuited rotor.The interaction of air gap flux and rotor mmf produces torque, make the rotor rotate. But the speed of the rotor is less than synchronous speed. So it called induction machine or asynchronous machine. To meet the various starting and running requirements of a variety of industrial applications, several standard designs of squirrel-cage mot ors are available from manufacturers’ stock. The torque-speed characteristics of the most common designs, readily available and standardized in accordance with the criteria established by the National Electrical Rotor as Stator ar axis

Fig. 1-6A-1 idealized three-phase, two-pole induction motor


Manufacturers’ Association (NEMA), are shown in Fig. 1-6A-2. The most significant design variable in these motors is the effective resistance of the rotor cage circuits.

T /N ?m 200 300 100 0 s n /r ?m in -1

Class A Motors These machines are suitable for applications where the load torque is low at start (such as fan or pump loads) so that full speed is achieved rapidly, thereby eliminating the problem of overheating during starting. In large machines, low-voltage starting is required to limit the starting current.

Class B Motors Motors of this class are good general-purpose motors and have a wide variety of industrial applications. They are particularly suitable for constant-speed drives, where the demand for starting torque is not severe. Examples are drives for fans, pumps, blowers, and motor-generator sets.

Class C Motors Class C motors are suitable for driving compressors, conveyors, and so forth.

Class D Motors These motors are suitable for driving intermittent loads requiring rapid acceleration and high-impact loads such as punch presses or shears. In the case of impact loads, a flywheel is fitted to the system. As the motor speed falls appreciably with load impact, the flywheel delivers some of its kinetic energy during the impact. Fig. 1-6A-2 torque-speed characteristics for different class of induction motors

Synchronous Machines

A synchronous machine, as the name indicates, must rotate at synchronous speed, that is, the speed is uniquely related to the supply frequency, as indicated in Equation (1-6A-1). It is a serious competitor to the induction machine invariable-speed drive applications.

Fig. 1-6A-3 shows an idealized three-phase, two-pole wound field synchronous machine.The stator winding of the machine is identical to that of the induction machine, but the rotor has a winding that carries DC current and produces flux in the air gap that helps the stator-induced rotating magnetic field to drag the rotor along with it. The DC field current is supplied to the rotor from a static rectifier through slip rings and brushes, or by brushless excitation.Since the rotor always moves at synchronous speed, the synchronously rotating de-qe axes are fixed with the rotor, where the de axis corresponds to the north pole, as shown. There is no stator-induced

induction in the rotor, and therefore, the rotor mmf is supplied exclusively by the field Rotor Fig. 1-6A-3 idealized three-phase,two-pole synchronous machine

s Stator d e

winding.This permits the machine to run at an arbitrary power factor at the stator terminal, that is, leading, lagging, or unity. On the other hand, in an induction machine, the stator supplies the rotor excitation that makes the machine power factor always lagging.

The mechanism of torque production is somewhat similar to that of an induction machine. The machine shown is characterized as a salient pole because of the nonuniform air gap around the rotor, which contributes to asymmetrical magnetic reluctance in the d and q axes. This is in contrast to a machine with a cylindrical rotor structure having a uniform air gap (such as an induction motor), defined as a nonsalient pole machine.For example, low-speed synchronous generators in hydro-electric power stations use salient pole machines, whereas high-speed generators in steam-power stations use nonsalient pole machines. In addition to field winding, the rotor usually contains an amortisseur, or damper winding, which is like short-circuited squirrel cage bar in an induction motor. The machine is more expensive but efficiency is somewhat higher.Wound field machines are normally used for high-power (multi-megawatt) drives.

Variable Reluctance Machine (VRM)

A variable or double reluctance machine (VRM), as the name indicates, has double saliency, meaning it has saliency in the stator as well as in the rotor.As mentioned before, the VRM has two classifications: switched reluctance machine (SRM) and stepper motor. The stepper motor is basically a digital motor, i.e., it moves by a fixed step or angle with a digital pulse. Small stepper motors are widely used for computer peripheral-type applications. However, since the machine is not suitable for variable-speed applications, there will not be any further discussion of it.

There has been interest in switched reluctance motor drives in the literature, and recently, great effort has been made to commercialize them in competition with induction motors.Fig. 1-6A-4 shows the cross-section of a four-phase machine with four stator-pole pairs and three rotor-pole pairs (8/6 motor). The machine rotor does not have any winding or PM. The stator poles have concentrated winding (instead of sinusoidal winding), and each stator-pole pair winding, as shown in the figure, is excited by a converter phase. For example, the stator-pole pair A-A' is energized when the rotor pole-pair a-a' approaches it to produce the torque by magnetic pull, but is de-energized when pole alignment occurs.All four machine phases are excited sequentially and synchronously with the help of a rotor position encoder to get

unidirectional torque.The magnitude of torque can be given as:22

1mi T e .Where m = inductance slope and i = instantaneous current. The current i can be maintained constantly by during the inductance slope. At high speeds, the rotor-induced CEMF is high.

