2016年秋八年级英语上册 Module 1 How to learn English Unit 1

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Module 1 How to learn English ?

Unit 1 Let’s try to speak English as much as possible .

学习目标:1 . 记住本课新单词、固定句型和重要句型。

2 . 能掌握给别人提建议的方法。

3 . 复习掌握所学过的四种时态。

4 . 能听懂和理解与英语学习相关的话题。

5 . 能制定自己学英语的计划。


1 . 语法

2 . 使完全

3 . 句子

4 . 改正

5 . 拼写

6 . 练习

7 . 词典 8 . 字母 9 . 理解、明白

10 . 建议 11 . 应该 12 . 发……的音

13 . 大声地 14 . 电台,广播 15 . 关键性的

16 . 主要的 17 . 极好的,优秀的


1 . 查,查找

2 . 犯错误

3 . 写下,记下

4 . 同意某人

5 . 需要做某事

6 . 像……一样重要


1 . We should always speak English in class .

2 . Let’s try to speak English as much as possible .

3 . Why not write down the mistakes in our notebooks ?

4 . Don’t forget to wr ite down the correct answers next to the mistakes .

5 . It’s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every da y .

6 . How about listening to the radio ?

7 . You just need to listen for key words and main ideas .

8 . Why don’t we try to find some English pen friends ?



1 . Could you please speak again ? I can’t u______________ you .

2 . Li Mei __________________ (练习) speaking English every morning .

3 . There are 26 l__________________ in English .

4 . L et’s try to speak English as much as P__________________ .

5 . ________________ (完成)the sentences with the correct form of the words .

6 . Lin Shuhao is an ____________________ (优秀的) basketball player in NBA.

7 . Could y ou tell me how to ____________________ (发音) the word ?

8 . You should read English newspapers ___________________ (大声地) .

9 . The ________________ (广播) says that it is going to rain tomorrow .

10 . What’s the ___________________ (主要的) idea of this passage ?


1.Why don’t you _________________ ( listen ) to the radio now ?

2.What’s the Chinese _________________ ( mean ) of this word ?

3.I’m sorry your _________________ ( spell ) is wrong again .

4.Jack made a few __________________ ( mistake ) in the English exam .

5.Little Tom wants to know the __________________ ( pronounce ) of this word .


( ) 1 . Miss Liu gave us _________ about how to learn English .

A . some advice

B . some advices

C . a good advice

D . an advice ( ) 2 . Here are some phone numbers , please __________ in your notebook .

A . write down them

B . write them down

C . write down it

D . write it down

( ) 3 . If you don’t know the word , you can ____________ in the dictionary .

A . look up it

B . look after it

C . look it up

D . look for them ( ) 4 . __________ make a birthday card for her ?

A . Why don’t

B . How about

C . Let’s

D . Why not

( ) 5 . Don’t forget _________ the door when you leave home .

A . close

B . closed

C . closing

D . to close

( ) 6 . __________ playing computer games ?

A . Why not

B . Shall we

C . How about

D . Why don’t you ( ) 7 . It’s better __________ early in the morning .

A . start

B . to start

C . starting

D . started ( ) 8 . I think English is as ___________ Chinese .

A . important as

B . important than

C . more important than

D .

i mportant

( ) 9 . It’s bad for you to copy others’ homework . __________ do it again .

A . Don’t try

B . Not try to

C . Try not to

D . Try not ( ) 10 . It will be sunny soon . You don’t need __________ an umbrella .

A . to take

B . take

C . taking

D . took


1 . Let’s read an English newspaper aloud . (改为同义句)

___________ __________ reading an English newspaper aloud ?

2 . You should drink more water . (改为否定句)

You ___________ __________ drink more water .

3 . It’s a good idea to write new words in groups .(对画线部分提问)

___________ ____________ a good idea ?

4 . Why don’t you walk to school ? ( 改为同义句)

____________ ______________ walk to school ?

5 . Spelling new words every day is a good idea . (改为同义句)

____________ a good idea ___________ spell new words every day .