The favorable attributes of this electronic motor are simplicity and robustness of construction; potentially, it is somewhat cheaper than other classes of machines. However, the torque generation is pulsating in nature and there are serious acoustic noise problems.

Fig. 1-6A-4 Construction of switched reluctance machine



将电能转换成机械能或将机械能转换成电能的电机是传动系统中的主要组成部分。 从电学、机械学和热学的角度看,电机具有复杂的结构。虽然一百多年前就开始使用电机,关于电机的研究与开发工作一直在继续。 但是,与电力电子器件和电力电子变换器相比,电机的发展十分缓慢。从传统观念上,由恒频正弦电源供电的交流机一直用于恒速场合,而直流机则用于变速场合。但在最近二、三十年,我们已经看到在变频、变速交流机传动技术上取得的研究与开发成果,并且它们正逐渐取代直流传动。在大多数情况下,新设备都使用交流传动。










图 1-6A-1 理想化的三相、两极感应电机


感应电机的一个最基本的原理是在气隙中建立旋转和按正弦分布的磁场。如果忽略槽和由于非理想分布的绕组产生的空间谐波的影响,可以证明,在三相定子绕组中能以三相对称电源建立一个同步旋转的旋转磁场。旋转速度由公式(1-6A-1)给出。Ne 称作同步转速,单位是转/分,π2/e e w f =是定子频率,单位是赫兹。P 是电机的极对数。

P f N e

e 120= 转子绕组切割磁场,就会在短路的转子中产生感应电流。气隙磁通和转子磁动势的相互作用产生转矩使转子旋转。但转子的转速低于同步转速。因此称它作感应电机或异步电机。为了满足各种工业应用中对启动和运行的要求,可从制造厂家得到几种标准设计的鼠笼电机。最常见的转矩-速度特性,与国家电气制造协会的标准一致的,并很容易获得和定型的设计,如图1-6A-2所示。这些电机中最有意义的设计变量是转子笼型电路的有效阻抗。

T /N ?m 200 300 100 0 s n /r ?m in -1

图 1-6A-2 各类感应电机的机械特性曲线 (1-6A-1)



C类电机 C类电机适合驱动压缩机、输送机等等。



同步电机,正像名字所表示的,一定是像公式(1-6A-1) 那样以同步速度旋转。对感应电机恒速驱动应用而言,它是一位非常重要的竞争者。

图1-6A-3 理想化的三相、两极同步电机


绕组通过直流电流,在气隙中产生磁通,该磁通协助定子感应的旋转磁场来拉动转子与它一同旋转。直流激磁电流由静态整流器通过滑环和电刷提供给转子,或由无刷励磁电源提供。因为转子总是以同步转速旋转,同步旋转的e e q d 轴与转子的相对位置是不变的,如图所示,e d 轴对应N 极。 在转子中没有定子感应的感应电势,因此转子的磁动势仅由激磁绕组提供。这使得电机在定子侧可以任意的功率因数运行,即引前、滞后或同相。从另一角度说,在感应电机中,定子给转子提供励磁使得电机功率因数总是滞后。

转矩产生的原理有点类似于感应电机。如图所示的同步电机是凸极式同步机,因为转子周围的气隙是不均匀的,不均匀的气隙在d 轴和q 轴上造成了不对称的磁阻。与其(凸极式同步机)对应的另一种电机是有均匀气隙的圆柱体形转子结构的电机(与异步机相似),定义为隐极式同步电机。例如,水电站使用的低速发电机是凸极同步机,而火力发电厂使用的高速发电机是隐极式同步机。除激磁绕组之外,转子通常有一个阻尼器,或叫阻尼绕组,它就像感应电机中短路的鼠笼棒。同步机更昂贵但效率也高一些。绕线式激磁绕组同步机通常用于大功率(数兆瓦)驱动。


图 1-6A-4 开关磁阻电机的结构




mi T e 可

给出转矩的幅值。式中m =感应速率,i = 瞬时电流。感应速率恒定则电流为常数。高速运行时,转子感应的反电动势也高。





自动化英语属于严肃的书面语体。语言严谨周密,具有很强的逻辑性,并且层次分明,重点突出。自动化英语的用词具有高度的术语性,许多在通用英语中的词汇在自动化英语中也很常见,但其意义会发生很大的变化。例如,pencil 在自动化英语中就会以另一种含义出现,metal pencil译为“焊条”而resistance 在通用英语中是“阻力、抵抗力的意思,但在自动化英语中译为“电阻”。


The importance of computer in the use of automatic control can not be overestimated.



This possibility was supported to a limited extend in the tests.






